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<br />.���. �i. M^o►;•rrtv Insuru►iie. Borrowcr tihall kccp thc iniprovcments no`v exi�:tieig ��r liereaficr crcctcd on th� �
<br /> ;`�`;- '• S, Hnr.�rd r E
<br /> . Pmperty iu,ur«I �+gain,t loy�, by� tin, h:v,u•d� incluJeei within thc tc:m "cxtcndcd «�vc���" <<��d any ��tticr liai��rds. including �-.
<br /> tl�iud�or floixling. fc,r�vhich l�:�idcr rcyuirc+insurancc.l'I�ir insurancc ,hall bc mairuaincd�n thc amuw►t,aud for tl�c periods �_n
<br /> '.�`=`:�-- that Lcndcr rcqui�^�. l'hc in.urancc rarricr pmviding thc in�urancc shall bc choscn hy Borro�scr �ubj�tit ta LcnJcr's aPprirval :c..
<br />.,_,,� �vhich tihall not ttic unr¢ayrnr.�bly withheld. if Borro�vc:r fails to maintain coverage dcsrribed ahovc. Lendcr may. at l�nder's �,`,.-
<br />-- optiun.��btain ccwer.ige to prmect Lender's rights in ihe Propeny in accordanre�vith paragraph 7. �"'--
<br /> AU in�urnnr.s po�ic►cs und renewalti shall be acceptable to Lender und shall include a s[andard mortgagc clause. Lender �'s��:
<br /> , ., -_ _� shall have d�e�igiic ro hokl the policies and renewals. if Lender reqshall� rve �rom t notice tophe n uranc�ar ier'und[.enderf ��
<br /> c--
<br /> ' paid premiums anA rcne�val nuti��s.In tlic event of loss.Borrower g P P �_
<br /> �''� Le:nder may makG proof of loi:s if nnt made promptly by Borrower.
<br />- . �.. �..
<br /> Unless Lcnder an�1 Bnrro�ti�er mhen��ise agree in veriting. insurance proceeds shall be applied to restoration or irpair of the _
<br /> ',J .�j property damngud.if the rest�r,nion or rcpair is ecanomically feasible ared Lender's security is not le.�sened.lf the restoration or �ct
<br /> ,.•:�. ,_.:
<br /> '�_r�'°'�.a rcpair is not economir.+ll�� fc��►sibie or L.endep s security would be Iessened,the insuranc�e�prestceds shall be applied to the sums _
<br />--��:,;:.�' _
<br /> -.;j„�r,-;.�, secured by this Security Ir►sttument. whedier or not then due, with any excess paid tn�ornawer. If Borrower abandons e
<br />_...•;�:�. _ -
<br />�.�sa.+4ww?� property, or dnes not ans«•�:'r within 30 Jay�u notice from Lender that the insurance cariier has offered to settor to' a�sums _
<br />-"'v.;�;� l.ender may collect the iruurance proceeds. l.ender may use the procecds to repair or restorc the �roperty P Y
<br /> _ `'``''�!:: secumd by this Security Instrument,whether or not ihen duc.The 30-da.y pe.riad wilt bc�in when the notice is siv�n. __
<br />---�"'I Unless I.�:nder and Barmweti•otherwise a�me in writing, any application of pmceeds to principal shall not extend or �:�
<br /> �'�"°;�'��� postpar.e the d��e datc: of the manthly payments rcferred to in paragraphs 1 and Z or change the amount of the payments. If •°
<br /> -"-�=" under paragr.�ph 21 the Pmperty is acquired by C.ender,Barrower's right to any insurance policies and praceeds r�esulting from `Q.,.
<br />-.-__, damnge ro the Pn�perty prior to tha ncquisiti�n shali pass to Lender ta t�a2 extent of the sums seru�ed by this Se�:urity Instrumen.t -
<br /> =s��s�,ia. immediatcly prior to th�acqnis+tion. _
<br /> ���s� 6•paupAnsy+Pr+e,scrvation,MAintenance and Prot�tton�f the Property; Borrower`s Loan Appltcatian; I.easeLa�ds•
<br />----.sa�e� Borrower shall oocupy.establish,urxi usc the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the executian of
<br /> - — this Securiry Instrum�.nt aud shuU continue to occupy the Property h'�Bch oonsent P allcnot'be nrea.�nably w�ththeld,or un�ess
<br /> --- the date of occupincy, unless Ixtxlci otF�erw;�,�;.:°.°�'-..n ..nti!�o.
