' t_3 i3F r.Qyf�.,. �/.al at'}. ��.r.ay--',�� ,..
<br /> -.i � t 3i al� rnt`Y9-): ��fy r _.� '- t i"�".�> �r �-i.�
<br /> r-. ,t_.�`,�„�..rr��a�1l4ffLi�'�+3lVY7�^_ "�.._...'-_—�-- {Wrilli�iGl4i:�:.._.__�.��..w:..��'.:.:.. .
<br /> -- _._�___._^._.. � RF.•RGCORDED �
<br /> g�.��o�as� �`�gz�. a.osa�s
<br /> condcmnmfon or at�r t;Acing of any pan ohho Ropcny,a for carrcyanro In I lcu of cundcmnailon,aro hcrcby assigncd and
<br /> ' si�all is:natd to 6ertdtr. -
<br /> Tn Aio evcnt of a taal tuking oF tho Pro�;riy, tix pmcc<ds shall I�c,pplicd to �ha xums sccured hy diis Sccuri(y "
<br /> ' Instmmcnt,whcthcr or nq�hcn dn0.whh nny exttss pald lo Dorco�ycr. In thc evrnt of a paninl�sking af iho Yropcny in
<br /> ! whlcll tbo fnir mnrY.et vnluc of the Propeny Onmcdia�cty IKfnro�ho mking(s cqual�o nr grcaicr�han�hc amoum of dic sums
<br /> . sccurcd by this Suuri�y Instrumcnt immedimely bctoro�ho mking,anicsa porm«•cr and I.cnAer o�henvisc agn:o in wd�ing,
<br /> ' d�o sums secured 6y thls Sceudty Instrumenl sliall lw rcdnced by tl�e amount of�ho pmeeeds mulilplicd by�ha following
<br /> i fnction: (a)thc total amoum of�6c sums sccurcd ImmcAi�tcly bcfoie�hc Inking,AlviAcd By ll�)tlic fair markc�valuo of thc ,...
<br /> Propcny immcdiatcty betoro thc mking. Any balancc shall bc paid to Oorcowar. In �hc ovent of n panial �aking o(the
<br />- Propcny in whicL dM f�ir markc�valuc of�ho Propeny Immcdtaiciy G:forc�hc inking ic Icsx i6nn thc nmoum of tho snms _..
<br /> secunA (mmediately before �he taking,�mless Dertnwer nnd Lender othenvise ,grea in wdting or unless appticablo law
<br /> � eUienYlso provides,tF�:p;ceeMs shall be applicA ia tlm sums ucurcd by ihis Secnrity Instrumem whaheror not the sums aro —
<br /> a1:ly duc.
<br /> 1(Lie Hry^crty ls��h:n.'kncd 6y Ao�rowtt,or if,nftcr nmico by 4cnAcr to Onrrowcr iha�thc condcmnor otters to mxic
<br /> nn award or ss.r�o q)a3ro tor damagcs,Oomo�ecr fails to rcspond lo I.ender wi�hln 30 days a(cer NM dats ti�e notice Ls given,
<br /> I Lrnder is nuihcei[ed to erollcel nnd apy.!'�?x Proceeds,nl ils op�lon,either lo rcs�oroUon a crpair of the Prapeny oc to the -
<br /> s��ms secusat6p a9i,a;ecmdy TnsWm:n.�dinher or not then diM.
<br /> Unkss 6;er.dCt st7a Sonower olhen�ise agrce Im w-ri�ing,any application of pcareds to 9ririci,�a!shalE rtw excer.d w
<br /> �wsfpoae Qh dme Oafr�xS 6�:qA711I1Iy P8}711t015 RICRCJ.tJ IO Q1fdg�JP11s I,nd 2 w changa the arrmom of snch Qaym:nis.
<br /> 11. liortower Not �ir7ensedi 3�LrDwrance Ry 1Tndrr Yot n {Snlrcr. Gxtension of th: tima f��: }�7mcnt ar _
<br /> modificr.tlen of amonizetion of the sem.Y curcd by this Sccurity Or.s:mment granted 6y LcMler a.any successor in interes� _-_
<br /> of Oorcowcr shall na operate to nit;i�.ibe Ilabili�y ot the origb�xl Borrower or OoROwert suecrs.ors in imeresi. Lernlrr �;'
<br />��� . shall nbt�Cc mqnlrcd to commence praeedings againsi xny sn.cnuv in imems�or rcl'uu Io ca�cnJ lime for paynitm o: =:+.:
<br /> ntherwisa{�Mify nmonir.r.ion of the sums securcA by a;�i�S�rnri�y Lisuument Uy nason of any demand mad:by ihe originnl z'�=�
<br /> Borrowtr�+r UGrtowerS suecessors in interest. Any forleuance by I.ender in exerdsfng any righ�or remedy�Ea.11 noi l+c a
<br /> ��atvcra+T u,r:eciude�he exercise o(any righ�or rcmcdy. `
<br /> j�, $vzvl%SMS A111I A551$115 Rolllld{J011lt Alld 3CSt�AI Llnb?Ii1Y�COSIg11015. 771C CoYenaNS t111A ngRClntNs o(13i. '='-.
<br /> Secud{}[ox'r.enum shall btnd and benefli�he suacssors and asxi�ns of Lcnder and 6orcowcr,subject lo�hc provisiom�rf ���
<br /> 1yrogmph t7.9•vror•erk coverams and agrcemrnts shail be joim and uvenl.Any 6oROwer who co•signs this Secu:is °
<br /> I � inslntmenl bul Ccpy nm ename the Nole: (n)Is co-signing�hls Sauri�y Inswmem only�o morigage,gram anG conv�}¢�i� -
<br /> Burcower4lmercst in:Se Ae}�cny under�he lemisof�his Security Inslmmem; (hl is no1 personally obligated�n pa.�he s�sm.
