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's fYT,..... . .. .- . . .1.� T <br /> .:i;,�'il'� . . . r• • ,�--.'"'I <br /> ..�,;�� . _,,,F��,,: <br /> • .y.�r`.. . • , :��„�j,�, • �;;+��ry�_ <br /> iyqri. <br /> . f,.Mtr.wN7��- • , , � . .. '. �p ..�.. :s�,�,�,.-`� <br /> .. .. - - . .. - .. .. .. . ' .. ., .�. .'�7..e'fdM�Fs.��rw�s. <br /> . - . .. . �.�r,f,�• <br /> - . . �� � . . . .. . . .r, . :,�4�� <br /> .. , � . . ' . i . <br /> � , , <br /> .. . . .... .. . . .... . „ ". _"1 . ,. <br /> 97°°,� . . , , --. <br /> paymenu r��ay na longcr b��mqiiired,nt thc opdnn of l.onder,if mart�n�e in�urance covcragc(in U�c amount�� or c�r'i� : , . <br /> ttt�t L.cndcr rcquirc9)pro��id�:d t�y cu�insurcr approvccl by l.cndcr A�nin ticromc4 avRilRhle nnd is obt�inect.B�nawcr shall pay <br /> . premiums requirod ta mnint�in martgngo insumnco in effc�ct, or tn provide a loss resecve,until the rcquuement for mongagc <br /> �� insurance en�s in accordttncG with cu�y writtcn t�rcement la9twr.en Barrower and Lender or appllcable law. - <br /> "'� 9.InspecUon. Lcm4ur�r iG� agcnt mny mN:o rcasonnbla entries upon nnd inspr,ctions af the Propcny. Lcnder shall givc „ .. .. <br /> Borrowcr nodce at the tima csf e�r prior to un inspecqon sp�ci(yinn m.�asonaUle cau:�c for the inspeccion. „ - <br /> 10.Condemnat6an� TIIC prOCCC(1S OP AIIY ANitr(� C!1 CIAIIiI f4i 1IA111f1afS.d'uect or conscquentinl, in conrcecaon with any ' , <br /> candemnauon or other nil�ina oF eny part of the Pro�r.rty,or for canveyance in licu of candemnntion,are hereby nssigned and •�,,�,;,`;'�s' ��'- <br /> ' "•�.,,p.' S''_— <br /> shal!be paid to I.cndcr. "`�4' <br /> ,,. ;��: <br /> In ihe event of a tcrtt�l taldnB af th�e Praperty,tha pmcceds sttall be�pplied to the sums securcd by this Secudry Instrument, • ,�;n; - <br /> � whcther or not thcn dua,widi any exccss paid to Bnrrc�tivnr.In die evcnt of a partial taking of the Property in which the fair market — <br /> valuc ot t�ia Fio�ml immc�iately t�efore t}�c tnkin� iA ac�unl to or p,rcuter than the amount of the sums sccured by this 5ecurity •. _—_- - <br /> � Instrument immcdlatuty hcfarc the�aking, unlcss 9ormwcr su�d L.ender oWerwise agree in writing,the sums secuied by this ;'�_�'-�°°� <br /> - Sauriry Lnstn►ment slinll 6e re�uced by the amnunt of thn proceeda muldpGed by the foUuwing fraction: (a)the total amount of ,���;�:_:_ <br /> t!u sums secured immeclintely before the taking, divided hY (b) the fs�ir mnrket vatue af the Prog.,^rty immediately before the _,.'�.;,. -- <br /> s�r <br /> ._.. � . � �''�_- <br /> . . raking.A►�y balancc shttll tx�.u�to Ba*rowel.Tn che event of a pHrtial tal�inB of the Property in which the fair market valae o c �._. <br /> Property immcdlntal� hefrarc the takin8 is less tt►nn lhe nmount af the sums secured Immedietely before the taking, unless ::��':,.-;����- . -- <br /> Borrower and I.enderc cdir.nvise agree in wriang or unluss��licaGlo la�v oU�erwisc provides,the proceeds sha�1 be aPpGed to t1►e •�,,,;�;_- ' <br /> �� sums sccurcd by d�ia S�:curiry I��swmr.nt�vhcthcr or not tho sums�rc Qien duc. ,"•�f fi�-- — <br /> ��? If�he P�ropem! in a6s�ndoaed by Borror�r;r,or if. s�fter noticc by Lender tn Berrower thut the candemnor offers to make an l :�.��'-_ __ <br /> ' award or seula a r.l�um fa-r dnmaQes,Borro�v:r fails to mspnnd to I.endr,��viU�ic�30 days efux the&1tL the nouce is given,Lender :•��l�_�,,,,� <br />_ .� t <br /> ns sutho�ized to 6�Uset and apply Uie proceeds,at its option,oither to mstoradon or repair of the Property or to�T►e sums secured .',��f �,+,,: <br /> ��r; ,.. <br /> ��" by this Security liirtntment,whethcr or not then duc. � '�:: <br /> � � Unless Lendur and�amnwer otherwise agrec in writinE,any appGcadon of proceeds to principal shall not extend or postpone x�.- <br /> tha duo date of din mandily payments referred to in pamp�phs 1 and 2 or chanIIe the amount of such payments. :;; <br /> 11.BorrmNSr Mot Released;t�orbearance By icndr�•iiui a::+�iva+. w�i�.