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<br /> . ;,:: Aiter RecAr o etum to: � z n p
<br /> ; , t�\ •.
<br /> Onioa e d Truae Company I a r� ta
<br /> .. .,, C��r al n� '' � _... `� ', �
<br /> 36 outh �8tls,.,SCra�t � ,._ " U1 „
<br /> ti� 68506 �' � �
<br /> Liaao�n, .� `- . , .
<br /> cn ��
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<br /> °D �� N 'L ,Nt�«�:.
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<br /> � . DEEn O�TRUST t�r, �} ':'' _.
<br /> , � —___._-�. v� :�� ..:'�
<br /> (iRAHT9R �� ' �,;..;:;-
<br /> }5 EORROWER ��pl�t� Zt�diaal Car�. ina. \`d�s:s_,;��.
<br /> .. . '�. Iaa. �:,
<br /> .r, Co*!r�7,�to ![�diaal Cess.
<br /> . . � k!.^���'"
<br /> 'r; . � �'•�-_.�..
<br /> .� � u!;—
<br /> ����s ` ���'��1�.
<br /> • ppqp�53 �919 19outh Loau�t Sb�co�t `�-
<br /> 6rand Island, l�i 688G3 '��,,,�
<br /> �979 South Loauet 8trest �pE��rpMNO. ��a:�
<br /> . ' ��,t '. ��w�+ew�nl.�d� � 68601 ��eMO. �-- i----
<br /> 1DE����� (401) 410•5580 ��=�-
<br /> �., (�011 410-5680 ---
<br /> --- - ti(..�� TnusreE:Uaion esnk k Tru�t Compn�np ----
<br /> ' ,��� ,�•`.,� In constd�at on os hs I�osn or�otnsrgred•a�ii�,�Liaaols�, NS 68506
<br /> '.;;h;, t.} ��}�,Z�.r�ln�Rer apecl8sd and any futuro advances or tuturs Oblipatione,as detlned heroin,
<br /> �.,,, �:���:��:,�; ,� pr�n tot h e ro b y I r r e v o c�b l y b�r a a l n e s elis,transt ara�a�te�3��3 B o u t h�fl%8 t h ru���his _
<br /> w h l c h m e y h e�e a f t e r b s n d v anced or InCUrred Md the trust hu�innit�r m�ntton�d end other good and va+a:blo ccn'.!d"°r�nn;th�receipt und
<br />-:�1.. • � sufficbncy o}which ue haroby �ckIInl.an��eah ]1ad �'�eu�t Co�nan_____y�inao�.n - �l.ender'), ths
<br />� suceessora nnd asslIIne,In tNSt,ior
<br /> • �+..o.* I,!naoYn..�'i �of��Qnd right ot sntry+md poas�sslon all of Orantor'a pressnt snd tuture eatat�,rlpht,tlU�and —
<br /> benefic.���'arY unde�thle Dasd of Yrust,wNh Pov+o ut m�nt,bulidiny
<br /> Int�aat U�nd to Ms roal prop�rty desa�bod In&hedute A whtch is attach�d to this ac udln f uwithout Ilmitat on,�alhmaeh nery,eq penc�,toeether --
<br /> wh�th�r
<br /> with all pn�ent md futurs Improwm�na and flxtursa;tli tenp�b�e Perw^��p�oP°�Y� �' �
<br /> mat�rtals,�nd poods of�very nRtun(�xctudlnp houashold poods)urorown+^h�`e'nciudl pt�i i de�v�e�o�e t�fte e ua�cep��do�t►��if��o P hii�!r�
<br /> � or not af(Ix�d to ths tend; NI prlvll�s, h�rsdib�m�nts,a�d�PP trom oth�r rsal prop•rty
<br />- , � whotha�pr�vlouely ot suba�quentty tru�at�rnd to th�roal prop�rty �d��d hri h�aby pranted fot th�uN
<br /> prop�rpr to othar reai propeAy: dl Iee�es���^�umu atl�ly'Popsrt�l')t h�ve and o hold th proib rty W�tar,011,dltch,ns�rvalr and min�r�l
<br /> ' riphri�nd�tock�p�rtalning to th�n�l p p��h►(
