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<br /> ' I,LOYt� 8 MU�LLBR MARILYN M[78LLSR ��„����►7r�� 200816 Oh/il/1997 .. ,
<br /> . UNIFOAM CovENANTS. Bonc�war a�►d I.cndCr covci►ant ett�a�e.�'AO F�IIOWS: , :
<br /> 1. Pnyment of Princlpel and Initre�t. F�nrrnwer slinft �rra�rnnrl�r pny when due the ptlI1ClhAl and intc:vest
<br /> indebtedness evidencec!by the Nute a�x!lete charBey a9 pTU+�lc4u�6n�fi�r Mure.
<br /> �. �!.�e�for TeMt�end h�enr�nce. SuhJect ta en�tiloUhlit�nv�ur n weluen wulver by Lender, Dorrower shall ptsy ta
<br /> I.ender on the dsty monthly pay�enta of principal ae�d lrotuuiat nrc pnyuPrle u�der the Notc,undl the Note is paid in Eull,a
<br /> - sum(herein "Funds') rqual to one-zwclfd�uf tlm y�Arly m�cQR utt�an:usasnucnts(i��l�edilig condominium and plaune� unit
<br /> � � developmtat assessmente, If aay)whieh map attnitt pd�trity c�vQr tfiln peed c�f Trnst, aznd gmund rents on the Properdy,if -
<br /> . any,plas on:-n�e1Rh of yearly premium luf:u�llatcnta fu* Imr�ar!inm�r,artce,plas one-naelflL of yearly premiura inat�lments �
<br /> for mortgage lnsiuu�ce, if nny. all Ae reASCmably esdmetnd lni[ln16y and fvom dmc to tLne by Lender on the busis af � :'�4,,:
<br /> assessments and bille aad rtasonable esdmatr,s tuercar �nr�awQe 9Un1D not t�e obliaated to makc auch payments og Funds •- •^
<br /> �" ' to Lender to the eatent that Borrower m�lces such pRymcittr tcr Qta holdur of a pdor m�ortgege or deed oF tnut if sucy holder '
<br /> y is an insdtudonal lcnder. ' �""�
<br /> . ..
<br /> i If Hanower pays Funds to Lender, the Fund� suNl�e hald !n an lavt�tudon the deposlts or ar,counts of which are �
<br /> iusured or guaranteed by a Fedetal or stata a�oncy ('ncludUaB Lendur iff Leu�Ier is such au insacudon). L,ender sn�ii apply
<br /> the Funds to pay sald taaes.a�sessmente, ineunutcQ prcmiumD aud gcccund r�nts. Lender may not char�e for so ualding and ,;;�,�Y
<br /> ;::�,� applying the Pu�ds, a�alyzing sYid Accoiwt or vrtrn[ylpp as�d camplling said essessmente and biUa, unless I,ender pays ._ -
<br /> ��%•''}��'t' Bonower iaurest on the Funds and appllcaUlu Inw pemuta L,endesr to mnke Such a chArge.Barro�ver and I.�ncler may agree =
<br /> ,.��4r,:t,r,...,:,I.
<br /> . ::;;s� ia wrlting at the time of execudon of thln D��d uf"fn�st ilint intere�t c�n the Funds shall bs pnid to l�orrower,and unless
<br /> ' !���i'� such agreement is made or appllcable l��v i�eqidre� mictt int�rest t�bc pald, Lender sl�ll not bs rcquiir,�eo pay Dorrowcr ��;;;-�
<br /> �` ,:,�;: -
<br /> ��":;.;?, uny interest or earnlugs on the Fuads. Lcndsr sunll give ta Itors�awer, wlthaut charge, an armual accoiwting of the Fuuds �..�:��;.
<br /> ,������'"�: showing crecUts and debits to the Fuudr�and tho Pu�pase Eor wdicb eACd debit ro t1�e Funds was ma�. Tt�e l�unds ue �'
<br /> : ,F��.�:� plcdged as addltion�l security for th�sums�,.�cured by thio Dc;ed a�f T�st. -
<br /> ..;.:.�:; � ::.
<br /> If the amount of the Funds h�ld By Lendur,toncthor wltlt dic futurc mwnthly iastallments of P�mda pnyAble priox ta ^ •�
<br /> �'�t:,.�;. the due dates of taxes. aESCSSmsnw, fus�urnnce promiuma and grAUnd rente, shaU excced the amount regi�ined to puy saId -.:�:?:w��
<br /> - ,��:;•:.�4 taxes. assess�nents,insuran:.e promtums and groiucd�nto tw thoy fnll due. such cxcess ehaU be, at 13o�rower's optIon, ; ' ����" ` _
<br /> , '� either prompdy rep�td to Borrower or credited to @ormwar ou manthly lnswllmente of Fuuds. If the awount of ehe Funds
<br /> held by Lender shnll not bE sufdciunt to p�y tanos,c�,scasmento, fnsuraace ptomium9 iwd grou�d ronts as they full due. �.� ':'�'� �'+.~'
<br /> � s.,�.
