... :...: ,}-
<br /> ' . r �'�'�f�u�, � .�if�r( ..�'! }:j1j/ �. �r ..* - �::::•
<br /> iif,"�^i�'.�}J�Af� �r �t�':�.Ct§l..uwd.i �'L'Gii::`!.'.`.a'Y3nvlIV4GS.'z`::SSL . ....... .�
<br /> - '- ; f �z.,, 10�3��. - -
<br /> pcdods that I.cnder rcquircs. 71a lnsuruiro rnrricr pmviding Ow insvruicc slull Iw choscn 6y OormWer su6Jca to Lcndcrl�
<br /> nPPmva1 wUicb shtll�wl bp unrc,uon�Uiy wllhheld, ff Rorruwer falis to milntafn wvomgc descdlxd abovc.Lcndcr m�y,at
<br /> 1.cndcrY oplon,oMain wvrrr.ge to�raeci 1.cnJcrk riglns in�hc!'ro{�cny in accordance with parsgnph 7. _�-
<br /> All insnrance poficies uM rcixwais shn1l Ix accepint�lo m 1.enAer aN1 sAatl Indndc a smndard mon&�8o clauso. I.cndcr =
<br /> shnil have�Lo Aght ro hotd the polidss nnA rcnewals. If Luder rcquires.Horcoxxr sLal I prompity ghe to 4ender nll rrceipts —
<br /> of paid prcmhims uid rcaewai naicas. in�ho evem of toss,Bomiwer shall give prompi notice ro tlic insmm�ce camer and " ':1: --
<br /> I.ender. l.enikrm�ym�Ice�xoofoFlosslfno�madoprom{�tybyBorrowu. �" ,
<br /> Uniess Lcnder and Baroxxrmhctwisa ngrce in wrftlngJnrvroncc procccds shail t�c appilcA to rcsronUnn or rcpalr of ��:?.='h.-.-__.
<br />- tho Pro7xny dam�ga!, i(Iha reslotalion ot rr.pair is economlcnliy kasible:md Lender4 seturiiy is nm Iessened, If ihe =- -='-- --- �
<br /> n:stomilon or repair is na uononilcaily fensibio or I.ender�securiry wo�dd Le IessenW,Uu insunnce procceds s6all bo
<br /> applfed to�hc snnis ucarc.d by thts 3ccurNy InstrunKnt,klkthsr or na �hcn duc, �YIIII MY CRCC55 r8I(I 10 AOftON'Cf. I� � ._ _
<br /> Bonow¢r atrandons�he Propeny,or Aoes not,nswer wi�6in 30 days a nmico from l.ender that Q�e Insunnee carrier 6as ,,,�y� `
<br /> otkred to uiQo a daim,then Lender m.ry eotfecl tix insur�nro pcereeQs. I.ender may use ttw Fcoceed:to rcpair ar rcsmre ;�7 �
<br /> tta Pto,xny or to pay sums sccured by this Sawiiy Insavmer.t,v:h<d:cr ar not thcn dua Tts 30-dny pcdad wil!bzgia wEaa � :??�:,,,,,:,.W,-
<br /> @�notico is given. �'s�J•.-`�'"'� - �
<br /> Un�as l.endcr aod Oorrower oihcrwisv agree in wricing,anyapptication of Froceeds ro�imipal sb,xil cot exrznd or -�r�,?.s�,.7�e^_.
<br /> postporx tho duo daio of tho moml�ly psymr.nu refercc�to in p5ragn hp s t and 2 or change tha ur.ats:t of tt;e paymenu. If :-- pn�.F,
<br />- und:t puayrs{�h 21 iho Propeny is acquire4 by I.ertd:e,Sorro��rrY dght to any insu�nce poticies and proceeAs rcsulury2 ;,.�''�`r,f
<br /> !rom damaga to tho Propeny pflor to tiK a:quisitica�stexlt piss lo I.tnMr to the ezter.t o£ttr,a�ras sccurcA by Uds Secuiery ,�i; . `�'lE�� `
<br /> lnstn�mer.t[mrcxdiatdy priar to tl�o acc�uisitic� •.,�i�K���"=":
<br />� ' G. �m�aQ�WCj, 0°rr.mvatlon, 211a3N�1xarr ocx3 Prct2clS�n aT the Yecpa,»yt Aorroicer's i.rn,a A,np?kaiSs�.; :,�-'"''=�--_
<br /> Q.tasehdds. 75a�rootir shall occu .�'`.'i?';._.--
<br /> PY�establish,mxl usc eh:I4q.^eny as IIorrox�cr2 principal resid:n:c�iihin sir.ry dayz after �'=.:-j::_- . ---
<br /> ahe extcn:M"t o7�hls Saudry tnsltument;.r1 shall ccatir.m m a�m,.pY ihe I'[opetty as UorrowerY ptincipal rc�v!!wre for.! -+-- .-�.__ ..
