... ;, . d
<br /> ;:. .�� '.: '._
<br /> .
<br /> _.._..._...�._ ._.
<br /> . . .. _ .
<br /> . . --�-._....,..,._...._.._.... .. . '•
<br /> . �
<br /> w ry �2 ;_
<br /> (d) Orentor he97 ripht�d e�authnrl:�d to�x�aut��nd p�rtorm Its Obllp�tlon�undlr thle Dud ol Tru�t rnd tha��otlon�tlo not�nd �
<br /> � alinll n�P contllct wlth the provlelonn of eny ntetute,n�ulAtlon, ordln�nc�, ruf�of I�w,contr�ct or othsr �prs�m�nt whlch m�y b� bindlnp on �
<br /> � �mnt�r at nny tlme; ; ?_.
<br /> � (n) No a.tlon or proc�sdlnp 19 or rhall bo psndin�or Ihreatened which mlpflt mut�rlally ulloot tho Proparty;and
<br /> ' (f� QrnnPnr haa not vlolxtod�nd ehall not vlol�b eny otatut�,nguletlon,ordlunc�,nd�of law,contr�ot or oth�r apro�mmt pnc4ulinp,but not I *""
<br /> � Ilmltaq tn,thow aovetnlnp H�t�rdou�Matarl�lt)whlch mlght mNuldly�it�ct lh�Prop�rty or Und�r'�rtphu or Intrrat In th�Pro�aty pureu�nt , R•�
<br /> tn thln Qe�d of Trutt. � '
<br /> t nh on�6�i�adupi B a ao�d to�hls�Qr�d o}Tru�l,wh ch a�ntor�yn��rto p�y��nd�p Ao�m�lnf�tlm�ty m�lnntr.�Ifph��u��ny pr�lor deuli ot tru�t f ;��. -
<br /> then Ornnsnr nyn�a to pay�II�mount�ow�d,nnd p�rtorm dl oblly�tion�r�qulnd,undn wch dnd�of frust md the Ind�bt�dnne��ound th�roby I ;•
<br /> nnd furtlinr re�reee thet n defe�ult und�r rny prlot d�ed o1 tru¢t�heil bo�d�tault undor thl�D��d of Truot nnd ehall antltl�Lend�r to all riphtt end
<br /> � remadioo cantalned fl�r�in or In tho Obllp�!lon�tn whlch Und�r would b��ntitl�d In th��v�nt of�ny oihor doipult. ;
<br /> A,TRANl3PIEk8 OF THE?ROPERIY OR BENEFICIAL INTERE8T8 IH(iRJ1NTOR8 OR DORPi0WHR8. In th��v�nt of�a�l�,conv�yancs,I��a. �
<br /> contrnat far d�cd or transfer to eny p�rson ot�II or any part of ths real prop�rty d��cribsd In Schsdule A, or sny Int�nft thenln,or of ell or any
<br /> benaffalal Inoareat In Borrowet or Otantar(if Borrower or(3ranSor le not a natuta(psreon ar pereone but Is a corpontlon,Ilmlted Ilpblllty comptny, .
<br /> pertnornhip,vuat,or other legal entfty),Lender mey.at Ita option,dsclere th�outstandinp princlpal balana of the Obllgatlons plus accruod Interest ,
<br /> , ; theroon Immndlately due and payubie. At Lander'a requeat,Qrantor or Borrower,as the case may be,shall turnlsh a complete atatement setting forth
<br /> , nll ot Itn ntocicholdera,members,or pnrtnera,na approprlate.and tho extent of thelr respective ownetehlp Intere8la.
<br /> S,A�ul(�lHIWENT OF RHNTS. In conelderetlon of the Oblfgatlona which ere secured by thle D�ed ot Trust, arantor aGsoluteiy usalgns to Lender a11 � . �
<br /> Grentor'o mm�t�,riyht,titls,Intersst,ctalm and demand now ownetl or hereatter acqulroc9 In all oxiutlnQ nnd futurc leaeea of the Property(Includlng �. .
