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'..� t ..� . , ... . . . • - ` . . . . � ., .. � - � <br /> ' � � o .r.4'�+at'.�rer'N�'ttc�` <br /> • - f, .. � • ,•h•-t• . .. - .�.,,a+no.•qN-YriltiYW4YA11���:. .r <br /> A <br /> � . <br /> • . ,� .. ___ _._ <br /> . <br />. . . . .- �w .:., - n.d*y�1},W1si'�!f�W.+1r�fPt������dewss . .........-:rin*�.v:............... 1T_ . <br /> .., . �. . . .. . . . ........ . . . _ . . ... .. ._.... -- -' - <br /> - . -.��i.,�.... ...""_". ..... . .. . . .. ....... ... . . ^C'/!r�.Mi ♦�.. "WG_TS1� <br /> 3 ��l��� �i@C' <br /> ,� �� � . 97-� .,.;. <br /> ; .�,,,. <br /> , londer mey,et any tima, collect and hotd smaunta lor Escrow 1ton�o � an epprapnta amnunt ont tc� oxce�d IhA marcimum . <br /> _ • F ' �mounl Ihal m�y be roquired for Qorrowere essrair ecr,ount undor Iho Roal�atnto 3c�U�aro��nt Prqoadi�mn �et ol 1fl7s, 12 t1.S.C. <br /> � � = �2601 n�@gq,�nd GnFiementtnp requledone, 24 CFR Part 3500, eo tliny mny bn emnndnd irqm tlmc+ tn thrrp ('RESPA"), excapt • <br /> � i� fhst the ouehlon or reaerve permilted by RESPA lor unantlClpat(id difburr,empnt[t or atsburnc�m�ntn Bofura the Bortower's <br /> psyments tre avallabie In the eccounl may not be bseed on amounto dun (nr tNn m�rtpopn Innumnr� prnrnhim. <br /> � . I�Ihe amounte hetd by Lender f4r Escraw It�tma excoed the amnunta porenittnd ta bo hntcl by F�CSPA,l,endar �hall 0000unt .. ,, <br /> ' •• lo Borcnwer tor tho eice�o Nndn as requlred by RESPA.II the amauntti o}tundn holU by LonAcir nt an��tirnn aro not euff{cbnt to <br /> � ` pay the Escraw Items when due,l.endcr mny notify Ihe Bonower and mqulre Borrqwr�r tc� mplcp up tlin ahnrtnpe eo permttted by �, <br /> . . - •��" . RF.SPA. ,}.: <br /> - The EsCrow Funds are pledq9d ss nd4(tionnl secueky for ell suma sncurrid by thls 3eaurily Inntnimc+nt. If Borrower tendera � <br /> '���, to Lender the h,n paymant of ell such sume, Borrav,er's eccount shNl bo croditod wHh tho b�lEmoo remnininp tor all Instnllment � ��'• <br /> Itema I•�1. (b), and (c)and nny martgaeo Insuranae premlum In�tcdMnnnf thnt Lendar hna nnt b�aomn oblsgated to pay to the � ' . <br /> )_�-c,� <br /> . � &ecrelnry,and LOnder shnll promptly rofund any e.xcess funds to Borcq�var.Immodli�toly prlar to a farnalpouro sale ot tha Proporty ,�., , <br /> � or fte acqulskion by Lender,Bortower'a aca0unt 8hsd be creditod wHh any bnlEmno romnlninp far ell tnntullments lor Items (e),(b), ��,,�;=: <br /> � ' <br /> • and(C)• !�"'= <br /> •�%�;.�. <br /> � , 3. ApPlicetlon ot Paymenta. AA psymenls under Pt�ragrephn 1 end 2 ahnll bo epplYnd bp Lender as lollowa: . ;_ <br /> � � Flret,to tha morlgage Insurance nrcmlum to be paid hy Lnndor tn tNo Sbcrotary or to thn manthty charge by tho Secrotary ' '': <br /> ---fs-- :.-:.. <br /> hateed of the monthy morlpage Insurenao promfu-n; �r:,,. <br /> Second, to any texes, special assessmonts,leasoho►� paymont�� or pround rt�nhs, and fire, ftood end other hazard '"-A=` <br /> _,��. e��:r <br /> insur�nce prembms, as requked; - <br /> '`�'� Thlyd�to hterest due under ene Noto; = - <br /> " Fourth,to emortlzation of tho prinCip�l oi tha Note;end <br /> � Flfth,to lete chargos due under thn Note. �� <br /> �,a <br /> '"'�'�I,�� 4. Flre, Flood and Other Ht�erd In�uranae. Borrownr shnll Innurq all IrnA�ovements on the Praperty, whether <br /> :.