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.. i � -.- --. -- ---- , i <br /> I .:... . .. . .. ..:... .. <br /> .: . • ,. . .� „ <br /> . � •.h. .. <br /> • �I-��� :I'I-�! . ... .�4... <br /> I (�� ��o�l�,��Jo luws and rrs�Jntione. Inclu�ing,wlthout IImI�Rtton,lhe Amerlcans wlih Disabllitles Act,42 U.S.C. Soctlon 12101 at seq. (and all ((( <br /> � ro�ulailono�romulgatcd thoroundor)nnd ail zonlnfl and bulidnfl lawe snd regulations relating to tho Property by virtue o1 any loderal,state or municlpal � <br /> mnliodty e�llh')udsdictlon ovor ihn Pro�:orry,preaently are and ehell bo obsoNOd und eompiod with In all mato�lal rospncts,and e�l rlghts,Ilcaneos, <br /> I (r�milo, nnd priilicates nl'oecupancy(Induding but not Iimltod to zoning varlaneoo.epoGal oxceptlons for noncanforming uso�,and flnal Inepectlon I <br /> � npprovnla),v�hothor tnmporary m nomranont,which ate mztcdel to the uso and occi+paney o1 iha Propony, prosomly ero and shall bo obtalnod. 4 <br /> , �runarotsd nnd.�vhero ncc�sscry,rrnC:rrd; , <br /> I (d) (irnntor hoo iho dpht and lo duly nulhodzed le oxocutn and poriorm III Udlpatlona under ihls Deed ot Tmst and lhsse ections do nat wd shell nm �. <br /> cAntlkt willi tho provlslons of any etatinn,r5pulallon,orr!Inanee,rule ei Inw,eomract or other agroomom whlch may bo binding on Grantor at eny timv: <br /> (A) No nctlon or procaoding Ic ar nlvnll Iso�onding or lhreatRn�d whlch mlght meterially aftect the Proparly;and <br /> Ihnsargovom ng Haz�nrdo s Mainr�ls�vih�ch3mlgtnymate�ially e�llectllhe P op3ny�or Lcnc{,:r�rleh'sr or�lntor strin9ho Prop��ny p aisuen�to ihls�Deed�of <br /> TN51. , <br /> j 9. PFitBR 175EDS OF TEiUST. C3rdn:ar mrr:=ents nnd::�nrrenta tha+tharo are no pnbr deeds of trust aftecting eny part of the Praporty excopt as set fonh � <br /> an Schedulo D oitached to tlils Dned of Tnist,whlch Qrantor eprees to pay and pe►form In a timeiy manner. if thoro ero any prior deods of trust then <br /> JQrontor ngrc�on to pay tUl emounta ow�d,qnr!perform all odigatlons roquired,undet such deeds of iruat end ihe Indebtedness socurod�heroby and lurthor <br /> 1 ngroon Iha1 a dofault undor any prior dcad of trust ahall be a default undor this Deed of Trusl end shall onlitle Lender to all rights and remodies contalnod <br /> 2 horoln or In tho Ob!Igatlons ta e�hlch Lender���auld b�entitlsd In ihe event ot eny olher dslault. <br /> 4. TRAN�rERS OF THE PRQPEHTY Qfi GENEFICiMI INTERESTS iN fiRANTOAS OA BORROINERS. In tho ovent of e sale,amveyanco,feaso, , ti_ <br /> cont�c�lor dend or transfor to any poreon�f a�l ov any pert of the reoJ property descdbed�n Schedu�e A,or any Interest thereln,or of ell or any bonofiGal ;s .�, :_ <br /> ininro3t In Borrowor or C3rentor(if Oarraw�r a Carantor Is not a natural p erson or parsons bul Is a corporaUon,Iimited Ilability company,partnership,lrust,or : �K;�'�; <br /> othor lopel omiry).Lender may,at iia optlon dectare tha outstending p r indDal baiana�of the Obllgations plus acaued Interast thereon Irtmediately due and ,�;�,��— <br /> �yAblo. At Londor's roquost,Cirantor or 13ortawer,as the case may be,shall fumish a complete atatement setting forth ell of Its stocidiolders,members,or _ <br /> psrinars,as appropdnto,endtho oxtern aF fhoir respnctive ownershlp Interasls. �' '��`''��"��y+"�;�;_� <br /> } ,.1a_U..rt i i•� <br /> 8. A381(iN�fENT OF RENTS. In cons!deration of the Obligaqons,which are cecured by thls Deed ot TnisL Cirentor absolutely assigns to Lender all � -� <br /> (3mntors estato, right,title,Imerast, dalm nrtd demand now owned or hereafter acquired in eil exisling end futura leases of the Properry (Induding • <br /> oxlonsions,ronewels en�sutleasss�,all^�c rf�ma tor us�end ocwpancy of ihe Froperty(dl such leases end egreomants whethc�r written cr oral,are L <br /> horeatter roforrod to as iho'Loasos),end ellgu aranties of lessees'parfamance under the Leases,together with ihe Immedlate and conlinuing dght lo --� <br /> collact and rocolve all of the ronts,income,�ace�pts,revenues,Issues,profits and other Income of any nawre now or hereaflor due ifn�uding eny Income of .