<br /> � exlenolono,rnnewals and sublsiaes),elt�gn�m��ta tor ues�nd occupancy of th�Proportyr(all tuch I�as�a and ayresmtnts wh�ther writtm or oral, ,�
<br /> 1 ere hornnitnr eeternd te an ths'Lsas�a'),and all puarantles of teas�ea'psrlormancs undor th�Uaset,tap�th�r with ths immediate and contlnulnD �t
<br /> rlght to collact and receive all of the rente,income,recelpte,nwnu�s,ianua,protits end oih�r incom�of�ny nrlun now or henatter dus Qnetudlny '.:ti,•• ,,,:'
<br /> � ,i any Incomo of any nature coming due during any rodemptlon period�undor ths Leases orfrom or arlslnp out of the Property,Including minlmum .,(�;;�d.r• _
<br /> ronta, addiii�mal ranta, porcentage rents, parking or common area maintenance cantributlona,tex and Inaurance contrlbutions,deficlency rents. .,. '
<br /> IIlquidntad dumages toltowing default in any Lease, ell proceads payable under any poticy ol Insurance covering loss of rents resulting trom ��� ,.,��,
<br /> . I untonaMUblll cauaed b destructlon or damn e to the Pro e nll roceeda a abte as a resuit ot a lessse's exercisa of an option to purchase the �`>�=--• •=
<br /> 1 tY Y 9 p �Y� P P Y ;y?i,=�..
<br /> Proporty,nll proceada derlved from the termination or reJeation of any Lease in e bankruptcy or other Inaolvenoy proceeding,and all proceeda trom �
<br /> • ..� any Mphtss and dalms ot any ldnd eJhlch Qrnntor may have eflelnst any tessee under the Leases or nny occupants of the Property(ali ot tha above aro �",�;,.:.:.;..
<br /> herouitar collectiveiy roferred to as the'Rente'). Thls asslgnmsnt ia aubJect to the right,power and autharity Bivan to the Lender to coliecl and apply � r,:�N�:._-
<br /> , tho Ronta. Tlzis arsignment I�rocarded In accordance with appllcable state Isw; the Iien creatod b thla assipnment le Intended to be apeciflo. �'��-'''
<br /> Y �' -
<br /> iF:.�..rLdyy�l•�J,�.
<br /> ; :Ctt� pertootnd,nnd choate upon the rocording of thls De�od of Trust,all as provldod by applicable at�te taw as amended from time to time. As long us �.:�,. '.:.T�.
<br /> � • i''7� fhero is no diifault undar the Qbllgatlona or thla Reeci of Trust,Lender grants Grantor a rovocablo Iicense to wllect all Renta from the Leases when ;,_
<br /> ' °i'�' duo and to�ise auch proceeds In Orantor's buelneas operntlons. Howsver, Lender may et any time requlro Orantor to deposit ali Renta Into an , ;�;,, ,
<br /> � '•`ii�"� .. . ik'�.
<br /> � �•;:;,"� necaunt maintalned by arantor or Le�der At Lender's Institutlon. Upon defauit In the payment of,or In the peAormance oi,any of tfie Obligations, �;.,�,,, ��� r•;,� .
<br /> ��.,�` � �';�;!:�� Lander mny nt its optlon take ponsesslon of the Property and have,hold,mennge,leasa and operate the P►operty on terms and for a period of time , . , �, 4•�%.'�.�_„'
<br /> � � ° �:.::;4� thnt I.ondar aeema praper. Lendar mny proceed to coileot and rocelve all Rents hom ths properry,and Lender shali have full power to make +__''... ;�;r�;;,
<br /> + ' • .� Nlorntlono,mnovations,repaire or replacements to the Property as Lender may deem proper. i..ender may apply nll Ranta In Lender's sole dlscretion "''�',:� ; ti�"-;
<br /> �.�;',.;,
<br /> � ,;!Y?,� to puymnnt oP tho Obllgatlons or to the payment of the cost of such aiteratlona,renovatlone,repalrs and repIacements and any expenses Incldent to .:„' t�:,;;:
<br /> � teking und rt+Yainlnp poasession of the Property periodically and the manngement and o eratlon of the Property. Lender may keep th�Ptoperty t '':�,"�
<br /> propo�iy inoured and may discharge any taxes,chargea,claims,assessmenta end othar Pens which mny accrue. The expensa nnd cost of these ,
<br /> ' ectiona mny be paid lrom the Rents racelved,and any unpaid amounts shell be added to ths p�inclpal of the Obligations. These amounta,together ��;•,�. :4.
