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. . .... <br /> .l� �.. , :�' , _. <br /> � � .- <br /> ,� ?(�i�i�`�',t``sl�,vn�.---... <br /> •�� J;r, . . . '�.": �'�',,, .•� ,,. : � � .. }t�A4�,�kf'�� � -.. <br /> ,. <br /> ' ""'p�r j. <br /> • •�. <br /> . . , .. <br /> . , . <br /> , <br /> . . . . .. �• - - - <br /> , � _ ,.. , ..�.`T^r'+nt='_ ti"..•�,r„��,- ..,_.a...w. �...-'-- -- .. <br /> r <br /> __��'�.�.�:�r� .J�. --i1�fl.::�rrmu�� <br /> n ' ' � � . . - - .�. <br /> . ... . ...__...:.- - <br /> , ��b.rrrM.t..,,c...��r�.::�._r.�,.: :...l.____..-- .,. <br /> ' "�4�79�k1�4�i <br />� .�•y'...'�� . <br />- .: ,��. . <br /> .., suhti'tuntially ci�uivalent mnrt�;agc in.tu•ancc cuvcriiE!c i� ;:ot uvail,iblc. Horru�vcr tih;dl pay �u I.�:ndcr cach mnnth u sun�ti�,�ual t�� <br /> •.� � � unr-t�v�lfth ut'thc ycarly murtgagc Inuir.t�,«������,����,�,���,�raid hy tiorru�+•�r whcn thc iii�ur�onrc ruer:r:�gc lapscd t�r ccuticd¢n <br /> , � hc iie c(Icrt. Lrndrr�vill+icCC�►6 usctin(1 retain Ihcsr p;�ymrm�,�i+ n lo,� rr�cn�• it� licu ut murigaf,� mtiunut�:�: l,n5fi r.�ti�raa � <br /> - p;i�•incutti ni�iy nu lun�:rn c�,rcyuie•cd, nt Il�c'apti�m nt'I,�:nJcr, fl'murtgc��r in+ur:inrc r���craE;c 1 in ihe:anwunt aiu! lur th�.��cri�r� <br /> .. ' that L.enJor I•cNuire�� pivvidrd hy,nt in�ur�r uppr�►t�cd hy I.cnd�:r a�;uin h�cont�.r uviuL•ibl�;�m�! i+uhtuinc�l. linrru��cr.h�.+ll p;�;� ��- <br /> lhc t�rcmiu�m requircd tu muintain murt�;,iNc in,ur,uuc in cttcrt, nr w pruvidc a lu�s rc��r�c,until the rc�.�uirrm�:nt I'nr martg;iU�c� _. <br /> ° insiu•:wcc cndti in a�ccurJ.wrc �vith any�vrittcn ugrcemcnt hctwrrn Hurru�acr and L�:nd�:rui• r�ppli�:�ihlu I,i��•. �. � _ <br /> , 9.InsEx:cUun. I.cndrr ur it�:i�rnt miiy makc rcasunahlc�ntric� u�znn;in�i in����xliun�ni�Ihc 1'roperty. I.cnJc�sic►J! ira _ <br /> �;� Hurr��wcr nuticc ut th�timc of ur prirn•to an utspertiuii tiperilyinN r�a,unnhlc rauM tiir Uic in�p.eciimi. �"� <br /> 10. Cundetnnatlan. Thc pr��cecd,uf any awm�d cir fur damagc�, �lirert ur�onnryucntiul, in couimcti��n a�itii ;u�y� —_ <br /> candemnauun ui ulhrr tu6in�:of.ury p:�rl uf th� I'rupert��.or I�,r rnimry��nrc in licu nl'rundcmnatiun,arr h�:r�:hy ity!,iEJ�.'�J aro�,�� �;. <br /> � �hall hc paid tu Lcndcr. <br /> "•,'`.�''�fl' In Ihc evcnt i+f a ti�tal tukm�ut tlic Proprrry, tlic pruccrd.r.iudl bc applial to thG .um,�c�-urcd hy thi,Securiq� Instru�a�cnt,.� -- <br /> • ..�._�;' -- <br /> - - -';�;,'+? ��•hctlicr ar nut thrn�luc, with any rxr�+• paid tu fiurr�,«•cr. In tlir c�cnt ut a p�iniul t:iF,ing ��I th�t Proprny 111 t6I11CJ1 1I14 a.r <br />. "�.+�'� markct aaluc uf thr F'ruperty immcdiut�ly befurc lhc taking is�yu;tl tu ur grc:tt�:r thun ihc�nn�uunt u(thc sun�► ,c�:urcJ hy Ih��� — <br />'�`� �j`?' Scc�u•ily In�trumcnt inunrdi.U�ly hcfurr thc taking. unlcs+Unrrowcr and L�nda�ulh��rv�•f,r agrcc in writins.the,um>>ecurcJ M,�• _ <br /> -j;� Ihi� S�rurity (n�lrumcnt tihall hr reJuccd hy thc amuunt ui thc prucecd, nu�ltipliwd hy ihc ti�llnwinr 1'raction: (a� th�. toty.l c <br /> :,;>' •mu�unt ni'thc tiuiu,.rrur�d immrdiatrly hefi�rc Qie �ahing. Ji�•idcd hy ib� thc f'air marhe�valuc cif th� Pro�rty imnxxlivtcl�� <br /> j;;"' � hcti+rr th� �akint. nny balancc ,hnll h� �ai� to [�urroa•cr. In chc rvcnt uf a Piutit�l laking uf ih� Yrop+:r[�• �n ��•hich th� fa�� <br /> . .,;' � mar�:et�•aluc ul'thr Pruperty inurn�li:nrly h�l�+r�thc taking i.Ic+�than thc amuim��.