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<br /> - � IB. Bon+owa�'e RtYtd to Rdnst�ta Notwithstaodir�y I.e�der's AccelerAdon of the sums secured by this Deed of
<br /> ' � Teu'st, due ro Horrower's bteach,Horrower sh�ll have ihe dght ro I�xve zuy proceedings begun by Lender ao enforce thls
<br /> Decd of 1YuFt dlscon8aued at any dme pdor to the ar�ler to occur of(i) We fnfth day before the sale of tL� Prageny
<br /> pursujwt to tl�e power of s�le cant�ined in this Deed of Trust or(ii)entry of a judgm�ent enforcing eLls De�d of Trust if: (a)
<br /> Borrower p�ye LenEler All sum9 which would be th�n due under this Deed of Tcust nnd the Note had no acceleradon
<br /> occurred; (b) Borrower cures ap breaehes of amy otbor covenants or agre�meats of Borrower contained in thia Deed of
<br /> , T�vst; (c) Bo:rowGr paye all cwsonAble eapenses iacucced by Lender and T�ustec in anfarcing tLe cavenant� and �
<br /> � RRree�nents of Boreawcr contained in this Deed of Tcust and in enforcixig Lendor's and Trustee's�emedies a5 provided in
<br /> 3�' parlgraph 17 hereaf, lmcluding,but aot limited co. reasonAble attorneys' fees; and (d) Borrower cakes such acdou ss _
<br /> � I.�nder mAy reasan�bly rEquin W assuse ch�t t�e Iisn of thIs Deed of Tnut� I.ender's interesc in the Property and
<br /> ';,r;�,�a�� Aorrower's obligaaon to pry the sums secured by ttiis Deed of Trust shall condnue wnimpaired• UpOD 611Ch pA}III1CIIt Alid
<br /> ���-��_�" ciue by Borrower, this Dad of Tiust and¢he obliBadons secured hereby sball r�main in full fome and effect as if no _
<br /> acceleradon had occurretl. , ...-
<br /> . ..T;, L,�� a: �tt�4�; E.w^.�' E�Pti..�...���s, As ed�t�an11 �ecurity hereundor. �.�:"
<br /> iy. Aassignmr.ni uf��uibi es�►�rG-
<br /> ���,� ', � Borrowrn c�reby assigns to Lendes the nnts off th�Prm�trty.provtdai U�t Borrower shall. prtor to acceleration under ��_--
<br /> ''•� �uv.,t��zi t to collect aucl rettin such reats as they become due and 4;-
<br /> :;�:c;•:.. parngraph 17 heteof or abandonment af the Property,bu gh -_-
<br /> , ':' payable. t'=`=
<br /> „;; Upon acce(era�on under praagraPh 17 btreof or abandonment of �he �ogerty, E.Ender, in persan, by agent or by �:---
<br /> � judiclally aplsoincec�recelver sball be endded t� ent�upon,take possesslon of a�ma�age the Prope�y and to collect chs �=�.�
<br /> .;.::.�,. nnts of the Pcoperty includi�og those past due. All rente coDected by I,et+drr ar tl�a receiver shall be appliecl fust w W_
<br /> � � pxymeut of the costs of m�nag�mcnt of thc Propertyr aa�coll�ecdon of re.nts. incl���iing,but not limitecl to.receiver's fces, W_
<br /> ��:`�-T,:�•; premiums on receiver's bonds and reasonable aaomeys' fees, xn�l then w the sums secured by this Deed of T:ust.I.ender �:._,.
<br /> , .. .,' �� and the receiver s,LaU be li�ble to a�count only for those reuts actually received =�;-:
<br /> ?A. Recoareyanoe. Upon payment of all sums secured by this Deed of Tcust, Lender si�ll request Ttustee to �,_a-:
<br /> � � reconvcy the Property and sha11 surrender thls Dad of Trust and all uates evido�ing indebtedness secund by this Deed of k`-
<br /> '4;�';.:; � Tr�st to Trusta.Tmstee stu�ll recomey the Property witbout wuranty ard w3thcut chPUge to the person or persons legally t�Y..
<br /> d�.
<br />. �,,'.<`;;' ' endded thereto.Such person or persons s6a11 pay all wsts of recoidadon,it any. !���'::.
<br /> �,� ���-r
<br /> 21. Su6etitute Truuee. Lander.at Lender's opdon,may from dnne co dme nmove Tiustee and appoint a successor ___
<br />- uustee to aay Tmstee appointed hereunder by an iasan►ment recorded in the county in wl�ich thia Deed of Tnut is __
<br /> � recorded. �thout comreyance of the Property� the suctessor austee shaU succeed to all the dde. Power and dudes
<br /> . :.� confernd upon the Tn�sta herein And bY APP�cAble I�w. .
<br />'� r ' :: • 22. Renutat for NMices. Bonower miuescs �s►c copia vi'wc u,u� �;da�u;i aad r,o�.:, af°..�le � �.�*. t4
<br /> . Bomnwer's mcldrzss which is tLe Property Addresc.
<br /> � . ., • 23.gazardow�Syibehae�.Borrovrer shal]aot c�use or peimtt the preseuce.use.dispusu.stor�age�or niease of any
<br />_--- =�.:-;;';1:: _ Ha�strdous Substances on or in the Propsrty. Bormwer shall not do, nor sillnw anyone else to do.anything affecdng the
<br />=�==Y•��;,•�;?�`• PropertY tlnt ia in vlaladon of any Emdmnmeu,tal Law. '17ie pre�lin8 two sent..-mces s�all nat apply to thc prase�e.nse,
<br />_ ..,x,�..:,:.
<br />`��'�;����;'}i�� � or storage on the Pmperry of small qua�ddes of Harudous Substances thaa are ge�ally recognized w be W►P�P��
<br /> �� �'M:ri nomv�l resid�ndal uses and to ma�ntenance of the Fmperty.
<br /> �'�-.��i� ve I.��er writun nodce of an imestagation, cl�im, demu�d�lawsuit or other acdon b
<br />_" � Borrower shall pmmptlY gl Y Y
<br /> .�,_�:�: .
<br />�- �:�1��•� �Y Sove�mental or ngulatory agency or prlvau puty involving tho Pmperty ancl any us stwce or
<br />'n'���i�;s;�;;��� gnyironmental Iaw of whlch Bo�ower has actual knowledge. If Dorrnwer leams,or is nadfied by any$ovemnxatal or
<br />_-::•zfs.�;w;r
<br /> ,.;;:�,,.�,.�;y� regulaWry authoriry, t2ut any removal or othcr nmedixtioa of aay Hazud9us Subst�nce affecdng the ProP�rty
<br /> u^•1����I• u�cessuy�Bo:rower sbaU rramptly take aU necessaty temedial acdons in eccordanca with Emdmrmxnt�l Inw.
<br /> '���r��''� Aa used tn tbis par�giaph 23. "Ha�udous Substnncrs" ace those svbstances dafined as toaic or bar�rdous substwces
<br />--.�.rc��:..;��
<br /> -- 1;.: by Bnvironmenta�l Law and the following subsunces: gasoline. k�roseue. other flammable or wxic petroleum produc�s,
<br /> .'W�!'�f,;� toxic pesdcides and heibictd�s,vol�tlle solaeats,mater�sis containing esbesao9 or formaldehyde,and radio�cdve mat�r3�ls.
<br /> _-'`�--` , ps usod in this paiagraph 23, '&mdmaimental Law'meaas federal laws and laws of the jarisdicdon where thc Property is
<br /> ,i*�;�.:�.
<br /> -:�_°�' locAted tbat relxce to health,safety or envIronmanwl protadon.
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