� .; ' : <br /> � •�'��' now h exlstence or subsequontly erectrtd, agsin�t eny hararda, cnsupRloe, and ooNln�ancies, Including flre,(or whbh Lender <br /> �-:-_ <br /> i ' requres N6urance. Thls (n6uranCO shnll b9 malntolned In tho amountn ond tor thn podods that Lender raquke9. Bortpwer ehell u_�-__ <br /> ' also hsure afl inprovaments on the Pro�orty,v,hether now In exi�tenoe or subnequontly ereoted, agelnst loes by tlaods to lhe _- <br /> 'r'�°`' �';` e�ctent requked by the Secretary.All hBUrence shaa be carcied wFtlf aampenir�a appmeed by Lender. The fnsurenca polloies and --- <br />-' .:. !k-�'- <br /> �'��:1���'. any renewals sh�0 be hefd by Londor and shall IncNde loss payflb4u c�:uoes In hivor at,and In a form ecceptabie to,Lender. <br /> •.,%`�#t�;4�:_. in �na wvmt ot bss.Borrower shnB g:vo Lc�nnder knmfld4�ta nat{Ce by nnnil. Lunder moy maka prooi of bss H not made <br /> —..rr,�.�r.:,�,- � - - � . <br />-.-.:�m;�`�'. <br /> � ;i promptiy by Bortower. Each Insurance company concemod Is hflroby authorim0 and dkocied to make payment lor such bes <br />;�,�: ` direoty tA Lander, instead of to Borrower and to Lender Jolntiy. All or an�� pnR oi the Insurpnoe pracaeds mey be appifed by <br /> ",.,.,,�f�sNt,��•• Lender, et ks optlon,ekher(a)to the reduotton of ihe hdobttidnoss undor tho �tote end this Seourity Ins4rument,fkst to any <br /> __ ;�.;�.;t�; dellnquont emounts applied h tho order In Peragraph 3,and U�nn to p�opayrn�nt of pnc�lpal,or(b)to the restoratbn or repelr of <br /> ,`..�. :��s• <br /> w°ri;t,.�,�,, th� dnmaped Property. AnY �PP��ation of the proceeds tn thfl prinalpal shnll nnt extend or postpone the due date ot the <br />",3st'•.: �'�"• monthly peyments wh�h us nferred to In Parnpnph 2, or oht�npo tho emaunt o} such paymontB. Any excess hsurnnco _ <br /> __..4.y�..;{+.�. . <br /> �A{fR proceetfa over en amount requlred to pay nll outstendhg hdebtednflse undar thn Note and thls 5ecurity Instrument shall be pald <br />�`�!e�.il�lt�C',"..^•,=' <br /> ,Y�t:;r�,��'"" to the entky lepnly entkled thoroto. <br />-=�%!a��f���fY,.� In the event a} toreClosuro of thls Sscurky Instrumont or atNer tmnt�for of tflle ta the Property th�t extinpuishss the _ <br />-�-;`i-_; • Indebtednesa,�tl ripht,tEtie end hterest of Borcower h and ta influrnnce polri��s h force shall�s9ss to ihe purCheser. _ <br /> Y=��::� <br /> ----��.-.�� 6. Occupsncy. Preservation, Melntenance end I�rmsac4�an of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> -_-•`�`�'� AppllCnt100; Leeeeholds.Borrower shan occupy,86tE1h6�[h, and c�ua tHo Property ae Hortowere princip�l residenc�wkhln <br /> -`-'"`�`'� s6cty days aftor the exeautlat of this Secturity Instrument(nr wifhL�shty days ot a later sele or trnnslar o4 tha Proporty)t+nd SAall <br /> �:��eu`�s� conl'nue to xcupy the Property as Borrowerc gnc�ipal rpsklonce (or at tea5t one year efter tha date'of occupcncy, unlese <br /> ;;=� Lf►nder determines thnt requ�ement wIH ceuse undu9 hardshk�R�r Bortower, or unlesa extenuatlnp ckcumstancos exbt whfch er� <br /> -;�::�:��� beyond 8orrower's control.Bonower shall notlty Lender ot any extonuating cUeumstences. Borrower shall nal commft waste ar <br /> -"—��i-� destroy, damapo or substentialy change the PropeAy or a0uw the Prorerty to deterbrnte, reeaonable wea�end tear excepted. --- <br /> �-° ____ _�! Lender may hspect tho Property B tho Property Is vacant or abnndoned or the ban Is In dofauR. Lender may tske reasonable <br />-"'�;`.