�f tha +um,securcJ inuncdititely�: <br /> �` taking.milc+� Hurrowrr:md�lrr othcn�i,c agrer in �vriting ur unlc,+ :l}��1Ill:fllll4 law ��thcrv�•iu pruvidcs. th�PI'OCCC[IS tiI1:iJI <br /> :.� . � <br /> ;r' be appUed tu thc sumti secured 6y thi.r�ecurity lnstrumen{a'he�hrr��r not the sumr.��:the�n i ue. <br /> •'' If the Property i�abandoncd hy Borrowcr.�u if,atier nutir.e hy Lci�dur to Bnn�ou•er th��t thc cundcmnor uCters to m�hc an <br /> °�.:�;L°. ' •iward ur seule a claim far damagcs, Eiorrowcr fails to respund tu la:nder�vithin 30 d.�!'�after thc date th�: nuticr. is �iven, <br />:'.;7.>, , ,r <br /> _- Le�i�ier iti authorixeJ to collect and apply thc proceeds,ut its option,either�n restorntinn ur rep�iir of the Pro�:n��nr to[he�u�r5 <br /> ,..•�.�:._�'�� ,ccurcd hy this Sccurity instrumcnt,whcther ur nut then duc. F <br />. Unle,s Lcn�icr auu B�i�r��;��t �itficnci:;c agn: in �rritinF. any applic��icm af rn>:-:'ed�: ta princi,:+! �hal! ���t ��ctend �r <br />�:"''�� postpone the due date of the momhly puyments referred to in punigraph�I and �ur chunge thc umouiu of'such pa�•ments. <br /> 11.I3orra�r�4r Not Rcleused;Tc�rbeurunce By Lendcr Nut a�1 diver.Extens�on nf thc time ti�r payment or mcaclih��utinn <br />_;'�:��y � uf arnonization of the sums,ecurcd hy this Sccurity Instruntent granted hy Lcnder to amy �ucrc�+ur in��tere+c o�Borroaec ste�l.1 <br />�" ' �� nut uperate to relcase the liability of the uriginal Borro��•rr c�r Borro�vcr'ti�u�xessurs in intere�t.L.cnder�h,�ll nut h� �cyuircxl ta <br />-��� =,� cummence prcxeedings ugainst any successor in intcrest or refuse to extend iimc fur payment c�r utheni�ise mcxiif�� umorti[atir�n <br />_"''��'�� of the sum+ secured by this Securiry Instrument by reason of an�� dem�uid mude by the ariginal Bvrnn�.r.r or Bormwr.c'n <br />_�-;�`. '� successnrs in intemst. Any fittb�:arnnce by L.ender in exercising any rirht or remuly+h�dl nut he u wuiv�r nf nr pri:cltnd:tlur <br />-:W��. , excrcisc of any right�u remesiy. <br /> �.K;�ti�-� l2. Succcssan and Aufg�s Bound; Joint imd Sevci-�1 I.tabilttv; Co•�ignwr.+. Thc covcnants attd uvrccmcn[s uf t�is <br />;_.�;,;.-�c� Se�:uriry Instrumen[ shall bind •�nd benefit the successon and assign�uf L�:�eder and Borcower. �ubject to the provisi.��.� uf' <br /> : _,f;;4'�� paragMph 17. Borrower's cove►�ants and agrcements shall be joint mid se�•crul. Any Borrower who m-�ignti this Ss,^cr!ney <br /> P '-—` Instrument but does not execute [he ivoce: iai �� ��•��b������ 1°"�"-`i'«�� ��,���n;ont nnlv tn mort���EC. Ctiltlt [UtC� L'DRY�)'tfl3t <br /> _s':C.!�?;.$�� <br /> ..,,�_;��,� Borrower's intcrest in the Propeny un�er the tcrms of tf�ic Sccurity [nstcumrnt: (b) is not personally obligatcd to p,iy th+:�:«ns <br /> ,;,,3,�`�3_�� securcd by[his Security Instrument;and(c)agrecs that I.ender and uny uther B��rrower may u�ree to cxtcnd. mcnlif'y, Cv��;.ar or <br /> � `� makc any accommodutions with regard to the temis of this Securiry Instrument or thc Note tvithnut that Barmvnr's conser.:. <br />-- ---v�.a 13. Loan Charges.If the loan secureai by this Securiq�lnstrumem i,subj�t co a�la�v which sets maximum loan ch:1P�ICS, <br /> ��-�,—��.: and that la�v is finall�• enterpreted so that the interest or other li�an char�os rollucted nr to be coUectecl in connection with the <br /> - _- loan exceed the pemur�vd lim�ts, then: (�)any such loan churge�hall be reduc.