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: '�� , ,; I,?tr�r';f'����),. ;y::;+'`'� . . . <br /> . .3.f.a; � .. •.i�. : .' , - . , - <br /> .�'/n� . . �F� ' . . . ��.j'� • �f ' ". <br /> .. . . . ; l: �:.�n�� � . .. . '� '. . ...�w,u1pV.N�t:.r.q,3+'.�ti' .(- „ . , �'��..�.... . .. .�•.i'r.-. <br /> • �. _ _: _ __. <br /> • _"' • <br /> � . �:,.. �. _......... . . . .._... � �r���. <br /> ... _ ..__........ �� Scas _ <br /> i� '_'J.'_'y.. <br /> - i���� •�,�: � <br /> ' confllct3 �rlth nppllcnnlo Inw, �uch ContlVCt ehall not aHect ather provislons ol thl� Securiry instrument or tho Note whfch can bt� <br /> : ''„ , • pt+cn olfacl v�ilhout Iho can(If�ilnp provi3lon.To thls ond tha provislone of fhls Security Instrumont and Ihe Nota ero declurod to <br /> b0 GtfVOfpbID. <br /> .�,��:,i ': <br /> � 16. �OYfOtR���'O CQ[�iy.f?qrrower shell bo given one conformed copy ot tho Nole and of this Socurity Instrumont. <br /> ��� ,f 18. Hezerdoua Sulas�tncnoee. Borrower shafl not cause or permit the presence, use, dlspos[�I, slaruqe, ar reHase of ' <br /> ' , nny Hnznrdoua Subsmncon on or h !ho PropeAy. Borto�ver shall not do, nor allow anyone eise ta do, enythhg aftc►cting t�ie <br /> � Properry thnt is In vlolnllon af um,� Cnvlranm�ntnl Lnrr. Th0 precedin4 two senteneos shell not epp�1 to lhe presonce, use, o� <br /> elornqo on the Property of rmau quantitfes of Hazardou8 SubsQances that are peneraly recognlzed ta be epproprlale lo norrnal <br /> . ' ro3fdontlal u�os and to malnt2nnnr,m of lhe Property. <br /> ,.,,,,,: : <br /> Borrqwer 6hnll promptly gNr� Lender written not�e of any Investigation, clalm, demand, lawsull o� ather actlon by any <br /> � ` � povommontnl or rogulntory n�enc�J or prNate party hvoNlnp the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Envkonmentel Law of <br /> whiah Porcower hns nalual Icnor�tedpe. II Borcower leems, or Is notltled by any govommental ar repulatory authority, that any <br /> romovui o� oirisr r3m�dlatlor� o�eny Hezardous Substances elfecllnp tha Property Is necessary, BoROwer shatl promptty teke nll ._.•• <br /> ' nocascnry romedlal nctions I� or.cordance with Enviranmentel Law. •��+�+_'� <br /> '�h::w:.. <br /> Ao usod In tAis pnrn9rnph �6, "Hazardou8 Substancos'are those subatences defirted us toxic or huzardous substansos by . <br /> � •�:�i?;� <br /> • .� Environmontnl Low and thta WYowinp sub�tancos: pasolhe, kerosene, other flammabie or toxb petralsum products, tox{c �, <br /> ° ... _ ' pasttcldos Bnd horA�Cidos,volnlile soNents, materials containh0 asbostos or�ormaldehyde, and radloacttve materials.As use� in <br /> Iho pnrngr�ph 16, "Enviromizqnriil Law' means teGeral iaws ano �nwa ui ii�n juilsdiCtlol where the Property IS lacatad th8t re!�te - -___ <br /> � lo henith,se(ety or onvironmenml protectlon. �___ <br /> � NON•UNIFOFM1A COVENANT�.Qorrower�nd Lender(urther covenant and egree es(ollows: '�.'-.�. <br /> ,,;:.�?;:;. <br /> 17. AsslgnmeuaR m� Aents. Dorrower uncond'Riqnelly assigns and translers to Lender all th�rents and revenues of the i��. ; :�.,__ <br /> Prope�ty.Borrower nutNorizas Lartder or Londers agents to collect tho rents and revenues and hereby directs each tennnt of the �`�' <br /> .�t "`�a <br /> Propeny to pey the ranta to 4ender ur Lender's agents. Howover, prlor to Lenders notbe to Bortower of Bonowors breBGh of .��:I V, <br /> any aoven¢nt or uflroement in ihe Securiry Instrumont, Bortower shsil collect and receiva ail rents end revenues ol the Property �.r,G.; <br /> ��.�k�.: <br /> as tru�toe (or tho bono(it �f lender and Borrower. Thls assf�nmont of rents constkutos nn absolute ussignrnent and not nn _�._ <br /> . • '�,` nsalpnment tor addiHonnl a�c+uky ony. ���„��l�X <br /> If Lender gNes nol�o q0 breach to Bortower. (A) aU rents receh�ed by Borrower shall be held by Borrowor as trustee for ���,�xec <br /> � beneflt o�Lender only,to Iso opp�led to the sums secured by the Sacurity instroment; (b)Lender shall be entiUa�to collact end Eti'�_ <br /> roceNe nll of tho rontst of Ytie PropnRy; and (c) each tenant of tho Property shell pay all rents due and unpatd to Lender or �, <br /> � d 2�2h�:�:_n!. �'-`^ <br /> - ? Lontlera agent an i.�ndu�'u �.in'ic+'��s�'��� = - <br /> � • � ; Bortower han nat or.e4uted eny prior assignment of the rents and has not and will not pertorm any act that would prevent -•• <br /> • �,� Londer hom exeraising t:s��ighls under this Peragraph t�. _ <br /> ��.•.'