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<br /> � /� $C•RGCDRDEp 92,,,r .
<br /> ry 7�.`°�,(193�y �,OS�a6
<br /> 700IIt11BR W!'f1i ell tl�o improvonioms now or IKtt+cRar ercued w the pm�xny,anA sll ensemcntc,nppunenances,
<br />- uxf tixiwa t�w-tw i¢ra(ter a�urt of�Ib propcuY. All rcplatemenis aiJ MlAitlons shall nlso tw tnvcral dy qils Securi�y
<br /> fnanimtn�. AllofthofarcgoingisreferrcAloinihlsSecnB�ytnstmmenusrtro"i'rnp:ny:'
<br /> DORROWUR COVIiNAM'9 tha�➢artox�er is lawlnlly scixd of�Iw uum hcrcby conveyed and hns tho rigii�to grant
<br />: nnd wnvoy�ho I'ro�cny mid thm tho Proneny is unenrnmlxrcd,except for encmnbmnca of nxnrA, tlo�ro�ver waRants und
<br />� will defrnA Sonornlly.Ow O�lo to�ho Ptopcny against oll ciaims unQ rkmands,subject�n nny cncumbmnces of neord.
<br />. 'tNIS SGCURiTY iNSTltUMR�'T enmbines uniPorm eovenants Por nalionnl use and nnn•nniPorm covenams wfih
<br /> Ilmitcd vuintlons byjurisdicilon ro wns�ituto n uniform sceuri�y instrumcm rnvcring rcnl pro�ny. " �
<br />� UNIf'ORMCOVANAN7:S. Oorco�vcrandt.tnducovrn�ntandagrcoatiotlows: .
<br /> i. ILymrnt of Trindpni nnd Inlcre511 Prepayment and I.wte Chnrgrs. Rorco�ver sLnll promp�ly pay whm duo thc
<br /> prinetpal of nnd INCrcs�on No debt evldeneecl hy iho No10 and any pn;pnymem nnd Into diarges dno�mdor the Note.
<br />' 2, PundF for'1lixcsand insurnnrc. SnUJect to app1lcabio Imv or lo n wdttcn wnivcr by I.cndcr,noRO,YCr snnn r�y m
<br /> i..cndcr on tho dny montitiy pnyments nro dno ur,dcr tho Noto,nmll�ho Nofo is pald in fnll,a sum("f,mds'7 for.(a)yaldy ��
<br />� wes nnd nsussmems which may attaln pdodiy over�Lls Sceudty instrumem as n Iicn on ihe Proptrty:(b)ycady Ieasehoid .
<br /> prs�ems or ground rems on tho Propcny, If any; (c) ��cr�dy Imrard or propcny Insumnw premlums; (d) yc�riy (Icwd
<br /> en�nnxa pmminms,if any; (o) ycarly mortgaga insnrnnw prcmtnms, it nny; nnd(Q nny sums paynblo by Oorcowcr to
<br /> . �I:xh:kr,'in accord.ncc wl�h tho provlslons of pangmph B,in Iicu of q�o mymem ot mongngo Insnrnnw prcminms. Tiicso
<br />� d>w�s nto called"Escrow Iteros." I.ender mny,m nny Omo,collect nnd ho�d i�nds In nn nmoum nni to exceecl�ho maximum
<br /> r.rx+unt n lender tor a fcderally rola�ed mongngo lorm m�y rrquiro for ITOrrower§escraw.^.cconni under�ho feACml Rcal =�
<br /> fisism Senlement Pioccdures Act ot 197A as nmended trom timo to timo,12 U.S.C.§2601 a rrq.("RPSf:\'7,nnless ano�her =-
<br />. ' Iaw O�at applies io tho Ponds sms a Icsur nmoum. If soJ.enAer mny,m nny ilmo,collec�and hold 1'unds in an amoum noi to -��
<br />� eatted thc lascr amount. Lcndcr may esiima:c tlro nmoum oi AmAs dne on �he buls of curtent data and reasonn6lc �- �
<br /> es�imales of expcndimru of futum Cscrow flenuor o�henvlso in acwrdanco wlih appIlcabie Iaw.
<br /> '(fie Phn&shall bo held(n an ins�hu�ion whom deposi�s nro insured by a federal agcncy,inswmentality,or emi�y
<br />- � (IrLh�ling Lendcr,lf Lender is such an(n�timtion)or in wiy t'rderal Homc Loan Dank. I.enAcr shall apply the Rmds to pay °
<br /> dm fscrow Ilems. I.ender may not charga 6orrower for holding and applying Iho Punds,annually analyzing 16e eserow =_
<br /> e:rax�r.�,or vcdrying tlio Cscro�v Iiems, unless Lendcr pnys Ilofrowcr imerest on �he Ponds and applicable iaw pemiiis �:•_�
<br /> � bender�o make snct�a charge. 8oweve6 Lender may rce{uiro Oortower to pay a one-iime charge Por an Inde�nJcm nal _
<br /> estme wx repoNr.g serv�ce osed by I.cndu in conneciton wuh this loan,unless appIiceblo law provides o�herwise. Unlus en =-
<br /> agrccment is mad.�or a?yItrnbl:3aw rcquims iavrcst io be pald,Lender shall no�t�e requlred lo pay Ourtower any imercsl or -
<br /> camings on 1ho punic R�'r.e«rr nrd Lender may agrce in�vri�ing,however,that intuest shali lw paid oa�6e Pindc. l.ender :.';.
