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<br /> f. . . paymcnts m�y na longcr ti�rcquired. nt thr.optiuu uf�IAndcr. if martbagc intiuran�e cu�cr+�};c(in thc amu�nt and for thc peri«d
<br /> `'"`. , ���". tliat lxndcr rcqaires)pr�vidccl by,fn inst�rcr npprovMl hy l.endcr iiguin lxr�nnes iivn;luhlc nnd i,obtaincd. Ciorrowcr sl�all pay
<br /> �li� prconiumti r�:c�uircd tu nr.iint.�in ntnn�;tuc imurnncc in cllirt.�►r 1�,pnwidc a li���rc�crvc.until thc rcquircnicnt f��r mortgugc
<br /> s' imttmncc�nds in arconiance with w�y writta�agrcen�cnt lxtwoen�iormwcr and Lcndcr ur applicat�lc Iliw.
<br /> _ 9.In�pecttan.I.eixlcr or its ugcnt may makc rcasunahlc cntrics upon and in+Ex:ctions af thc Pru�►cny. Lcndcr shall givc
<br /> ; Borrowcr noticc af the►irnc of��r priur to�i�i in+�xcti�rn tipccifyiii�r�;�tiunahlc cauti:for�hc inspcction.
<br /> -,.14,.:.,,..� 10. Co�idcm�tatlon. Thc proccc.ds of any awurd��r claim far danu�gcs,dircc� nr conccyucrtial, iii ronn;ciim� with uny
<br /> �' condcmnation or othcr taking of amr pan uf thc 1'ra{xny,or for r��nv�yan��c in licu uf r�mdcnmation.arc hrrcby a.tisignc�l and
<br /> --,`- � sha.11 t�paid to l.endcr. .
<br /> ',. (u thc cvent of a tctnt taki:�g nf thc°m�ny�,th�prxccd��hall hr applicd to th:tiums sccurcJ by this Sccurity Instrtmtent,
<br /> �� ,,�• wtiether or not thcn due, with any cxccss paid to flarn��scr. In tt►c cvcnt of a panial taking of the Pmpcny in which the fair
<br /> � ma�kct valuc of the Propeny immediatcly beforc thc ia�:ing is cyual[o ar grcutcr than�he aniount uf the sums sccured by this
<br />' " � Security lnstrument immcdiatcly bcforc the taking, unle�ti Borrmvcr and Lender otherwisc agrec in writing,thc sums sccunvl by
<br /> :'�-��:��` ' this Security Instrument shall be rcduccd by thc anwunt of the pmcccds nwltiplicd by thc foliowing fraction: (a) the tot�l
<br /> 4- ...:�..�
<br /> �y'�' • amount of thc sums secured immediately bcfom th�taking, dividcd by (b) thc fair rnarket v:due of the Properiy insmedi.ately _
<br /> . . �:� before thc taking. Any balance shall be paid lo Born,�vcr. In tl�e event of n partial taking af the ProFeny in �vhicl� dic fair -
<br />�,t•.���..�,,_, cnarket value of the Preperty immediately before thc�takind is Iess than the amount of the suais securod immediately befor�e d�e
<br />-- . � taking, unless Qorrower and Lender otherwisc agn.e in writing or unless npplicable la�v othcnvisc pmvides, the pro�ecds sh;tll
<br /> =.���,.":s}::,�', be applied to�he sums secured by this Securiry Instrurnent whcther or not the sums ar�e then due.
<br /> r�-,;;',:,..
<br /> If the Property is abandoned by Bonuwer,or if,s3'tcr notice by Lender to Barrower that the condemnor affcrs to makc un
<br /> award or settle a clainr. for datnages, Barro�ver fails to respond to Lender wid�in 30 days after thc date the n�otice is�iven,
<br />�`��°.' I.ender is authoriud w collect and apply the pracecds,at its option,either to restoration ur repair of the Qropeny or to the sums
<br />�'�� secured by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due.
<br /> "�°"''�-- Unless Lender and Borrower otl�envisc agree in writing, any application of procceds to principal shall nut cxtend or
<br /> �'";� postpone t�e due date of the monthly paymcnts refernd to iR pAra�aphs l and Z or changc the amount of such payments.
