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Borrower shen eatlsly the Ilen or teke ane or moro ot '.���� <br /> ��� the actl�ns set lorth a�o ywkhin 10 doys nl the phring o4 natl�e. ''., <br /> 0.�eea.Lender ma colfect tees and ahnr�es aulhorhed 6y tho 3ocrotsry. <br /> t •a��- <br /> 9. Crounda to�Aaceleratton of Deb4 �ti`�,.: <br /> �•,; x (A) �DBfeUlf. lender may, ox�ept us t,�P.�d by r�gu�tlon�I;wuod by the Seoretary In tho oaso of�ayment defaufts. �w _: <br /> t� �i rpqulra Immedinte pay�snt In fuN of all sums se�urod by thls Securky Instmment il: !=� <br /> (I)Borcowor defauft�6y fAf'lnp to pay In fuli sny monthly payment requlred by thfs Seaurlty Instrument prior to or on '= <br /> � . ,�,�;' the duo d6to ot Ihe neM monthly payment,or �°��T <br /> ��..�. <br /> ._. .____i�.•�_. (li)Bortowar dsteuks�Y taGhp,tar a psr{od ot thirty daya,to pertomi nny other ebll�aUona containod In this Security p-.d; <br /> ' ^ � I Instrument. F-- <br /> .�� � �0�) Saie Wfthout Credlt Approvai. Lander shall, f1 permktod by applicehte law (In0luding section 341(d) 01 the <br /> � " r; (iamSt t3ermah DeposRory Instl[utbns Aat of 1982, 12 U.B.C. 1701J�3(d))nnd wtih the prlar approval ot tho�::crei.asy, �- <br /> � � requke knmedtate pAyment H tull o}all the sums seCUred by this Seourky Instrument W: -- <br /> (i) All or part ot the Property, or n benet�tai hterust In a tn�at owning ell or part ot the Properiy, ts sold ar <br /> otherwlse Vansforred(othw than by devtse or dascent),snd _-- <br /> k� (Iq The Property Is not occupied by the purcheser or Brantee ae his or her principat resldence,or the purchaser or <br /> •�,,��'� gnntee does so occupy the PropeRy, but his or her credft has not heen approved In acaordance with the <br /> � `'' requkemenle of the Secretery. <br /> (C) NO Vb��11Ve�. It oYCUmstences oscur thet would pertnit Lender to requka Immedlate peyment in tuil, but Lender <br /> 'i •� does not�equtre such peyments,Lender doos not wahro ils riphts wfth respeat to subsequert events. <br /> '• (d) Raguletlons of HUD Secretary. In meny ckcumstances reguletbns Iasued by the Secretery win limk <br /> Lenders right�, in the case of payment defeuks, to requke knmediate peyment In tull end forecbse a not pstd.This <br /> .., 56CUrKy Instrumant tloes not euinarize accoiendiivi�ui�or-.�.�;surs Y nai�^'c�!l:2s3 b�r.:,,:s_l�ns ci!h°C°^f8Y!�)'. <br /> , (e) MorAgage Not inaured. Borrower egroe�that H this Security Instrument and the Note are not determined to _ <br /> be elfpl6b for insuranca under the Natbnal Housinp Aot wRhin 90 trom the date hareof, Lender <br /> � � may, et fts optbn require knmadkte payment h full of ntl sums cxured by this SerurNy Inotrument. A wrkten st�temenl <br /> �`;Y Y k��"� of any authorired apent ot the Secrotary datad subsequent to 9�_ hom the date hereot, declhinp <br /> -�:�::%,� . <br />, ,;�•:,iG�:" � to Inaure this SeaurNyr Instrument and the Nale, shell bo d�emed conclusive proo} ot suah Inelfpibllity. Notwkhstondinp <br /> `M�`,:-i;%� � the (oregotng, this optbm m�y not be oxarai�ed by Lender when the unavallabUiry ot Ineurance Is soley due to lender'e <br />'__�i��.`�;�� fellure to remit a mortpape Insurance premlum ro the Secretery. <br /> 10. Relnatetement. Borrower has n ripht to be rehst�ted H Lertder hae requlred knmedfete peyment h full bec�use of <br />:;i�',��� Borrower's faiUro to pey en amaunt due under the Note or thls Security Instrument.Tlils rlpht epplies evsn atter(orecbsure <br /> ��^�_-^ proCeedinys aro In6tkuted.To rehstate the Securky Inatrument, Borrower shall tender h a lump eum all emounts roquha� to <br /> -f,.t� brtnp Bortowers ecCOUnt current Inoluding, to the extent they ere oblpatbns of Bortowar under lhfs Securky InsVument, <br />;a,����-x� lorecbsure costs and reasonebie and customary attomey'o tees nnd exgnnses propery assoaleted wNh the forecbsure <br /> r-���;�� proceedinp. Upon re��statement by Borrower,this Securky Instrument end the obtlpetbna that R secures sha0 rematn h sfhat as <br /> �";;��`*���� II Lender had not requPed Immedlate payment fn fuu. Howevar,Lender Is not required to{rarmk rehsteloment W. (q Lender has <br />_-i;.