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.,;..r: :Jfi%�;:`�� .' ":B�p�::.y...�..r'rt:-•::.P:. _._..3 . <br /> 'i:•;:?A�.,c . ,�t:...;tfv., . ... . . _ <br /> . ..n - <br /> ' a . . . ��•�� ' . .� ic. . <br /> _ . , ., „ ., 11 . .' ,. .. . ..�.�-i . <br /> �. <br /> - , . „ . � .-: ._........... _ <br /> ..-,.."""' �� <br /> •• . ��te/Y��M..n.�.. .. , ,. .. ... . . .. . ._ . .. ... . . ... . - . ..'�'�.iU.'_ <br /> ...,... .__._. ... ..__...�.._..... ...... .. .. <br /> ! <br /> � . . • ,• +FF.�.t�F- <br /> 1 c . .� �11'• .7.� 1:1w�7S <br /> ' 16. 4A1(E8 AND ASSE88MENTS. Orantor eh�it psy all taxsa and assssaments relatinfl to th�Property when tfue��d fmmedlatnly provicle Vmdnr • , <br /> evldsnc�of paynnent of e�me. Upon the requea�of Lend�r,Onntor ehali d�posltwith l.ender�ach month one•twslflh(1/12)ot thn natlmstod anmie�l <br /> Ineutancu premfum,taucee end assea�monte pertalnln0 ta th�Propefy. So lony ae there fa no default,these amounte shali be appllnd to the peyment <br /> ol4exoa nasesament9 end Inaurance ae req�lnd on the Prop�rty. In the evant of default,Lender chall have the riflh6 ut Ita aolo opUon,to appiy thv <br /> tunde eo held to pay any taxes or agalnat the Ok�ilpntlono. My Sunda npp!lod mny,nt Londor'e optlon,be applled In rovoroo orc7nr of tho dufl dcda -�. , <br /> thereot. • <br /> 16, IPlBPECTIdN OF PRQ�PEN7Y,BOOKS,RECOADS AND REPORTS. f3rantor eha!1 allow Lender or Its ngentn to examin� und Inepoot thn T.� <br /> Prop�rty and sxflmine,inspsot[nd mnke coplea ot arantor's book�and rocorda pertainlnp to the Proparty lrom tlme to time. Cirnntor ehsfl pravidt�((� , � <br /> any aealatanee requlrsd by Lendsr for theso purposea. All o}the elpnatures and informalion cnntalned In Orantor's books and reeordn ehatl bn.y ,. „ _ <br /> pmuln�, truo,accurate �nd complets in at1 respeate. �rantor shall note tho existence of Lender's benefldel Intoreat In Ita booka anq rocordn - <br /> . ipertalnlnp to the Prop�rty. /ldditlondry,(3rantor ehnll report,In a form aatisfactory to Lender,auch inlormatlon as Lender may roqueat rayerdinn � <br /> 1 Grantor's financlal condltlon or the Property. The Informat!on ahnll be for auch perloda,ahall refiect Grantor's racorda at sur.h timo,and shnil be <br /> randsted wlth auch fnqu�noy os Lendor may da�ignato. NI Intormntion turnishod by orantot to Lender shall bo ttuo,accurato nnd complotfl In al� <br /> rssp�cte,and elpn�d by Ornntor If Lendsr roqwats. - <br /> 17. E840PPEL CERTIFICA7E8. Within ten(10)deys aftar ar�y requoat by Lender,Grantor ahali deiiver to Lender,or any Intnndsd tranatarRa a <br /> lender's riyhts wlth rssp�ot to the Obil8atlona,n slgned and acknowledgad etatemsnt specitydng(e)the outstanding balance an tho Obilflntfanc;an y <br /> • (b)wh�th�r Orantor possoaaes tny clalma,del�naea,aet-0Hs or counterclalms wlth reapect to the Obllpetiona and,If eo,the n+Yturo of suoh cle�frno, : <br /> detenses,aeboNa or counterclelms. �rantor wlil bo conclusivety bound by any representatlon that Lender may make to the lohtndsd transic,rna w�S1( <br /> ' rcnpsct to theas mittere In the event thst tirantor falis to provide the requssted�ntemcnt In a tlmely menner. � ,,,. <br /> 1a. EVENT9 OF OEFAULT. Pn Evsnt of Dsf�uit shdl occur under thls I]eed of Tmat nnd the Trustee's power shnll become In the ev�nt thnt <br /> Orantor,Rorrower or any guarantor of tho QbIlgaUons: . .'_., , � _:,: <br /> (a) taiis to pay any Obligatlon to Lender when due; <br /> (b) falls to pedorm any Obllgatlon or breaches any warranty or covenant to Lendor contained In thls Doed ot Trust or any��thor prosent or futurn �f'...�:;:,?s;;_,r•j-.,,a- <br /> 4 �.�,�: t •l <br /> agroement; ����?