. . , . :,..
<br /> :��. ,.
<br /> .t:• ,.
<br /> ..� .. ..�,..
<br /> ....._..�..ri...,..�___.... . .�, � . � .. .. . .
<br /> • 9?—�ox�3� =
<br /> 22. 3GGURITY INTEREST UNOEH 1'HE UNIFdRM COPAMERCIAL COOE. Thle Dood of Truct shell be consldered and be effective as a financing
<br /> ctntorram and�Ilxiuro filirtg purcuent to iho �owsions o1 tho Urdtorm CorrmerdN Code(ae adopted In ihe sleto whore the rnal proporry Is lowtod)
<br /> covc�rinp fixturos,chattols,c�nd nrticJes o}porconal p�oporry no•H awnod or horeaRor etlaehed to or ta tx�usod�i connectlon w(ih iho Proporty topothor with
<br /> nny�ind qll repincdmonis ihvraof and nddlilone tlioreto(Iho'Chattelo'),dnd�rentaf horoby prnnis Landor a sawrity In�orost In such Chaflols. Tho r1o61or is •'
<br /> • Ih�Qrcntar daceribod nbovo.This Dood of Trust will bo o(foctivo ns a ManGng statoment filad as a fixturo filing wflh rosQoct ta all lixturoc InGudad wllhln
<br /> ; snld premisvs and le to bo filod for rocord In thu ro�l ostato rocords ol oach county whoro any part of c�►Id prorrlso�(Including cnld fixturas)Is slluated. Thls �
<br /> Dortd a1 Trus►shell elso be olloeilvo as e tlnanGnfl etatement eoverinp nny other premisas end may he ft�ed In eny other approprlate iillnp or rocorcPng 1
<br /> � I offlaa A Cd1i>t�n,(�hotograryhic or mhor roprodu�tion ot this Deerl of Trua�or ot eny finandnp statoment relating to thla Daed of Trust shell bo sulfidom ns e
<br /> linnncln��tntnment(or any of Iho purpc:soa retorted to In ihb Paregnph. Tho securod party Is iho Londer dascribed abovo. Upon dom��nd,(3rantor shall ,
<br /> ; I m3ke,oxaculd�and dollve► wc� socurlt/agreemente(as such torm Is doilnsd In sald Unitorm Commorclel Codo) aa Londer at eny tirm muy d�om
<br /> ner.easary ar pruper or requfred to gant io Lender a peAected aewdry Intereat In the Chatlets,and upon(3ranloYs lallure to do so,Londor Is autho�lzed ta
<br /> elan Pny auct�ngrocmont es Iha agent af Cirantor. �rerttor heraby authodzos Lendor to lilo financing stetomenis (es such torm Is dcifined in sald Unilorm
<br /> Canm�rUal l;ode)with rosNecl to Ihe ChaUels,at any Ilma,wlthout iha tignaturo ot(irantor. Qrantar rrill, hvrfcvcr,at any tirru pon roquost ot Lendor.
<br /> • lslgn such�nnncing atatemante. arantor will pt�y all Tiling fees tor ihe flling of such flnendng ataterr�erne ond la the reflling theroot at ihe times roqulred,In :•�}',
<br /> � iho oEVnlqn of I.onder,by satd Unitam Cortmerda!Cado. if the Ilen of thle Oeed of Trust ho subJect to eny se�rity ngroement oovering ihe Chettels,thon
<br /> In ih�avenl af any dofault under INs Deed of Trust,all the right,title and Interest of Gr2ntor In end ta eny end all of tho Chattols Is horeby assignod to , ,
<br /> Lender,ta�srher with ihe bonefit ot any dAposita or paymems now or horeafter mado thereaf by Grnntor a iho prodocossors or successors In titlo of �_�
<br /> -r Ciram�v In�hu Property. �'.��;.
