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�`th; � '''' . ..i— <br /> ��,- . . , — <br /> . . � - -- _ - .. , � .�w. . <br /> .. �. • 1 - .- " . ..rrW'.a - <br /> � <br /> � . .;.kf� .',''�2•'•fi� <br /> • :� ` <br /> , , .� . .. - - � ' .. .. � � ` � .. ,..Y <br /> � � 97�- 1U�SB'7 . `_ <br /> , . .� <br /> ; <br /> ' � 1G.Dorrnwcr'n Copy. Fiormwer shnll be given ono conformed copy of the Note nnd af this Security Inswment. ' - <br /> { 17.Tranair.r af thP Pm��erty�r u Beneficiul interest in Barrower. If all or any part of Uie Propeny or nny interest in it is LL. <br /> sold ar uanstorrcd (or if n bcnc�icml mt�rest in Aorrowcr i3 sold or tmnsfcsred nnd Banowcr is not a nutural pc�s)�wl uo`y <br /> ;� � Lcndcr's priot written conscn1,11r.nAer may,at ita oNtian,require immcdiatc pvyment in.full of sill swns secured by , , <br /> ,,� InswmenG liowr.ver, Utis opUon shall not be exerctscd by l.endCr if exercise is prohibiLed by federttl lnw us oi the duLe oF this `,Y•�� <br /> � Security InstrumenG '` <br /> `�� [f Lendcr oxercises ihis aption,Lender shnll give F3onower nodce of ucceleration.'[he notice shall pmvide aperiqd of not Icss ;� <br /> tttan 30 dnyn from the dnte Il�e noiisc is delivered or muiled within which Borrower must pap nll sums secured by this Security ,.; <br /> Instniment.If Barro�vcr fuils t��Sny thesc sums prior W the eacpirntian of this period,L.endcr mny invokc any rcmcdics permittcd ,, . <br /> by this Security Instrument witl��ut furthcr noticc or demnnd on Borrower. . -; <br /> 18,�p�'�'(►tVCP�A FLI�B��0 RCIRIiGits. Tf Borrowcr mcets certnin conditions, Borrowcr shall havc thc right to havc ,�,. <br /> enforcemem of thia Secunty In�trument disconunued st any time prior to the earlier of: (a) 5 days (or such other penod as ��` <br /> upplic�sble law may specify for rc�nstatcment)befose sala of the Property piusuant to anY PoWer of sale contsined in this Secunry � �ti.� <br /> Insuument;ar(b)entry of rs jud��ncnt enforcing this Secnrity Insuumen�'R�ose wndidons are that Borrower:(a)�ays Lender all ��:'�� _ <br /> sums which then would be due �nder this�ecuriry Instrurnent and the IVote as if no acceleration had occurred: (b)cuxes anY -�•��!'�::':;.,;,,::_ <br /> � defnult of nny ndter covenants or agree��nents;(c)pays all expenses sncuned in enforcing this Security Insuument,including,bu[ �,�.w='�_`-• <br /> not limited tn,m.asanablc nunmrlss'foes;and(d)tekes such acnon a4 Lendcr ma�r rcasonablY require to essure that the Gen of this " - <br /> Sccwiry Insm�men� Lcuder's �n�hts in [he Property end Borrower's obDiganon to pay the sums secured by this Security _ _� <br /> � � Insm�ment sheA conGinue unclusr�ge.�l. Upon reinsmtement by BoTrower,this Securi ry Inswment and the obligadons scc�rred . ° � <br /> heseby shall remain fuUy effecl��re a�i f no s�ccce l e r a t ion h a d o c c u r e�e d•H o w e v e r,t h i s ri g h t t n r e i n s t a t e s h a ll not a p pl y in the case of � �:�_ <br /> oe <br /> accelcmdnn underpara�rnph 17. ���'���:. ._ <br /> 19.3stn oP Notc;Cbai��e�f I.astn Servicer. Ttic Note or a partial Intcrest in the Note (togcther with this Scxuriry ,; _ <br /> Inswment) may be sold one or more times without prior riotice to Borrower.A sale may result in a change in the en6tyr(known .�,.,• '.��� <br /> ,� as the"Loan 4ervicer")diel co�lecis monthly payments due under the Note and this Sccunry Instrumen�.'Il�ere also may be one or ,';:- .�. <br /> more chan�aa of the Loan aervicer unretate,d to a sale of the Npte.If there is a change of the Loan 5ervicer,Bonower w�ll be 4�•: ' <br /> given wriuen nodce of tl�e cbunge in accordanca with ParaB�Ph 14 above and applicable law.The notice will statc the name and •,, <br /> � ' address of the new Loen aervicer nnd the address to ah�ch payments should be made.'It�e notice will also contain anY ott►er µ:: ,� ..+ <br /> � informAtion mquimd by epplirablo law. . <br /> Z0.Haw�udoua SuG�t�aces. Borrower shall not cause or perR►it the presence, use, disposal, storage, or release of any �,��, � <br /> He�ardoua Substances on or fn 1he Pro Borrower shall not do,nor allow anyone else to do,anythu►g atfechng the PropertY ��� • � <br /> _ ____._� ��y��vi���non of anv L�nvironmenml�w.The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or storagc on the _ ,f , �, <br /> -- -- Property of smaU quantlde�9 of Iia7ardoas Substances that ere generaiiy recaBnvAx►U,w aP�m�n�.t�s�n4�f ` P^-"Ai'!