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<br /> , ,,..� 'fhe Fund, sh,dl bc hcld in an instiiuti�m a•hu,c dc�x�sir.: ��I�Ho�ncrl�ra yBankalAnitcr s�':�11 nppty��thc�l'�nul ta{�iy�tihc
<br /> , ,. � (mcludin� l.cndcr. if IA:ndcr is,urh�m imatutinnl�,r in�m;r I r�f;r,
<br /> . .,� F.ticroa Itc�m,. LenJcr m;ry nut rhargc Bi�rriswc.r for h�ddin��anil.ap�il.�inft Ih;Funds.annuully��nalyvin�[Uu�scraw ucruu�u,or �.:-
<br /> vcrifying thc E�.cmw Items. unle��l.cndcr p�y+Hnrrowcr inu:re�•t un 1.1i��I�uncl�antl applicahli luw permu��I cu�ler lu nmhr tiuch �;LL:.
<br /> , ,* a cbarge. Hnwcvcr. l.enJcr may reNuirc dorrow�r tu pay a an�;�•tamc rhaegc li�r an independcnt r�id c�tat��tax rcpartin�urvir� ��-.
<br /> '}� u�cd by L.cndcr in cunncrtimi with tl�i� lu:r.n, unl�rti� ap�>li�,ublr, luw priwictc, nthenvisc. Unlcsr �in u�;rcrmrnt i, m«ac ur = -
<br /> ;� upplicablc law rcquirc+ intcrc,t to hr paid.l.c,zdcr tiludl nr.c b�: r�:�{udr..Y1 In p�y H��rr���vcr any intcrcti��►r carnin�s un tl�c t'unds. —_
<br /> . . �; Borro�vcr and Lendcr may aZrcc in writing, tun+•c�•cr, tluu inu:r�zst st�.:ill tx.paid i�n thc Fund,. I-.tndcr shtdl giv�U� Norruwcr.
<br /> ",� a•itlwttt chargc. an annual accoiuuin�:ui'tltz 1'unds. sh�tiv�in�{ crdir.s and d�bU+ to du Funds and thc pur{wxc fiu• wl�ich cach �
<br /> dcbit to[i�c Fuiid+wu,��iadu.Th�I'unJs an�.plzd�rd as ad��ir«nul,eruriry lar.ill tiums sccurcd hy Uii�Sccunty In.trumcnt.
<br /> . ' If thc Funds hcld by Lcndcr excced th:umounts Fxrn�itr.ad tu b��held hy applirablc I.nv. L.cndcr tihall urceium tu 8u��•uw�r
<br /> ���{�""�+ for th�excess Funds in accordanre with th:r�:quirrmrnts�>f,ip��li.r.ukdc la��•. If the umrnmt uf the Funds held by Leiider at nny
<br /> timc is not sufficicnt ta pay thc Escro�v Itcs��.ti tivhcn duc,L.en�l��r mny ui noti(y Borrowcr in writin�.and,in�uch rasc Horru�ti•cr _
<br /> " _._— shall pay ti�L.�ndcr the vnount ncccssury to makc up thc defi�:iancy. Barro�vcr shall mAI�C U�[IlC IICfICiCnI'y in no morc than
<br />- �� :.� nvelvc monthly puyments,at Lcndcr's sola�distiretiun. �
<br /> Upon paymcnt in full of all sums �ccured by this Secitrit.y la.ntrum:nt. I.cndcr shall pron�ptly rcfund to B��rrowcr any
<br />-. Funds hcld by f..c��der. If,undcr paragr.►p�21. Lcnder sh�ilt ar,�tuire or+cll the Property. I..t:nder, prior to the ucquisi[ion or sale
<br /> . • of the Property.shall apply any FunJs helu by l.endcr at the tnmc af.urquisition ur salc as a rrcdit against thc sum�ticcw-ed by
<br /> -�` • this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> ' :i 3•:pFl:catEan o£Payment�.Unlekr•applirable law Rrc�vid�:s attrern isc,all payment�received by L.ender unuer para�raphs
<br /> •� '� l and 2 shall be applicd:f rst, to any prr.paymcnt cltargcti dur, undr.s ll�e Notc: sca�nd, tn aniounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> �� "tr' . third,to uiterest due:f��urth,w principa3 du�:and last.ro any I:��c cJ sargcs duc under die Ivute. _
<br /> .�,•," `�
<br />."_��.jt-_�,;��.iqv 4. Cht��es; Ltens.Bortower shall pay all c:�ses, •rsscssmenc;.. chargcs, fines and impoaitiuns uttributablc w thc Prc�perty _
<br />:`i;`.;A;,,;{�,� which may.jttain priurity over this Security Instreiment, and leas�:}iold payments or ground renis,it' any. Borrower shall pay —
<br />:',�:j',4;r�;:,��, she•�nbliLativns in the manner provid�xl i��paragra�:��.or if nc�t fszid in that n,:>nner. Borcower shnll pay thc�n on time directly
<br />:;;c�;,�r,�' to the person owed paym�nc.Borrowcr,taaat promp.Fy iun�;,h t��1�.n3cr s1! n^t�:ps of amounts tu bc paid under�his parugraph.
