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�(ti?s���.Jf�'I�n S.Kf-�l'��ft`�I i�t\�y( _. : r . t�� e +��' _ <br /> �i ��F fa�F��� �j1`a 7- � . , . . -� '�i.. -.. <br /> �-_ _�.�-f��.A,l�t�t .L � ,....,:....evri)uFNC[If'.JY'l:1cA�L.i(z.:._._ __.....�...:w:"at«i� a�...,...�.....,.��.� <br /> V(H�"'������� <br /> 1�OORTiiBR WlTfi ail ttn Unprovemcros now or IKrc+Rer trec�ed on�he propcny,nnd nll cnsemente,nppnrtamnccs, <br />. andlixturos now ot hettaficr a pen o►�ha propeny. All t�pl�cemrnts u�d addi�lons shall aisn la covcrcd by�his Saud�y <br /> InsiNnte�S�. AllofthoforcgoinB�Srcfcrrcdtointi�is3avri�y(ns�runxntuihe"Pro�wny." <br /> BqRRCWCR COV�NANTS thn IIorrower i�1�wNlly xlsed ot the es�ote onnvcyod and has the right�o gr.�N <br /> �nd ca�vey tlw ih»p�rty nnd tbm the Propeny is unencumbered.oxcept for encumbranccs of tttvrd. Anrrowcr wnrtams and ��y. <br /> will defrnd gen�nliy tho ti�lo lo tho Pro�ny og�inst ail daims and dsmmds,subjeet to any cncumlxantts otrccord. <br /> TIi13 SL'CURITY INSTRUML'NT wmbincs unifoim covcnnnts for na�ionxl usc and nomuni(omi covcnants whh =_ <br />� Ifm(tedvnrlalonsUyJudsdiniontoconstltuloaunifomisecurityinsuumentcovedngralpmperty. <br /> UNJt�R�iCOV4�NAN15. Rorcowernnllr.nJareovenantandagmansfollowa: �.�- <br />� 7. I'aymtnt of['dnclpxl am2 tatrtm,�;P1.�¢�x:y�c+rL mrd La�a Chnrges. (iorrvwee xhall promp�ly pay when dne tl•,c `�'-_-..--. <br /> prfr.c�p,�F otandinlucnont6eAeCCevidsc�edbj8�[sacear,lanypcspaymcmandlntochargesduoundcr�hoNoto. F�'_ <br /> 2. 45o�dsfor77tzrsandlae;ir.�,m:e. Sl�bjrciioa�plicaCteia•+iarroawrinenwafvcr6yl.ender,ffortmvuehallpayto �; <br /> i.en�t oce ttn dxp resrahly paymcNS aiu due under U�e Ncte,untii U�c pa!r.!fn[ull,a sum("Punds'y for.(a)ycariy �s.:;,-� <br /> taxs snd asv.ssrer:rts mf�(ch may an�in piority ovet this Secwiry tnstmrcr•nt as a lieu m e�:C�ro�xrty:N)yearly Ieauhold �i:e-:-.. <br /> paymrces or groc.a!rcn:s ai tlw A�oprny. (f any: (c) Yavly�xaxd or p:c�tY favuarrz prcmfums: (dl Yavly flood <br /> P Y.OY Y SS 9 Y Y PY Y ���".�. <br /> Insursr.�e �emin+ns,if an • e eul nron � c Insurancc r�:.ams, if an ,and (�an wrns a abio b Darrowcr�o i;-. <br />"��ordancc wi�h ihc provistau of puagraph 8,irt Gtte af�hcpa ymcn�of ma�axgc[nsurancc premiums. 'li�cr ;°S-; <br /> ikau:ar.c�sited"Escrow Items." Lender may.u any{tat amd taid I�nds In nn ar+aone oot�o excccd�he ma�imum " <br /> xnmum n kn�kr fof a fc0aratly relucd mottgagc fam may r�y.,•rirc(or Uorcower4 escrow acvicent ur.b_r�hu kdcral Real ;'�� � <br /> Es�x;s Senlunent SRocedurcs Act of 1974 u anuad�nt fm�v timx m tinx,12 U.S.C.�2601 ei soy.('R@Sfl�'), analKr `P:- <br /> tawihnajpiicstoilKl'undsutsaiuursmouai. [f�,Lc.x}:rm3y.atanytimc,colla�ar�hvldl'undsinanamountnoi�o '_j.;;�_ <br /> excrz�r.