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�t<r' �#jr^ t 7 �( t�: - . . � �� �tf <br /> �f -ayv\l ��n�rhl.1�r� � -.�l _ 1;"�, � <br /> .. jd.a�}�,1`� 5�1�r>Y.`}i^....i lZ�i�.IL� � .r. 'I � ' i�iCr�S',Y.1'd?-i+• . '_ . .. __ �dut4a2ex ...-�. <br /> ,. __"'_ "_ _ ._ _ _ J,llYi4.72—akWSL55u�..__. -_ ._�..... ., . ..__........ _ .._ <br /> F <br /> 92:�:a.os��s �, 92_R�:��sa�� � . <br /> poriods thn Undcr ru��dres. '(ho insurnnco cnrckr providing thc insuranco shnll iw chasen hy Ronuxror snGJcct to l.enderk � <br /> ppprovnl afilcli shnll nat Ir,,nnrcnsmn6ly�eiil�Mld. If BorcoWrr falls io mximnin cnverage dezcdl,ed�dnre,4ender muy,a� _,_ <br /> Lender8 oMion,oUmin covemga to protcet Lcndory rights In�hc Propcny In naoninnco wlih pam&r�ph Z <br /> � All Insuranco policies and rcnewals shal�tw acecptabk�o l.ender snd shn11 tncludo n s�nnAnrcl mongage clauso. I.snder - <br /> sLall havc the right ro ho!d tho p�liclu nnd nnmvnlc. lf I.cndcr rcquircs,O�rcowcr shall pmmptlY 61vc m Lsndcr all rccclplc <br /> of paid prenilums nnd ranownl notices. in�ho ovem of loss,i3onowor shnll Qivo pmmpl nolico m iho Insnrn�ce cnrcicr nnd <br /> � t.eiidor. I.ender mny moko pmof otloss if not mnde prompdy by 6orro��+er. - <br />- Unless Lcndcr nnd Rottmvcr o.hcnvisc agrcc In writing,Insurnmr raceds 5hali bc appllcd�o rcs�nrnilnn or repair of _ <br /> O�o I'ro�ny d,intn�cd, if tho rcs�oration or rcpair is cconamlcally RmSblo nnd LcndcrY sccurity Is nol Inscned. If tho -� <br /> rastorat on w rcpe r is no�economically te+sible or tanderS secud�y woutd ho Ieuened,tlw insvrance procceds sliall tw _ <br /> applied to the sums securcd by this Secudly Inslrumenl,whe�her or no�t6en dne,ivith any eacess paid to Donox•cr. If =- <br /> Rorrowcr abandons iho Propeny,or dces not nnswar wi�hin 30 Anys a no�ico from Lender that ihe (nsumnw rnrticr 6as :s:-: <br /> offcred to setde n clalm,then Lender mny collcc��he insnrance procceds. Lender may uso�he praccds�o rcQatr or restoro �;:-- <br /> tho Pro�tlyar lo pay sums secured by t61s Secudly InstmmeN,�vhe�her or nm�hen duo. 7'ho 30�day rycdaf will Ia.gin when =- <br /> No no�ca Is gNen. _ <br /> Unlrss Isnder:u:d Bono•xer atv:nv(se agrea in writing,any appticatian of proceed.s w pdncipnl shnll not extend or —. <br /> postpono l6e due da:a of tte manttily paym.aeus�eferced ro in paragraptis t cc�!2 or ctwnge tBe nmonm of tho payments. If = <br /> unAer paregmph 2l [t.�Acperty is acqutrcd by Lerolar,Bortoxer§right to znp insur.intt polictes and proceeds rcsuh(ng _ <br /> from damage w the PtaExny pdor to�he acq�dsrtion stti.ill pan ro LertCcr�u�he.a�ent of�he a�ms secureJ by�his Secudty - <br /> Instn�mcntimmcdiatrly priortotheacqnist�iom l::- <br /> 6. Occupancy, Preserraib:c�, Matntertance and l'rotrcl4an c�! !he }'toperlyi Burroxer's iasnn :1�pllcat5an� �_. <br /> 1..1 thJ18a RO�a'ir shall occupy,establish,nnd use�he Propeny,s 6wn�xark prineipal residence�vitt•i.x sixty days aP»r =_- <br />- Ihe.:<acuz�m ot ihis Securiry Insl�ument and shall con�lnue w occupy�he Prop:My as Dortower3 prir.cii ai resid:nee tor e� �-�•_ <br /> lenst a�+^ tar af�er the da�e of occu ane , unless 4ender mhernise : tecs in wridn , which caas:n� thall not be "-� <br /> Y P Y � S i.'