. <br /> • i� Londer shall not Uz�Qqulrod to anter upon,take control of or maintaln the Proparty before or atter gNhg notice ot breach to L <br /> Borrowar. 1•lowever, I.ender or a Judicialry appohted reaeNer may do so at any Gme there Is a breflah. Any appl�ation ot rents <br /> � shall nol cure or wnlvo any defeuR or Invelldato any other ripht or remody of Lender.This assignment of rents ot the Property <br /> .'��;t�,'�, . . shnli terminate whon thcs debl secured by the Securlty Instroment is pald in fu1L <br /> � � 1H. �orealo�rrre Procedure. if Lender requirea immediete peym�nt in tuil under �eragrsph 9� <br /> � �'' Lender mey teetnoke the pawer of eale end eny other remediea permf�ted by applicable lew. <br /> '�'���•�-' LertdeP aheli b� �ntitied to �ollect all ex��enses inaurred In pursutng the remedtea provtded In <br />-;;,,,r;:;;,., .. thle Paregreph b8, inct�udinq, but not Iimlted to, reeaoneble attomeya' teea nnd coeta of title <br />.,,�,.....�..,:._. evidenc�. <br /> ��t`-':�.�'''" �, ,� If the p�wMir o4 aale Ia Invoked, T�ustee sifal! record a �atice of de/ault in each county in <br /> -�_..,..r�,;.,.?. <br /> �-.;�;s'3 :. , , whlch eny part: ot the Property la loceZed end shall mail co�iea of auah notice in t e manr.e: - <br /> ;'zi+a`�,'�;,;�%".; ' presr,rtbed �y aeppticeble law to Borrower end to the other persona preacribed by epplic�ble law. � <br /> � .4.....-,� <br /> -,.6�'=�, 'S��!.::� Aft�r E[�e time Qequered by applicnble lew� '�rus�tee shall gtve public notice of sale to t z perer�ns <br /> - �'�"�"'�';�"� and In the me��ner prescribed by epplloable lew. T�ustee, without dero�end on Borrower. ahall ��11 _ <br /> u� :�•,;..: <br /> ,�,_ ,r?:: � � the Property nf: publlc nuctlqn to the 7�ighest bldder at the time and plece end under the terms --- - <br /> -�••t���:`°'�� � deatgnated In Qhe notice of aale In one or ncor� percela end in eny order Truatee determines. <br /> :. �•..t.... . _ <br />�;,�:�u;•.•. Trustee mey �xostpone sale of all or any percel ot the Property by public announcement et the � <br /> �'' �� tfine end pler:e of eny previouety �cheduled sate. L�ntler or Its dea9��ee may purcheae tWe _ <br /> ^-~�..*;'•3�, � Property at n�y eele. <br /> S.'.�.�� <br /> - �'t '4, �� Upon rec�eipt of peyment of the prlce bld, Trustee shalC aleliver to the purchaser Truatee's _ <br /> �. . � deed conv�yEng the Property.The recitels In tha Trustee's de�� shall be prima teclo evldence of �_„�,:.,, <br /> the truth o4 the statements mede therein. Trustee ehall epply the proceeda ot the sale In the �„�, <br /> ' v to�iawing e►�rder: (a) to all costs end expensee ot exercising the power of sale, end the sase, ��"`"_ <br /> inc9udtng tfne payment of the Trustee's teea actua�ly Incurred, not to exceed 10°.6 iD� �'�==�_: <br /> � . � of the prli�cipal emount of thc note �aS the time o! the dealaretton of defeult. end reasonable �� <br /> �:;��- <br /> �:,_ :_- <br />�,'� ` ' �•, attorneya' �ees ne permitted by law; Qlb, 4o ell sums secured by this Security InsUument; and (c) �.s�"�-:- <br /> ' ' � ' eny exaeqe to the pe�aon or peraona legally entitled to tt. <br /> " �•�;>. If 4h� Lender's inte:resS a� thia Security InsVument ta held by the SF�retery end the Secretary � • <br /> ' � ree�alrest Ic��m�dlstc payment in full ander Peregreph 9, the Sacretary mam� invoke the nonjudiaiat � <br /> � � „ � power of sale provided in the Single Femliy Mortgage Foreclosure Act of 1934 ("AcY) (12 U.S.C. <br /> „ <br /> "�, ' .�� ? 3761 ��9.) by requeoUng e toreclosure commiasioner designnted under the Act to commence <br /> _ ._.__. .. ..• • ��__ '����Jt�� ..�r����� <br /> .�:...--i.-.-__,_.__.._'__.�. <br /> . __.._-�_.. <br /> . toreel�sure end iv fi8�f tn@ Property aa prov�ded in ine iaei. IYOTnIng tri me ��rcccumy acaac.wo - <br /> .,�:..:;.�� ahall �eprive the Secretery ot eny righta otherwbse availeble to a Lender under this Peregraph 18 <br /> �� � or aw�liceble law. <br /> 19. Reconveyancc. Upon payment of ell sums secured by this Socurity Instrument, Lsnder shall request Trust[te to <br /> roconvey tho Proparty and sholl surtender thlu SoCUrity Instrument end flll no�sd evidenCMq dobt socured by this SoCUrity <br /> • Inatn�mont to Trusteo.Trustee shnll reconvey the PropeAy wlthout warcnnty and without cherge to the porson or persons legolty <br /> , ontllled t0 Il•Such person or pnrsons shall pay any reco�datlon costs. <br /> — . .'� FSEt7.1610 (UloK) Pap�4 0l S <br /> � uorono� <br /> __ . ; , <br /> - ---..��.�� `_ <br />