�i��i,�'a aotbn to protect and praserve such vnonnt or atrandonod proporty.Bortower ehall also be h defauk R Borrower, durfng the ben _. <br /> ---=-- — appl�atbn procesa,qave matorialfy ttl�e or Inoccurelo Wdr�nttbn or stetements to Lertder(or falled to provlde Lender wfth any _ <br /> � `��`�`!'� materisl hiormttbn) In connoctbn wkh tho loen evldencad by the Note, h¢Iudlnp, but noZ 1lmried to, representatbns aoncemNq _ <br /> - _1:.:��^��• <br /> _.,.,..�.,.,�;:� Bartower's nccupanoy of Iho Propeny as e pr�ncipal rosklence. II thl; Seaurily Instrument Is on a basehold, Borrower shall <br /> �-->�rF�;�„� aompy wkh lhe provlslone of tho Iease.If Borrower ecqukes tee tRte to tho Pro�erty, the IeesehoW snd tee tRte shail not be -- <br /> "'�'�"+���• merped unless Lender agrees to tho morgor In writhp. - <br /> - ..;�i�:.':'7'� �, <br /> �� '���� `�M�' 6. Condemnatfon. Tho procneds of eny flwerd or c1aYn tor damages, direct or consequentlab „ connacdon with eny �:� <br /> _ . � � condemnetbn or other takhg ot nny pnrt of tho Proparty, or tor conveyance In ptace ol condemnatbn,ere hereby eealgned end �c-. <br /> shao bo peld ro Lendor to the eMent af tho full emount of the Indebtadness that remains unpald undor tho Noto and thls #A-�,• <br /> � � ��, Sacurityr Inctrumont. Londa sheA eppy such procesAs to the reductbn ot the Indebtedness undor tno Noto and thlu Security <br /> ., f�-:� <br /> ,�'"�'��;� � Instmment, first to any do�nquont amounm epplkM In tha order provided h Peraqrflph 9, end thon to propaymont o! p►incipal. ``: <br /> _;;��;;?;��': � A��y epplbatton ot the p�ocoeds to the prinalpal shUl �ot ctxtend or postpone thp due d81e ot Nto monfhry payments,whloh are �"�'��. <br /> - �..,.,,. ., � ,,,.•.;: <br /> �: r����� �• referted to in Peragraph 2,or chanpo tho emou�t of such paymonte. Any excess praceeds over an flmomit requked to pay all �•. � <br /> •'s�' 34 <br /> ��y�,...,, out9tanding hdeb�ednDSS undor thr�Noto and tht3 SeCUrity Instrument ehell be pald to the entNy lepoity entltled lhereto. !� " <br /> -.4+s�'-�F�� i►t._____ � e----"-� �r.l O�w��ntliaM �� 1�nd�r�� Rlnhte /�f ��f� Llrnnarfu Rnnnuim ehell nev nil <br /> ,,._,__„_ -� ►'. vfec�y�co �v w..o...a. a..... ....e�,.....�.. .,. �_..__. _ •-- .. <br /> o"� "" _'_ "'_r_"�' __.._.._. _..__ _� _.. - .. <br /> �';;�;;.�s�,.,�,s � po��emmentel or munblpal char{Io&, finos and knposR�Cna that nre noS Inciuded h Paragraph 2. Borcowar shell pay these <br /> ��i` ''i obligutbne on tYne dtracty to th0 entity wh�h Is owod the peyment. It 1811ure to pAy would adversety aliect Lender's IntE+re3t in <br /> � the Property,upon Lendefs requast 8ortower cheu promptPy(umish to Londer recelpts evldenchg these payments. <br /> If AoROwer taits to rtuke thase puymonto or the p�yments requlred by Paregraph 2, or fafls ro patorm any nthor covanaits <br /> � and apreementa contahod h lhls Socurlty inatrume�n, or thore 15 a lagel procoodlnp that mny S�gNticanty n(toct Londor's riphts In ° <br /> - the Property (euah ee a procoodinp h bankruptcy,lor condemnatbn or to onlorco laws or rogutatlons), thon lender may do end <br /> pay whatever Is necessery to protect tho valuo ol Iho Property and Lender's rights In tho Proparty, 6icludlnp paymont of taros, , <br /> hardrd Insurence nnd other ftemu montlonod In Pareqreph 2. <br /> . F6�i�.LMO(Y/oE) P�p�7 0l 6 <br /> .y <br /> eotaoo� ' <br /> -�1 i. <br />