�r�.���� <br /> eny nafuro cominfl due during any rodompticn perlod)under ihe Leases or(rom or arlsing oul of the Property Induding minirtum rome,addillonal rems, -_ <br /> p�r�sNaga rents,paricing or comnon sr�a malntonance contributions,tax and Insuranee contdbutions,defdencl rents, Iiquldated dartiagos(ollowing <br /> defauil In any Loaso,all procseds paynl�fa under any policy of(nsurance covering lass of rer►ts rosuNing fram untenantability caused by desiruction or •j��— <br /> demage to the Pra�eny.all proeeods payal;la as a resufl of a lossne's exerdse of an optbn ta purchase ihe Properry.ail proceeds�+edved horn tho ':'<?.. : - <br /> termineilon or rojact on of atry lease In a Iss�nl<ruptcy or other InsoNencyp�o�eding,end ailproceeds fro:n any rights er.d Galms of eny Wnd which Gramor ,� , <br /> � mzy hevo epalnst any Iasaoa under ti'ie Lo�:,es or any otcupants of the Property(all of the above are heresfter collectively retorred to as ihe'Rente'). 'fhis . <br /> asslgnmentls subjact to tha rfpM,powor r�xJ Quthority glven to the Lenderto eoliecl and apply tho Rents.Thls asslgnment Is recorded In accordance with ,:'�*,. <br /> ��`�, appllcable state Isw;the Ilen crealed by ihls nnslgnmenl Is Intended to Iw spedflc,perfected,end choale upon the recording of this Dned of Trust,eli as � _ <br /> �ran o r da�3orA.�ab�icense tIo collxt e�ll f�nmrs�"rom tFet Leases when d ue and o use suchf procoeds In(iran oatsnbusiness op�e rati nsNHowever,r L n��d e�r r,��� <br /> " m3y a1 eny timo requlre Qrantor to deposlt eil I��nnts Into an axount malntelnad by Grantar a Lender at Lender's insi8utlon. Upon detauit In the p�ymerd �?;- : <br /> a� of,or In the pertortmneo of,eny oltho Ofsiiqasi�cs,lender may at Its option ta{w possesslon of the Properry and have,hold,manage.toase end operate the .'��� �=. <br /> Properry on temi»and for a period ot timv Uia1 lender deems prop�r�Lender maK proceed t a�!pa�t�dr��m�oen fs f�n��Y a�A�dY�Renis In " :. <br /> � � 8h91I hflV9 hlll pUW9i t0 f118!(8 83Tereiiana.�4iiuiviin:ritb,iojiono v7 i7y��+wfi'�'"•'•0.°Qf��`O!�( Y � �• � -� <br /> Londer's sole discretion to payment of tha Oh4Egutions or to the Fayment of the cost of sucri aY�ralions,renovations,repairs end replacemants and eny <br /> oxpencoe ind.dont to taking and eeiaining�SOSSenslon ot the Property perlodcal�y end tha managertent end operation of the Property. Lender may lceap tha k A' � <br /> ��� Prosasrry proporiy Inaurod and may dlscharg�rirry texes,charges,dalrr�s,assessme�ts and other Ilens whlch may axrue. The expense and cost of theee . , <br /> acttons may b�paid hom the Rents received, :nd eny unpaid emounts sheU be t�dded to ihe prindpal of the Obligations. These artwunts,togethor whh t: ,. <br /> t � mhor costs,shall become part oS ihe Oi�ligailonn secured by ihla Deed of Trust. � <br /> i` { LGASES ANQ OTHER A(iREEIiAE�iTa.Gi�ntor shall not teke or fail to take any aUion whlch may cause or pemi(t the termination or the withfwlding of ..:. <br /> 8• In addiUon,Cirantor,wRhout lenders p►ior written '� <br /> � : any payrtwM in connection with eny Leaso ar otrer ngreement('Ageement')penaining to the Property. <br />_� . • � , consom,�hell