<br /> �� Borrower shall pay to 1.endEZ rwy omoiwt uecessary tcr malce up t�e deflcl�ncy in one or more payinenta ns Ixnier may {.,�. :,�;�,�_:
<br /> r�� p �;;::�,.rw:_.
<br /> �, ��„�
<br /> Upon payment in Cull of all sums secu�d by tbia Dced af Tiust,I.ender stwll prompAy reilmd w Iioitin�ver nny Funds < < _
<br /> �1:� held bv L.ender. If unflrr przul�ntph 17 hercof tha Pmpessy i�sald or the Property ls oihcnvise acquirccl Uy L,ender.l,ender -
<br /> '' � shaU apply. no later tbsn immediataly prior to Qto s�tes of the Froparty or ita ncquisidon by I.endcr, any Funds held by � �=-
<br /> �;�; Lender at the d�of applicadan as A credit agai�ut tUe sums securcd by thls Dad of Tcuat. �;�,�
<br /> ;,`';<:;� 3.Appllcatton oA Paymenta. UN�sss applic�Vlu tuw pmvides othenvtse,a11 paymeate recelvecl by Lender uuder the �•H�.,.W-
<br /> • ':.:'�;'�� Note and paragrnphs 1 end Z hercof stw�ll be applted 6y I.ender tirst ln payment of Amotuus pAyAblc ro L.cndcr by Boirower ��;•_---
<br /> R�,:.
<br /> ��!:��•��r�' under paragmph 2 hercnf.then ta intarest payabla on thQ Notc,and tlicn to the principal of thc Note. ��';-
<br /> �: .,�.�: a. Prtor NiArt�s$t� wtd�eed�ot TrntstR Chu�eei U�• ��wer stutll perfom� all of Bomnwcr's obllgations F`` ��—
<br /> . {rv;.,:
<br /> � � �`' under any mortgaga, doec! of uust or othor secuc�ty agnement with �t Aen which has pdority over tlile Deed of Txvst. �� -
<br /> � . `��� including Borrower's cnvencnt�ta m�:Q pAy�mentc when due.Bomower sh�ll�xy or cause to be p�id all taaes,nssess�nents
<br /> � �`�`;' and other charges,fi�°s nud imposidons attrtbutabl�to the Propeny wWch auy attain q prloriry ovcr thie Deed of Tivat. 1� _
<br /> �';'''•` and leasehold payments or gmuiul mnts,if nny. _
<br /> �;.---:_.
<br /> . k�:ra�.�.�=;
<br /> S. Aazard Jnturnut�. Hotro�ver shsill keep the improvemonts now ealsdng on c�rcafter crectcd on tLe Propr.rty a��o;_;�,�.
<br /> ' " insured against loss b�t Sm.l�srnrds include�l wlthin the tocm'eRtended covenge'. nnd such ati�er hxzaMs as Lendor may � --
<br /> require and in such amaunts und for such perEods a5 Lender may require. �� -
<br /> '. . The insurance caxrier providing the insurnnce shell be chosen by Horrower subject to appmval by Lender; provided, r-
<br /> �.:_._____
<br /> that such approval st�tl not be unrctASOntbly wichhcld. All InSIIIA�CC pO1�C�C8 gDd I�C1IEW�IB tIICICOf&UAII I1C ltl H fOIm G�::—
<br />. acceptable to Lender and sha113nclude a scandancl mo�tgago clause in favor of nnd!n a form accepi�Ulo to Lender. I.ender ,,,;,_�,
<br />- __.. !���`��� shall hava the right to hold We poHcies antl rone�vale thenof,subjxt to the terms of�u►y mottg�e.deecl of uust or otber —__
<br /> - ��. — - -
<br />_ _ ����+�:'.' security agreem:nt with a lien which has priority ovar this Deed of Trust. °_--- -
<br /> �� :�`'�f�i�; In the evont of loss, Horrower shall give promp�nodce ro the iasvrtnce cazrlet and LeuQer. Lcndor way make pmnf -
<br />� �.; ;,::...
<br />-•'� � • � ;� of loss if aot made promptty by Borrower. a"'— °'
<br /> f .':.'Pi,` �.�:,;�
<br />