�d by the amount neces�ary�!o rodace the ch��;� <br /> _,�� to the pennitted �imir, ;md (b)any sums already collecteci from Bamo�e�r��'hich excecded pennitted li�nu will b�. refuroded to <br /> `-�'� Borrower. L.cndc:r may �hoosc to mukc thi� rcfund by rcducinE tho pr+ncipftl oa�'oJ undcr tho Note or by nwki�a3 a Jitkx:t <br /> --�- paymcnt to Borcower. [f a refund reJures principal. [he rcductic�n will bc tn:uted us a partiUl prep3ynbent withu�e aa.y <br /> �--��' prepayment charge under the Note. <br /> - 14. Notices. An��noticc to Barrowcr provided for in this Sc�uRty lnstn�ntent�:hnll be givcn by dcliscriu}�it or by mlilin.� <br /> it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of anodur methad.The natic-�sha�l be directed do the Pro�rerty Adds�:;s <br /> --- -- - or any other address Borro�ver desi�natcs by notice to C.ender. Any noti�5_ w I.c�ndcr sh.�dl be given by first class m�ia �a <br /> -- I.ender's zddress statod herein or a��y other address[.c�nder design�tc.c by noucr to Born�wer.Any notice prov�ded far in this <br /> —_= Security Instrument shall be dcemed lc hnve becn givcn to Bonrower or Lende•r�vhen givcn ns providcd in this psraQr�ph. <br /> --- 15. Governi�g Luw; Sevcratr�7dty. This Secu�-iry Instrument slu�l be govemeci by faicral law and the luw uf the <br /> jurisdiction in which the Prope�rty is lucated. In the event that any pmvisian or cluuse of this Security Instrume�ic or ths Nc+te <br /> -- conflicts w�th applica��le law,such conflict shall nc�t uffect other provisions of this Security Instrument or the Nole which cros k� <br /> g9ven effect without the conilicting provision.Tu this end the provisian�af this 5ecurity In�tNment anJ the Note are declarod <br /> ��'°'�a to bc severable. <br /> -�= 16. Bormwer's C�py.BosTOwer shall be given one confomied copp af the Note ansi of this Sc�curity Instrument. <br /> - � 17. Tra�ufer of the Propertp or a QenefiaSal Interer,t in RRtorro�►'er.If ull nr any pan of thc Pro�erty or uny irtet�.s?in ic <br /> — is sold or transfened tor if a beneficial interest in Bnrrower is sold ar t�xuufernd und I3orrowcr is not u natural perso�ia•��ithout <br /> - --� Lender's prior written consent, Lendcr may. �t +ts opti�n, rcyuir� imm�iia:o p:�yme�t in full of all sacu�s sccured by this <br /> —= Sccurity Instrument. iiowever,this option shall not be exercised by C.cnder if excrcisc is F�rohibited by fcdenl lavi us of ihe date <br /> ---�° of this Security Instrument. <br /> `"`�`�;�� If Lender exercises this option. Lender shall aive Bnrrower noticL ot uccelerntian, The notice shnll provide a pr.rir�:i of not <br /> _ _-r`�„�,� less thau 30 days from the date the notice is delivered or mnilal �vithin which Borro�+'er must pay ull sums securod by this <br /> -�-';;;,;��;� Secnriry instrument. If Borrower fails ro pay these sums prior to the expirution uf this period.Lendcr may invo!ce any remcdies <br /> _':�,�1�,g�� permittcd by this Security Instrument without furt�ner notice or demand on Borro�v,;r. <br /> _..._y�>��,.,K� 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reinstute. If IIorrower meets certain conditions. Borrower shall have thc ciglu to have <br /> -.