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�����;\:A��„J�s '� ��.`{y''1�i6::�° �rtiSiki:}�Sfi��i� , • ' <br /> ,� 'r X�''''�"' ,� y <br /> '< <���f�_ti �� <br /> .. - - n .� '�:� � .. - . . - . 1'� �.i � . . . F.�7i� il:. <br /> ... . .. .. � 'i`.',`� �/ . :��. ... �l�dQt'IW � <br /> _ . _ f__1f f� . . ' •` .. . 'sr�!�!'�r.AAp7Ru <br /> �ti .z..: ' . , �� , , _n _ . � . .. .;.::. <br /> .. <br /> „ . .. _ :.�awTb1�^.u;;/P�•ia•.•,.. . . �,. . .. . •� �.�, ._ �....�e. � - - _._.. . <br /> , . , � , <br /> . . -. • �.. ,. <br /> ., � ' ._.'y � ..��.�, <br /> :. <br /> _ <br /> , , fr1 . , .s. �. ...(St` �x -v....�,f"y <br /> , <br /> - .. _ _. Y,*, . . .... �' 1l0���*! !If(,`.¢.iGf'i'.�r.` a:-n�, <br /> .� ' <br /> _.. . .�..... . � ...:..:. n.f.T.i -.a+.... "_"_. __'___ <br />._:.h`�/V �:,4i ' . <br /> � �� �����'�O <br /> !� _ <br /> 5. Ida�.u��d or 1'r�pe�Ky Insurnnce. Borrnwcr shaU t<cep thr, improvcment� nuw cxititin�; or hr.renft�:r etr.ctecl on thc __ <br /> Property insured .�giiinst loss hy tire, h.rrards included within thc term "extended covcrage" and any �ithcr bar.�rds, includin� <br /> flc�ods i�r flo��ding, fur which l.cndcr requircti insurancc. Thi:;insuranre shull br muintaincJ in thc amuums and fi�r �hc periods <br /> tn�t I.�ndcr requires. Thc insuriincc carricr providing thi�inhurance shnll Nc rhoscn by Barruwcr ,ubj�:�:t to fAnder's approvul <br /> � , which shaU not bc unrcasonuhly withhcld. U� Horrowcr L•;iln d.� maintain rovcrugc dcurihcd ahovc., I.cndcr muy, al Lcndcr's <br /> ' �s uption, i�btain covcragc to protcct Lcndcr's rights in thc Properry in ucc��rdunrc with paragr�iph 7. -- <br /> All insurance policies and rere�vals shal! be acccptahh: w Lender :ind tihall inrludc a titandiird mnr�nii�tr. clma�e. I.ender �_ <br /> .�':�J'� shall huvc thc right t��hold thc policics :md renc�vul�;. If l..�nttar rcyuires, Fiorruwcr�h;dl prumptly �tivc. �n I..endcr ull r�cciptn��f <br /> {said premiums nnd renewitl ni�ticcs. In thc evcnt of liitis, t?orrc�wer shidl�sivc prompt imticc w �hr insur,�m:e c+irricr:md LAUder. <br /> � l.cndcr muy nuikc proof'nf loss if not nuidc promptly by F�urrcawcr. <br /> Unless IAnder und Bi�rro�ver cithrrwi�e ubrec in writin�;. inrtu:utcr prucecds rhnll hc npplicd lu reslnr�iliun ur rep:iir af thc <br />�. . , ,i F'r���xrry danuigcd, if thr resturuUon or rcpair is ccunumicnlly G:ui;iblc and l.�ndcr'��ccurily iti no� Icstir.m:d. If thr r�:�,tur+�tinn ar <br /> ' rc+»iir i� nul eronumicully friisihl4 ur Lender's security a�uul�!he Iestiencd. U►L in+urunce proceeds SIIIIII I1L'U�})IIL'(I �U�Ill'411111ti <br /> ��� scriucd hy this Sccurity Instrumcnl, whcthcr �►r not tht:n duu, with nny cxcess pi►id to Ilnrruwcr. If Iiin•rowcr uhnndcros tlu <br /> Property.or dc�e: not ansaer wlthin 3(l di�ys u notice from I..endi:r thut thr insurance rarrier hny ol'fm•ed w aeule u clnim, then <br /> , l,cndcr muy collcct thc intiuruncc procccds. Lcndcr muy usc� thc pnuceJs w rcp:iir ar rc.r�urc thu PiY�pr.rry ur t�i puy swns <br /> ,rrured by this Security Insu�ununt, whcthcr��r not thc:n duc. Tha 30•di�y periixl wiU hcgin�vhcn thc notice iK given. <br /> Unlcss l.cndcr �md puirowcr othcrwisc i�gr�c in writonB, uny ►ipplicution ul' pnuccds io prinr.lpnl shaU nc�t extcnJ or <br /> post{xmc thc duc dutc of thc ntonthly paymrntn refisr,md a� in piir�rr.iphs I iinJ 2 or chungc thc immunt of thc payments. If <br /> •- ui►der p:,rag�;��h 21 thc Property is acquirc�by Lender. �ur►c►wer's right tn nny insur,mra pnliciec nnd pmceeds resultinu from = <br /> t•.•, . ' dumagc to the Property priar w the ucquisition shaU puss tu Lendcr to the extcnt of the sun�s secum.d by this Security Instrumeut <br />` • ' immcdiutely priar to thc ncquisitian. <br />.,T,,{� ri, ' 6.Occupancy,Pr�;ervution, Maintenance attd[hv�toct6an af the Pruperty; Borrower'4[.oan Appl(cution; Lease[iolds. <br /> '• Bocrower xhnll occupy,establish,and use the Property us Eorrower'ti principal residence within sixty dnys tifter the execution of _ <br /> ....;,,,,.. this Security Instruntent and shall continue to occupy the Fmperty us Burrower's principal residence for at Ieast one year after <br /> � thc dnte nf accupancy,unlass i.ender otherwise ag�es in writing. which consent shall not bc unrcasonnbly withhcld,or unless <br /> ,�,<i�r+c <br /> • , , extenuating circumstances exist �vhich are beyond �irrrower's control. Borrov�cr shall not destmy, clumage or im�rair the <br /> :..:�,; ,. <br />_�;•:�;!