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<br /> I d or Pro �t Insurnnce. Borrowcr shttll kecp U�e impravemcntn rtaw existing o�r�t erer�ftcr��cd on u��ProPcrtY ..
<br /> ' S.�oz!�r p� 9
<br /> • � � insurcd against loss by firc,ha�srds includcd wid�in thc tcim "caumd�:d covcraaa' c►�d�ny u�hcr h���rds,including finnds or k
<br /> � tlooding,for which l.endc�rcquires insursu�cc.'t1►is insurance slmll6o mninu�incd in thc amounu nnd far t}�a perials thut Lender
<br /> reyuiros.lT►e insurance carrier provldIng thc insurnnce shaU be cha.�°n by Ea�aower siibject to l.endcr's�pArovni which shnU not
<br /> Lendcr mny. �►t l.ender's option, obtnin
<br /> bc unrcasonably wlthhcld. If Borrower facls to mainudn covcraBa d+�fxn+6cd abovc, .
<br /> covcrage to protect Lender's righis in che Property In accordnncc w�tlt pnr��ph 7. e cluuse.Lender shull
<br /> AU insursncc policies and renewals shail be s+cceptable to Lendur and shull include a susndard�mp����1���of paid �:
<br /> he�c tho right to hold thc po�icics and rencwals.If Lci►dcr rcquir��,Eanrowcr shnU prompdy g „y�,rl; ;:
<br /> pcemiums and renewal notices.In thG event of loss,Borrower shall givo pramnt notice to the insumnca currie�and Lender.Lender ..v r�,�._:
<br /> ,rj;r.._Y-<==�
<br /> may makc pmof of loss if nnt madc peompdy by Horrower. ;`�`�'�
<br /> Llnkss Lcndcr and Ho�ro�yer otherwise agree in writinB.inEt►rr�naa praceecls shnll bc applied to rostamtion or repair of the __
<br /> property damagod,it the restoration or repair is economically feaaidl�r and Lender's securiry is nat lcssencd.If the mstoc�stion or �T_��
<br /> .,�?�z��.
<br /> repair is not economkally fcasible or Lender's security would 6r.lisssrnccl.thc insurance pm�eeds �t�nll bu applied to►he sums 4•:�.°.,
<br /> � �c�ed by Ii�y Secu,-ity Instrum�t,��rhether op not then dun,wxth an/ eR6ess paid ro Bonmtivcr. If }lormwer ubandons Uie '?�3.-; -
<br /> pro�„rty,,ox cle•,�no:er.sw�� within 30 days a notice from Lendur dtnt the insurance carrier hnv ofterc.d to seala a claim,d►en . .,,:;^R---
<br /> Lender may callect the insurance proc�d9.Lender may use tha pmc.eed�w repvr or cestore the t�ropcny ar tu pay sums sccured _,=:_.T�-�---
<br /> by Ih3s Security llnstrurt►ent,whether or not then due.The 3�-day pecnn���ill be�in when the notice is�ivan. -
<br /> l�c�tria�n of pnocceds to principal shnll not catend or postponc �L=�
<br /> Unkss L,ender o�nd Dorrowu otherwise agrce in wridng,a�►Y aFF� '°:�•
<br /> ' the due date of thc montlily paymcnis rc:ferred to in par,�raPh�1 nrtct 2 cr chAnae thc funount of thc pnymenta.If under para�rapU , ,^r�,,.;
<br /> �:•-
<br /> � 21 the Property ' accl , ;�Y:•:�..
<br /> �s uired by Lender.Borrower's right to an� insuranc¢policies and proceeds resultin�from damage ro ie ,F,'fM1_T
<br /> . pro�rty prior to the acquisition stiall pa5s tA 1.ender to the exumt cf the s�uns secured by this Se�urity Inswment immedintely •;:1�,J:t_,�
<br /> .. prior W ihe acquisition. `��—
<br /> 6.Occup�acy.Presen'atkn►Ma[r'tenance and Protectkin af t�ta Pt�aperty; Borrow•er's LaRn �p�icatbn;I.easehoWs. �
<br /> .� Bo�rower shall accupy,establish,and use the Property as Bo►xcsn+er's prirtcipal residence within sixty daya s�fter the execudon of -:_Pi�l�;
<br /> ,----
<br /> --;^� iiris�u;�ui.`�r I�u.�t:s.t!° ° e�nhn�-'P�'�uny the Prope�3Y afl Fu•�wer's principal residcnce for at least one yc�t after tue �`=-
<br /> 'x, date of occupancy. u�less I.ender othe�v�'is� � � ��8� whieh conseat shall not be unm.�►sonubly wicnneici,i,i �u,k.�s
<br /> �: extenuating circumstances eaist which am beyond Borrawer's cnat�rl.Ea��wer sh�ill not destroR dnmaf;a or impair the Property,
<br /> t� �w �he pro�Cty to dete.riorete.or commit wa5te on tho Fcc��ami. Ba�mnwcr shnll be in defnult it ssny forfeiau�e acdon or
<br /> . ?�� pcncxding.whether civil or criminal, is begun that in Lender's Bacd f�idi jndgment could msult in farfeitw'e of the Property or
<br /> �"'.•s� o����Y�p�{��(ien creaced by this Sec�uity In�cn�mant e•r Lender's security inter��Bnrrower mey ciu�e sucl�a '�
<br /> "'� defeult and reinstete.as Provided in paragrapt. 18.by cuusin(�din actian or proceeding to be dismissed with a culing that, in �
<br /> Lendu's good faith detcrmirwtion,precludcs fodeiture of the&urmtwar's intcrost in th�ProPertY or othar material impainncnt oC a
<br /> �hc lien crcated by this Sec+►airy Inswment or Lender's securir�int�st.�or�ower shnll elso be in dofault if aorrower,during d�c =
<br /> i , . laan applicatioa proccss.Beve materially faLse or ineccurato infie�m►ntia•n Qr stutemenLv to Lender(or failacl to provide I.ender with L-
<br /> any material infortnation) in connection with the loan evidenced hy �Ile Note, including, but not Umited to, representatione �;.