<br />�:�tcsxi' 11.BornnKer Not Relcased;Forbenrance By Lender I�ot az Wai��er.Extension of the time for payment or modifia�eion
<br /> - � ot amoni�ation oi r.i�c n�ums xcumi by ti�ia�aiity i�„i:�z:.:��.�i"aiitw tij �...�.';�'�:.f:C:^.�:!!�^�.`..^.I!S!irtvract�[Rnrmwrr ch�ll .
<br /> '�^�� 'not operate to release e�e liability of the original Borrower ar Borrower's suroesson in intcrest. Lendcr shall not bc rcquirod to
<br /> y:�,��;��`-- commenee proceedings against any succcssor in interest or refus�to extend time for payment or othenvise modify an»rtization
<br /> of the sums sexured by this Securi[y Insttument by reason af �ny demand made by the original Borrower or Borrower's
<br /> _�_��,T�� successors in interrst. Any forbearance by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of ur preclude the
<br /> -----�-----�—�- exercise of any right or remedy.
<br />- -""°s� 12. Successors and Assign5 Boued; Jotnt and Seveml Liability; Co-slgners. The covenants and agrcements of this
<br /> -----=°° Seturis�• �nstcument shall bind and b�:nefit the suceessors and assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provisions of
<br /> _„�� paragraph l7. Borrowcr's wvcnants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Horrowrr who co-signs this Sacurity
<br /> - --— Instrument but does not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgage, gr,u►t and convey that
<br /> --- Bo►rower's interest in�he Pcoperty under the terms of this Security Instrumem; (b)is not personally abligated to pay the sums
<br /> secured by this Security[nstrument;and(c)agrees that➢[.ender and any other Borrower mny a�roe to extend,modify.forbear or
<br /> = malce any accommodations with n.�cud to the terms of this Security Instn►mant or the Note without that Borrower s consent.
<br /> _�;�;:;�a 13.l.oan Clwrges. If the lonn secured by this Security[nstrument is subject to a la«•which seu maximum loan chuges.
<br /> -� -, —= and that law is finally intecpretad so that the interest�r other lo�n charges collected or to be collected in connection with the
<br /> - loan exceed the pern»tted limits,then: (a)any such loan charge shall be reduced by the amoant neoessary to roduce the charge
<br /> - to the pe�mitted limit: and(b) any sums already caElected from Bonowcr which exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to
<br /> - --- I3orrower. Lender may choose to make this refue�d by reducing the princi�a! owad under the Notr: or by makina a diroct
<br /> payment to Borrower. If a refund reduces principal. the rec�i�ction will be treated �s a partial prepayment wi6h�ut any
<br /> = prepaymern charge under thc Note.
<br /> �- 14.NoNces. Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Inscsument shaU tse given by deliverin�it or by mailin�
<br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law rcquires use of another�nethod. Ti�e notice shall bc directed to the Property Address
<br /> _.__.-- or any other address Borrowcr designates by notic�e to Lender. Any notice to Lender shu11 be given by first cl.�ss mail to
<br /> �--- *�� L.ender's address stated herein or any other addrcss Lcndcr designates by nntice to Bonoa•er. Any noticc prcrided for in this
<br /> Securiry Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borro�ver or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> --�;--'"� I5.Governing Law; Severability. This Security Instrument shall be governed by fcderal law and thc law of the
<br /> _:��-.
<br /> _ - � junsdiction in which the P�ope�ty is located. In uhe event that any provision or clause of this Security Instniment or the[dote
<br />—'_rx„`:1„ .
<br /> -.�; , : :=•,_ c�nntlicts with applicable law, such conflict shaf!not aifect other provisions of this Security Instrununt or the Note which can be
<br /> --�--;•:c� ` gi�•cn efFect without the conflicting provision. To this end th,pr.ovisions of this Sccuriry Instcument and the Note are declamd
<br /> '-=::�.�;?��. to be severable.
<br /> �.T%,;:�;7;�,,;,; 16.Borrow�er's Copy.l3orrower shall be gi�•en one mnfortned copy of thc Note and of this Security instniment.
<br /> --y.r::: .�:,� _
<br /> - Form 3028 9/90
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