<br /> ., �•,
<br /> 23. Rlil�'18t![�i3EMEHT O�AM{OU��TS FJfPENDED DY I.F.PlDER. Lond�r,nt Lendors op�ion,may expond funds(Induding attomeys'lees and logat .;.,{}�'-_°�
<br /> oxFsensos)to garfortn any aet roquired to be taken by t3rentor or io exordsa r3ny riphl or remedy of Lender undor this Deod af Trust. Upon demand,cirentor :�=,p-__
<br /> shs,ll Imtr�¢diat•:�'y ralmburso Lencier lor all such amourtts expended by Lendo�togt�ther with Interest thereon at�hB lower of tho hlghost rate desctitwd In any _--
<br /> Obll�y>,tiori sr tht+hlgheet rate sllowed by law hom tho date of paymem umli the dato of ralmburcertant. Those sums shall bci InGudod In the definttlon af : __
<br /> . Oblipntiatts,h:rain Md ehall be sewred by thu benefldal Interast granted hereln. II 1ha Obligatians arepaId eitar Iho boglnning ol publicatlon of notico of
<br /> sela,as Frere'n•graNded,or In Iha event Lnnder shall,at Its sole option,permit Grantor to pay any parl of iho�bligations aftor the be�inning of pubticatlon af
<br /> notic,u oi stiln,a.,a t�eeefn provkkd,�hen,Qrantor shall yon dnrr�ind all oxponsss Ineuned by the Tn:stan and Lender In connoetion�vith sald pubticailon, -
<br /> . IncluNn�1 r�tuciti�:da attomeya fees to the attomeys fo�r3tho Trust�e antl(or tho Londer,and a ressonal�lo fee to tho Trustee,and lhis Dac�d of Trust shall bc3 =
<br /> socurity for�Jl a�:ch oxponsss end lees.
<br /> 24. APPIACAt'i�N OF PAVMEWTB. The Trustee shall aadsr the procaods of the trustoo'a sale.BrsL to tha costs and expenEes of oxerdsing ihe power of
<br /> salo anci o!ll����Ja,I�dudingA�opaymant af tho Tru7oe's fces sd�!a+ •ir,ra�rrad r.ot to oxa�d tho Furmunt troh4h tr►�y bs provicfsd for In ihe Oeed ef Trust, --
<br /> i 6�CORC1,Ep�:lyffit'11l O}Ih0 Obfgattan secured by the Deed of Trusl,ih�rcl,l[+�lh8(�3yf1EBIi1 0}JUNpI dff6d4 Ot iN6t,mortgagos or other Ilenhoidars, and ihe •• ,.�`-;;__
<br /> 1 balenco,N nny,tu the person a percons Iegaliy entNled thereto. ��"
<br /> : �„�j,.,,:
<br /> ' � 2S. PQV�f[�Jt GG AYTORNEY. (3rantar hereby appoInts Lend9t as it�attomoyIn-fact to endorse(3rantor's nart►e on ail Instrumems nnd other documents '�,
<br /> • `, pertalnin�,�to ih�i 4l�ligalions a [7eed of Trus�. In addltlon,Lender shail L^e errtitied,but not rc3quired,to perfortn any aaion or executa eny doaiment •��-::a:�.'