<br /> least onz ywr aRer Ihe da�e of ocenµiocy, anless I.enAer u:5nuise agrtes In writing, ui�ich consem sh�ll no� bc z�i-�_���L:;���
<br /> pM;dSp.IAY�S}NtitNKIA,or untess extenunting circnmswnces exis��d�i.h am beyond IIortower§�rontrol. Dom����cr shal!rr.c '�,i�-=_:-.
<br /> datroy,damagc or impatr�hc Propcny,r.po�r thc P�opzny m dGCrioratc,or eomm(t wacic on�he Pro ny. [i«nu�sce s?iP;. -�-�'3�`:�^�r
<br /> bc In default(f an fodelwrc aciion or reweedin�,nticcher cfvil or cdminal,Is be un that in l.ender�oa!f:ueh'cd mun� '����"`�''•`�-
<br /> eouid rcsult In fodelwrc of�he Pro n ur ml eroi;r materiall tm air�he lien emateA b �his Seeurit fa.trumenl o� •j"�i��;i_.
<br /> P� Y Y P Y Y -�`ri«i`';.'r,;_.
<br /> LenderY:ecurity Interen. Dorrnwer may csce such a defaul�and reinsia[e,as provided in paragraph I8,6y causir.g ihe aalon �;�:�y:;>?�'.,--
<br /> or raceedin ro be dismissed with a mt[� iha�,in Lcndet�s ood falih detemilna�ion,prccluda fa4eiwre of�he OorcowerS -�'���`�"'%-
<br /> P 8 le B :.A..�•�+'i—
<br />_ interest in�he Prop�ny or o�her macerinl impaimiem of the Ilen crca�ed by this Securi�y Insm�mem or Lender�ucurity >.�^-�_�_>__-
<br /> intcrcs�. Oomoxror shall aiso be in default If Ifavower, dnflng �he loan appltcation pracess, gave malcrially (alx or ° :} ,_
<br /> Inacenre�einfomiaflonorsa�ememsmLender(orGfledioprovideLenderwiihanymaiedallnfommtfoNinrnnnectlonwi�h ;t��, � "�
<br /> tiw toan evfdenced by 14r Note. (ncluding, bm na Ilmited �o, re�mumations wneemfn� potroweh occvpv�cy nf Ihe , fs�g� -.---
<br /> , Propcny az a fflneipal rcs�Aenec. If�h(s Sctumy Irotmrncnt Is on a wschold,6orm�cnh.+.R w.r�iy widi nll Au provisions �r xh5�
<br /> qi�ho Icxct.it Iforzower arquires ia:�i�ie ro�he�ro}e.;..,tic Iensciroiu and inc fcc iiiie xno7i nn eee��,E uidci�Lemiti�tgic.ti 1 isr . -
<br /> . to�heme�ti.-�n•xriiing. �Z �'"jr�ft',-�,-
<br /> 7. •�aolcclbn ot I.endePs Righls In the Pu,4��ort,v, If Uononcr fails�o pedomi �b:.v�vemnts a:r ngrecrt:Ar_c }';_ ; •--_
<br />� co�.�3lned In ihis Seeurii Instrumem,or tUero Is r.[e,al roceedin d�ai ma si nfficantl nft�et Lert�?ecl r 1ts In �hr °`''2�`�Y�-`='
<br /> +rc n (auch as a proccedin m bankni �c robme.foc iondemnai on or forfetwre or io enforce laxs o�r.r ifvina),then '��'"''''�`'"`�---�
<br /> P� Y S� P Y.P S tr t, o r.�.
