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<br /> TOGL'1'HER WITH�dl thc im�rovcnicnt�now c�r hereafler crr,cu:a�m the{1ru�rty, .m.t all ca,cm�m�. .�ppura�nwir+:,. and :;
<br /> tixtures nuw �,n c�mai�ter a pari uf ihc peuperty. All replacemants and a�dditiunti �h:dl :alw hc rnvrred hy thi. !ic:curi�y
<br /> �:;:�.
<br /> , , � Instrument.All u(thc foreguing iti referred to in this Se��irity Inhtrvment ir.�tha"NropertY.., " �"
<br /> HORRn'JVGR CQVFiNANTS th,it I3uttuwcr iti I��vfully�c���d c+f th�:astittc hcreby r�i+t�•cyeit and h.�ti thr ri�hl tu ltr.mt auJ �``
<br /> 1� ,•�
<br /> _ : U.._..� convcy thc Pruperty and thut tbc Pr��pcny is uncncu�tiilxr��1.cxa�pt t�.rr rm:uu�b��.,nce. ,�i n�cur.�. l�urru�ecr �c;ur;inh aml will �` _.
<br /> F� Y`s ►, � �ar;�;,_
<br /> � defend gener.�lly the tiUe to the Pru rt i aintit uU cl:�ims:inJ demnnd��. sub_�.ct ue an•cnrtunbr,►nre.af recu�rl.
<br /> . ,,�ri. . THIS SECURITY [NSTRUM6NT combincs unifom�rn���:nmu:;fi.rr nationul usr cinal nsm•unifann rovenant� �vi�h limitcd �;
<br /> - '�^►' variations by jurisdiciion to��nssitutc a uniforni security instrumr.nt cuvcring ruil pru}x�rty• _
<br /> � UNIFOP M COVENANTS. Bortowcr and L.ender n�vennnt un�!.��me a::follnws: _
<br /> � 1. Pnr•�nenl oP Principul and Interest; Preps�yment a►i�D I.iitr Chncfies. Aorm��Yr:r �hiill pmmptly pay whcn duc tl�c __-
<br /> - prinripal��f:snd intcrest on the debt evidenccd by the Notc und:iny pn:puymcnt and l�ite�harge�duc undrr thc Nutc.
<br /> � Z. Funds tor Taxes and Insurnnce.Subject to applicahh: IirN crr to a writren «ai��rr ny l,ender, Iiormwc� .t►ail1 �Say to ;.._
<br /> Lcndcr an the day monthly payments are due under thc Notc,unt�l tha��ore i::paid in full. a sum("Funds")f'ur:(:Q yeurly taxcs �I
<br /> and assessments which may attain priority over this Security Ineau�ument us a lien on the Ptn�..ny; (b)yearly I�asehuld nnyments
<br /> ��:,_•.,.
<br /> ti � or ground rents on thc Property, if any;(c)yearly hazard or prr�pe�y in:�urancc p�miums; (d)ycarly ilo�xf insur.ince prcmiums, �,-,.
<br /> � • if any; (c)ye:srly mortgage ensurance prcmiums, if:uiy: and(cl amr sums payuUlc by BorroH•rr tn L,ender, in acrn�nn�:c with �_
<br /> � the provisions of para�raph 8,in l�eu af thc p:+yment of rriort;�agc insurcmce pre►e�iums.Tt���ti or�:,.�s arc callcd"Escmw Itcros." �-_
<br /> �, l.ertder may. at any time, collect and hold Funds in an ammxiit not tc4 exeeed the maximinn amount a Iencier for:i f4Qerully �,�,,_
<br /> � ' reluted mortgage loan may require for Borc�wer's escrow acciritnt undcr t6ie fedcral Real fi�t:jte Setdement Pmcedures Act of _'v
<br /> � 1974 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Sectaon 2G�i1 err scq. ("ftESPA"),unless�nt�thcr luw that applics to the Funds �.._..-
<br /> � � sets u lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time,collect an�! h�li� Funds in an ama�unt not tu exceed the Icsser auiount. __.
<br /> '� L.ender may estimate ehc amount of Fur.ds due on the basiy a•f cw-n;nt dnta and reusonable estimatcs of expcnditures of futurc �.,m
<br /> � �3°`'�_r�•� Escrow Itetn�or othenvise in accoe@an��vith applicablc iaw. _
<br />=y: •�:.,._; .' _-
<br /> -�.�• ,5s;.� The Funds sball be held in an institution whose dcpa,it: ane insuned by a f�erc+l agcncy, instrumentality, or entuy =�
<br /> � (including Lendcr,if Lender is such an institution)or in:�ny Fedcr3l Humc[.oan Bank. l.eTM�er shall apply the Funds tn�ay thc �
<br />_- ••••�� Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Borcawer for holdins ane!up�lying tlze Funds,annunlly annlyzing the escro�v ac;.uunt,or —
<br />�.�,;,., : verifying the Fscrow Items,unless Lendcr pays Borrower int¢n:st on tt�c Funds and applicable It+�v permits Lcndcr to ronlcc such
<br /> - s_. -x. ' a�har�c. Ko::�e��r.LPr.�e*may reuuire Borrower to pay a onG•ti�ne chnrge for an indepen�tnt rcal estate tax rcportinA scrvice _
<br /> . arg
<br />'.k::�.•:t.._
<br /> �..c.� r••,•.� . used by Lender in connection with this loan, unless appliuu6l� I1�N pmvides othenvise. uniess un il�'I'CCIOCItt �s � � z
<br /> i:,r.r.._w+p�•.