�_:, <br /> unruticon�Ny x•ithhcld,or uniess exlenuaflng circumstances exfs�wlilch are 6r!oml0orrower`s eonirol. Sn;rower shall not - <br /> desvny,dama3e or im�v3r Ihe Propcny,allow�hc Prop,ny ro de�edomte.or ox..�:nit wm�e on�he Properq•. Oorro�vcr shall k�.��- <br /> Ue in deiau6 if eny fodeilurc action or proceeding,wlic�her civil or crimirtaG,is tcgun�hai In Lender�good faf�h judgment <br /> wuld rcsu6 fn forfeLnre of Uie Prope�y or o�henvise mxterially impzir t:,: lien erea�ed by �hts Securi�y Instn�mcnt or �5��� <br /> I.enderSsecurityinttses�. Bonowermayeurcsuchnde(aultandreia��ax.aa�ravidedinparagraphlS,byca�singtl�eection e-°>�- <br /> or proceeding lo Ix di+missed wi�A a tuling�ha4 In Lender§good f,ith d:r.cTination,pRCludes Pot(ellnrc oCdie Oortowe�4 L:_� <br /> (ntcrcse in ihe Prope:cg or o�hcr matetlal fmpairtnent of�hc Ilen crcme�!h} �his Securiry Instmment t+r�i.rndcr4 secudty ��_,: <br /> Inten:st. Rorcower shall atso be in Jcfautt if Rorzmse�, Audng �1:� Wan :�ppllcatiun procers, gavc maierially talse or -... <br /> innccu:are infomia�ion or statements m Lender(or fnited�o proxide 4endm wiit eny materlal Infomiatlon)in wnna�ion wi�h �':`� <br /> ihe 5.ra?cvidenced by �he No�e, Including, bm no� Ilmited �o, represemmions conceming Qortower`s occupancy of Ne p.-,_, <br /> � Fecse�g as a pd�!d?z:resiJenee. If Ihis SeeurilY Inslrument is on a leuehol9.Borcower shall eomply with all Iho provislons __ <br /> bf t�e Icase. ItETorm��:r acquGes fec ti�lc to the Pro�ny,tho IcauhofA nni.t`�.ire�i�le shall not merge untess Lcnder agrces �_,;_.: <br /> �o thc mcrger In wriiin�. =� <br /> 7. P�olrelJon�nf 1.ender§�Rights In Ihe Properly. If 6ottow�eT fails�o pedortn �he coveasms and ngrcemems �:�" <br /> con�sined in Ihis Sxcuri�y Instnnnen6 or ihem Is a Icgal praeeding that mny xignlpcs+dg affect lander+� dghts In Ihe ° � <br /> Proptriy(such as n�:r.teeding In bankmp�cy,proba�e,(or mndemnmlon m tortehurc or tn entoret laws ar rcgulmions),tlien - - <br /> Lender may do m�3 pay for wha�e��er is necessary�o prmect�he rnlce n1 th,�Pr.}rny n�e:l].tndert rigSu in the Properly. .'_.�_�, <br /> Lender�aaions ma. include paying miy sums securcd by n lien which hxs p:ixiry•nver�his Securi�y Imxn�r.snt,appearing t'�-,� <br /> in wun,paytng rcasonab!e m�omeys'fces and emering on thc Ropcny�o re��cr mpairs.Ahhough Leudrr rray mkc eetfon ti''•, <br /> under tlds paragraph 7,Lcndcr docs no�havc m do so. �� <br /> Any amounts disbuned 6y Lender under�his pamgnph 7 shall hecome additiunal debt of�orrower xcurcd by thls ��-- <br /> Sccuflly Inswmcm. Unless Oorro�ecr and Lcndcr:+grce�o other temuof paynxm,tlicsc emonnts shall har Interest koa the �'�-�-' <br /> dnce of disbursemem a��he Note raee and shall be payable,wi�h imenst,upm notice from Lender m Qorrower ru�uevang �;�,,` <br /> payment. G``' <br /> 8. Morlqagc Insurnncc. If Lcndcr reqiJred mongngc insur.vmc os n eondition of making�hc loan securcd by thls G.'