<br /> requlmd ta t��taJrnfi or exeaAad hy C3rantor under thls Deed of Trusl. Lender'aperfarmance o1 such aetion or exeanion of such documems shall not �:�ik!��-._
<br /> , v: ruliavo Gramn•frnrn:any Obligation or cure any dofauit under thfs Oaed ot Truat. All Fowers of attomey descn'bad In ihis Deed of Trust are coup!ed w8h an .:':_•
<br /> Interost sr�c1 ar�Ircorc�ca6ie. ��?iti,��;;,�.:
<br /> '�, ;� 26. SUt�RfJrE1'li4W OF LENDER. Londer shall be subroga!ed ia the rights of the holder of any prevbus lien, secur(ty Intorest or enwmbrsnco � � :
<br /> . dische.rg�d w�qe 4mds aduanced by Londer regardless o�whether thusa 1?�ns,sewriry Interests or o!her encurtbrances have been retaased of record. �•�t�:�----
<br /> � 27. CAl.�.ffC'I'l�C�I COSTS.To tha extent permitted 6y law,Cirantor agreBS ta pay Lender's reaaonable fees end costs,Including,but not Iimitod to,(ee� �'���
<br /> 'i. end oa:is of ritt:xnays end aheraQents(Induding wflho�n Ilmitatlon paralegals,darks and cons�iltanis), whethor or not such attomoy or a!�nt Is en ;'��
<br /> �y�;�` employcm ot lroxi5r,which ara(ncurrod by Lender ln colleeting any[unount dus or enfordng any ripht or remady under Ihis Deod of Trust,whether or not �
<br /> suH lo br�isrAzt.lnnudlna,but not Iimited to,all tees and costs Incurted on appeal.In banlvuptcy,and(or post-jud�nant oollecUon ectiona. �'.��=
<br /> _�.� 28. PAR�IAI. l�CI_FJ1SE. lsndor may release fts intoresl in a�ortlon ot tho Proper!y by execvtirv3 and recording ono or mora Partlal Oeeds ot �.�
<br /> �}:� Reeonvay�nco wflhout eftocting i7s fitarest(n the remelNng portim of irie Propeny. Nothing hereln shall be deemed to oblk�ate Lendar to release any of Its ;,,�,�,�s
<br /> '. intora.t in tho Praporty(except as�aqulrerl under Parearanh 38 or es may be othervvise required by law),norahall Lenderbe obllgstad to releaso any part .'=—°�
<br /> % oi��a Propuq�:t�a'rntor Is In detault under thie Oeed of trust. The Ilen end sea��interest aoated by ihe Oeed of Trust remaln i�e8ect with respect to +"'�'�
<br /> ��r�� ihat�C+rtion cf:;�o�rnpoAy,ae deflned in the Deed of Trust,thA.t Is not the subjecl of t 16 or Qny Partlal Deed oi Reoonvayancs .;�a�
<br /> ` t` 29. �Aa�D1F�1C�#31qN AND WAIVEH. Tho rtwdiflcatlon or waiver of any of Gramar's Ohlipatbns or lsnder's Nahts undor this Deed of Trust muat bc� �:��
<br />- .. � coMalnm4l!n s�wrlting sigied hy Lendor. Lender rttay perfortn any ot�orrowers or Grantor's ObllBations,defay or fell to axerdse eny of Its righis oT baept �{�_--
<br /> ' paymtntz tram�Ciranta a an y o ne olher then Cirsmor without causing a waNer of those Obllgations or ri a h ts. A walvor on one oc�slon shall not oonstiluto _ -
<br /> � . ' a wttivai pn tV�y other oocas b n (3rentor's Ob1igations under ihis Doed of Tnist shall not be attected if l ander arr�nds,compromises,exchanges,falls to
<br /> a
<br /> .; oxordr�,lrc�vNrs or reloases eny af ihe Ohligatfons belong[ng to any C3rentor,Bortower or ihlyd 4arty or any of its dphts agalnst eny Grantor,Borrower or �,
<br /> ihird�rty c•r Any of the Pro�erry. Le�ders fallure to inslst upon sidd perfomanoa of eny of the Ubllgations shall notbe daem�d a walver end Lender ahall �
<br /> '; havn thm r1�tit r,S F.ny tlme thereaftorto{nsist upon strict pertortrence. �"�
<br /> 90. 6UIltiFilTliTE TRU8TEE;TRUSTHE UABIUTY;COAAPENSA710N. In case of the death,lnabitity refusel to act or ebsence of she Trustee fram tha ��
<br /> a ta to w ha�a t h r�re a l p roperty b l o c a t e d o r I n c e s e t h e h o l d e r o f t h e O b i iga t i o n a E h a l l d e�J�e l o r e n y r e a s o n�t o r e m o v a I h e T r u a t e e o r a n y s u b s t 8 u t e i r u s t e e a� �,
<br /> tn.�stnm here�end f o -cippolM a new irustee in hla pleee nnd atea d,the holder of the Obiigatims is hereby grented lull power to appo!nt In wr8ing a �__
<br /> subatitunr tnirtee(a sekl Trpus°teo,and thr,subatKute trustee sheil,when eppointed,becoma suoceswr to all rlgMs of Trustee hereunder end ihe sams shall
<br /> becarrw vc¢trid In hlm for the p u r p oses and o b j e c te of thla Deed of Trust wtth all thepower,dutles end obll g a N o ns hereln conforred on tho Trustee. Tructoo �r-
<br /> shall rKt tm Iial�ie Ycr any error of Iudamam or aet done by Trustee, or ba otherw i s e responslble or aocwmlabie under eny clrcumstenees whateoever. �-- _..