`+a i.sser ama�m. l.enAn r.iay atimaic the am��ra�(imds due ai�he 63sis �tuncnt da�a and rcawnab:e �'��-_ <br /> esflma�o(expenAilures of tutum.Fsr.r<ow Itenu or dherwise bs nLSOtdance with appIlcal✓x Cxvr. - <br /> 7ric tLnds shill bu hdd In eu&��itutlon wlase deposi��.°.-a insured by a federel reeir.y.instrumcntality.or cntity - <br /> (tncludin Lcnder,(f I.en&e is zud�an Institmion)or In an Rdenl Home Lom�ank. I.ender shall a I tik I'unds to a ��f'-•� <br /> 8 Y P�Y P Y �i.s.,:: <br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may na chuge Borrower Rx Iaiding and ap;tyiq;the Nnds,anr.ually analy�ing the eurow - <br /> �aount, or vedfying tla G'urow hems,unless t.endet pays UaKOwcr ireerzi on thc 1'unds anA applicable law pertni�s �"�"` <br /> F.F.'.': <br /> Lender m meko sud�a charga Fiowever,l.ender may reguirc IIoROwer to p�y a ono-�ime chu3e fa an InAependent rcal ��. <br /> esute�:�a repating urvlce uxd by 4n�kr in connesilon wuh 7oan,unless appIlcable iaw provides otherwise. Uniess�n E::``:--: <br /> agrcemrnt is made or applicablc law rcqufres intcrcst to bo paid,Lenckr shal l no�be rcquircd to p3y Uorcox�cr any Imcrest or 4-- <br /> camtngs on the IiirvJs. Dorrox•cr and l.cndcr may xgrcc in writlng,howevu,thu Intcrcs�shall be palA on�he Mnds. 4endcr �L�ti:'--. <br /> shall giva to Dorrox•cr,witlwut chargc,en nnnuxl a:countlng of�Iw Ponds,stawing crcdi�s and dcbiis a�6c I'unds and thc "`"` <br /> w for wldch cxh debfl to the Ibnds wes m:�n=. 7hc fimds are Icd cA as additlonal securit Por all snms securcd b �"�""- <br /> P�7b P S Y Y lFzzTr:'. <br /> this Sccudry Insuumem. ��;?�-s�- <br /> if thc ivnus ixi6 by undcr cxcna tnc amounu pemn�c�x to i�c ireiti by applirabtc c3w, i.cndcr anali accawc�o �:<:; ` <br /> aorrower for the excess I'unds in a:rnrdance with tlre ru�uiremem of appticable Inw. lt t?�e amount of�he Ponds I�cid by ���:i� <br /> I.ender at m�y time(s wt suffiNem io pay�he L'scrow I�ems when due,Lender may so notity Oorrowcr in writing,nnd,in �j!r�._:: <br /> such cau Dortower xhall pay�o Lender�he amount neceuary tn make aep i"e Dortower shall nuke up the ii.�:,::. <br /> defldency in no nnre th�a�a•eive momhly paymems,at Lender�sote dlscruitr+. 2�=:T�- <br /> Upoap�ymem in s'ull of a13 sums sewrcd by this Sccurity tnstrumrnt,Lendcr shalt�+az�pily rcfund to Oorcower xry ;�;i`.. <br />� iiinJs trc'i3 by I.ender. (f,under par�raph 21,Lender shall en7:ire or ull tlw Propeny,•ter,pdor to tIM acquisiNon or '�'� <br /> saio of�he Propeny,shall apply mq�Eunds heid by Lender a� �he�ime of acquisidon or sak as a eredit agains��he sums +s^-_ <br /> sccurrd by�his Sceuriry Inswment. ��s`''- <br /> 3. Applkatbn Of PAymeOtS. Unless:�a:i�:able law provides otherwise, all paymenis reccivcJ by i.ender unJtr -���-. <br />: pvagraphs 1 and 2 shall G:apptled:first,to nn���n:p3ymem charges duc under�he Nae;ucond,to amouels payabio under �Si�'� <br /> paregropL 2;�hird,to Imcrcs�due;Pounh,to principal duc;and Iu4 to any latc charges duc nndcr�be Notc. r -_ <br /> ,t Ch�rges{ Llrns. 