•"' <br /> Securi�y InsWmen6 Qortowcr shall pay�he prcmfums rcquircd�o maimain the mongage Insunnce In efftt�. If, for any °i'--- <br /> rcnson, thc mongagc insuranm ern�emgc rcyuircA by LenAer lapses or ccascs �o Ix ia ef(x4 Rortower shall pa} �M1C �='' <br /> prcmimns rcyvircJ �o obtain coce�aga subs�;uui�lly eyulvalem to �he mongage inxura�� previously in effee4 nt a cus� t`.r <br /> subs�amlaily equlvalem�o�he eos�io Oorto�rer of�he muagagt insuranCC previously in e$�•ri,from an al�emate mongnge �'%7- <br /> Insunr approvcd by I.ender. If subs�amially cquivalcnt mongagc insnr�nce cmerage�i mm�railablc, �nrc.�x�cr shsll pay�o �r�'' <br /> Lender each month n sum equal to one•Iw�clflh of�he ycady mongage insurancr prcmium bcing paid by SSmo�eer when the k'.�'t-� <br /> insuranee coxemge lapsed ar eeased�o Ix in effce�. Lender will accep�,use nnJ rc�ain�hex paymems u a loss reserve in Ifcu r.�': <br /> of morlgnge insumnce. Loss rescrcc paymcros may no longcr fu rcyuircd,a�the optian of Lmder,if moegagc insnroncc ` - <br /> covcngc(in�he mnoum anJ for�he period�hai Lcndcr rtquires�pmvidrd by xn inwrcr appmred 6y Lendcr again b.comrs ' <br /> avnilabie nnd is obuined.�orto�rer shall pay�he premiumc rcquircd w main�ain mongage mcurnnee in effea,or to pro5ih a <br />_ loss rcscrve,umil aSr rcquircment for mmtgage inwranc�ends in accordana��i�h anp���riucn:ignemer.�,h�x�ecn Dortox•cr �p���� <br />� andLenderorappiinDlelaw. ('.,�,_: <br /> 9. Inspretlan. Lendcr or i�s agem may m�J:c rcaconable entrirs upon and inspcc�ions of�hc Prnyrny. Lendtr�hnll p'° <br />�- g'rarnmro�cernoliceaUhe�imeoforprior�oanin.pec�ion.�eifyingreazonabkcausel:rtSeinspenioa t',:.� <br />- gi�). Candemnatlon. 'I7�e(nu:eeJ.of any a�rard or claim for dmnages.Jirecl nr cor..:;ceniial,in:.n:[clion���i c .my' `k}:-:. <br />_ G <br />_ S�npleF�m:ry-k3nn!c?Y.r.F�eddie�laefSIFUNV1�cIRi?1):]T��Fr�Lvr.�Ca.enu.n 9%n ;vxr!�/nNR��) �/��." <br />- OrcY.l��-vnlmn+.lrc K E::'R` <br />_ M1UVrfO]ItM1U0JllOiA616191.1111 \"5' <br /> �,.. <br /> t. <br /> - s 4 v_ =ct. y�. ���p.,rrt. S�1S(� :�9..-t,.. ". ...., . ,r,•., _ ag•.;K=-% . . ..:_ � rxaf>_i�� -ir! Y).- <br /> e Y f��1_I � , . �. � . � ' . . . _ . . . _ . - <br /> �'}:>_T� ._ r- -. - �— <br /> `'fn '•� � _��. , . <br />�ii�.{1n1:' - �'t�. . � . <br /> .i7.j�. .`� . . . <br /> - -. -.r._. . - . <br /> .-q�-.-•'`ti:i. :':Ji:• ' . . <br /> � :'�-l�.' . . _ . <br /> � �'-� �.� .i.� . . . . . . <br />-ti'iay-` .. � ' ' ' � ' . <br /> � 1� j-_ . : . _ ' _ . . - . .. <br /> Ill 1 - - � . - . <br /> [ ) • <br /> � � . j- . Yt5 .- . . . , c'¢+..� �-� . �,q, -'�.'.'it•_ <br /> � � � --P� ti - [. <br /> _. 1� - t f ' _ _}y - �1 . <br /> . . _ .:i � `.TIJS 1. . <br /> --l. .. . - . . . ��{��� ..___ . . . . _.._ ' " .. - .. . ' ' - . s_ �i.�� . . �_ . . ._i .- <br />