<br /> • � Tru�ae shdl�zd:�Ca personaVy Ilal�e in case of errtry by k w anyone ecting by vinuo of ihe powers herein gr�r�lod it upon ihe Deed of Tru�1 far dobts ' :
<br /> ' ' contrh:tod or 4!:�I:i�i�j ardam�e s licurtod in tha menagart�eM a operetion of sFUd premises. Trus?oe shall hevo the rip�to rcly on any Instrumont, ��.��,
<br /> ''� � cbcumr�nt ar�fgnature authorliing or su Ing eny adbn taken orproposed to be taken by it haeunde►a belloved bylt in good feith to bo gonuine. --
<br /> Trustr3w aheJi be emltlod to reMburcemen for oxpensas inairted aj it ln the perfortrence of its dutbs hereundar and to roasanablo eortpansation for such -
<br /> � of ita oeMoqs hereunder as shali bo rendered. �rantor will,from 11rr�ta ttma,pay corrpensatla�due Trustee hereundsr end reimburse Trustee for and -- -
<br /> save nnci hdd It hamileu fromand agalnst any end all loss,cost.IlabilNyr,darnago and axpense whatsoevor inarred by it In tho perlormuice of Its duties. �
<br /> � All n»nrya retelvod by Trustee sh�l,until used or applied as horelnprovfded,bo held In trust for thepu rpososNr whlch ihoy wore receNod,but nee�d not � `�:-�--n�•:.�---
<br /> • be so�oted in any manner trom any other moneys(exoept to the extent requlred by law)er.d T►ustee ahall bo under na Ilability tor interost an eny =—
<br /> monapa re�ived by ft horeundor. �°_ �
<br /> 31. SUCC��3SOHS AND ASSIONS. Thia Oeed ot Trust shail be dndrt�upon end Inure to tho beneflt af Grantor tand Lunder and their respodive �,; ,� --_ --�-
<br /> succesaorx,asstgns,trusteos,�rr.alvore,adminlstrators,pereonal represtxitat ves,legatues and doviseos. '��'=-_----
<br /> • �.°_St'�'ke�•,_—
<br /> �9� N47tG�l3. Er.capt as othe�vlse roquired by law,eny notice ar other eomrwntqibn to be prowded under�hi�Dead of Trust shall be In writing and sent '=�,�,W�'R�°
<br /> o ShQ p0riioa�yhfl addresse�d6saibod in ihls Deed ot Trust or such mher eddross as the partiss may deslgnato In wrlting hom time to time. My auch ""`"�ti '- =
<br /> naticn so glusn a�d sant by first dass mall,postape prepaid,shall bo deemnd glvon ihe earller ot ihrae(3)days aflor such noticv Is sent or whon►ucoived {"��"�-�,�-;a�--
<br /> by 1h�p¢isan to whom suct�not:ce ie being given. •+'?±;�,`?�-�'`
<br /> .',1�._.�
<br /> 93. 86VERABIUTY. YVher+e�rer possible,each provision of this Deed of Trust shall ba Intorprutocl so as to be aflottive and valld under eppilcaide state • `
<br /> law. If nny provislon of thls Deod d Trust violates the law or Is unenforceaiAe,the rest ot tno Daod ot Trust sha7 cominue to bc3 vatid and enforceabio. �`''�
<br /> ;,�;
