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<br /> B�rr�wer sliall pramptly give Le:ndcr wriucn nntice of nny investigutian,rluim, dc�a d, lawsuu ur other nclion by iiny
<br /> govemmemal or regulutory agency or privntc prrty invniving tlic Propcny und nny Hiu.:udous Substnnce or Envirc�nmenud L.aw
<br /> of which Korr4►wcr ha�;uctuni kn���vlcdgc. If Unrruwcr Icarn�,, nr iti nntiticd by cmy g�wcrnmcntid or rrgulatury nttth��r}ty, tl�«t
<br /> any rcmoval or othcr remcdi�nion of uny HnzurJ��u,Suhntuncc:dfccting thc Pn�pcny iti ncccssary.Uu�•rowcr sliull prumptly�uhc =
<br /> nll ncccssary rentcdial actions in accord�mcc witli F.m�ir+�nmcntid la��v.
<br /> As use� in tldti parngrnph 2U. "Hur�rd��us Suhsto.ncr�" ure dtuse suhstunce+defined u�+toxte ur I�urird�us tiuBsumces hy
<br /> �nvirunm�.ntul l.n�v anti thc folluwing tiuUstunccs: E;us�ilint, kcruscnc. �,thcr ilnmmuhlc ��r tuxic pctrolcum �nxluctn, tuxic
<br /> pe5ilcide`and hcrbicides,volutile solvents,materiul+cun�liining��sbesti�ti or li�rmuldchydc.and radiaactive�zurtennl�.. �►s use�i in
<br /> this paragraph 20, "Environmcatal I.aw" mcam fcdcriit Imv.r und lu�vs af Ihc juri+dicdun wherc Ihc Property is I�k�atc�t thiil
<br /> rclalc to hc�lttt, s.dcry or cnvimnmrntnl Prmeciinn. ,-
<br /> NON-UNIFQRM COVENAN'CS. Dorroucr and I.endcr fu��d�cr covcnan�iind ngrcc ns fullows:
<br /> E1.Acceleratton;Remedlc.w. Lender shnll �Ive�iotice to Bnrrower prin�• to ace:eleratton followln�t3nrrower's bres�ch
<br /> of any cor�i�ant or a�reemeut in t4iF� Securlty Insh•ument (hut �iot prlor to uccelerutli��i under pari�};i�u�t� 17 unless
<br /> up�lle�bl��lc9+v provid�otherwisc).Thc uotlee shall aspectf'y: (n1 tlie defuult; (h) thi�»ction reyulrec!to cure tAe AefauFt;
<br /> (c)a dale, not less than 30 days frum tlic date the notice is�Iven tu Eiorro►v�r,by �tihlcl�the defutdt must be curetl:end
<br /> (d)thUt i'uilure tu curc the dcfuult on or txfore the dnte spectficd In the nnttce may rc�ult in uccelcroUon oP the sums
<br /> secured by thls Securlt�� Instrument and r;:ite��P tl�e P��perly. The notF�:e shaU fu�Kl►er iufor�n Uur�•o�ticr of the ri�lit to
<br /> reinstute nt�cr accelerat�on aud thu right to brin�� ai cuurt acttnn t� as.5ert the uun•rxistence aP u detitult or nny other
<br /> defcn.tic of Borruxer to nccelercetinn and sale. IP ttie de3'nult is not cured on or beform thc�dute specifietl in the notfce,
<br /> Lende�r, nt its optlon, may requirz immocliate payment in f'ull of All sume secured by thl�� Securlty Insteumeat w�thnut
<br /> further de►nand Hnxi muy invoke thu p�nti�er af snle nnd nny other remodic.w prrmltte�by ppplicable Inw. Lcnder shnl!be
<br /> entltled to rultect.iVD expensKV Ittcurmd ln�u�:�u�n��tttc remedles provWca!In this pnrngrs�ph 21.i�ecladii��;,but:sat Itmiicd
<br /> to,reusonable at4urreeys'fees ond costs of titte evide»or.
<br /> If the power oP sale 8s invaked, 'I'rastee shnll record a notice nf detatdt in each cnunty in �vhich nny purt ot the
<br /> �ope:ty ts lucatc8 m�d shall mafl capl�uf s�er.h noNce in the m�,nner�r�scrlbed Uy nppiiaible!nw to Borrow�er urd to
<br />. :�z a;ict�ti:rsuns prc�crib�.;Cy s��,.c�.@}�!st�. AftPr the time required by upAllcable law,Teustce shall give public notice
<br /> of sule to the persons and in the manner piascribed by eppllcable IAw.'!'rustce, wlthaut demand nn uorrower,sna;,�i� --
<br /> the Property ut public auction to the highest btdder nt the ttme and�SInoP and under the tenus design�ted in the nutice oY
<br /> sale In one or mare�arcels and in any arder Trustee deternilnes.Tru..`'iee niay pastpone sale oP afl or any parcef of the
<br /> Property by public nnnounceinent at the t(me and place of any previously scheduled sale. Lender or Its des(grlee may
<br /> ' p�n�npe the PropeMy ai Any sxie. '�
<br /> _ W{fon recelpt o4 paymrait o[the price bid, Trustee shall dellver to the purcttiuser 'fn�stee's deed c�meeyiog the _
<br /> I'nnperty. The reciA�ts in the'E'�ustce's daed shall be primn facie evidenoe of the truth of tt�e swte�nents made therein.