6orrower s6all pay all �axes,auessmcnn,chargcs, lines anA i�z�posf�lons eUribu�able tv the "`- <br /> Pro}u.c;r u+.cch may auain pdoriry over tliis Security Insuument,and Icaxhotd paymeNS or&acnd rcnls,if any. Oortower �'•;'��� <br /> sh.i3 pn}�alxse obli gailons in tlu manner provided in pan gra ph 2,or I(not paid in tha�manncr,Dortowcr shall pa y ihem on °�-�- <br /> aiaie di:it.tly to ihe penon owcd payment. 6orrowcr shall p�omp�iy fumish to Lcndcr all notfces of amoums w Ix pald under �;2�"��` <br />� i:iix gais+gtaph. If Uorrower makes thesc payments dinetly,Rnnmvcr shxll prus5ptiy fumish lo Lender rcmipu wldcndng �,;u:=<. <br /> a'�cpa.ya� -- � <br /> Rocruu•ershall rom ti disc6 Y P 1• Y 8 �y��:.: <br /> p p y r�:an �len which has r};ci �ver this Stturi� Instnriaar,unless Dortox•er.(a)a rca �� - <br /> >`'} . <br /> in w7i�inc ro�he�yment of�he oUlib.r.ion secumd by�he Iien ia z nanner aceeptable w Lencie=:(b)eonrests in goal fai�h�he .y,,., <br />- lirn by,or defends against en(orcement of�he IEer.Sn Iegal prwticdings which in t6e Lenderh opinion opemle to prevem the `";:-�-. <br /> enforcement of the Iien;or(c)securcs fran ttx h.otJ��of i6e Iten an 2greemem satisfec�ory ro Lender subordinating ihe Iien ��'-• <br /> w ihis Securiiy Insimmeue it Lender deurr:P�:x ct�a�any pan of ihe Propeny ts subJec�to a lien which may auatn priority ��"�- <br /> over this Security inswmen6 LenAea eaay give➢or.on•er a notice idemitying ihe lien. 6orrower shall saristy the licn or take -�f., <br /> onc a morc ohhc aalons se�fonh:,Jvwe within IO days of thc gf�ing of notice. <br /> 5. llaznrd or Pro rl lav:sance. Dorto���cr shall Scz. rx im rovemenis now exislin on c�reafler crcetcd on Yae �``�� <br /> {k Y P � P S �c:�-.,. <br />- Vro it �nsuted a alnsl loss 6 lire,harards IncWded ui�hin the mmi"extcnd.d coxera^c"and an•otlicr hazards,incluAin "'"`"- <br /> lY Y� F Y a ) f ��:_' . <br /> n�o�n�a;�2,r,� •.�e;�i� Ler.Ar requires inw�anca 7Lis insurance ,5�i1 Ue maim�ined in �he amounts:md for fi: �)r,,, <br /> r�.,. <br /> FnnJOSb 9190 r rSn n �i•. <br /> NF / rv•—:' <br /> i <br /> �ti .. <br /> �/,A.. <br /> . tt,t'_ <br /> Y -;i <br /> . t�.v.�.� 9{}1SY' �i �"�l�i'T . , a.s. '. ..�.. .� ` . ...�. ... . .p: y� .0�.qY:3� vP . <br /> ��'�Er � t��� - �-K <br /> f{ lV . . Y <br /> � - -Ch�.s . . .. -- - - �n�.�: - - . - <br /> .a•-� . ..." -5 _L-_ <br /> r . _;r c . - . _. _ _ " � - <br /> Li �r itI - . ' <br /> . 4�.1 u . . . . . _ . <br /> r <br /> �iY " ..i - . - - <br /> ��t�_.-'' 4� - .�: . .. . ... . ' . <br /> r1. � >f�` b - _ .. - . . - - - <br /> �o � . 1-.ti t nlltt y - S . . _ _ ' <br /> � f,} � ✓( } .t � S �� t - K (_ - � . :�, _ . , <br /> S �`�'73�N'1 �rtL -;i! i �, � t - r �� . r1T�•M:t a - _ : � � �.... <br /> tt � .; - .c . . �:i �st { <br /> h __�p'' � � _ . . � }{ <br /> r _ ...� . . , , . . . _ .. -� , . . .. .� . _ . <br /> ,1�5 . . � �F.'.., <br />