� Property, ultow the Property to deteriornte, or eommit wuste on th� Properry. Borrowcr shall be in default if any forfeiture <br />���-,; �' action or proceeding, whether civil or criminal, is begun thnt in Lender's good faith judgment could i�esult in fo��feiwre af the <br />�rt.:T;r,��.�+�,_ Property or otherwise materially impair the lien cn.utad by thit:Security Instrument or Lender's security i� Borrower may <br /> cure such u deiauli and reinsiate,a�pruvided in pt�r.��rspii ii3,oy causing«ie aciion vr pn>;:eeciing w nti uiyi►ussw wiiii a�uliu�r <br /> -�':'ry:ev;►��. that, in Lender's good faith determination, precludus forfeiturc of thc Borrower's intenest in ihc Pmperty or other mntcriul <br /> ;���';�`��:; impairment of the lien created by this Securin� Insnumant ar L,ender's securiry interest. Bnrrower sl�ull also be in default if <br />'•��:��1''s'` Bonower,during the loan application process.gnve mnt�:iiully fulse or inaccurate informAtion or stc�temonts ta Lender(or fuiled <br />-:f':�K�, to provide Lender with any material informatianD in conncction with the lo�n evidenced by the Note, inwluding, but not Iimited <br />�'t='`.'�. '� to, representations concerning Bonower's occupancy of tho Rmpeny as n principal residence. If this Securiry Inst►vment is on a <br />'°""''-"�-`•� leaseiiold. Bonower shall comply with �ll the provirions of the lease. If Bonower acquires fee titlo to the Property, the <br /> •�•��'�'���� teasehold and the fee titte shall not merge unless Lender agrees to thc merger in writing. <br />-==-v��z'���� 7.Protectton of Lender's(Lights in the�roperty. If�orrower faits to perform the covenants and a�*reemcnts containcd in <br />�"-"�' `''� this Security Instrument, or there is a legal proceeding thnt mny siQnificuntly affect Lender's rights In �l�e Property (such a.s a <br /> � A_�" proceeding in bankruptcy,probate, for condemnatian or forfeiture or to enforce laws or rcgulstions), then Lender rnay do and <br /> r::.;,�;�,:, pay for wbatever is necessary to proteet the value of the Property and Lender's rights in the Propart}�. T.ender's actions may <br /> =��!'-'"`� include puying any sums secured by a lien which htis priority over this Security Instrument, appFaring in court, payinB <br /> --- n:asonablc attomeys'fces and entering on tho Aroperty to mnlce rcpairs.Although Lcnder may w�:a uction under d�is puragrapl� <br /> - -_= 7, Lend$r does not have to do so. <br /> —= Any amounts disbursed by Ixnder under this parngruph 7 shall became additional debt of Borrower sccumd by this <br /> ----- Security Instrument. Unless Bonowor and Lender agm.e to other terms of payment, thesc amounts shull bear intcrest From the <br /> -_� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shull be pnynble, with interest, upon nodce from Lendat tn Borrower rec{uestiu� <br /> ___=_- payment. <br /> — , 8. Mortgage Insurnnee. If Lender requi�d murtyAga insurance as a condition of making the lo:in secured by this Security <br /> -•�----��--na.. Instrument, B�rrower shall pay the premiums requi�d ro muintain the mortgage insurnnce in eflect. �'F, for any reason, the <br /> ---_� mortgage insurance coverage required by Lender lnpses or ceases to be in effcct, Borrower shall pay the premiums required to <br /> --,�•�u�� � obtain coverage substnntially equiv�lent to the mort�uga insurance previously in cffect, at a cast substantiully equivalent to the • <br /> __ _�"� cost to Borrower of the mortgage insu.rance previausly in effect, from an altemate mortgage insurer approved by Lender. If <br />-�:''}'','��;�� substantially equivalent mortgage insurance cavorage ie nnt avniluble, Borrower shaU pay to L,ender each month a sum equal to <br />__;''•°�� •• one-twelfth of the yearly mortgage inr,uronce premium being paid by Borrowcr whcn thc insurnncc wvcrage lapsed orceased to <br />��TM"?'����:� • be in effect. Lender will accept,use and netuin these puynients as a loss roserve in lieu of mortgage insurancc. Loss reserve <br /> :r.' <br /> Form 3028 8/90 <br /> . . ' ' P�Qi 3 of 8 - <br /> .:�'�'.y� ' . <br /> �. :.t <br /> '!.'�L�: .w}. � . <br />.;p.'..�. 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