<br /> Trustee shail apply t�he proceeds oP tlte sale in the followin�order:(n)t�e nll casts and expe uf ex�erctsing the power of
<br /> sale,and the sale,includtng the ppyment of the'frustee's fees uctuaUy ir�currerl,not to exteed�of $54.00 or 1/2 `k
<br /> of lhe princlpsd amount of the note at the ttme of the dai�ratjon of de!'uult. and reasonable attorneys'fees as permitted
<br /> �J la::;(u)!a a!!os.^.ts�sr�h;t4�.fs��!rtt�t�,c�r��mw,t;and(cl any ea�cess to the person or persons legally ent[tled to
<br /> it.
<br /> 22. Reconveyance. Upon payment of ull swns securecl by this Sccurity Instniment, L.ender shnll reyucst Trustee to
<br /> reconvey the Property and shall surrender thls Security Instrument and flll notes evidencing debt secured 6y this Security
<br /> Instrument to Trustee.Trustee sh�ll reconvey the Property���ithout wnmanty and without charge to the person or peisons lcgally
<br /> entitled to it.Such person or pecsnns shall pay any recordation costs.
<br /> 2�. Substitute Trust�e. l.encler, at its option, may irom time to time remove Trustee and uppoint a successor trustee to
<br /> uny Trustee nppointed hereunder by nn instrumc»t rceorded in the county in which this Security Instrument is rewrded.Without
<br /> conveyance of the Property, thc�uccessor ts�uatae shall succeed to all the title,power and duties eonferred upon Tntste.e herein
<br /> and by applicable law.
<br /> �4. Request(or Notices. Botrower reyuests that copics of the notices uf default and salc be sent to Borrowcr's address
<br /> which is the Property Address.
<br /> 2S.Rlders to this S�urlty Instrument.If one or rnare riden ure executed by Burrower and recorded togeiher witlt this
<br /> Security tnstrum2nt, the covenants and ugreements of each such rider shull be incorporated into and shall smend und supglement
<br />- the coven.�nts and agrsements af this Security Ins�n,ment as if the rider(s)were a part of this Securicy Insirument.
<br /> [Chcck applicubie box(es)]
<br /> [�Adjustablc Ratc Rider Condominii�m Rider 0 I-4 Fumily Rider
<br /> [�Gtaduatod Paymem Ridcr Planned Unit Development Rider 0 Biwcekly Payment R9dcr
<br /> $�llcwn�tnrlar. �. - Rate Improvement Ridvr 0 Second Home Rider
<br /> . . . �V.A.�.idcr,�• . . ��Othet(s)(sPeclfy] ' . . �
<br /> . . , . . , . , . +' • ,
<br /> ._ ., ' , • � . • ` 5 I � ' � . , , 1. • . ' ' , .
<br /> BY SIGNINO B�LOW.Dorrower accepts and agrees to the terms an@ covenants contained in this S rity Instrument and
<br /> in any rider(s)executcd by Borrower and recorclod with it. �.
<br /> WIIIIe55C5: ��, � ���
<br /> _../ ($C3�)
<br /> C 8rice A. S�l�w .Borror,cr
<br /> (Scal)
<br /> •tiorrowcr
<br /> (Seal) _._ _(Seal)
<br /> -Borrowcr •Bonowcr
<br />� S7'ATE OF N�13ltASKA. County sv: Hal.l
<br />- Thc foregoing instn►mcnt�vas acknowlodged before mc this 18th day of' Marcli . 1997 .
<br />_ by Clarice A. Shaw, a single person •
<br />� Wimess my hanJ and notarinl scal at Grand Island, Nebrask • in said County. thc datc afvresuid.
<br />� My fommission Expircs: -- -
<br />_ . 12-23-20U0 IEMEN�lMOUTAr•SGMMN�IrNrf N„�;�ry wni��
<br />- IIrA+�aEa►Qu.l�1011
<br />_ • �o�a n„�4 Fo►m 3028 9190
<br /> 1 • •
<br /> ' • .
<br /> i _
<br />