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<br /> puymcnts rnoy no lunycn c�rccauircd.nt thc opNun��I'I.�nncr, if mur��sagc inrurancc c�wcraagc(in tlic nmuunt und for thc perial —
<br /> ;°':;��,�:, that LenJcr rcquires)prc�v6dec!by iin insurcr nppravc:d I�y landcr�i�;iiin hr.comcti�rvuilnhlu und in�il�inhiul. Durrowcr shnil pay
<br /> .;� thc premiums rcquircd t�.+ntai�etuin ninrt�;ugc inyurancc in�:ffcct.ur to pri,vi�lc n li�ss rescrvc.u��Nl!hc requircntCnt f�tt mnrtgugc �
<br /> iusura�tcc ends in ucrc�rduucc witti uny wriacn nKrcen�cm li�:t�vccn ll�irruv:cr:�nd Lcndcr nr np�+licitihl�•Inw. �-
<br /> :�,,, . ' 9. lns{xtitltm. l�ndcr ur fis ugent m,ry mnkc nns��nublc entrics upun nnd inspccti�ms uf tlic Property. Lendcr siwU givc
<br /> l�arrowcr noticc nt d��tinn�d ��r priur tu un inspcctiun s�s�:cifyin�!rr.usaiuiblc cnusc for thc impcctime. -_
<br /> --- 10. (:ondemnittlare. 'fhe proceeds uf any uwi�rd ar cluim Grr Jumuges, direct or consequentiul, in cunnection with uny -
<br /> - � cond�mnntlon or at6icr tahing �.�f any part of thc Prunc�y,��r I��r cc�nvcyuncc in licu ��f co»Jcmmuiun, urc hcrcby ussigncd and `
<br /> shnll bc puid to L�ndcr,
<br /> 1►i the event c�f tt tokd takiny of the Propeny.�hu p�Y�ceeds shnll be upplieef to the sums secured by this Security lnstrument,
<br /> � whether or n��t thr.re clue, with uny excess paid ta E3rnmwer. In the r,vent of u paniul tuking of the Property in which the fuir
<br /> inarket vnlue of tha PrnFcrty inmle�iately before the inkinQ is cqual to or�rcatcr thnn thr.amount of thc sums sccured by this
<br /> Sccurity Instrument imn�ediatcly beture thc tnking,unlcsA Borrowcr und I-ender otherwisc agree in writing,the sums secured by
<br /> - ���'�:�
<br /> this Sccuriry Inst�utnr.nt shalt be reduced by the rtmotnu of the proceeds multiplied by th�: f�llowins fmctian: (a) the totul
<br /> - r, amount of the sunx+ secueed immediately befare the tal:in�, divided by (b) the fnir markct value af thc Property immediutely
<br />.. " `;.� beforc the tnkirt�c. Any balance shall be paid to Borrowcr. in the eveni of a pan�nl tnking of the Property in which the fair
<br /> ��,.�,,�.' market value or the F�ropeny immuliately before the uiking is lass than the amount of the sums sc�uree! inin2ediutely bcfore the
<br />-. tuking, unless Durrower and Lender othenvise agree in writing or unless applicable !mv othr,rwise provides, the praceeds shall
<br /> be applicd to thr.sums secured by this Sccuriry Insl�ment whcthcr or not thc sums arc then d�ia `.
<br />' If the Prdncrty is abandoned by Borrower,or if,nfter natice by Lendcr to Borrowcr that the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> ` 'E award or settic a claim for damages, Borro�ver failr��o respond to Lender within 30 days aftcr the date ehe notice is given,
<br />-'<�.,R f;�=� Lender is autho�ia.cd to collect and apply the proccedH,ut its option. cithcr to restoration or repair of the Property or to the sums
<br /> - •�� secured by this Secueiry Instrument,wt�ether or not then due. -
<br /> M Unlcss Isnder and Borrawer other�visc ngrce in writing, nny application of proceeds to principal shell not extend or
<br /> -_���a�tr, � _
<br /> - s postpone thc due dutc of thc monthly payments referred to in paragraph� I rind 2 or ciia�ige die amount of such payments.
<br />�•-:�:t.�:•r
<br /> ;ii,.;..:� 11.Borr�TNer Not RelcASed; Forbearance IIy Lender Not u Waiver.Extension of the timc for payment or modificapon _
<br /> = of amortizatic�ti of thc sums secure:i by this Securiry Instrument granted by L.ender to any successor in interest of Horrower shall --
<br />_� �'�r�'�'° not opemte ta r�lease tlie liability of the originul Dnrrower or Borrower's successors in inccresi. ixuur.i st�ai�rai b:,r°..qui:�d to
<br />_'�'.�=r��:'�:. commence pnxeedi��s a�ainbt a�ry successor in intcrost or rcfusc to extend time far payment ar otherwise modify amortization
<br /> -"ir j�.•.� .
<br />—r�:;��:,, of the sums secu�ed by this Securiry instrument by mwon of any dem:uid madc by the original Borrower or Borrower s
<br />- -
<br />