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.,,:� .. <br /> ,�� <br /> , -� , ; ' <br /> �K�;�••. ,. .. �. � . ,_.r i�.;,�, ,. <br /> ,. <br /> .�_e:r.�K.-. - ,. _ .. .. . . .. . , . <br /> .. . _. . .__ .._. .._........ _ <br /> . � � . 9r�ox�.�y ,.�-=� . <br /> 19. LEHzIER'9 R10HT TO COINMENCE OR DEFEND LEOAL AC�S'i�9•he�rebyt�appoinis�Ond�O►t aa(te�att meY In�-oct�ta co�mrwn�ntorvnnn nu�and � <br /> throatona�nctlo0,suB,or other proteoding eftedNA the Property <br /> dofand.euch nctions,sults,or olh�r Ieg�I pracoodngs end trt�nmpr orttho actlans deeCrabad In th enpare(�rayph�or nny damapo�►asultl�nq Iho�ralrqm �Noihin{� <br /> Cirtmtor lor any nctlon.orror,mista{co,omla�lon ordQlay po g In Ita own nama. <br /> canialnod horoln w111 prevenl Londer hom tc�king Ne actlons descdhed In thls parngrnph . <br /> an� cUar�I��es• Q�f P 6h8 I 16hrtYf1@di8101y pIOYICJ9 L8f1d0r wlih wrlttenhnotice�of andC nderm�N 0�d h01d LOf1d081'W V It8 h3Tn t01dR 5i dI�CG10�M1„O111Ct1►fir , <br /> ri <br /> emyployaes and agunla hermioss from all dalrro,d�namageo the Piro@pe�rtY M��a�8��1 not 18mited o�ihoso Inpv Nin�Huznrdoua Mate iala)��a nnt�r�urn+� <br /> �ther legal pracaedings c�mulativelV'Clalms")pert xp <br /> oonncct on�hofanl�tehr,s��heleello�ai eu Londerdshalldhe ontitled oEemployl�Itre nwndte�gayl�countsolnoYdetond�sucf� Clalms at Qrae to�s coct.i arnntar'r, - <br /> . oblig�tlon to Indermlly Londer under thls parapraph shall survivo the terrdnatlon,rc!aa�or forcd.osure of fhis Dood of Trup • <br /> , .. 1Q TAXESOfN��3us nMho cquesrtot Londer,�aranlo�shall deposit wirtih Lendarl eachPmonth ono•twel�ith (tl�12)otihotoatlm3tod nn unlrinru�ranr,o - <br /> o y ��- <br /> � "` �omium ntexes and asse�ssmente peneining to ihe Proper h0 o�ent ot dxf&It Lender�shall�havre tho rlght at Itshsolle optl�on'to tupf�Y tholu af'SO�noia o �_yi_� <br /> assessmen4s end li.surence as requlred on the Proporry. n'__-- <br /> pay any tnxes or against the Obllgations. My funds applled maY,tit landere optlon,be applied In reveree ordor of tho due date thoreol. <br /> pe p� :_� <br /> . end oNemine?Inspeol ePnd�►nake coples�Grenbrs�b°°pks a�nd record�s penefni p torlhe Prioperty hom tlmotto timoe G►en ornshall�xo�ldo ny ar,slstanr.o •. <br /> ses. All of lha siAnatures and InlormaUon contalned In Grentor's t�ooks and rACOrds sh�l ba 9unulno,tn�A,accuraJo and t;_!: <br /> % requlred by Lenciorforthese purpo _ <br /> .ti complete In all respecis. Grantor shall note the ewstenoo of Lenders benefidal Interest In Its bookn and rocards pe►trildn0 to tho Pro�ony. Arkiitinnnily, ,_ <br /> . 11 i�n(rormati nsihall�6e�for such perllods,sharyllTretlecin Granto�sirfeeods'a uch t me�and shall be ro�nde ed w�ith cu�eh heVuency asloinciorrmay doclgnAtn. All �_ <br /> " � in formai lo�f um is h e d b y G r a n t o r t o L e n d e r s h a l bo iNe.axu►ate and�°rr�°te fn ell respecta,and slgnod by 4rantor it Londor raquects. <br /> � ��, EgTpQP6L CERIIFICATES. Within ten(t0)days after eny requot t���d���e)the outs'ta�din balanc�°n��t��Q �ionaGfand(b►�wh�tshur <br /> �� f rights rullh respect to the Obligationa,a signed and adcnowledged g <br /> • } Oran:oY�ossesses anY dalms,detenses,set-oVa or counterdaims with r�speet to ihe Obligatlons end,B so,Iha nature ol such dal��onaoa,sol��fis or �'`+'.: <br /> 1 courri�rdalms.��oof����to���the re�u esittd ct2t ment�amene�Y t►T����r�y�to the Intendod trensforeo with res to iher.o mattars In <br /> the everA t � :�.