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<br /> Y,LOYA B MUfAI�I,Y(fi MhRIt�YN MURLL,BR �7•.�(�°����_ 100816 04/li/1997 .�
<br /> r�1:'t l�"
<br /> 4. L',orattaa��n�llan,'I'II��1tIN:CCd9 IIF/tly pWA�lI OP Clalill PO!(IAri3Ag09.direct or consequendel,In connection wlth any , ,.�...,�,.:
<br /> cn�uPrf�buc�it�in nr ntics;r i�lcluy uP�hc Pr+�perty, nr part thcrcof, or for conveyance in lIeu of conden�at{on, are hereby '
<br /> i�syl�it;c�Fa nni2 r.inill h;: pald tu I.cuticr,i�uhJcet tu�h:;�erms uf m�y mortgage,deed of trust or otLer seeurity ngeesinent wiQ�n I ,
<br /> , Il:u wl�I��II I1R7(ii�O�Ily IIVCP(IIIH I�L'C!I IIF'I'nist. .
<br /> IQI. hkYfr�*+�e� NM !�c!e�M� F'arhtArAnce Hy I.endtr tVM � W�lver. 8xtensian of thc time for payment or � ,, , -
<br /> urti►�{lflrs�tl�ne of WnNitilu�il�on ni'�hn runt�r�cure�! hy�hls qced of'frust granted by l.ender to any successor in interest of
<br /> I UOfli1VlCT RIIRII 1i111 16ji�l8ltl UI ('CIC�Nl, I��any nuo�kr. 11ie Ilabllity of tl�e orlgl�wl Daxrower and Borrower's successors ia , �.
<br /> Intcrs•ht. I.cAUlar+0�11 �Ni�tw ic�ulicd tu cunmu�KC pnxcc�lings eg�i��st such�;uccessnr or refuse to extend dme for payment "'"`�
<br /> � Ili ll'�l�iii%Ihf�fiHNII�y w►�N���i�r�l:►���►f Ili;; �ui�i,hicui�Q iiy thls Dcc�f uf Tn►st t�y rc;asuu of:iny dca�ad niadc by tv�ori�inal f. ; .
<br /> " � Borr�tiwct u��l fl��tn►vver'x a�xcr�w►t�In(��leer�+l. Aiiy f��tt►e�r��xe by Let�ler in eaercising any dg4t or rcmedy hcrcunder, ° .'.'_p��t'�_,:.
<br /> or o�t.��nvlr�xff��rd:ti! hy aprAr�hln INw, nhnll�Nit tee x walver of or preclud�dte eaercisa of any sucG dght or ce�edy. ' `� .
<br /> 1 A,�s.t�ca���nA AytIR�Mn+►ndl�ulnt and�vt�l Id�blllty; Co-sl�tere. Tde cuveuswt�aad wgreemen�s henin �•-
<br /> :�+ �';i.;.::
<br /> cotu,t in c�t�:ba l l Is li x l, w��b l ha r lg hty licrcui w lrr r�hd l Inure ti�,t lu rexpec dve suaessors a t x l ass lgns o f L e n dex a n d&orrower, .;��,:,.f=
<br /> � SUIlJCC1 1(f 1�.1C�1!'1fYIN�_�u+uf�,•r�grM�li 16 lirreof, All cove�unts nnd�gceeaxpts of Horaower s6a11 be Joint and severnl. Y'j� L'�--
<br /> Ad a:n:;=��-
<br /> Any ilarms�cr uino ci�•sl�E►v titia l?r�J uf'I'tu��t,but d�s unt execure d�a Note, (a)Is co•siguiug thts Desd of Tnut only to .. �����-�"--
<br /> erar��nd cuuti�ry il►a�t Nnrru�ver'x Intrrrx� ii� Il�a Propany to T�ustee uuder d�e tecros of tlils Dad of Tiust, (b)is not
<br /> persaFUatl/ I[nblo uu d�c Nutn ar ui�tcr �Ul.r f)c�:d uf Trost, ai�d (c)aBrees th�t Lead�r ancl enp other Borrower 6ereunder
<br /> nuy agree t��rxuti�l, uNxlll�, f�id�car,ur uu�ke woy ntl�cr aca�mux►dxtions witl�regArd to the reraps of this Beed of Trusc pr
<br /> th�Natc,wl�tu►�it,�i�nt Norn�wer'n�o�u�eu1 k�W widiuut rcleasit�g d�t 8�nowet or n3odlfying thls Deed of Tn�.st as to that
<br /> Bc►rmH�ar'�I�itareR�I��thc Pro�nY• • :
<br /> fA. NuUc�. IiR�ep� fi�r my txNlce requised under�ppllctble Itw to be g#ven in jwother nvinner, (�) any nodce to � '�%;�'�
<br /> �.....
<br /> Borma�er pmvlc�ud fi►r(n tMe Qtcd of i�uct e;hall hc: Qiven by delivering it or by maIling such aotia by cer�if.,�d maii �� ��� -
<br /> �� .:,:=
<br /> Addatss�d to Bnn+ower ot tlto Pa►peny AdJrcsy ar�t such other Address�s Barrower may deslgaate by mtice to I.snder as • .