� <br /> ' (a) destroys,loses or damagos the Properly in eny material respeot or aubJects the Proparty to selzuro,cantiscatlon,or condomnation; ���e <br /> (d) aeeka to nvoke,tsrmintte or o4herwtae iimit its Ilabliliy under any eunranty to l.ender; „ �',�+`�f';�';' <br /> (e) diea,becomes Ieaatly Incompetent,la dtssoived or tsrminated,becomes Ineolvent,makea an assignment ioi the bonnftt of crndlQarn,tt�lls:tu ,ti ,,,,y,�;�S,;_. <br /> • pny debta as they 6ecome dus,fllea a petitton under the fsderai bankruptoy lawa,has nn Invofuntary petitlon In bankruptoy fllod In whl+Ch Crnntnr, ,�4�_'�,��t.._=.-__._. <br /> , � Qorrower or any guarantor Is named,or has property tsken under any writ qr process of court; <br /> �• (� ailowa goods to be ue�d,tranapoRed or storcd on tha Property,the Ross°sslon,transportation,or use of whlch,is Illepai; ;��;. __ <br /> ' K (g) allowa any patty other than�rantor or Borrower to assume ar undertake any Obilgatlon without the wdtten consent of l.ts�der,or �,.;:_.s���_ <br /> (h) onusea Lender to deem itaetf insecurs due to a signifloant declina In�tie value of the Propertyr;or if Lender,In good falth,far nny roflaon, _��� <br /> believea that the prospect of payment or performance la Impaired. ^1•� <br /> �';��s�i; . 1g, pIQHTS OF LFNDHFIIDN EVENT OF CEfAULT. Upon the occurrence of an Event of Default under thls Oaed oi Truat,Lendot shE�ll b�0ntiiled to ;:_i?�; <br /> ;.;;:;:�,_—. <br /> exorcise one or more of the tollowing remedles wlthout notice or demand(except as required by taw): ':;„F� <br /> ''.'�'�'�r�; ; (a) to doclaro the Obligailons Immedtately due and payahle In futl,such acceleratlon shail be autometio and immedlate If tho Evant of Qo9nuN Is ' .. �_, - <br /> ' � t afiling underthe Bankruptcy Code; '�' "� <br /> @) to colleot the outstand!ng Obiigations with ar w�thout resoriinp to Judiciai process; � '+Z• <br /> �,T (a) to require(irantor to deiiver and make avallable to Lender any pereonal propertlr or Chnttels constituting tho Proporh/ut a place raesonnUty ,..;r�;; <br /> � " convenlent to Oranwr and Lender; . <br /> � (d) to enter upon and take possesalon of the Property without opplying for or obtaining tho appointment ot a ror,elver and, at Lencler's optlnn,to ` •�,';; .!,�,� <br /> � �'� ' a p polnt a reeelver wtthout bond,without flrat b�inging suit on the ObllBetiona and w(thout otharwise moetlnp any stututon,/cond�tlono rec�strdin� r . <br /> ,.���•jt�';.�' recaivera,It baing Intended that Lender ahall havo thla cantraotu a l r ig h t to ap p o l n t s r e c e i v e r; . ''��' <br /> _ __ ,____— �g� tn«rnntny a menaalna apent of the Property nnd let the same,elther fn Truatee's own nama, In tho name of Londet or in thfl nfl�ro of •;';k! <br /> ' Orantor,and recelvs ttie rents,incomea,Issues and proflta of the Prop�ny ana appiy ina annio,atisr payrt:cnt o!s!!r.aceseary rthnr�na and .� <br />°•::�'�. " expensea,on eccount at the Obligations; "' <br /> ' ':.J,;;�;;;t'. (� to pay any sums in any form or manner desmed expedient by Lsnder to proteot the aecuriry of thia Deed of Ti1�st or to cure any¢lafEniN cthet � :.,;; <br /> ' than payment of intorost or princlpal on the 0bilpaUons; �, .,_ <br /> �' .�� (q) to forocloss thls U�ed of Trust Judlcially or non udlcially and to diroct tha saie of the property throuph exercist�of tho pownr of a�:o as ti; <br /> retersncsd in parepraph 20,h�rain,in acoordence wft�applicabl�law; � <br /> �, �A: <br /> (h)to xst�oH Orantor's ObIlDatlons ayainat nny amounte owed(irantor by Lender Inctudinp,but not Ilmited ta,monies,In4trumento,and dopoalt ,.. <br /> accounts malntaiMd with Lend�r or any currenUy existlny or future alHllat�of Lend�r;and , <br /> � p)to�x�rcif�all oth�r dphts watiable to Lsnda under any oth�r writtm apnsmsnt or sppiicable law. f • <br /> ' Und�r'e rlphu an cumulativ�and may b��x�rcl�d tap�th�r,s�parRtefy,tnd