�ssion of ihe �sr.e for gs;sa�t�r meufificatean — <br /> af amordzudon of die si►ms secured by Uus Seeurity Instmment�ntecl by I.cader to any suc:cessor in interest of Bottower shall ' - <br /> r�( not opernw w mlisutxs @ie Uabiii�y of 1��e original Born►�var or Bomower's successors i�interes�Lender shall nat be required to ;�` , � <br /> •. cammence prric:eedinBo aII�ins3 any successor in interost or�fusc to extend time for payment ur otherwise modify amorozadon of <br /> the sums sectu�cd by thia Security Instrumr�nt by n,a5an of Any demand made by the original aunower or Horrowa's successors ,� <br /> �;�: . <br /> ;,,;� in intares�M j fn�eararice by Le��ilet in e:cenising anY right or remedy sha!!not be a waiver of or preclude the axercise of any � ,�f <br /> • right or remcdy. . �` <br /> 12.Suoc�►cs and Assigns Boand;3oiat and�evc:�nl Liebility; Co•signers. The covenants and agreements of this �� , <br />- � Security Insucimont shull bind and benefit the succe�ssnrs and assigns of Lender aad Borcower. subject to the pmvisions of _ <br /> cc ss =� <br /> '' paragrnph 17. Bntmawer's covenants pnd agreements shaU bc joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Securiry � <br /> Instivment but daes nat execute the Note: (a) is co•si�ning this Sesurity Ins�ument only to mortgage.grant�►d convey Nhat .,��.-�— <br /> " . . Bocrowcr's inwmst in the Pcoperty undcr the terms of this Sccurity Instnimeni; (b)is not personally obllgated co pay the sums •-- <br />: • • secured by thio Security Instr�ment;and(c)ag�rees that I.ender und any other Borrower may agree tn ext�nd,modify,foibear or �Y; <br /> ' � ~� make any aa:ammadationa wilt►regard to the terms of this 9ecurity Insnument or the Note without that Borrower's consent ■�:=-- <br /> ,.� <br /> • ' -�"'; 13.LoAn CUnrges. If the la�an sec�red by Uiis Security Instnunent is sub,ject to a law which sets maximum loan c6arges, p'-- <br /> '���':f�. and that law in fmully inuupretecl so that t?��interest ar o11�cr loan ettarBes callected or to be collected in connecflon with the loan �:� <br /> --. � ``'��r' ' exceed tho peimitud Wnits,then: (a)any such loan chargo shaU ba re�luced by the smount necess�r�to reduce the charge w the <br /> .. �' pe�mtued limit;and(6)any sums already collectcd Crom Horrower which cxcecAcd per�niued limits will be refunc�al to Borrower. �`r _ _. <br />� . ., �,_ <br /> � Lender may chaas,e to r�ake this refnnd by roduci�►� tho pri»cipat o�ved under the Note or by making a direct payment to J,. <br />�.`�'"•�'�:° . Boirower.It'a refund reduces principal,the recluction �viU be t�cAted as a partial prepayment without any prepayment charge ; <br /> . .,:� <br />',,,.• ' • under the Nntc. _ — <br />,�;,,,� 14.Notfc�c9. Any nouce to Borrower provided for in this Securiry Insirument shall be given by delivcring it or by mailin�it ____ __ <br />_�. � , by first class mtut uniess applicable law requires uscs of anothet methcxl.Thr,nodce shaU be directed tn the Propetty Address or -=,.�—���,�, <br /> eny o1h�r edctcuss�nrrowea designates by nodce to Lemdea. My nodcc to Lender ahall be given by first c4�s mail to Lender's `"'�"'°"'°��:���• <br />- addmss statcd ho�in or any other address Lender desi�,mutes by notice to Bonower. Any notice providr,�l ffor in U�is Security ,��; <br /> • �,. . .., <br />-_ ,�, . Instnunent shctll�e dtxmed to have been given to Borro�ver or Lender when given as provided in this paragrnph. �°:�. <br /> � ',. ' r. 15.Govtratna Law;Scvcrab[Ifty. 11�is Socarity Insutunent shall Ix govcmed by fedcr��S law and the law of thc �' ����;r=::��:; <br /> .. � .... :�:�: <br /> ' jurisdiction in which the Froperty is located. In thn ovent that any provision or clause of this Security Insu�ment or the Note . .�.. <br /> conflIcts with apnlicttble 4�tw,such conflict shall noi aftact otftar provisions of this Security Instrument or the➢elote which can be „ �;�� �� � �� <br /> - 'ven effect viidtaut the conflicting rovision.To Ihis end the provisions of thls Security Instrument and ttie Note are declared to �'�'- <br /> .�.�'� <br /> g► P � �:;�:.;� <br /> be severnbla. ' .�.;.�p`'.� <br /> ,<. <br /> ., _:... <br /> Form 3020 9/90 � • <br /> „ - <br /> �•6R(NE}roz�e).o+ Pape s o�e i"nu'�: ' <br /> .._.. ---�� — — 4 ;`� �' � - -_- ----'-� -' . <br /> —. .._.._.._. .. .. . ....._. .... .. _. . . .._.._.._..._._ �r -...----'---^-^•--- - -----._ . -______._.......--- - -�y . <br /> � • ., <br /> „ � _ — - - - - <br />