<br /> securcd 6y ih(s 5ecurity Ezammem;nnd(c).grees�hat Lender nnd any other I3orto�rer may agrce�o exlenA,r.radit�,forirnr
<br /> " or makc nny ncromnodn.ions whh regard to �he icnns of thfs Sewrity Instiumem or �he Nw: wi�hoid Iha: porrnw.rS =
<br /> � conscnt. =-
<br /> 13. Iman Charcus. 7f�hc loan sccurcd bv Ihis Smuriiy Ins�mmcm is su`.;rc�ro a la�� ��hich scls�.^.nximnm 1a:�x _
<br />��'f rharges,and t6m Inw is ei��:�L'y inle�rcted so tha�ihe 3��tercsl or olher loan diarges cnlletted or m be coliected in conr,t.lior.
<br /> � aiih the loan¢xeeed�ho penniucd luni�x,ihen: (N nny such loan charge xhall L.rc:InatJ by�he amount neeen;�ry m rcdixe
<br /> O�e charge�o�he pcunfited Ilmh;nnd(b)mry xwns already callcetcd from Uorrmrrr u�hich ezceedtd pemihted limits wtll h
<br /> � rcfund.A In IIorcower. Lender maychaom�o make�his nfund liy icd�dng�he principal mred un�lrr the No�e nr by maAing x __
<br /> Aircct paymrn�to Oortower. If n rcfmid rcduees principal,ihe reducdon will Ix�rcated as a pnni:d prepayment wi�haul�ny =
<br /> yrepaymcn�chargc undcr ihc Noic. _
<br /> IA. Notices. Any no�ice m 6otto}ver provided for tn this Securiiy Insuumem shall be given by delivering ii or by
<br /> mafling h 6y firxt clus mail unless upplicable law«quims u.e of another tne�hod.7Le nmice shall be dineced ro the Pmpchy ;
<br /> I Addrcu or nny o�her eddhss portower designates 6y no�ice�o LenJer. Any nmice w Lender shall be given 6y firs�class ;-
<br /> mail to Lenderk addrcss xta�ed hemin or any al�er aLdrcsa Lenderdesignata by no�ia io Qorrower. Any no�ice pmvided for
<br /> In �his Security Insuumem shall be de.med io hare be.n given w Qorrower or I.ender when givai ati provided in dds �:-.-.
<br /> pamgrn�h. �`--;
<br /> 1�. Governfng 4mr;3crcrnblllly. Tlils Securiiy In.��vmcro shall be govemcd 6y fcderal law and ihc law of�ho y;
<br /> � judWic�ton in which the Propeny is Incakd. In�he event tha�nny provislon or elause of Uiis Securiiy Insmimeni or�he Note ��-
<br /> wniticls�cith npplkable la�v,such caa'.lic�shall no�o(ka other provislons of�hk Securiry Ins�rumem or ihe No�e�vhich can ` -
<br /> 6e glvea c3�i whhoW the conOk�ing prmision. "Ri thh end the provfstons of�ht.Sccuri�y Insuumem and the No�c ere �':'
<br /> AcclaTni w�nr sevcruble. ``�"
<br /> 16. 71ur�owcr's G QORO\PCf 5I11II DC ircn nnc mnfomicd co cf�hc ho�c aid ohhis Sceurii Ins�rumen�. "-
<br /> tP)'• F PY Y u;::�
<br /> 17. 9}�nsfsrofmhcYroperlyornOcne0cia11nterestlnUorroxer. Ifallnnmypano(thePropettyoranyimcrostin =
<br /> i�is sold or«ansfeneA i.:if n beneficfal imercc�in Dorto�eer ts so!d or uansfemd anJ DoROw•er is noi a namral�k�soN -
<br /> wl�hout Lenders prior wriutn cunsem,LenAer may.a� i�x op�ion.nyuire immedime payment in full of all snms securcd by u�'
<br /> �hls Sccndty Instrumem. Nowevcr.�hls option shall no�!u cxcreiscd 6y Lendcr if caemixe is prohibi�cd by fedcral Imr ns af °-
<br /> � U�c da�e et�his Securi�y Instrumen�. -
<br /> . If Ltnder ezercices tTis op�ion.I.enAer shall give 3ortmc.r nmice of aceekraiion. The notin:shall prm•ide a�xriod u; _
<br /> no�less Ihan 30 days fmm tAc Ja�c i6c nmicc is c:clin:.•d or mailcd�eiihin�+hidi Dorm�rer mu.�pay all sunu<cc:.d by Ihis =
<br /> . Sccnri�y Insmmicnl. if Rortoo�cr fnih m pay ISrs. .wnn prior�n�hc expira�ion of�his�riod.Lcndcr r.�ac m�'ukt �nr =
<br /> tcmedfes�xmiilicd by Ihis Securily Inslmn;cnf withnm funhcr nolitc or Jcmand on Borto�ccr. .�
<br /> � I8. Qo�ro�rcr's Rlghl to Reiu.lalc. If Ilnnrnccr mccb ccnain tonJiliona. Rortmrcr xhall harr. �hc righ: tn i:ac; �:;_�.
<br /> cnforcc�ac::nt diis Security Inc�nunrn�d�a:uminccd al mq�limr priur to ihc r.idicr uL• lal 5 dayx lor w.h o�hcr ftrinc:a� -
<br />' ccplNSnnh-M3nnie}IuFle�:C'rtiacf]IkOAVI\tiiRl\1!]T��Cnd�mmCo�rmnt. 9M :��L/nry<ru �":
<br /> .i<.
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