In any order. In the�v�nt that Und�t mntltutn�n aatlnn s�aklnp <br /> ths recovsry o}any of the Propsrty by way of a prrJudgment nmedy In an aotion agalnst(3rantor,(3rantor walws th�postinp of�ny bond which <br /> �'� mipht oth�rwla�be required. Lend�r or lsnder's d�aipn��may purchaa�th�Prop�rty at any saN. Proceede of anlr Truete�'�sxl�i hemundsr <br /> ehall b�applisd tlrot,to the coate and expenass of sxsrclilnp th�pow�r o}eat�and of the�al�,Includlrtg ths p+�y�nnnt of the Tn�r,u�e's tesa <br /> ' actually incurted md notto exce�d the amount whl:h may b�providad tor In thl�De�d ot Troat,ficond,to p�yment ot the ObilpaNano aaeund _�_ � <br /> h�rsby,thlyd,to th� p�yment of Junlor tru�desde,mortpaya, or oth�r Il�nhotdors,and th�bAl�nee,If any,to the�ers�n or pernonn Ipoly c' f,::— <br /> entitiM ther�to. Ths Propsrty or any part thereof may bs nold In on�parai,or!n such pual�,mnnner or ord�r as I.und4r In ItY wlai dh�ontion <br /> -, � may Nsot,and one or more exercises of ths power herein pranted shdl not sxtinyulah or sxh�ust Me pow�r uM�u thn enUre Praperty{r�old or _ <br /> the obliga!lona are pald In tuil, — <br /> 20. TRUBTEE'S FXERCt3E OF POWEli OF SALE ON DEFAULT. Upon defauft by Borrower In p�yment of any Oblip�tlnna a+�curod hnroby,1.�nder <br /> may declue all surlla,eecured h�nby,Immedlatel due and pa le and ahali oaun�to be flisd of ncord a written notlno of d�t�ult and elaaHon to <br /> u�ll ths Property. Att�r th�Itpa�of such tims as thsn may bs t�equirsd by Itw followinp recordatlon of auch notic�of��fault,Rnd nnt�ma oi sate <br /> u <br />- having besn p(wn as thsn nquired by Iaw,Truates,without demand on(irantor,shall eell such Property,elther as�whoiei or I�e�parnte pnmots,end � <br /> I�such ordsr ae It or Lsnd�r may determins,at pubilo aucUon to ths hlph�st biddsr. Trustsa mny poatpone the sal�o!all or nny portlon of the _ _ <br /> Propsrry by publlo nnnounament at ths tlmo and placs o}sals,and from tlm�to tlme theronfter mny poatpons th�sai�by publlo annnonaEment at �T�__ � _ <br />'- ths ttme and pl�a flxed by th�preceding postponnment. Truat�s shall deliver to auch purohaxr Its deed convsying the propsrty,or portlan Menof, <br /> - eo ootd,but without any cownant or wercanty,exprsss or Impli�d, Th�recitels in auch deed of my msttere of faot or otitnrv�ls�,ehall bo onnctutiw � _ _ <br /> 4, � , proof of th�fruthfutness th�reof. Any person,including drantor,Truste�or Lender,may purchase at auch sale. —�.-_— <br /> 21. RE�UEST FOR HOTIC�S. (irantor requsate that�cnpy of nny notics of default and n copy of any nopce ol eale hnreunder be mnllmd to each �,�,._ <br /> person who ta a party hereto,st the addroaa of such person set foAh h�roin et the aame time and In the same manner roqulr�as Uiou�h a ceparet� �v+�+�+�..-rt•--^ <br /> requeat th�reof hed been flled by each such peraon. � ,?� ;�' <br /> { ?2. SECURiTY IHTEBEST UNDEq THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE. Thle Deed of Trust shall bo eonsldered a tinAncln st�tament and� ,� , ,,., <br /> flxiure tiling purauant to the provisiona of the Unitorm Commercial Code (as adopted in the state where thn Property la looated�coverinp fixturss, y�• , <br /> CHattets,and articls�of peraonal property now owned or hereafter attached to or to bo used In connecUon wlth the Proper.ry to8ether wi4N any nnd all �a,H,�.'.r., �,;�"� <br />- � 's roplacemants thereot and edditlona theroto(the'Chnttels"),and Orantor hereby grante Lender e security Interest In such Chatteis. Tho dabtor le ths ^ ,i�l.q,�_;,�.k;;:.� <br /> Grentor described above. 'fhe secured party is the Lendor deacribed ebove. Upon demAnd,Grantor ahall muke,execuu�and doliver such security ,,,;..,,_„�;�,,._s,_ , <br /> � agreements(as such term la defined In said UnNorm Commerclal Code)as Lender at any time may deem necessary or proper or roqulrnd t��grnnt to �°��,_�,;,;;f�..:y,,,..