<br /> 34. APPiJCABLE LAW. This Deed of Ttuat eh�li be govemed by the laws of th�steta whara thn real proporry Es located. Unloss applicabie law providos '
<br /> othnrwiw,Gramor consonts totho�urisdictlon and venue of any couA selected by Lender,In Itc oola discrotbn,bc ated in that stato. �•
<br /> 35� bKSCELLIWEOU8. Grentor and Lender agree ttuit Ume Is of Ihe essence. Cirentor wave3 ptot+erNntn�t.domand tor paymont,notico ot dishonor end •�
<br /> prota�t except as requIrad by law.NI retorencoa to Cirantor In this Daed ot Trust she�Indude ell porc.ona�fg�ng be;ow. If thero Is moro than one Grantor. �
<br /> _ _ _. .____ ihefr ObllgaQons chall be Jolnt end several. Th1s Deod of Trust representa the complete Irnegrated und3rcirn�ng Mtwcten(3rantor and Lendsr pertelnlnQ to _
<br /> tne tom►s and conanons nereor. • - _ _-
<br /> 38. NO THIRD PARTY RI(iHT3.No person is or shall bo e thlyd party beneiidary of any�xovislon of this Doed of Trust. All provislons ol thls Deed of f
<br /> Trust(n favor o1 Londer ere Ntonded solely for ihe beneNt of Lsnder,and no third�t�r shslf bo ontitied to assurno or expnct that Lender will not walve or '
<br /> - concont to the modiHeatlon olany provislon of ihls Doed of Trust,ln Lenders soie disaetion. �
<br /> � 37. PRESERVATION GF dIABILJTY ANO PRIORITY. YVithout atlecting iho Ila6ltiry of Borrower,Graniw,or eny guarentor ot the Obllgatlona,cr any othor
<br /> - porson(oxcept n poracn oxpessty mtoas�d In wrtting)for tho paymertt andpo rfom�arsco of the Ohligatlons,and wuhout affocting tho rlghts af Londer with
<br /> • respost to ony Pre�rty not axprossly reloased in writing,and without Irripaf�ing In eny way tho prlority of this Deed of Trust over tho imorost of any poison
<br /> eoquIrod or Ilret av renced by rocordng subsequent to the recording of thls Deed of Trust.Lender may,ellher before or aitor tho maturiry of tho Obilgations, �
<br /> end withouf notico or conscani:retease any porson Nal�to tor ym�m or performance oi all or anY part ol the Obligat!ons;maEco eny a roemont aito�ing tho
<br /> s g
<br /> tormn ot payrrant orpor1o►manc�ol all or any paA ot tho igatlone;exardse or ro,4Nn from exordsing or wahro any rigM or rorrady that Londer may havv �
<br /> undar tho Doad of Trust;acapt additiunai sncurity of any Wnd foe a�ry of iha Obiipatlons:or rdaaso or othsnvlso deal with any roal or porsonai prepeAy
<br /> _ socudng tho Obligatlons Any porson acqulring or recording ovldonco of any Interost of any naturo In the�roporry shall bo doamnd,by ncqulring such
<br /> Intorost or r000rtting any ovideneo therool,to have eonaented 10 f2110�dlly EUCh eetions by Lender.
<br /> ; • NEOOTDAev.�i•9a a�yead6
<br /> �
<br /> �_. _. _. .._ .
<br />