<br />�_� �' . . concemin8 Bamwer's occupancy of the Prope,rty as a principnl nss:dence.It'd�is Socurity Insuument is on a leaschold,Bamower �sr
<br />�: s;. ' '�',,,, . , shall comply with all the provlslons of the lease.If Borrower acquires fee ade to ihe Property.the Ieasahald und die fee tide shall
<br />- . ,. • not merge ankss Lender agcecs tn the mergec in writing.
<br /> �.�
<br />-':,.r.•.�z�. . 7.Protection o�I.ender'e Rigbts in thG Prope*tY. If Bcm�war foilu w pe�form the covenxnts and ap+eements conteined _
<br /> �-';`t;`, , this Security Instr�ment,or thea+e is a legal proc,eedin8 thut�nny siQnifLCandy affect L.endw's rights in U�e Propecty(sucl�as a
<br /> - '•'��' robato,for condemnadon or fodaitune a�r tm enfarce lnws or reg�lations),thnn Lender mny do and pay
<br /> , .��•�� � . P��B in banlwptcy,P — _
<br />- for whatever is nectssary to{xotect the value of the Prope�ty�uic�L.ender's righis in the Prapeity.I.ender's acflons ma�g�le -
<br /> -. _ pay�ng any sum,c secured by a lien which has priority ovar dtio Security T►�stniment,appencing in caurt, paying `
<br /> _�,.•��.,:. ._... a��ys' fces and entering on the Properry to make repaim.AlthauBh L.cnder may telcc acuon unde.r this paragrapl�7,L.cnder —
<br /> - ��" �, dces not have to do so. --
<br /> �''� �••� p�y atnount��disBurscd by I.ender under this paragraPli 7 shull become addidonal dr.irt of Bonrow�s secumd by ttiis Secw�ity ��,-_:__ ---
<br /> -= ' '" Instrumen�Unless Borrower and Lender egree ro ather tarnm�f puyment,U�ese amoi�nis shtill t�ca��imerest from thc dete of s—i-_—__
<br /> • •' ��''�`' ciishurscment at tha 3Note rnte and shall be payAble,with interesti upon natfce from Lcnder w Borrowcs su;aescing paymcnt �;:�,W
<br /> � � � g,Mortgage Y�.�arance. If Lende�required mortgage insu¢z�nce as a condidan of making the loan s�xured by this Sec►uity �;�,,,�,�__
<br /> ,: i';; • Instrument, Borrowcr shall pay the premiums required ta mnintnin die mortgagc insiaa�nce in effec� If. for uny rcason, thr. #°��-�L
<br />- ;�;° �:'; ': j mortgago insuranccs coverage req�irecl bY Lender Iapses or cr,n�c:s w be in effect,Bor�nwer shall pay the premiu�ns eequire8 w , ,,4�, T
<br />_, ' � �, obtain coverage sumstantizally equivalent to the mortgege�neumnce p�viously in effect,at a cosc subsumtially equivttlent to the .�F'_,�t;�r..
<br /> n rovcd b L.cndcr. If
<br /> `��'`� cost w Borrower of thc mortgnge imsurancc prcviously in cffacc. fc�am an ultcrnate mongagc insw�er app Y . :
<br /> ' ����� substantially equiv�lent mortguga insumnce coverage is not avruWbla,Bnmo�ver shall pay to I.ender aach month a sum equal tn :,:�
<br /> ''�'� oue swelfth of tho yc,�uly mortgage tns►usince premium being paid by Baisower w hen s ho ins u rn n a e c ov e r a ge la psed or ceASeci to ., .
<br /> 6e uru effect Lender will accepi, use and re�ain these pAyment� a�a lass reserve in �ie� of mortgaga insurance. Loss reserve .,, ;
<br /> . Form 3020 O/DO
<br /> ' � .,,....-..--•M_• Penu 3 ot 0 IMU�IS: , .
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