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!�F`F?�`�' .T��,�� ! - . - �.. ,y.L <br /> �r 3 ;y a '/- �y 1 S - 7 - ?:17 L3.>�:: <br /> . . .IF.�/�� . . :. ' - �o.......n:w-�i� v � ' - <br /> :�. LiS�� � .�l4.S.��.L�:r.�'ii�� �AI�wR�}3i' - --WM�l.......-.--�=. T.�_.. _ <br /> . 92-�st�r�3. <br /> s� <br /> - Condcmnattan or dher Iaking of any part af�ho Property,or for tonvcyanro tn Iicu of rnndcmna�inn,nro hercUy�issigncd tmJ <br /> shn1�tw paid to.Lepder, — <br />� LI�h0 Cvtni u�A iWal I�k10g o(IIIb PIO�kdy,Iha pv�tYds shall bo r�pplled to ihc sums ucnred 6y�his Suudty -- <br /> Instn�ment,whcihcr or not t6cn duc,�vith any cxcosa pald to Oorroxcr. In�ha cvem of a pan(at�aAing of d�o Pro�cny in _ <br /> K�hich tho falr mnrka vnhm of t6c Propcny Immedia�ely MPore�hc�aking is cqtml to or grca�cr than ihe mnounl of tlio sums <br /> su;un4 6y thls 3ccudry Insimmem Immediatciy bcforc ihc taking,unlcss 13oirowcr and I.enAer oihenvixo ngrco in writing, <br /> the sums secnred Ny this Sxuflly Ins�mmem sliall iu n:duced by the amnunl of tho procecJs muliiplfe4 Uy the follovdng <br />- Gaclton: (n)Iho totnl nmoum of the xnms sccurcd tmmedl�ICiy bforc�hc tnking,divtded by(b)tho(alr maiket valna nf�hc � <br /> R'�opetly Imtnedlnlcly ixfnro Um�aking. Any balantt s6a11 bc paid to Rortmvcr. In tho evem of a panlal�aking of�I�c - <br /> Propetly In x�IdcL�hc Poir read:c�vaRio of the Propcny Immcdiatcly 6afon:t6o tnkin�is Iess than thc amoum of tl�e snms <br /> accur�,d Immtdiaiely I�,:foro the taking, unless Rorrouxr and Lender othenvise agrce in �rriting or unlrss zppiicable law _ <br /> o�henvim provides,iho procecds ihall 6e.pplled to the sums securcd by ihis Secud�y Instmmcm whetheror rAi�ho sums arc �-- <br /> ihcn duc. �'- <br /> Ihho Pro�xny is, by Oormwcr,or if,a(�cr no0w by I.endcr l0 6orrower ih���he eondcmnnr o(krs lo make «--� <br />� xn award or sculo a claim[a damagzs.Barrower fnils lo rexpnnd Io Lrndcr wi�hin 30 days a(icr thc date tho nmfcc is giren, __. <br /> Lsr.der Is auAtwizcd to mIh*tt aaQ ay�ty the Fmcceds,.�Ils op�lon,ei�her Io tesroruion or npait of the Properly or to thc - <br />� sums secumt by Jus S:euriry Gulmnunq aEetFer oe not thcn due. y-" <br /> Unicss LenAcr ar.d}tortauYr o�henvise cy�{m in wri�ing,any npplicatian of peocz�cds to prittsiQzl shall no�cx�cnd or x^ <br /> poslpoix:ihe due ik:m;vf the momhly paym:r.i�nYemd�o In puagmphs i ar.d 2 or change thz of,uch payments. :__ <br /> 11. Borrower Not Rcleasedt Forbxar.r.m By l.ender M1ot q 1NaBrr. F.xtcnsioe of tlm rime for payn,cN or "v:�r� <br /> modiflrnion of amoniza�lon of Rrc xums sccm:ed by this Security invmment gnnted by un a7y su_eessor in Intcrcst <br />