� <br /> � -�� � 18. mEFAULT. (3ranior shell ba In default under thls Dned of Trust and tho Trustee's powor shell become operetivo In 1ho ovant that Grentar.Br�rroti��ar or ; _ <br /> any guararitor of the Obligatlons: <br /> (a) falls to pay eny Oblipation to Lender when due: �,,:,;_::� <br /> - . ;��' (b) falls to pertartn any Ob1�9ation or lxeaches any warrenty or covenant to Lendor comelned In this Dood of Tmst or any othor presont or tuture . <br /> agreement: �. ':1.� <br /> � (c) destroys,loses or dart►ages the Properly in any matedel rospect or subJects tha Property to selzuro,conflccation.or condemnation; � _ � <br /> ' (d) seeks to revoke,terminate or othenvlse Iirnit h�Ilabiilty under any guarenty t°Lmd°r <br /> @�_-- <br /> (o) dies.becomas Iegally IncoiryieterR.ledissoNed or terminated,beoi�shaseneinvol�unteary palltl n�in bankruptcy��1lniwhlch Grantar.R�rrawer ;;• . <br /> `' � � dobts as they become due,files a petklon under the tederel banlvuP'«Y = <br />-,:._,L.__—y_ ti.,a.,. rNtaken unde►enV w►it Or proCess of Court; ti �.u�,.ai� ' <br />-%�'::. f. � Oi Afly g1�nlniliOi{o fiaT�l.'�.Ci.....�.4�., . <br /> • (� allows goods tc ae used.trenePcrtad a staed nn the Properry.the possscs�on�crensporint��������°°�t�..! , <br /> � E;, (g) ellows any par1Y other than a►entor ot Bortowar to assume or undertaka any Obl�9at�on W��hout tho writtan consent af Landor;ar <br /> : ��i;,.�:, (h) causes Lender to deam ftself inseeure due to a sigiiflcarrt dadine In ihe value of the Properry:or It Lender,in�aosl tailh,(or any reacan,tx�lioves <br /> ' �' � that the prospeot of payment or per(om�ar�te is�rt►pa�tad• — <br /> 19. Ri(iHT8 OF LENOEB ON DEFAlE1�. Il�here Is a default under this Deed of Trust,Lender ehail be entitled to oxercise anc+or�raaro of thn fotlowing =._ <br /> remedias withoul notice or demend(axcept se rQquired by law): <br />_ , � (a) to dedare the Obligations Irtma�Yatety due and payab�e in tull; <br /> • (b) to collnct the outstandin8 Ohl�9at�°�sW�th or wflhout resorting to jud'dal proeeas; ur Chattele constituting 1he Proporty at a pleco reanonably <br />;f;.., (o) to requlre Grer►tor to deliver and make avallable to Lender anY va►scne�ProperlN <br /> :• , convaniartt to C3rentor end Lendor; W�th���ng ta or obtalninfl the apFoimrr�ant of a rece(var and,at Lnndor'n o�nlon,to <br /> `"�'�� (d) t o e n t e r u p o n a n d t a k s p o s s o s s i o n of the Pro p e r t y <br />-. � appolM a reootver wUhout bond,wfthoN first brfnging euit on the Obiigat lons en d w i t hou t o t h o r w l s e m e a t i n g e n y s t a t u t o ry c�o n d i t i a n n r e p a rtYn g <br /> reoeivers,ft being irrtended that Lender ahall have thls comractual eight to appolrri a recelver; <br /> �`�� � "� ! (e) to employ a managing egent of the Property and bt the aame,either in Tn�stee s own nart�n,in the namo ot LenSsr w In tho narro of f�rarnar,end <br />—•' "' ' '" `'�� receNe the rords,Incomes.Issues end profits of the Property end eW�IY the seme,eftor PaYr►bm of all noceasar)+charQos and oxpenaoo,on nr,raum o! <br /> r_,.}`. ; r the Obllgatlons; <br /> .t (q to pay eny sums In eny tortn or rr�nner deamed expedient by lender to protect the secudty of thla Doed of Tm�or to wre any dotault othor than __ <br /> � pnymerrt of Interest a prindpal on the Qb�gatlons; y ihr� exordse of tho power ot oele nn reforoncod In --_ <br /> " , (g} to foradose thls Deed of Tnist judida9y or noniudldali end to direct the cate of the proparty uAh - <br />°'`- • . • ` Par89Paph 20 hereot In nocoordance wfih applkablo ls�w: _-- <br /> � E (h) to set-0ft Grantors ONigattons agahst enY amounts owed Grantor bY Lnridor Including,but not Ilmitod to,monlos, instrumnntn, en�!doposit _ <br /> ` exouMS maftriained with Lender or onycurremly exlsting or tutur9 alfiilate o�Lendar:and <br /> �.,.,.. . <br />�•.