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<br /> I � � DEED OF TRUST 4aa�3i�v�xoi � -__.
<br /> , /S�I�C� �:,:-
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<br /> � aaencbw�� a�nre�� ; \G ..
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<br /> I Y11HEI6Y 60t�BPNY771 iIId TAHO 6OXUD14R. -
<br /> I gplglltJD AND MI G8 � - --�-
<br /> � ,'_� waa Aaewa+�ra � _ _-_
<br /> � ?,�,
<br /> � Rb6flESS I ��c-��'�
<br /> � i � ALQRES9 � : ,��
<br /> BOB OAR BT B 808 OAIC 6T 0 I �� �
<br /> � Q�p IsLNtN NB 680017995 �'--�
<br /> •j, ppAD7p IpLAh'D NE 6880179Z5 �„���
<br /> � ���� O91ii16Ri1D41N0.
<br /> ,�p„a�,w. or�rtr�c�►noNno. ssA3sa810 �-�-
<br /> �. 554352E110 I _ �
<br /> ' 1pUSlEE: PIR3T P.ANR.N.A �
<br /> �. � � A1{ N 3RD 6T 6AAND IOtJ�t7D Nl 66801
<br /> �' In consldera�lon ot the loan or othor eredit axommdaUon herelnafter spedfled end eny tulura advances or future Oblipations,as deMed herein,which ---
<br /> :� �rey i�nr��a°�.`•a a3ra^��!•^.c,1Rai and�h�trust hereinafter mentloned�aoli arisfi�gnr t�uabb cansl�ratlo^n,�the recei�pc,mdn��emce�wre and
<br /> ere he�sseb/ ack�owlodged.Cirentor hereby Irrevocabiy wartants,bergei
<br /> i?,; • :t 8551�13,IN TRU3T WITH POWER OF SALE tor lhe bsneflt er�d sewrlty ot TIRfT 811N1C NATIOH7IL A�60CI*TZON
<br />_.t�;t �7: (�L8f1d8r). thB
<br /> • ��.;- benaRdary und�x thls Deed of Trust.under und r�ubjoct to tha tertrrs���In"��Ia Atwlikti a�u�tts�,�hedi to th sl Qeed oi 7�and Incarporated herein
<br /> n
<br /> �''�'�` an�l future estato,rlgM,t(tie and interest In end to tho ro�i propsrtY indudin wHhout Ilmitatbn all machinery.
<br /> � by this refrsrerwe.together with atl present end fu►uro IrtprovAmoms end flxtures;EUi tanglbie personal prW�ertY 9
<br /> • �u��t�»nL 6ulldng rrcaterlals,end gwrJs at avory nature(oxducfing consurrar goads)now or hereafter loeated on or uscd in connection with iho roel
<br />` pruperry,wfietAer a not affixal to 1�9��io�th�e PropeAy hom othe real�oPenY�or�°YU°ruheTe�iter�susoe�I�blemof t�rnn�ste homihis Rro�hperty o oS�hor
<br /> . wlqthwrprE,vlously or suEsequcnty
<br />- ' ' real property;leases,llconses an d o t h er a g r a e r r r 3 M S;re n t s,lsu�es and p rofits;water,we11,ditch,re�forit e uae and b�efit atLend r his�succes ha r a n d
<br /> ° property(cumu!atNeiy'Proportyl'):to have and to ho.d the Property end the dghie hereby gran
<br /> ° esslyns,urrtll payment In fuli of all ObIlgaUons socured hareby.
<br /> '' Moreover,in tuAher cAnslderation.Grantor doas,fa Grantor and Gtantor'�helrs,reproserAatives and essigno,horaby expressly wartant,covenant,end --R-
<br /> . ` . ,,. •, ogea w9h Lendor and Trustee ond lhoir sueoessors end eesigns��o'�oY+s'.��o�� of all preaem nnd luture indebtedneas, IIaMUties,obligat{ons ar�d
<br />= - 1, O�LIGATIONS. This Dued ot 7rust shall seeure tho payme
<br />- ,:�t.,... .�J°µ cmrenants of Bortower or Granta(cumutatively'Obligatlons')to Lmndor pursuent to:
<br /> ' ' ' (a)Ws Deed of Trust end iho tollowing promisscry notea end other ageements: �
<br /> • .;,�;r%r•• PAINRM�IY.JII�lOUFf�I N0�'t iYtA7tlR111t N�GIY�1
<br />_� ���,t��{e)f,, CRHDtti.HAR . 1►Op�Et�kHYpAtE DA'[1fi
<br />-�.. ,. :,, f;.
<br />�y��4' "` � .� ' �- --
<br /> f`-:•� 16,596.33 03/26/97 03/26/02 4850020100
<br /> ",.,,.=. _--
<br />- �j t' (b)�i other present or ure,w non egreementa w t n r t et re or s y to t s o ruM • K�x�eu or •wne or dHiorent __
<br /> purpoaes than th�ton�0olny): -----
<br /> ' . � . . (c)gny guaranty of obligatbns of othor parties giv�n to Londar now or hereafter exetuted 1ha1 roforo io thia Oeed ai Trust; ____
<br />- (d)luturo ac�raneos,whether obligatory or optlon�l,ta the sarrw oxtoM as If inede eoMertporaneously with the oxdcullon of this Deed ot Trust,made or %�
<br /> ex�ended on bohalt of Grentor w Bortower. �rantor agroes that It one of the Obllgatlons Is a Ilno of aedit,ihe Ilsn ot thle Deed of Trust shail contlnue �,
<br /> .��, ._—_
<br /> ,���,'i unul p3rymerri In fuil of alI debt duo under tha Ilno noNAthstanding ihe fact that hom tirrp to tirtx�(but Beforo torMnation of the Ilne)no balanco may bo _ ,���.