<br />`�:�`'� `,.>E� If Borrower mdkes thes��puyments direclly.Biuro�c�r cS�ull pramptl��umish to Lender rec�ipt�e�'idenci�ig the payments.
<br /> "�%' � Borrnx•er shall pramptly discharge,my lien whicl�ha+priorit_� over this Securiry Instrunr.nt unless Borrower: (u)��r��+in _
<br /> ':�:r,�r.�;?" Wnrinc to the payment of the ubli�ation �ecured by the lien in a n:�u,nner acceptable to l.ender.(b)contests in guod faith the lien
<br /> ',` by, or defends ngainst enforcement of ihe lien in. iegal prc>ccedings which in the I.ender's opinion operate w prevent the
<br />-=�':�l enforrenlent of the lien:or(c)secures f�um the huld�r of the li�:n un agrcciue�it sati5factory to Lendcr subardinating the iien[o
<br /> � _.
<br />�'���}-��` this Security lns[rument. If Lender determines that aaiy pan of th•� Property is subject to a lien which may attain prionty over _
<br /> �.� this Security Instrument,L.ender may gi�e Borrower a notice ideniifying thc lien. Borrower shall satisfy the licn or take one or
<br />�'"'�`�'-�'s�-'�'� morc of th:actiuns set fo�-th abovc within 10 days of thc givin�t af.notice.
<br /> °�"'�';,J 5. Hl�aard or Property Insurance. Borrower shull kecp the improvements now existeng or hereafter erectcd .�n the
<br />=';�'��� Propeny insured aguins[loss by fire, hazsrds indu�l��l wu.hin t{-:e tern� extended coverage" :u�d any other hazards. inrlu�ing
<br /> -_:«•"" ,�.� floads ur floading, for which L.ender requires insF�r:�nce,^Thi�{ iiuuran�e�sh�all h�mn�bv�B nowerc u�biect toal.rnder`s approval
<br /> .—�M_-= that Lcnder requires. ihc insurance a►rrie� piv.+u«<� .'��� �����•s�'W=��••�•� -- - �
<br /> :;�:� which sh311 not be unreasonably �vithhelcl. If Boro�ver Eiils w maintain coverz�e desrribed above, Len.ler may, at Lenders
<br />-'�':�.t+` option, ob:ain cove��age to protect Lendcr's rights in the Pr�perly in accordance�:itn paragc:�pt�7•
<br /> -- --= All insuranee policies and renewals shall be aeceptuble u� [.ender a�id shaU include a standard mnngage clause. !Lender
<br /> � shall have the right to liold the policies.,nd renewuls. If L.endcr requires,Borrowc;r shall promptly give to Lender all rec�:apts of
<br /> _-- paid premiums and rene�val notices. In the event of loss, Surrc��n�cr shall give prampt notice to the insurance ca�'rier and Leixier.