<br /> Landcr may do and pay tor wLatevcr is necessary m pracci�hc ralue of tl�c Rapetly and Lcr.d:aS�igh:x is Ue�Auperty. ,, j,t,�s�s�� ,_=
<br />- Lenderh acuons may Include paying any sums saurM by a lim�vhlch hns pdomy over ihis Secm.�i!ti i,l+tram.m,u}pearing -,�,•,�5,;,,i,z�,....,�;
<br /> in coun,pnying rcasonable auomeys'lees and emning on�he Propeny�o make rcpairs.AI:Mis1Ye•L<r.Cer mag uke nc�ion ��1!t � �; ,f
<br /> under tlils pangraph 7.Lendcr docs not have to do so. y� �-
<br /> Any amounts disbuncJ by I.cnJar w�dcr this p:r;:gmph 7 shall becomc xu+Lra.�nn7 c.•.'7;a;Sctrotrcr s;arred by �his j���'i"�;;�t'r�yc'"=
<br /> Sewrity Insuumem. Unlas Rortoaerand Lender rpra mo�her tenns of paymcn:,h.esx n^�oa�:a:hall bcar ima:s�Bom�Ue F jf�����Jj�..i'?`�.�-_�
<br /> date of di��asement at the Note rate and shall he p::�ab)e,with Ime�esL upon no�se fror.c�Lender�o porro�rer«ques�iqg .,��v�'-.!��.:{��=��-'I-:
<br /> paymeni. ,�N t=esa2t+ :
<br /> 8. ks9;�atQage Insurance. If Lender rcquircd mongage insurance ac n condillon of m:+ku�g tha ler.n scemed by t7�i. }'�-;^.� h'rt�'-;:.
<br /> Sccurity Li::�mcn4 Qorcower shall pay�hc premiw._c rcquired m maintafn �he mongaec insir.aace in efte.:. 1f,for nny � -.•�c„�u,�.^`'_r.�=.
<br /> �?ti'.-.:'�`�:st.:.'.
<br /> rcason, �he mongaga insumnce eoverage rcyuired b; Lcndcr lapses or ceases to be in effec:. 31crroH�er sE�a!1 pay the ,,�2s.,,1,,,,;..
<br /> (i�Gf
<br /> premiums requGeA lo ob�atn coverage substar.tizll} ti�v(valem �o�he mongage insumnce previ,uJy in eft�c�c,at a cost �;,�ri;� j�r �
<br /> subs�antlally equlvalenl lo the cost to Ikir.a.vu a+EcYr, mongage(nsurance prcviously in effez�,iwm an niterra�e mongage �\� �,i E,� � , :'
<br /> insurcr a ro,�ed b Lender. 1(subs�a�a:i�ii�€ cn�alrm mon a e insunnce covera c is noi av:,ila5}�,6orcoxer shall a ro ":` -
<br /> P9 Y } 9 � BS S PY r
<br /> I.ender each m�mth a sum eyual�o onec:�S+;::h of�Fs yearly mongage insunnce prcmium lxingµr.i:l by Qorro�rer ivhen the �t� * �
<br /> insurancc m�r�agc lapsed or eeaeEd�o t.ia cf(ca. Lendcr will nctepL use a�id retain�hese paym:n'�a�a la�sreserve in liw � jC�: ' i7
<br />-- of mongage insuraece. Wss resen�c pnymea�z ma�r.o iongcr lx nyuircd,a�tlie uption of Ler.t.r,it nenz�}.insuranec +t3�._�.� ,�-
<br /> coverage(In�he amoun:xud Por the period thai Ler..!cr rcquircs)provided 6y an ia...;er appro.eeE h}'Len<'xc a.:>.in 6ecomes �_f=�� +��
<br /> m�a11ab1en:�iisobtained.Uo�rowcrshzllpayiLepremiumsrcquirrAtomaimainmcngagcimr.an�iecffe.�.or�oprovider. {z�..,s_„i, �
<br />- Ioss rese�ic.smil the rcquirement Por mongage inmr..nce enJs i�nt��•dantt wi�h uny wriur�a xg;.rmem betwren(forrowca ti---s` �v ^'>�`F!,�
<br />-; andLcrnkcorapplicabtelaw. Yi--:`.* �K�SsIf�:�
<br /> 9. Impettlon. tender nr i�c agenl map m:de rc xenable c�uries up�n and incpeclimc of Ihe I'roprn� 1s:,der shall �.�',:u___n_r4lM1n_:
<br /> give Oorrox�er noiice a��Ix time of or prior�a an ia�j+t;�rn�p.rf)ing rcamnable cause!or Ihe inspetlion. �t�f';}F �ti �i« �
<br /> 10. Condemnation. 7hc p;otttds of nn)�aw2:A or clxim for dmnagcs.Aircei or con�cyucmial.in.u�ev..i,�n with any ��9�� � y '� �
<br /> r
<br /> Smplrlyniy..)bnHeNae}Ytdtlle}laeC\If11R\IIStiTRC\IF.]T -Pn!..m�C••.�nm� 9.9D �ryfr,loJ6N�n� )���-� ?y`�t
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