�u�� eccepled reNStatert�ent after the commencertwnt of toreabsuro proceedings wkhh two years knmedieitey precedhp the <br /> ;-:°�_-=�� comnencwnent o!a curront toreobsuro procaedL�p, pq�ehatatement wll► preoludo forecbsure on dMte��ent grounds h the IuWre, <br />_--_..�� or(IY)rehstetert�ent wle aWe�sey atfect the priorky ot lhe Ifen created by this SocurRy Inetrument. <br /> - -Y-=�'��� 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By Lender Not � WaNer. EMensbn of the tkne of p�yment or <br />=���� modHicatbn of amortizetkm of the sums socured by thls Securky Instrument qnntod by Lender to any successor In hterest ol <br /> =��,�, Bortower shau not operate to rebasa the Ilnbliky ot the orqinel 6onower er porrower's successor h hterest.Lendor shall no4 be <br />��,�� roqulred to commence proceedinps apahst any successor In Interest or refuse to extend tlme tor payment or otherwlse modily <br /> _��-j��e7;, amoAizatbn ot the sums secured by this Securiry InstNment by roason ot any demend made by the orlylnal Borrowe� or <br /> ���. Bonowe�s succeaeora fn Intarest. My forbearnnce by Lender In oxeralsing any rlpht or remody shell not be e walver of or <br /> - ' °"�•° proolude the exerclse Of nny right or remedy. <br /> .`;, <br /> ,. ��;�: �. 12. Succeaaora end Asalgne eound; Jotnt and Seversi liability; Cm-signere. n,e co�enancs and �.. <br /> . � : agroemc�nts ot thls Security Inatrument shall bintl nnd benefk the successors and assipns of Lender end Bortower, subjeCt to the "_� <br />- " provl�{ona of Peregmph 9(b). Borroner's covenents end epreemento ehall bo joh�t and several. Any Bortowar who co-sqn� thb �..-;•_ <br /> . , . � Security Instmment but does not execute the Note: (a) Is oo-slgning thls Securfty Instrument ony to mortgage,grnnt and convey ' <br /> _. t thnt Bottowers fnterest in tha Property under lhe tertns of thls Securky InatNment; (b) Is not personaliy obifgated to pn�v the ��`� <br /> sums securod by thl3 Securky Instrument; end (a) agreas that Lendor and any other Bortower mey agreo to extend, modiy, <br /> i7;�'°'f � forbear or mako any ocaommodatbns wRh regerd to tho tortn of thls Socuribj Instrument or the Note wfthout that Borrowere - <br /> ''�'"` °�_t � consent. � <br /> —= - -_ -:!_� <br /> � 13. NOtICeB. My notiCe to Borrowor provided for In thls Security Instrument shall be gtven by delNering R or by mallinp it � <br /> " by IYnt oinss matl unfess eppllcabb I��v requkes uso ot enothor method. The not�e shell be dkectod to the Property Addross or <br /> �. eny other address Bortower dasignetes by notfce to Lender. My notlCO to Lvnder shall be �;Iven by firKt ctass maii to Lenders <br /> ' address staled herein or any address Lender deslgnatos by notfce to Bortowor. My nottco providod lor In this Security <br /> � Instrument ahall be deemed to have been given to Bonower or Londer when gNan ns providad In this paregraph. <br /> ' 14. Governing Lew; SeverebUlty. This Sacurity Instrurnent shnli be govomed by Federel law ond tiia law of the <br /> � Jurisd�ctbn In wh�1� the Proporty Is loceted. In the event lhat eny provislon or clauso ol thls Socurity Instrument or the Nala <br />� - . � ... F6l10.LM�(P/iE) P�p�3 ot 6 <br /> -.........- ----� o'vlJJva { � <br /> .__—._—,�.� _ _ _ .. _. t <br />