<br /> - _ - Lendcr may make proof of loss if nat rn3de prompNy by l3cxrovrer.
<br /> - ----- [3nScss Lender and Borrowcr oth�tcu•ise agree in wrdmg, insurance praceeds shall be:�pplie;d to restorntion or repair of the
<br /> ^;ry,,;�� Property damaged,if the restoration or rep:iir is ecunomiculty f'casible and Lender'.security ic not lessened.[f the restoration or
<br /> repa�r is not economically feasible or l.endrr's security wnul�d be lessened.the insurance proc�eds shall be applied to the sums
<br /> - "°'"'� secured by this Security Instrumcnt. �r•I�ethcr or not then du�:. with any cxcesy paid ta Borrowcr. If Borrowcr abandons the
<br /> � propert��,or does nut answer within 30 dny�a notice fr�m Lender that the insurance carrier has offered to settle a claim,then
<br /> -- Lender may collect the insurunee pr•nceecis. Lender mciy u�.c• the proceeds ta repair or restore the Propercy or to pay sums
<br /> secum.a by this Sccurity Instrumcnt,a.hather or not then duc. 7'he 30-day perioci wil!bcgin when the noticti is given.
<br /> 'i:� Unless Lender and Borrower atherwise agree in writi ng. .►ny application oC proceeds to principal shall not extend ar
<br /> postpone the due datc of thc monthE�• payments refern:d tu in Pati:tgraphs 1 and 2 or ch:u�;� the amount of the payr�nents. If
<br /> under paragcaph 21 the Pn�perty is acquired by Lendcr, Eiar:t�wer'a right to any insur�nce policies:+nd proceecis resulti��from
<br /> damage ro the k'roperty prior to the acywsuion slr.xtl pass tu LenAer to thc extcnt of thc sun?s secured by this Sccuriry Instrument
<br /> � immecliatcly prior tn the acquisitio�t.
<br /> 6. Occupancy,Preservatt�n,I�i��nte�unce u�1�F►•�niec3lon ot'tl�e Pro(xr1y;Borrower's Loan Ap}��is.ntion;l.easeholds.
<br /> � Borrower shall accupy.csuiblish,an:l use thr Pcoperty as F3ati7ower's principal residence within sixty days afiter the execution of
<br /> this Security Instrument und shull cnnzinue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year aiter
<br /> the date of uc:cupancy,unless Lendcr otherwise ugrees in«�riting, which consent shall nut be unreasunably withheld, or unless
<br /> extenuating circumstances exist whirh n►'e beya�n� Bore�.iwcr's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the
<br /> Property, allow the Propcny to deteriorute, or c�mmit wnstc on the Property. Bottrnver shull be in default if any for(eiwre
<br /> -- uction i�r proceeding.�vhether civil ar eriminal, iv bcgun ahat in C.ender's good ta�th judgment could result in forfeimre of the
<br /> --���;�� Property or otherwise materially impair�hc lien crcutcJ by thiti Security Instrument or Lcndei s security interest. Borrower may
<br /> - ""'-'� cure such a default anJ reinstatc,as�rovided in par�griph I8,hy causing ttu action or procceeiing to be dismissui with a ntling
<br /> T'---� that, in Lcndcr's g�ocl faith dctcrm�uativn, prccludc� turfcir�re of the Borro�vcr's intcre�t in thc Property or other materiul
<br /> ` impairment of the lien cr�ated by this S��uriry In�trument ur Lender's secur�ry interest. Horrower sh:ill also be in default if
<br /> .'�"���� Bonower. durinF the loun application procr+�. ga�_e mut+:rially 1'alse or inaceur�te infomiation or statements ta L.ender(or fliled
<br /> r:.
<br />_.';;:;;;::�,,. tn provide L.ender with uny matcri:d inrormati�ml m cunnctit►un with the loan e�•ideneed by thc Note,inr.luding,but not limite
<br />-,"^�`,:�`+� to.repmsetnations cunrerning Bcu•�•oa►•cr'+occupancy uf the Pro�Lny:u a princip�l residenc�. if thi.Security Instrument is un a
<br /> ��°i�,";`:"v',� .