�•. <br /> Lender a pprtected security Interost in the Chattels,and upon Qnntor's lailure to do so,Lender Is authoriz�d to sign any such aproemont ra tho aflent _. , <br />- ° .. � nf Cirantor. �rentor hereby tuthodzea Lord�r to Nle tlnnncing atatementa(�s such term is defined In sald Unlform Commorelal Code)witn rospeot to '; � :'-'; �� <br /> the Chattels,et eny Ume,without 1hs s�gnaturo of(irantor. Orantor wUl,howawr,at eny timo upon requoat of Lend�r,alpn auoh flnnnolnp 5:ntsmoits. ,.• , <br /> (3rantor wlll pay eli flliny fea for ths flllny of euch tin�ncinp�tatomsnts and for the r M lling theroot at the timea requirad,In Uto opinlan�f Ccnder,by ...y�;..;:��. <br /> � sald UnNorm Commerci�l Cods. H the Iten of thla Deed of Trost Is su6jeat to nny sxudry egre�ment cov�tlng the Chatteln,then In tho e��vnt of�ny ;;,;,;�� <br /> wth the benefit�of�a y deposits or�paymentstntow or�hereafta�m de thereof by Ci�antornor t�he p od cessore�orheucce sora�n�atle of Grnntor In�the <br /> '� Property. <br /> - 23. REIMBURSERlIENT OF AMOUNTS EXPENDED BY LEHD�R. Lender,at Lender's optt�n,may ezpond funde(Includinp attorneys'tc�oe und logel <br /> � expen3es)to peAo�m any act requlred to be�ak sn by(��omtminfn�Ym nd d bv Lendertoo ther with In e�eat hereon a�t thn/ower of tl�o hl heat�ra e <br /> - ..—.—_� tirantor anau umnw�n.o� _ _._�.�_ <br /> y.a�....,.......�..__. ._._..---.._...__ .. <br /> , - `-- _- _ <br /> ' nCluded�in the d Oni�a�tlof Ob Igat oi�s herein�n�d hai!be's cured by theebeneflc a�l Intere ttigra 1 d ho eln.f II he Qbll{�atlons o pnid aiter the <br /> begInning of publlcatlon o1 notice of sale,as herofn ptovldod,or In the event Lender shall,at Its aole optlon, permlt Grantnr to pay any part of the <br /> •�I Obilgatlons after the bogimilng of publlcation of notice of sale,as heroln provided,then,Orantor shall pay on demand all expenEea Inourrud by lhe <br /> Trustee and Lender In conneotfon with sald pubiloation,Inciudlnp reasonable attorneys'tees to the attornoya for the Truatoo nnd for tlio Lendor,and a <br /> • 1 reasonabla tea to tho Trustee,and thia Deed of Trust ahall be security tor all such expenses and fees. <br /> 24. APPLl�A'tIOPI OF PAYMENTS. All payment�made by or on behalf of prantor may be applied ngulnst tho amowiis peld by landar Or,cluding , <br /> - � attorneys'feea and legal expenses)in conneotion wlth the exercise of tts rlghis or romedfes describad in 4hls Deed ot Truat and thon to tho pnyment ;:� <br /> ot the remalning Obllna2lons In whatever ordor Lendor chooaea. ����°��� <br /> . � 26. POWER OF ATTO�ANEY. (irantor hareby appolnts Lendar as Its attorneyIn•tact to endorse Grantor's name on oll Inctrumento and other <br /> documonta pertalning to the Obllgations or Deed of Trust. In addltlon,Lender shall bo entllled,but not�oqulrod,to perinrm any acllon�or executo any <br /> dncumsnt requlred to be taken or exacuted by Grantot unde�thls Deed of Trust. LendoPs poAormnnco 01 such actlon or oxocutlon of such , ', <br /> documenta ohell not rol[eve Grantor from any Obllgatlon or cure any detauit undor thls Doed ot Trust. All powore of attorney dosoribod tn thls Doed ot .,,!' ,.' <br /> Truat ero coupled wNh an Interost and aro Ircevocable. <br /> - c�.i schaurged wit�h tu�nds advanc�edEby Lende�regar�dleas o twhe her these�lensh securlty Inte ests o othor�onicumbreriees have beon roloao nc tmeCrpndce <br /> �� , <br /> LPNE51tC �1 FomJ+tlonTeehnobgl».Inc.(tt/8/B61(8�1�7a7� P1�j1�G16 ------"- <br /> � . .. . . .. . .._.. . . _ . .... . .. .. �...��..... _ ._�'. . __�.:_. ._� _._-. . . .._ . . _ _ -. <br /> _ . .. . �,.. . <br /> . . .._.—_._ . _'__._... <br /> n . . _.._ _..__ <br />