<br /> • provtdcd ti�raln, wnrl (h)�ny►wdce to I.eixlcr s1�a11 be Ql�en by ccrtifled aWl to I.endsr's ad�iress stated hereia or to such �
<br /> otliea�ddroxs as Lender nu�y desi��ute by ix�dce to B�rmwer�s provlded herein. Any nosice pmvided for ia th'ss lleed of 1�'
<br /> Tn�st shnll trc deemed ro l�ave txen gfven ro Dunower or Le�xfer whea given in the rnntmer deslgnxted bareln. �"'�`� —
<br /> 13.Cuvt�t�l,u� Mw� Sever�bU(ty. 'I'he st�te a��d loeal l�ws appllcpble to thls Deed of'fcust shall be t6e laws of the .,.����
<br /> Judedfcttou ln wblch tlu Yroperty fe loatted, 'fhe fote�oht�s�ntenca stWl not limit tl�e npplicAbil(ry of Pederal law to this ` :�`•�'�.'
<br /> � Dced of Tra��t. In thc cvent that�tny provi�ctuu or clausc ot thle Deed of Trust or the Note confllcts wlth applicable law. �.:�'.� �
<br /> sucE�cc�nilfct shdl not�ffn:t o�her nmvistot�s of thls Deed uf Truat or the Note which cw be given effect wlthout the �.•� '
<br /> confltctlna pmvisiou. �nd to dde ei�d tho provielen�s nP ihis Deed of Tcust and the IVote Are declAred to be severable.As � ;�'
<br /> �� us�cs l�croin, 'cast�'. 'expetues"uxi "pu�mxys' fee9" Inrludn all sws�.v ta thc extcnt aot prohibited by�pplicnble law or ` ' '� �
<br /> '»:;i_.: „
<br /> _ -- . iiiii�icu ucicui. ;.Y.> _
<br /> � l�b. Bmro�ver's Copy. Borrower slull t►e furnl�tied s conformed copy of the Note u�d of thla Dced of Trust at the � �
<br /> �. drvc of execudun or aRer recordrdun Itere��f. '��i ,,:`f'`
<br /> ., ,..�.
<br /> 1S. RthnbUitttAon Laan ArreaneM. tiorrowcr �h�ll fulflll �ll of Borrower's obligadoaLS under any home ;�.' ::'--
<br /> ' r�etu��tliwtlon,iitufrovetnent,r�rpdr nr other twu�r�recnxut whtch Bonower enters lnto wlth Lendcr. I.ender,at I.ender's
<br /> ,, opdoi� may cequire Bomnwer tu exaute o��! deUver to Lender, h�o form 4cceputble to L,ender, aa assiga�nent of aay ` ' �':'
<br /> ' d�hts, clnims or defeases wlilch 8orrowCr n�y havo���tlnst ptrties who supply I�bor�materials or senrices In connecdon ` 'fi,j{:;`
<br /> with improvement�made to the Properry. �t ,� ,••~
<br /> 1�.Tra�utt�r o�tlK Pro�a�ty or a Bene11d�1 Interat In Borrower. If tll or any part of the Property or wy interest ..
<br /> '� in it is solcl ar traurtfeired (or if a beneficial iutexcat in Burrower le sold or traasfernd aad Borrower is aot a natur�l .;=g�l�s:����
<br /> �� pe�on) wichout Leoder's prlor wr[aen conseat, I.ender nwy,at ita option, reqnire imnxdlate psymeat in full of all sums ,., .;�r�;,.� �
<br /> secured by tWe Deec9 of Tnut. Howevec.thfs opdon sTWI iwt be eaercised by Leuder if eaeccise is pmhlbited by federal `�'����%�<�:
<br /> - � iaw as of th,e dete of thle Deed of TreLCt. --_-- -___..
<br />- , If L�nder exersises this opdon, I.ender sh�ll 81ve Honower rwtice of�aelendon.The nodce�hall provide a p�riod ����t���R-�
<br /> of not less ttt�n 30 d�ye from thc datc thc nodce Is de9ivered or m�llcd withln which Bun+nwor must piy dl sums sscured wis
<br /> by this Dxd of Ttust.!f Bomower fslle to pay these sun�v pdor to►he expindon of thls pedc+d. Lender mty imroke nny -�
<br /> nmedies perniltted by thls Aced of Ttust wit�out further nndc�or denv.�d on Bnrrovver. _
<br />�-_, .. idON•UNIRORM COVBNANTS. Aorrow�r and Lender further cove�unt�nd��ree�a followo: �� ��
<br /> •r-,— . :.:.