<br /> .=_y,,;,; ,- Ie.lserold, Burruwer sb:►II com�l�� 41�ith all thc pruvu�wns af �fie Iea+e. If Bnrmwer acc�uams fee tide ro the Nropeny, t e
<br /> ~---�-��` ` Icasehuld and die fee tidc shall not mcrgc wilcss Lcndcr agrecs to thc mcrgcr in�vriting.
<br /> -.'r'd,:,�:,� ,
<br /> �i��:;�.::;wc 7.Protection af Lender s Ri�hts in the I'roperiw.If Rorcower fails ro ps:rfurm the covensnts and agreements containeci in
<br /> � ehis Security lnstrument,or tl�crc is :l Il`�`8I �IVCCC�III�j fll:ll [ll.ry si�nificantly affect l.ender's rights in the Pmperty (such as u
<br />`.��'i,.'s�.;�'• =�� proceeding in bank�vptcy,pro�atc. t'or conJemn�tion ur furfciwrc or u�ent'onc law,��r re�ulations). [hen Lender may do and
<br /> t.:�
<br />>:I�Y,.; � pay trr wh:�tever is neres+ary to pratect thc valur c�f thc FroEx��+: and Lendcr', ri�:htx in thc Property. Lender's artions m:iy
<br /> • �nclude navine anv wnts �ccunxl by a lien which hi�s priuritj� uver this 5ecunt}��mtrumenL�appean nnder hiu na rcriuh
<br /> _ '""''�a•.ix�• rc.��onablc attorncys'fc:eti a�1J cntcrinr un lhc Yr��perty [o maicc irNai�.. ni�i�uut;�� :,..�....:.....� .....—'-.._.. : , _ .
<br /> .. " •• 7.�.l.11l�l'�(�PC\IIUI �li1Vl IO lltl till.
<br /> ' .. E. Atty antount� ditibuncd by L.e+iJ�r undrr thiti paia�raph 7 .hall b�comc additional J�bt uf Bortuwcr .cc:ured by this
<br /> Sccttrity [nstrumm�t Unl��.� Borrow.�r;uid I-cnde:r agr�c to uthcr tcrms �,f p:tymcnt, thc�c am��unt� �hall bcar intcrest f'rom thc
<br /> - � � dalc u(disbunemcnt at thc Nutr r�tt :uid ,hall bc payahlc. «ith intcrc.t. upun �iutirc from Lcndcr a� Durru�v�r r�yuctiting
<br /> payment.
<br /> S.Dlort�;a(;e lu�;uruncc. If L�n�l�r rryuiruci murtgagr in+urancc a�a r��itditiun ul'mahin�thr lu�n,c�urcd b} this Scrurity.
<br /> In�trument. HurroK•cr >hall pay thc prcmiunn nyuirrd tu maintain thc mortgagc in,urancr in �ffi�t. II. fur any rca+un. thc
<br /> •- nwrtgagc inwrancc ru�•cr.��r rryuireJ h� Lcndcr lap�cti�,r�ca.r.t��bc in cffcrt. Borr�,��er,hall pay thc prcmiunn rcyuir��1 tu
<br /> � ° ubtain�u�•cr.igc wb�tanti;dly �yuivalent t�,IhC murtgagc imw�anrc prcviuutily �n rf(crt. at a ru�t wb,tantiall}•cyui��.ilrnt tu ihc
<br /> � +' �u�t lu Barru��•cr uf tli�m��rtgagr �n�mranr� ��rcviau�ly in cFfcct. Irum :m :dtrmul� m+�rt�age imurcr:ippro��Yl hy Lrndcr. If
<br /> ' .r.« .
<br /> � {M1 ,
<br /> • � -� n Form 3028 9190
<br /> va,p•e.•�a
<br />: ,
<br /> ...__._�.__--<�--._.,r--�—�-��c:i�ctac,u.�::;._,.-
<br />