<br />- shall gtvo ro DoROwer,wUSuv ohxrge,en nnnual aawr.,c:r.�of tl�o Ponds,showing crcdin and debi�s io ihe Funds�iM!the �;.�-.
<br /> pwpose for whlch zach debit u�ne Ponds was ma�ie. The Tunds nm pledg�xl as additlonal ucuri�y for nll sums secnrcd by _
<br /> �his Secudiy Instaimmf. :`.:_:
<br /> ii tho i'nmlu aeid by i.ender exceed ihe amo¢ms prrmi�icd �o i�u:id by appiicnblo law, 6cuJcr iliail i�t�ount tu = �
<br />� Dorcower for ihe exccas f�nds in accordance wiih the mquircmems of n;,,;i:�ble lew. If�he amounl of�ha['unds held 6y � �
<br />. Le�der at any time is not sniFi:ient to pay the Escrow Items wFrn dne,I.ender may so ne�ify Dorcowcr in writing,nnd,in _
<br /> s+�t ca�e Dorcow•et shall pay+a Lcnder Ute amouni ne1ess,ry �o make uP Ihe dt�s.�-x.ry. Dortower shall make up�he u�r
<br /> c7oG:+<nry in no moro than�w:Ae monthly paymems,at I.en:�'s sole A(sca�ion. _
<br /> 'L"penp�ymeal in full of nll sums securcd by ihis Securiiy Insirumem.Lrnder shN7 yromp�ly rofund io 6ortower;u�y =
<br /> Funds hetd Dy Lcndzr. if,undcr pamgmph 21,Lender shnll ecquirc or sei4�.*.e Ropeny.Lcndcr,prior to�he acquisition or =
<br />� sn]x a!�F.e Property.s6all apply nny ILnds heid by Lerdu a�ihe�ime of acqutshlon nr sale as a cteJi�agalnsl �he sums _
<br /> sxctued by this Secud�y Inslrumxm. u:
<br /> �. Appllcatlon of I'nyments. Unless applicablr Ixv.-provtdes othenvise, nll piymems rceeired by Lender under �;�,
<br /> paregraphs I and 2 shall Ix npplied:firsi,to any prcpaymem chuges Jue undcr�he No�c;semnd.�o nmounis payablc under �t�-
<br /> pamgmph 2;thlyd,�o inrercs�due;founh,w princlpal due;and las6 to any la'r.charga due under ihe Noia �i,.-.
<br /> 4. Chnr�e:s;3.Icns. Qortowcr shall pay ail Iaxes, osscumeNS,n*x�gn, fines and imposhioas ellribulablc to�he �.:�
<br /> Pro�erty which rnay auain pdod�y over thls Security Inswmen�,and I.n>etm,::Faymenls or ground cea�,if nny. Iiorcower 6=�--
<br /> sha.t pay ihese oSligufons in Q�e manner providcd in paraLusph 1,or it r.m p�id in tha:mxmxr,llonou�er shall pay�hcm on ;;[.
<br /> lii�re cli�ully�o Ihe ptrson ov+ed payment. (Sortower shatl pN:q�ily(umish io Lender a11 w:ices of areenms w be paid under
<br /> t�.is par�graph. 1f ftmovrer m:�kes�hesc paymcros direc6y.Ucnrower shall pmmpil� t��mish io Lcr@�:r receipu evidencing r�:"-.
<br /> � thzpayments. �:�:
<br /> IIottower r:b.dl promptly discharge any Iien which has pdority over�his Security Insuvmen�unh.as Berrower.(a)agnes •-�
<br /> in u�U{ng to�he payment of the obligatlon sccurcd by the Ifen In a manner accep�able�o Lcnder.(b)contes�s in good fa0h the :' -�
<br /> tza�by,or dsfends against enfomement ot the lirn in.Iegal proccedfngs whkh in ihe Lrnderr optnton opera�c to prevcnt�he -
<br /> eafc+::emenl of�he Ilen;or(c)secures from�he holder of d:c lien an agrcemem sa�ixf.cm:��m Lender suborclina�ir&�he lien �'�
<br /> to�chis Securiry Instrument. I(Lender deeermines�hat any pnrx of�he Propehy is subjec+ro a licn which may auain priori�y `_�'
<br /> over this Secu�rp Inswmen6 Lcnder may give�orro�eer a nntire IdentiF.ivg�Ec lien. ➢[rrower sha11 sa�isfy�he lien or iake �O-
<br /> onc or morc ui eEk a:�ions set fonh alwvc wi�hin 10 dnys of�hc giving of n>:lca �-
<br /> 5. tlaznr�l ur Properly Insnrance. Uortowcr shall kcep the improrcmems now exisiing or I:rrcafter cret�ed m�he _
<br /> Propeny insurcd agafns�loss Uy frze.ha�ards mcicded�citC�s tr.e tenn"extended cov;r..gr'and any mher hazarAs.ir,:lnAing �?�-
<br /> Ooods or Oooding, for which Lender rcquircs insnrarz,e "�iis insurance s6all M a:a:mained in the amoums xa�i Lnr t}s �;.!
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