�•�:�;�� enforcement of this Secunty instn+ment discontinued ut any time prior tu the wrlier af: lal S days (or such othr.r�cricxl as <br /> -'>::��';.�j.`•:. aPPlicable law may specify for reinr:;t+tementl hefore sale of the Prope�ty pur�:uant to any power uf�alr cuntaic.,:d in this ' <br /> --=,�.;.��p��si Se�uriry Instrument:or(b) entry of a judgntent enforcinF this Security In+tn►m2nt. Thosc conslitions nre that 13arra'�vcr: ,.0 pays ! <br /> ==;?'_wu�.�'�,,�'. I.,�:nder all sums which then would bc due under this Securiry Instrum:nt artd the Note as if no aceeleration hud oc:� (bl _ <br /> = "��" cures any default of any other covenants or aereementa: (rl pays all expenses incur�d in e+iforcing t3�is Securiry Ir;trument, .. <br /> -__,';�il;•: . <br /> ;;,,���,._ � including, but nut limited attomeys' fces:and Idl tukes such uction u�Lender may rea.vr�u�bly requic::to assure �_: <br /> .=;'.;� '��t,�i7' that lhe lien of this Sccurity Instnnnent. L�:nder's rights in the Property snd Borroutir':+ubfigation to pay the sun���K:,.creci by i, <br />=��«��'-_-- this Securitv Instrument shall conti�wc unchanged. Upon reinstatcnunt by Bnrro�ti�tr, this Sccur�ty InYtrumont a.nd thc _ <br /> _� �._.._..� .�.:....,h� tn minutsur chall <br /> - -;�_, -, ..:..-.t. _ - <br /> obligations secum,d hcmby shall rcmain fuuy cttccnvc as�t no acceicru�iun i�a���.:u��..-...�•���•�:.••••.•^a•°•- •--•-'---- <br /> •�-���%�Y� nut apply in thc case of acccicration undcr parngraph i 7. t <br />- � ` ' l9. Sale of Note; Change of Lvan 5erviccr. Thc Note or a pu►'tinl interest i►i thc Note (rogether �vith this 4ecurity <br /> i� � Instrument)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bon�wer. A sale msy Rsult in a chunge in the entitq tlnown _ <br /> ' :is the"I.oan Servirer")that collects monthly pavments due�nJer thc Nute and this 3ccuri[y Instrument.Them alxm m�y be one , <br /> ' ` or morc changes ut the l.oun 3crviccr unrelated to a sule of the Note.If�here is a changc of the Loan Sen�i¢er.Bui�cowz r will M: <br /> given written notice of thr change in arcordance with para�raph l4 ubove and applicablc la�ti•. The notice will statc tl�c nzunc.ind <br /> addrcss af thc nc�v Luan Scrvicer an�thc addrt.s to which payments shuuld be made. 'Clie nutice�vill adso contain uny other <br /> infonnatian rcyuirc�i by applicablc law. <br /> 20. Na7ardous Substunc�v. Bormwcr ,hall not rausc or perniit the pns�ncc, utic. �lispu�al, titora�tc• or rcica.v;,• of any <br /> , �, Hatanious Substanrrs on ur in du Propeny. Borruwcr �hall noe du, nur alluw an�•one clu to du. anythin� affecting the <br /> -- • Property that iti in vi��lation of:iny Envirunmental Law. The precedmg t���o tientcnceti >hall not :�pply ro the pr�sencc, use. or <br /> " storegc un thc Propeny��f timall quantitieti ��f Nalardou. Substance+th.►t arc gcncrally it�c��gnired tu bc appropiiate tc�normal .. <br /> residcutial uses and to maintcn:uirc of thc F'mpcny. . <br /> �•.,uo 3 0�a Fornt�07_tl 9/90 <br />