<br /> ••���� ' with otiior co�sta,shall becoms part ot the Obilgations securod by thia Daed of Truat. ;•"�'
<br /> � � :��;t.� e. LCA844i AHD �THER AGREEMENI'S. Qrantor shall not take or fall to taks any actlon which mey cause or permit the terminAUon or ths f�'��`;• ' '.
<br /> • � ��I';�;:'���" wllhhoidinp nf any payment in connectlon with sny Lease pertalnmg to tfie rroperiy. in acidifiu�i,Giei��r.:vi2iscuK Lend�r'a ps?cr r:t'.rian cen!eni,ehau � d�.';i�' '._•
<br /> ;,'i��:�;.�; not: (n)collteot�ny moniea payable under any 4ease more th�n om month In advunce;@) modify any Lense; (o)asalpn or allow a Iien,secutl4y �;,-" ; �:'� '�':•
<br /> � ;�i,:��;• inrorest or osher sncumbrance�o be placed upon Grantor'a rlghta,tBle and interest In and to any Lease or the amounto payabte therounder;or(d) ,
<br /> `"`�`�F terminnlo or cancel any Lease except tor tho nonpayment of any sum or other materiti bretch by the other party theroto. If drsntor roceives at eny �' ,�
<br /> ' • s' time nny w�itten communicatton asaertinp a default by(3rantor under a Loase or purportinq ta terminate or cancel any Lease,Cirantor ahall promptty ;�S ;
<br /> fonvard n cupy of such communicatlon(and any subsequent communlcutians relating thtnto)to Lender. All such leases and the amounts due to ;:
<br /> . y Grantor thmuunder nro hereby nselgned to Lende!as additlonai securiry tor the Obll�etlons. �. ��
<br /> � 7. COi.I.lECTtUH OF INDEBTEDNESS FROM THIRO PARTY. Lender nhall be entltled to notHy or rsquire Grentor to notity any thlyd party pncluding, i �L,
<br /> but not Ilmlted to, lesssse,Ilcenssea,yovernmental authoritles and Insurance companiee)to pay Lender any Indebtedneas or obllgatton owing to �
<br /> � prantor wltl�respsot to th�Propsrty(cumutatively"Ind�bt�dneaa')wh�ther or not a d�tault exl�ts und�r thls Dsod of Truat. arantor sh�li dilip�ntly
<br /> � colloot tho Ind�btsdmao owinp to�rantor irom th�as thlyd pnrties until th�ylvinp of euch noUflcaL'on. In th�ewnt that Grantor po�au�a or r�iv�s
<br /> . � , poas�aelon of�ny innrument�or oth�r nmittanas with resp�ot tn the Ind�bt�dmas tollowinp ih�ylvinp of nuch notificatlon or If th�in�uum�nts or
<br /> , othor romlitanas constitub the pnpayment of�ny�nd�6t�dnou or th�paYm�nt of�ny Innurmce or condemnetlon proaede,�rantor thall hold
<br /> �, nuch Inatrumsnts and oth�r remittencse In truat for Lend�r apart trom Ita oth�r prop�rty,�ndoroe th�Inetrum�nta and other remittanaa to Und�r, � �
<br /> , �' entl Immn�ilat�ly provld�Lsnder Ndth posuulon of th�Inetrumsnte and oth�r nmittances. Lendsr ahall bs mtttled,but not nauind,to coll�ct(by >. _.f�,':�
<br /> lepal proca�dinps or otherwfa�),�xNnd th�tim�tor paymsnt,compromis�,�xchanp�or nl�ae�any oblieor or collat�ral,or oth�nvis�e�tti��ny of ��._.
<br /> " the Indobtodnsss wh�ther or not an Evsnt of Dltault exisu und�r thls Qwd ot Truit. Und�r�hall not bs Ilabie to Qrantor tor any aation,�rrot, _r---.