<br /> ;, .,:;.
<br /> • ��� '� oNstandng. At no timo durtng the tertn of thla Ooed of Trust or ony exlonabn thereol shal tha un d and outctandinn soared principal tuturo y
<br />- , ,�` �•.,, � t #�,.
<br /> adrencos,not Induding surro ctd+encod bY lenclar to protect the cecurrty o(iN�Oeed af Tnist,oxooed the tallowing amount: �i. 16.6?6.33 ��:_-.:
<br /> . .;A�i�-m..
<br /> ' . THs provlslon ohali nut conatfluto an ohtipa,tion upon or oommitmorrt of L�onder to make additlon�l advAnoes or loens to Grentor;and --,,,,._.
<br /> ...,;_��.Sr:!
<br /> �'`'i_�
<br />' (o)oll cmwndmorrt3.oMlnthe temxi Grantor arsd 13ottower hall�lndude and Nbao moan anY C�rantar�or Bortoi wer if moro thon ono. � "
<br /> • As usod inthla P�gaph �,.
<br /> . ,.<_
<br />- 2 REPR65EiVTAT10Nn,WARHANTIES AND CmV�NANTB. arsr�tor ropesonis.wrurems and covenants to Londer that: � ".,,,.�,
<br /> � (a�Qran:or has foe simple merlceteble title to ihe Properry and ohall nnlriwln Ihe Properry trao ot all Ilons,securlty Irnerosts,oncurtdxancos and tlaima ;,,.,,.`,,
<br />' , � � exca!�t ta thle Deed nt Trust end those desalbed In SchxF.da B,wh'ch is attadtod to thla Deod of Trust and incorporated horoin by roterenco,whlch •j,;rt;,��
<br />':-- -" ' C3rentor agrees to pay end pertortn In a timeiy m3nner; s � 9, , � '.• ,
<br /> ------ ..._ .._._,___�_...r�.,d�.�„���,Jfth:�l aerStc�e[ed..ral,st2te en41oca1 lawa and r lations,indudn without IlrMatbn,thoso rolating to •
<br /> . _ _._ . .---- --- (o)urenivr�an�.nn.M�o.........�.._�_..- -- •• .. _ . ....__.�_._y�.,
<br /> 'Hazardous Matertels;as deflned horoin,and other environmontal rmttors(1ne'Etmronmama�ti.awe�,ena ncnuror u�e�o..�a.w a�•���R•• �W" - _ _ _
<br /> olhar govemrt�ntel or quasl govemrrornel oMiry has fi!od n Ilen on the Rropetry,na are thoro eny govommentel,judidai or adrnlnlsiralNe actions wN�i
<br /> respect to unvironmentei mattors pendng,or to the bnst ot the drantor'o lasowlc►dge.threatened,whlcfi involva the Property. Neilher Gramor nor,to
<br /> - the best of Grentor's knowlod�o any oihor party has used,goneretod,released.discharged,stored,or disposed oi any Hazerdous Materiaia as doHnod
<br />— �1 n hcroin,In connection with ihe�roporty or transpoAed enY Hez�rdous MateAals 10 or from the Proporty. Grcintor chall not comNt or pormlt such actlons
<br /> ��� to be tskcn In tho future. Tho torm'Hazardoue Matorlais shall mean eny substanco.matertal,or wasto whldi la or becomos rctgulatttd by any
<br /> _ � govommental authoriry Including,but nm Iimfted to,(I)petroleum;(II)Mable or nonhiable esbeslos;(III)polychlorinatod blphonyls:(Iv)those substancec.
<br /> rretoriats or wnstos dosignatod as a'hazardoua svbstenCO'pursuanl to Seulon 3t 1 of tho Clean Wator Act er Ilsted pureuant to Sactlon 307 of tNo
<br /> Goan Wator Act or nny amondmonte a roplaoomonte to those ctatutos;(v)thoso substances,matarfals or�vastes deenod as e'hazardoue wasto'
<br /> - pursuam ta Soctlon t004 of tho Rosoureo Conservatlon and Rocovory Aa or ony am3ndrnants or roplacomanis to ihat �tatute; ond (vl) thoso
<br /> substencos, rr�tarials or wastos detinod es n 'taznrdous substonco'pursuant to Soctton 101 ot lho CorrprehonsNe Environrtwnial Rosponso,
<br /> Componaatlon and LlatAlity Aet,or eny ame�dmonts or raplacemonts to that staluto or any othor slMlar state or fedarel statute,rulo,regulatlon or
<br /> • esuitaln oontaminatle,n ol�iho Prope►ty witrh Hazardo e�Materieis opr oxfe cubstancoy�ot tho Propany to e tonnnt cr subtonant whose oporations mey �,
<br /> �� PaQatdO --- _
<br /> -� -� AfDOT Rw.NR�
<br /> _ • �
<br />—
<br />