not:(a)collecl any monles�oayaL•ya under eny Agreemem more than one momh In advance;(b)modify any Agreement;(c)asslpn or allow a � <br /> Ilen, sacurity Interest or othor oncumbrana:n��e placod upon arantor's rigMs,iNle and IMerest in end ta any Agreoment or ihe amounts payable <br /> � �' thoroundor;or(d)terminate or ctinoal eny A�a�mant exoepl for the nonpayrtwm of any sum w other mate�isl breach by tho other parry ihereto. It Grantor - <br /> ' rocelves at any tlme any wdlten aomnunicallo�-asserting e defaufl by Grantor under en Ageement or purpoRing to terminate or cano�l eny Agresment, .F <br /> � � h�amourrtsldue to�aren o heruw�rm oUl�e►�4�Igned to Lendor as ddtt�nel s�lor the Obligati 9 shereto)to Lender. All such Agreement8 end � <br /> ' .. M � ..r�.r <br /> �' � 7. COLLFCTiON OF INOEBTEONESS C-RQAH�HIRD PARTY. Lender shail bo onihled to notNy or requlre Qrenta to notily any third party pncluding,lwt ° - <br /> no2 timited:o,loasoes,Ilcensecas,govemmm:ai aulhotitios end Insursneecompanlea)to pay Lender any Indebtedness or obllgati4n owing to GraMOr wlih ii�• <br /> e <br /> reapect to iho Properry (amulailvely Indeioieclness') whelher or not a defauh exlsts under ihis Oeed of Trust. Cirantor shali d�Ilgemiy erolloct the ��==---- <br /> � • indebtedness awing to Cirantor hom iheJo rhrrd partlea umii ihe g(vinfl ot sueh notiflcatlon. In the evem ihat tirantor possesses or recelveo{;ossession nf -- _ m�� <br /> � � any inatrumems or other remiriances with r�as,xect t�the Indebtedness toVowlnp the giving of such noufleation or If the Instruments or ather remhtances _ _ <br /> � � wnstftute tho prepayment of any Indebtednass or the payment of eny Insurance or condertnation proceeds,Cirantw shall hold such Insiruments end othor :�,�,_ <br /> , : � remi�tanees In trust for Londor�part hom its�ther�xopeny,endorse tha Instruments end other remtttances to Lender,and Immediately provide Lender whh �•,=: _ <br /> �+ '•' • possosslon ot the Instrumenta and other�vrrtnances. Lender aheli be emflled,but not reyulred,to collect(by legal proceedinga or otherwlso),oxtand the �:LLy�, <br /> ' time for paymont,tonprortise,eachange a r•e1nese any obilgor or colfaterei,or othsrwise serile any of ihe Indebtadness whethar or not an everrt o1 default > >..,��_°,,.��- ----------- <br /> " exista undor thls Agreement. Lander ahall nc��iEe Ilahle to Orantor tor any action,ertor,misteke,omisslon or delny�enaining to the actions descrihed In ihls _ <br /> �. paragraph or eny dart�agos resulilnfl t;^arehom. �otwfthstending the foregning, nothing hereln shall cause Lender to be deemed a =�_-_, _ _ <br />�i.., mortgepee-In-possosslon. .- --� <br /> '�iuPG�_-: <br /> � & USB AND IuIAINTENANCE OF PR�t�CL�'SY. Orantor shall takg ell actlons end make eny repatrs needod to malMaln the Propeiiy i�yood conditlon. . `������� <br /> ' Grantot.,heU not co�m9t a pc3mit any v�c�ta to be comdtted with t�espect to the Properry. drantor shali use the Property solely In compllanee with .� <br /> appilcable law and insurance polctes. Cra�to►ahail not make any eltoreUons,additlons or Irtproverrents to the Property wfthout Lenders prlor wr(tten Y_+., .r ,�;N:�� <br /> '� concent. Wlihout IlMting the foregoing,nll�'rorallons,additions end ImFxovements made to tho Proporry shali be subJect to the benofldaf interest belonginfl � _„ �,^�t, <br /> • to Londer,shNl not bc3 rornoved without I.and�+r�prlor wrNton oonsent,end shall be made et Cirentor's sde expense. <br /> b <br /> �,"!.�;�... . � . <br /> ��• • 9, L03�Ofl DAWWOE. Grenta shell I�oar sho ontlre tisk ot any bsa,thoft,destruction or dam�qe(cwmulatively'Loss or Damago')to the Proporty or eny „ . . <br /> 4 pnrtion thoroof hom any causo wha�soevar. 