<br /> • mlatako,omisalon or d�lay pertdNnp to th�e�attons d�acrib�d In thin parapraph or any damagee rssulUnp thsntrom. Notwithstandlnp th�forspoing, !,;-__--
<br /> � t• nothing hanin�hall caua Lendor to b�deemed e mortpaye�an•posa�sslon. - - —
<br /> ;; 0, USlE AND MJUNTENAHCE OF PROPERIY. Grantor ahall tsk�all �cttona and mak�any npairo nsMed to mAlntaln the Prop�rty In pood ___
<br /> � conditlon, Grantor ehdl not commit or p�rmit tny w�ets to b�committW with rosp�ct to th�Propsrty. Orantor shail uu the Prop�rty tolNy In ;_
<br /> � compIlan�y with appllcabl�law snd Innurencs poltciea. Grantor shall not mak�any alt�ntiona,additions or Improvem�nts to tht Prop�rly without .�t��,
<br /> � Londor'a(�dor writt�n cons�nt. Wlthout IimlBng the Poropolnq,all alterationa,addiUana and improv�msnts mad�to th�Prop�rty ehdi 1»subJ�ct to = -
<br /> +� � tho bonaticlal Int�nit b�lunging to Lsnder,shall not be remuvsd without lendsr'a prlor written conssnt,and ehall l»m�d��t(3rtntor's sol��xpmss. ;; t.��•
<br /> . p '�'==
<br /> 9. LOEil3 OR DNNMGE. Orantor ahall bear ths enUro risk of any losa,thsft,dsstructlon or damaye(cumulA4lvdy°Loss or Damape')to th�Prop�rty or y;� ,,��,;�-^--.w--
<br /> • , eny poitlon th�rwf from nn causs whatswver. In the evsnt of any Loss or Dam s,�rantor sh�ll,tt thr opUon uf Undsr,npalr th�aN�ct�d �..-._
<br /> • ':•.*�=--_..,_�.--
<br /> ...c,�:_.
<br /> ' ' ;; � Proporty to Itn provloua cond tlon or pay or cauae to bo paid to Lendar th�decroass In e fUr merket value of 4hs aHeoted Property. ,,, n,._�
<br /> ' 10. Iltl3URANCE. 7h�Property will bs kept Inaund far its tull insurabU v�lw (nplaamsnt cosf)n�atnst all hAZards Inctudinp loaa or damay� '';,5�;!�+ .i - ,
<br /> cnusod by flood,esAhquak�,tomado and tiro,theft or other casualty ta the�xtent roquired by Undar. Cir4ntor m�y obriin inaurana on th�Prop�rty ,.`�: ,,�rf�•'�n?
<br /> �.:.,t'.:,• ..��,`.`�;:
<br /> r Irom nuch companies as e�cceptable to Lender In Its soie discrotlon. The insurana polidsa shaU roquiro ths Inaurance campany to provide - . ,,�� �8��,,t,,.,.,,.,,;•
<br /> Londor with nt I�ast fb daya written notice betors auch pollcUs are altend or cancsll�d In any mannsr. Ths Insurance policies ahall •c��•,t;•.,{-•
<br /> i nnmo f.endar as a loss p�yes and provide that no act or omission ot�rantor or any othe� perBOn ahall afteot the ripht of Lender to b�pald th� �., sSr„ ��,
<br /> :..,��t{ff ' .
<br /> Insur:uice proceeds pertalnlnp to ths loss or dama�e of the PropeRy. !n the svent Greuitor fails to acqulre or malntaln insurance, Lend�r(atter ,f� .
<br /> providing notice as msy be rqqulrad by law)may In:ta dlscroUon procure appropriate inaurance cover�9e upon th�Property and ths insurana ooat u,• . .
<br /> shnll Iye an aWance payable and bearing Interest as desalbed In Parayraph 2.3 and secund hereby. Grantor shtll turniah Lender with svidmce ot y.sr,�,� �
<br /> Inaurnnce Indlcatlng the roqulrod coverage. Lender may nct as attomeyan-Yact for Orantor in meking and eettlinD ciaima under Insurance poilclea, ••,s4�,�''� ,
<br /> � cunaolllnp any pollcy ar endoroln�Grantnr's nema on any draft or nsgotlabie Instrume�t drewn by any Insuror. WI such Insurancs poildss shali be 1���t5';; "r •
<br /> Immudlately nssigned,pledped and deltwred to Lander as tuAh�r aecurity fot tha 068g�tlons. In th��venS of loss,(irantot shall Imm�di�tely plva , .jy��,:: .�
<br /> Londor wrltton notice and Lende�la authortzed to make proof oi Ioss. Each Insurance compBny la direoted to make paym ents directly to Lender '
<br /> Instuud of to Lsnder and Grantor. Lender ahali have the right,at Ita aots optlon,to app ty such monles toward the Obllg¢tiona or toward the cost of y:.