<br /> ��.y;:,,,.�: . applicablc law reyuires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be n:qui►�:d to pay Borrower i3ny intercst or carnings on the Fun s.
<br />-- ""� � Barro�ver and Lendcr may agree in«•rit ing. however,t hat inte�st shall be p aid on the Funds. l.endcr shall givc lo Bnirowcr.
<br />�:_;s3:,�,_�
<br /> - withmu charge, an annual accou►zting of the FunAs, showin�; crcc�its and debits to the Funds and the purpcyse for which each
<br /> �-'���� debit to the Funds was made.The�unds are pledged as additi.�nnl securiry for aU surr�s se�:ured by this Security Instnnnent. -
<br /> -_�';:,'';`.�� If th;Funds held by Lender exeeed the amounts permitc�d to be held by applica6le lew. Lender shull account ta 13urrower `
<br /> �rv���� for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements uF:�pplicnblt luw. If the amount of the Funds held by Lend�r at cuiy
<br /> �=`���=� time is not sufficient to pay the Escro�v Items when due. Lendetr muy so notify�ocrower in�vriting, and,in such case linrrower
<br />-- _'a!�x shall pay to Lender the amount necessary to make up the dufccieitcy. Burrower shall make up the dcficiency in no more than
<br />�„Ay4, "
<br /> _�-„r4,= twelve monthly payments.at L.ender's sole discmtion.
<br /> _-�'-�� Upon payment in full of all sums s�;c:urad by this Secu��ty instrument. Lender shsU promptly refund to I3otm�ver any
<br /> -� Funds held by Lender.If. under paragraph 21, L.ender shtill�cquir�or sell the Property. Lender,prior to the ncquisitimi or sale
<br />-°�� --:=-�� , of tlie Property, shall apply any Funds held by Lender at thu teme of acquisitian or sale:rs a credit against the sums securecl by
<br /> -=-—= this Security Instrument.
<br /> --~;�;'�! 3.Applicattou�t Payments.Uniess applicable la�v p�.+vides othenvise.a11 payments roceived by I.ender wicler pnrag�aphs
<br /> —��_�_^'`.A� 1 and 2 shall be applietl: ficst, t� any prepayment chargc�s duc under the Note: secund.to�.mounts puyablc under pain�a+ph 2;
<br /> - --- third,to interest due: fourth,to principal due:and last,at am�late chfu�,tcs duc under ch�ho'�v.
<br /> =-_-- 4.Charges;LiPns. Borrower shall pay all tt►xes, as:�ssments, chur�es, fincs and impositions attributable to the Property
<br />�i'1� which may attain priority over this Security Instrument, nnd leasehatd payments or gro.�nd renu, if Any. llorrower shall pa�+
<br /> �_„p„�� these obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2, ar i:not puid in that munncr,Borrowcr shaU pay thcnt on time directly �
<br /> ---_—:�� to the person owed payment.Borrowcr shall promptly fumish co p..endcr all noticcs of am�unts ro bc paid undcr this para�raph.
<br /> �"�°T � If Barrower malces thesc payments directly,Borrower shall pmmpdy furnish to Lcndcr reoeipts evidencin�thc pnyments. _
<br /> -'-°-.-�,;:� Borrower shall promp:ly dischargc any lien which has priifrity over this Security instrument unless 13orrower:(a)agrees in
<br /> -- '=�:�::
<br /> •:;-: �vriting to the payment of the obli�ation se:un:@ by the lien in n munner acceptablc to Lender; (b)contests in good f:iith the licn
<br /> ��`•��= �" by, or defends against enforcement of the lien in. legul pmceedin�ts which in the Lender's opinion operate to pmvent the �_
<br />�`-n-��"' " ' enforcement of the lien; or(c)s:cures from the holder of the�tiun an agrcement sutisfacton �o Lender subordinuting the lien to
<br />-�;;,,,., --
<br /> a"''� � , this Security Instn►ment. If Lxttder determines that any pur ot the f�roperty is subju:t tu a lien�vhich may attain prioriry over _
<br /> this Security Instrument, Lender may give Bormwer a noiicc idc►uitying Lte licn. Borrotiti�cr shall sati5f}•thc licn or take onc or
<br /> • m�re of the actionc set forth above within 10 days af the giv%ng vf m�tic�• �_
<br />�
<br /> . � Form 3028 f1190 _,_
<br /> �. . .Y .� P�q.t 2 of 8 -
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