1���ho evorrt of any Loss or Damege,C3rantor sha'1,at the option ot Lender,repalr tho eMacted pra�ity to!ta .`;:,., . � <br /> provku�condition or pay or causo ta bo�yNd sn Lender ihe d�c�aasa In the talr market vaiue ot tha affeaed Proporty. .� <br /> 10. INSURANCG-. Tho Property wl�be Iw�st Insured for Its full insureble value(repIacement oost)against eli hazards Induding loss or dart�age�used by <br /> ' �� fload,oarthquako,tomado and ilro,lhof4 or��:;'mr casualty to the extont requ;red by Lender. (3rantor may obC�in Insuranco on the Properry from such <br /> � ( corrpanIa as aro a000ptade ta Lo�dor in Ih,�:sole discretfon. Tho insurerwe poliClos shaN requtro tho Insuranco ccrr�anY to provlde Lender with at loost <br /> �(I 3� days'wdtton notice Ixturo such polides are�Itored a eancelled In an manner. The Insurance polides shell nama I.ender as a!oss . , <br /> � I payee an prov -that no acl or omisslon of Grantor or eny atharperson ehali etfecl ihe rl�t ot Lenderto be pafd the insuranco�rxeeds pertaining to tho <br /> � loss or damago ot tho Property.In tho ove�n Cirantor telis to acqulre or rtntrttatn Insuranca,Lender(sfler provl�ng notioo as rtnb bo requlred bY law)may . <br /> ' In itc discrmlon procuroa�propdato Incur.uira co�:erE�upan the Prcrperry and the Insuranco con shall be an edvance payabia and bearing lnterest as <br /> -; dnsdlbed In�aragraph 23 end sacurud hai�ov. Qrentor shell tumith Lendor wNh eddence of insurence indicatfng the tequlred coverage. Lonrler may ect <br /> "}'• ac atlomayan-fact for Cirantor In maldnp r�ut seriling dNms untbr Insurance polidea,eancelltng any poti or�d�d INered to Lender as turthe�sacunrfty <br /> `•... . � � i_u.......:..,...e.,�.l.awn F.v nnv In�ienr All�tdt Insu►lftlCO COIICICS SII@II bB IRYT18dIa10IY HSSI9110f�,p� <br /> .. __�. <br /> __,1,.:...—'- ', uo�.nu...v............�...__...._�_.�...__.. -- --_:-.i.-----__ <br /> for ihe Obl!gstlons. In tho ovom of bss,Cirantor ahall frtmediatety glvo Lendor wdtten nottce end Londor is autnonzea to rreice prooi oi ioss. cad� � — <br /> " Insuronee oompany Is diractod lo rnalco��aymonts diroctly to Londor instead of to Lendor end(irantor. Londer shall have the rlght,at its solo optlon,to <br /> npply cuch monlos toward iho Obligallono or towerd iho cost ot relwilding and restaing ihe Proparty.My amounts may at Lc�ndc�rs option bs eppllod fn <br /> the Imerse ordor ot tho duo datos thoroot. <br /> 11.ZONIN6 AND PRIVATE COVC-Npl�TS. Grantor chall not Initiate or consent to any change In the zontng provislons or private covenanta atfocting tho <br /> ,_'1'� G►antor shallrnot e�a siohor perm9�ucli�uuo o�bo dis�con inued or�tabartlonad without�ihe pior wr�ftten oonsom ot Lenclonr9. Cirantor�vdll Immediately provide <br /> Lender wilh w�itton nottco of any propoued changos to the zoning provislons or privato covonarrts aftt�tting the Property. I <br /> " � 12 CQNDEMNATION. Grrantor shalt Immodiatoiy provido Londer wilh wdflen notico of eny actual or ihreatanod condermatlon or ominant domaln <br /> �' pvo cood;nfl porteinfng to tho Prop�s►ty- <1��monlos payablo to C3rantor hom such condemnatlon or takina tiro hero6y esslgned to Londor and shall lw Iod I <br /> � Hrst to tfie payment ol Lender s nttomeyn'teos.lo(�al oxponses and other cosis(Induding apprelsal fees)in connEtction with ihe condormation or e rusnt <br /> domain pr0000dings end ihen,nl tho optlon of Londer,to tha paymant ol tho Qbligations or ihe testoratbn or ropalr ol iha Proporty � <br /> � <br /> ' tuEppig Ra 11.9a Paipe2d8 i ' . - <br /> j L_ _ — <br />