�ec _ � <br /> h <br /> . and to m�:`•Aicnm►ce of the Praperty , -- <br /> Bomzaver shaU promptlry give Leaider vmttea nouce of any invesdgation, claim, demand, lewsuit or other action by any <br /> overnmental or re lato agency�r private party involving the Froperty and any Haza�dous Substsince or Environmental Law ;,' ~ <br /> � o f w h i c h B o�r o�v e r I,�a.9�w a l k n o w l e c J g a I f B o n o w e x l e a n s,or is aotified b y an y govemmenta9 or regulatory authority,that an y „� '.; <br /> removal or other remedi�ti�n of any Hnzardous Substance affecting the Prope,raY is necessarY.Borrower s h a ll promp t ly t a k e a l l �` �-"• <br /> necessary ramedial acdons in accordance with Environmentel Law. - <br /> As uecd in tl►!a paragraph 20,"H3azardous Substnnces" are thosa substanccs deCueed as toxic or hazacdous substances by <br />-� Envu�onm¢ntal I.uw and the following substances: gasoline, kerosene, other flammable or toxic petroleum prod�.�co� <br /> pesticides and herbicides, �olatile solvents,materials containing asbescos or formaldehyde.and radioac6ve materlals <br />�; this par�Braph 20,"Environmental Law"means fedetal laws and Iaws of the jurisdlcdon where the Property is Incated thac relate <br /> � . • to Iuallh,su[ety or environmental protecdon. �r— <br /> ��"r-"'�� <br /> � `� NON•dJNIFORM COVBNANTS.Borrower and Lender further covenent uncl Agree as follows: �:;°-- - <br /> '" � '� Z2.E�a:celeradon;ReraRdies.Lender shall give notice w Qorrower prior to acceleration tol9owing Borrower's 6reach ot C_:_., <br />- �' "" Any oovedaut or agree�aent in t9��s Security Instrument (��t aot prior to accelera4ion under paragraph 17 a�nkss �'rr;;� - <br /> •� appllcabla lew pmvlde9 o¢herwtse).The notice shall specify:(a)t6e defs�ult;(b)the Actlon required to cure the default;(c) �';,sM._ <br /> '''' a date,not les9 Wan 3U duys ti'am the date t!►e a�otice L�given to Borrower,by whk6 t6o defAUlt must be cured;and(d) EY;,�°° <br /> 1"� � Wet failtu�o lo cuve ttto dePaullt on or before tme�IAte specii'�ed in the notice may result ia�cceleratlon of the sams secured Y,;.,�._ <br /> t � .z�.:_.��� <br /> by tWs Securlty Instrumcat and snle of the Property.The notke shaU further iniarm�3flrruwer o!the right to reinstate '��•-a=,,,._�' <br />=� aRer accelm•aEion and tlie rigfnt to bring a court action to Assert the non-extstence oi a default or any other de7�emse o! "f�_�,,�::. <br />-�''' Borrotiver to acceleradon nnd sale.If the default iv not cured on or before the date specifled in the notice,I.encler,t+t its ---���_ <br /> ': r�,�..� --_ <br />_a�,���'.,'�., optlon,�nny rery�dre luimediate ps�yment in f1�U of ull sums secured by thf�Security Iastrumen4 wlthoat further demand Y;. �{ <br />- • aud tnay invoke tUe pawev o!sak and any other remedies permitted by epplkable Iaw.i.ender sha�G me entiUeca to colkci -� --- - <br /> ;?, `� - <br /> � ap ps�a.qos incnrrcd in �u�suin� �the remedks provided in lhis paregraph 21,indudin�,but not llmited to,res�onAble �:;�. � <br /> t:,..i uttm�neg�s'i'Ces aud casts oP titk ea3denct. .„.�'�'j. .� �.' <br /> ,. ,,,...;•.�.�`;,. <br /> It the pnwer of enlo is involced�Trustee shaU resord a notice of d�fault in eac6 caunty in whkh an art of the � ����f ��: •�^• <br /> Y P �:.-�.�.qG';^: - <br />�: ' Property la located and slmll mAil copies of such notice[n the munner prescribed by applicable Isw to Borrower and to!he .-....:.i=':�.:". <br /> ' '�Y;.{., � <br /> �"�+;. oWer persons presci'ibecl Gy applicabk Iaw.An�r the time required by appUcable law,Trustee shaU give publtc notice of ,�,:. ',' <br /> � ��' sale IA the persons and in the mumne�prescribed by applicable Iaw.Trustee,wtthout de�and an Borrower,sha0 sell the <br /> �'••�,',•: Proprriy nt pubitc auctiou to the 3�ighest bidder at t6e Nme uad place and under t6e terrms designated in the notice ot sale , <br />-r, • <br /> . ; <br /> Form 3028 ��90 , <br /> � �•OF1(NB)IO2t21.Ot Pap�6 of 6 ImUals: <br /> , ,i <br /> .. �:, <br /> '----� <br /> _...__�_ _. ._. .....-----� -_-- <br /> ; <br /> � � <br /> , . <br /> � __ _ <br />