<br /> ��:;..
<br /> iobullding and restorinp the Property. My amounts may at Lender's opNon be applied In the inverse ordor of tho due dates thereot. • ,
<br /> 1 t. iLONING AND PRIVATE COVENANTS. Grentor shall not Initlate or consent to any chan8e In the zoning provislona or private covenants aHecting
<br /> tho us�of th�Property without Under's prior wdttsn corts�nt. B C3rantor's use of th�Property le or becomss a nanconforming uss und�r nny zonlny .
<br /> pruvlslon,Gnntor ehall not cause or permit such use to bs dlacontinuM or abandoned without ths prior written consent of Lend�r. (irantor will
<br /> Immsdlately provids L�nder with wdttsn notics of any propos�d chanysa to th�:onlnD provislona or private covsr.ints ufteatlnq th�Prop�rty. ,
<br /> 12. CONDHMNATION. Ornntar shall Immedlately provid�Le�dsr with wrltten notic�ot my aclual or threetened condemnatlon or emin�nt domaln ,
<br /> araceedinD pertalnlnp to the Property. Atl monles payabie to Grantor from auch condsmnetlon or taking are hereby asslyned to Lender nnd shall be ,
<br /> ._.—_.' _ W n_..i..���� ....��� 1.�.1 In nnn�unflnn uAfh !h�
<br /> , � - op;�iled firat to the paymsnt ot 1.enders attomeya� seea, iegai �xp•n�a e�w Ga�:�w.a�o �.�.M....,�. :i•r�--- •---, •••
<br /> --....----�- --_—��---
<br /> � condemnatton or eminent domain proceedings and then,at ths opHon ot Lander,to the payment of the O�Ilgations or the restoration or repalr of the �; .
<br />- ' Proportyr. :��'•j�,
<br /> � , ;,.. 1 J. LCNOER'S RIGHT TO COMMEHCE OR DEFEND LE�AL ACTION& Grantor shall immedlately provido Lender wtth wdtten notice ot any actual �. .
<br /> ••:';. ' ar threatoned actlon,auit,nr other proceeding aftecting the Propetty. Cirantor A�reby eppoints Londer as its attomeyIn-tact to commence,�ntarvens ;!��
<br /> ' '� . In,and dofcnd euch actions,sulte,or other Iepai proceedings and to compromise or ssttl�any clalm or cantroveroy pertalnfng theruto. Lsndtr shall �
<br /> ;;' �: � not be Ilable to Grentor for eny rtction, ertor,mistake, omission or delay pertaining to the aCtions desctib�d In thlu paragraph or any dama3es -
<br /> rosuiting therotrom. Nothing contalned herefn wiil prevent Lender trom taking the actlons descrihed in this peragtpph In Its own namm.
<br /> tB. INDEMNIF�CATION. Lender shall rtot assun�e or be respons1610 for the perfortnance of any of Cirantor'a obllpatlor�s with respect to the Propsrty
<br /> under any circumstances. C3rentor shall Immediately provide Lunder with written notice ot end Indemnity and hoid Lender and Its sharehotdera, ,
<br /> dlroctors,oHicers,empioyees nnd ngenta harmless from all claims,damages,Ilabllitiea(including attorneys'tees and legal expenses),causea ot
<br /> uctlon,acliona,aufts and other legal proceeding� (cumulaNvely'Clafine') pertainlnp to the Property pnctudina,but not Ilmlted to,those Involving
<br /> Ha:ardous Materlals). t3rnntor,upon the request of Lender,aha11 hire legal counsel to�lefend Lender trom auch Clalms,and pay the attorneys'foes, ,� . ,
<br /> logel expenses and othor costa Incurred in connection therewith. In the alternative,Lender shail be entitlad to employ ita own legal counsel to detend {
<br /> , auch Clalma at Grantor's cost. Grantor's obligatlon to indemnify Lender under this par8graph ahali eurvivo the termination,rolease or foteciosure of � .
<br /> thls Deed of Truat. ����/1 I �
<br /> � I `�►J�
<br /> . I LPNEBttO r�ormAtlon7xnnotog�et.inc.ltl/87�) (6001a77.J)89 PIQ�ZdO_.�_!.- ' ...
<br /> . i
<br /> .. . -�.. �_ ...._.. .
<br />