<br /> 17. Acalentbn� Ranetlia. T�kccpt �e prorlded In panp�ph li hereo�� upon Borrower'� brach ot any .K'�`���^;:
<br /> rnvauu�t or t�eane�it ot Borrawer In tht� Dbed nf T�t� Inctudlry Bon�ower'�fallt�ro to p�y. by the end of 30 . =-
<br /> . . calendor dayn dter they ire due• any eum��ecured by thl�Dee�ot Tre�t, La�dcr prlor to�ccda�tion ehW �ive �;►,�``���,.:,._.,o,=_
<br /> nodce to Buiro�ver�prorided ln part��ph 13 hereot�pecitYlry� (1) the breach� (�)tha�ction requlred to cure . :%�•.�.�;:;:=�;a:
<br /> such br�cac�p(3) �dwte,not lcrr tlun 20 dayr from the d�te the nollce u m�lled to Borrowary by whlch�uch brach '��"-'"'''�'-���°_
<br />.' muet bs�r�errd3 and (4)th�t[aflure to cure euch b�ch on or before the dRte�peclflal In the notla m�y resWt la `};;-'��-�'�';
<br /> aoa�leralton af the sun� secured by tl�b Deed oP Tnyt �nd u�k ot lhe Yropnty. �'he notica�h�.Rl fwther Infonn f ��#�:
<br /> ' Borrowa of t6a dRht to rNa�tate�r�ccdentlon rsnd the rl�lai to bri�y�court�cilo�n to wert the rwnexl�ta�ce oi �., .� .
<br /> �:�.`:.:�,�,f �....
<br /> , a deQau6t or�ny other defene o[Borrower to�cceleratlon�nd�la. U the br�aich u not cw�ed om or be[ore tl�e d�te .;, ;..�'�'.::�;.;r::��
<br /> QExc[tled ln tho noHce,LRnder�Rt Lmder'�opton� tn�y decl�re dl ot the�utnr�tcured by thl�Deed ot Tcwt to be • - .
<br /> fmmedlud5�duo�nd pay�We without further ckmand �nd mo�y Invako Iho pow�ot wle �nd �n�y other �ne�diee � ;;•:-�
<br /> permttted b�� e�iplicabk uw. Lasder �lull br entlUM to wllc�ct �0 �t�ble cw4� �rtd expena incurred In . ` .���`�",'�': ..
<br /> pursWry tlne rca�eedtey prodded ln thl�p�r�pA 19.Includln��bu�t not Ilmlted to.rea�auWe utomey�'tea. ' .
<br /> If the E►oo►rr or�,ue�in.o�ea,rn,�ee.n.ii recora.�aiea ut�ter�u0t In t�ch towity In whfch tlb Property or
<br />- � eome part thereoP i� Iocated and elmll mall copid ot such nollce On Ihe manner pracr�bed by �pplla�bla I�w to
<br /> Borrower wd to the other per�oni peacribed by epplic�ble Iew. AAee Iha l�p�e of�uch tlme�may be requlrcd by
<br /> __.---_ �-----. �..�u�u���... �r�...r..�vu �1��..►p...�L.� .�..�I���.W __��_.L �..__� �_a�_� �._ _�u__u_
<br /> — ' —__—_
<br /> ---- .�ry....s...o wn� ...�.w a.�.. f..o p.....n..v.o� v. w.o �v�rw��.a�innv w�m m sno mwrw� Enwa��ucv v� ��naarnc �— —--- �-- -- -
<br /> - I�w,Truddee,wtthout dam�nd on 8orrower►�hall eNi IM+Ih�operiy NR p��lic��Nilon to Ihe h1Yhe�R b�dckr�t the timc I .
<br /> end place and under the term�destputed In tho notica of eate Sn ane or mor+a parcelr�nd In euch order u Tn�atee
<br /> may deten�ine. 'lYustee m�y po�tpone ale ot dE or Mny �u�rcN o�Ihs Mruyeriy B��iuAllc�nnounce�neet�t the tlme �
<br /> - nnd ni�ce o!'u�y prevloudy ccheduled etale. Lender or I.ec�Air'�clnl�nee mwy purch+ue Ihe 1'r�{►erty wt��y�le, �
<br /> _ U�wn reeelpt ot p�ymcM ot the prlco bld, Tn�tee el�ell rlrliver lo Iho��urcltsKr 'Pnwtee'e deed cunveyln� �he �
<br /> - � � Property soxd. The r+eclt�V In the Tn�tee'�deed rhail ba prin�s f�cle evl�{enc4 of Ihas l��Nh af Ihe W,�tdncnte meik
<br /> thcr+eln.Trant�eh�ll�pply thc proceM+of the�le In lhc�ullowlej orderi l�)!o NI)rew�onaale coite an�t expcnse�oP
<br /> . the e�le.Inclu�in=,but rwt Ilmlted to� Tnatc�e's fcr�wctsudly hxurrsd of iNN �nare ttum� 96 0�the Qrose rude price,
<br /> _ rc�sonablc ettorneye' fees �nd costr ot tttla evldence� Ibf to ell umn �ca�rcd by Ihl� Ikcd oP 'i'n�i� �nd (c) thc
<br /> acce�,It�ny,to the�enon or penone lepl.Iv entltled thenta
<br /> , I .
<br /> ; NeDro�{�s 2697G-7 I I/96 Or3�ir�a1(R�aorded) Ca�py ler�nohl Capy(Cu�ta�e�rl i�+�a_+ ��rs j ' � _
<br />