-`-�, � (q to exerdse all other rights avaliabie to lender under any other written agreerr�ant e►ePP��cable�aw• _� <br />—u' -�M' ��er�riphts are eurtulative and may I�e exerdsed together,separately,end in any order. in the event that Lender Institutoa en aclton aoofdng ihe �`..-- <br /> ' ' recovery oi any of tho Property by way al a prejud�nent rert�edy In en aetlon againel Orentor,Cirentor wNves the Posting ol eny hand wtJch ml� �`\_V <br /> � "� othon�ise be requ�red• Lender or Lender's desi�eo maypurchase the Propercy el eny eale. Proceods ot any Trustee s salo heroundor shuli I�o eppl __ <br />_ • r- 8rs1,to the costs end expenses of exerdsinp thopower ot sale and of the 6ale,Indudit of h OMpbltlgationathe�T�t�'8���hUd to��ih�o pArymnnt of fuNor -__ <br /> exceed ihe atriourrt wNich may be provlded lor in this Deed of Trust,cAOOnd,to payme _„e1 <br /> trust deeds,rtprtgages,or ot her I len ho l d ers,e n d t h o b a l a n c e,If en y,to the p arson or p o r c o ns lege�ly emflled thoroto.fie�ro�ny or�Qpst h`h��n��i� �___... <br /> ' , � bc�sold in one parcel.or In such parcels,manner or order as Lende's��dothe�gattons ere palden{�I�o or rtwre ezsr dses o f t ho v:�`4 <br />- shail not extinguish or exhaust the powor uNess tha entire properry �,�,��.. <br /> ., �. <br /> ;. 20. TRUSTEE'S EXERCIS�OF POWER OF SALE ON DEFAULT: if Lender elecls to soll Gramor's Intorost In the Propeny by oxarciso of ihn powor ot �fi;'= <br /> sale herein coMainod,Lender shall noti(y Tnntee In tho manner then requirod by law. " <br /> �'':�,��r Upon rctccipt of such notice of Londer and el the�iractlan of Lender,Trustoe shall cause to ba recordad,puW�shod and do�ivorod such natloo�of do'aLtt <br /> ' �(` and notices of eale as may then bo requiredhy taw and by thfc Doed of Trust. 7rustee shali,only ot tho directton of Lorder and wfthout domnnd nn Grarrtor, <br /> ' � , �•s+ � aRaT such time as maY thdn bo requlr�d by law and after recordation ot such natice ot default and aftor notice ot sals having boon pivon no roqu'und by law, , <br /> � svll the Properry at the time and placa of cale fl:ced by it in euch notice of sale efther as who{e or In 3oparato lota or parcola or ftems as Lc�ndor shall doem <br /> :�,;s.,�s e�p�diant��herwlse madt hen be r quired byear�.�Tru�stee shalltdellver�90 �rchaser or�purci��ane►s the�eof s golod endtcui(i�dent dood ortdoeds `!'..�.�, <br /> � `'� convoying the property so soid,hut withoN any wvnnaM or warrardy,express or Impliod. Tho redtels In such dead of any rrk111om or shall be <br /> ,:�; . <br /> __ _ ___ _'•' canGusive proot ot the tMhtulness therent�My�o�s�o��Mnion of thohProaa��'on,(3ramor,Trustea or Lender,rr�y Ru�chaso at such a�lo. Tructao may <br /> _ — In the manner prwiae���a..w�,►•••��...-._._._. _.� --- _ <br />' ' 21. REQUES?FOA NOSICES: Grantor equ��n seto rth�hero�n at t�he fsart�e time end�ln the sartw tm�nner rnqutrrod as ihough�n�opnrato ro�quo 1 <br /> who is a party heroto at the address ot such <br /> ' thoroof had been flled by each sueh por�..oa <br />_ . � � <br /> � .. Pcpa3d8 .. _ .. .-- 1 . <br /> �. • NEDOTC R�v.398 <br /> ) <br />