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<br /> � Scctlon I.1 I• �.ec"��' �►��n� ThiS Deed of Trust Is both w mortQAge of �
<br /> real property und e�r�nt of e sec`vithin che mean n�s��'t�e unifo ym commercial wdetas�d j
<br /> serve as a"Security Agreement" �antod unto '"`
<br /> Qdo�ted in the state wherain the Fr�mises are t4cAV:d• �T�LO d��ribeQ in thls Deed of Tn�nt ; � .�,-
<br /> Beneficiary a security iaterest in and tc al�t3ta Trunt PraPerty _:_
<br /> that Is not real propeny,and simultaneousl� wtein the cecording of thi,s Dead of Tcust,ateutnr �,`}`
<br /> , hns filed or wtil file UCC fiT�►iate of�nc�sci���3wi��w�a b�� �e����o locat�d ta� ', ,,�-=
<br /> the lapse thereof, at the app p e that ls not 1 �;,K�
<br /> perfect the security interest granted Y�Bta Dfi I ry a.r+nits�elamdelavw�tu!�t�toiney in-fact and i :"�'
<br /> � rea]property. Grantor hereby ap�a
<br /> � agent.for Grantoo�anthe same ln the,agpro�ri�teIlaffices(t the�xtentitimay�lawfully do o), �....�"�?�
<br /> document and � :��'R.
<br /> y nsite aad necessary to be done to perfect th� t�,-__
<br /> � and to perform each and every act an�d thinB Te�. ' .!�-
<br /> , security interest contemplated by e�la pre�ed�R�aL 13�e s bject of a s Secur'ry inter�es�iaff Tded � :.�
<br /> �,�..:,__
<br /> t � with respect to the part of the Trust�ro�erty r. ,_
<br /> by the un[form commercial code a5 adopted in the state wherein the Premises are located in ;;;+'!��.
<br /> �. additeon to.but not in limitatioa af,the oth�r ri�lits afforded Trustee and Beneficiary ��
<br /> '� ' hereunder. ��
<br />_—_— _ ���t�r;;�an : �� P rhis Deed of Teuat,
<br /> i�r--
<br /> Section 1.12. ' -
<br />- any other security insuum��nstsument of fatr�er assurance to be filed��es st aed orr r�ecorde.cl
<br /> the Trust Property and eac be recquiRed bY anY Present or future law in order
<br /> in such manner and in such nlaces as maY
<br /> ti, to publish notice of and fully to protect th Qlien Gj�i rPW�,�pay�1 filing, egistr uon or _
<br />�� 7rustee and�enafir.tary in,the Truat Piop rtY
<br />�?ti recording fees.and all expenses incictental to thc executionnand�amclwoW1��p�L io�i���
<br /> ti;�: . of Trust, any mongage supplemental hareto�any security �
<br />- ;. ; Personal Property,and any;n�mo�intanQiUl�ta es and other�taxes�duties t imposts,Ty and _
<br />- municipal recording.docnme y
<br /> r=x�>�t ��� assessments and charges arising aut of o�ia con�►�i�e�heteeto�u�y security insuuu►ent
<br />_�-y:=.�< °.
<br /> ��.,.,�,,.,,.., , recording of this Deed of Tru�t,�y mortgagi 5��ent of furt�er assurance.
<br />�.+�tim wit3i respect to the Persnnal Fro erty or a�Y
<br /> r,.�
<br />�5:';•;��:}, � ` AcguraIIr�s. Upon demaad by Beneficiary.Granuor
<br /> �;�:,:. - Sectian 1.13. Eul�tstt
<br />�* ``��: will at the co�t af Grantor and witlzout ex�ec�►e tA Benaficiary,gi��te po�1��o f B°� _—
<br />_r:...; , ,:
<br /> �"''''�� deliver all such further acts,deeds, conveyances,n�ortgages, �..
<br />�.��;. _,_.
<br />��.;��. � ass;gnment,uansfers and assurance�a�BencfSciary shall from t�s tO���Bcneficiary d e -
<br />=-���_;�••� for the better assuring, con�+ey:nQ, a�siL�B•��ferring aad cAnfitmin�
<br />-°���-��= property and righw hereby ccavayed ac asat8ned or intended aow or hereafter so to be.or
<br />�-._;�,,�,;. ,.
<br /> ��,<- .����-�•� which Grantor ma be or ma hereut�:r becom�bo�►�LO COnvey or assign to Benofic ary,or
<br /> - ...ona�-. Y 1�
<br />;_�,�, � for carryin$ out the intention or facllftatiag the perfatm��of the terms of this Deed of
<br /> � �''1i � Trust,nr for filing.ragistering ar cecording this De,ed of Trust,and on demand,Grantar�vill - -
<br /> also execute and deliver and hereby appoints Beueficiacy as its�do�a�d pa���OO xecute�� __,
<br /> - � "' and agent for Grantor and in its name,place and stead, in anY 1 _Y __
<br /> and t31e to the extent it may lawfuE�y do so.ane or more financitng statements. chattel
<br /> � �,::.
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