<br /> -`-=°-=� extenuating circumst��nce.s exist which are beyand Borrower's control. Borrower sha(l not destsay, damage or impa�r the
<br /> -""�"='� property, allow thr. Propecty to dctcriorate,or commit �vaste on the Property Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiture
<br /> _ - aclion or proceeding. �vhether civil or criminal. is b.:gnn that in I.ender's good f:iith judgraent could result in iorfeiturc of the
<br /> Property or othenvise msterially ►mpair the lien crtated b�•shis Security InstYUment or Lender's security interest.Borrower may _
<br /> ---_-- cure such a defFUli�nd reinstate.as provided in paragraph 18,by caus�n;ehe actian or proceeding to be d�ismi osse�id her muteri:]
<br /> that, in Lend2r's gc�od faith dvterminotion, precludes forfeiture of tfiE norrower's interest in the Pro rty
<br /> impairnient of the lien cceated by this Securiry Instrument or Lender's security interest. Borrower shall also be in defaul.t i.f _
<br /> Barrower,during thc loan application process,gave materi�lJy false or inaccurate information or statements to I.e�der(or faite�
<br /> � to provide Lender wi!h any material information)in conn�.ccdon with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limital
<br /> to,repmsentations ca»cerning Borrower's occupancy of the 1'roperty as a principal residence.If this Security insttvment is on o
<br /> leaschold, Bormwcr sha11 wmply with all che provisinns of the lease. If Borrowcr acquires fce title to the Property, thc
<br /> leaschold and the fee citle shall not merge unless Lender g B�er fail to perf'orm he mvenanu and agreemen�5 contained in
<br /> - - 7.Protect[on of I.ender's Rights In the Propert9'.
<br /> —�- thiF Socurity Instrument, or them is a Iega!pro�cced�n8 n�nt may significantly affect [.ender's riights in the Property(such as a
<br /> ' proceeding in tunkrup:cy, probate, for condzmnauon or�'orfeiture or to enforoe laws or regulaRions),then Lender may do and
<br /> pay far whatever is nocessary to protect tbe�►alue of the Property ant]Lender's ri�hts in the Property. Lender's actions m�y
<br /> - -- include paying any surr►s secumd by a lien which has priority o►•or this Security lnsttument, appearing in court, payi�
<br /> reasonable attorneys' fees and entering on the Property to make repairs.Alchough Lender may take action under this paragcaph
<br /> 7,L,ender does not have to do so.
<br />------e.•-.- Any amounts disbursed by T..cnder under�his paragraph 7 shall become additional debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Scxuriry lnstrument. Unless 8orrower and Lender agree to other temis of payment. these amounts shall bear intemst from che
<br /> -- — dnte of disbursenxnt nt the IVote rate and shall be payable, �vith interest, upon notice frem Lender to Borrower reque�u�g
<br /> ___-_= paymcnt.
<br /> -�"---- S.I�4ortgage I��saranae. lf 1.��der requircd mongnge insuranoe as a cond�tion of making the ban secured by this Secunry
<br /> �-�w..� Inscrument, Borrower shall psy the pre�ri:nms required to maintain the mortgage insursnce in effect. If, for any rcason, the
<br /> •�}3�`Q'"-"� mort�age inst�xance coverage mquired by 4�nder lapses or ceases to F�.an effoct,Borrower shall pay the premiums required to
<br /> _V�-�'�•`_?� obtain covcra;e sutostantiapy eynivalent t�the mortga�e insurance FT�eb�ously in effect, at a oost substantially equivalent to ati:
<br /> '�:��:' � rnst to Borrower of die moRgage insurance previously in effeci, from an alternate mortgage insurer approvcd by L.ender. If
<br /> - �'�°�`~� substantially eqaiv.dent mong�ge insurance coverage is nnt available, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal ro _
<br /> �'-`�+� one•avelfth of die yearly mortgage insurance pmmium being paid by Borrower when the insurance coverage lapsod or ceased to _
<br /> 1_�?[�"�;ti f' _.
<br /> �- be in effoct.Lender will accept,use ard n�tn�n thcse payments as a loss resErve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss rescrve
<br /> _:;��.��tr;.� Fotm 3028 9190 -
<br /> `��,�.� Pago 3 0�6 .
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