<br /> . " end benstit ot Trustee�h�a suo��°n�nd ealD^e,untll pRyment In full of ali Ob1fpatlona acured h�w y
<br /> •���'.+�-. : Morwwr, In turther oontld�r�tion,Gnntor dw��tot Onntor and Orantar'e h�lrs, npns�ntatiwe.succ�asore, �nd asslpm,hoaDy�xprosnly _--
<br /> •� i.= -`�'"' wartant,cownRnt,�nd epre�with Lsnd�r and Tru�tM and M�.rrs�uNa����^«�o���ap����^t�nd tutun Ind�btodn�u.tleblllU�s,obil�Rtion�and
<br />-.°�;^d,.�v:,-�; - t. OBUGtAT10N8. Thls DeM of Trwt ah�ll eacun th�p�Yn'�
<br /> ..:�,r.; cov�ntnb ot Bortowet or Gru�tor(cumuisttwly'ObI1p�Uonf')to Und�r punuant to: �� � �
<br /> � thls D�ed ot Trust uid th�tollowln omhao not�a nn othet a re�m�nto� ��
<br /> , ';:. . ,� �� ���,�
<br /> q� DYf DAT� R 141115
<br /> t.�, s=� $4b5,000.00 03/Z7%97 Oa/01/00 37789
<br />�::r7...
<br /> y�;n•: . � .
<br />-.:. .
<br />�;;�::;��
<br /> 3r�" ,.:,,�� =:
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<br /> �7f�CUl �OP 1t1O NIM� _.__...._.
<br /> a I athet prosent or uturo wr tten apreement�w t n er that re er specl csl y to t a Dee o Trust _ _
<br /> • �''..,• diH�+ntpwpos�sthantMtor�poing)t —_-
<br /> � (p) eny 8utrartty of ob11gutlons o}other p�rties fliven to l.ender now or herentter executed that ro4era to this Deed of Truet; �
<br /> . (d) tuturs�Avance�,whethe obllflatory or optionel,to ths name sxMnt as if mado contemporMeously with the execatlon of thls Deed of TNSt, ��
<br /> made or�xtended to or on behelt of(irantor or BorrowoT. drnntor�gnea that R one of the Ob118aUona is a Ilne of credit,the lien of thls Deed ot ��-
<br /> � Truat ahsll continue uMll Payment�ndlnl�fqt o tm�hall the I ee ot thls Dee of7i usthnota nctuding uma advancad to pro ect t secudty ot - --_
<br /> the tlne)no batance m�y ba910 a0 Oe 00 ;and �� .,
<br /> this Qeod of Tmst,oxoeed 5.----1--Q-� ';°a:
<br /> . r (o)nll nmendmenta,oxlenslon3,ronawals.modMicattons,roplacements or subsUtutions to any of the foregoing.
<br /> �-''',-�
<br /> A3 used In th�o Par�9raPh��the termt Qrentor nnd Borrower shall Include and�IQO mean any Qrnntor or Borrower If moro nn one.
<br /> � 2. REPAESENTA710H8,W/1RFiAHi'IE8 ANO C011CNAN7�. Ci�A^to�raprosents,wnrnnts and co'ronanri to I.Ander that: : �.
<br /> " � (�� Q�p�h�{w slmpl�marketabl�titie tn ths Propetty and shilt m�intaln the Propettyt ire�of all Ilens,securiry Intorosta,encumbruncea and
<br /> I ctatma sxcept for thla Deed of Trust and thoaa describW In Sch�dule B,wh�h ia sttached to thla Osed ot Truat and Incorporatsd heroin by .,, _
<br /> i � atennce,whl,h(3rantor aynasto psy�nd pedorm tn n cimoty mann�c . ;
<br /> � � (b) (irantor is In compllance��a��respecta with a�t appfl¢able tederal,otete end iocal lawa and regufaUons.Indud►n9,without Ilmitatlon,those
<br /> refating to�nor the st�te where the Prope�rly Is o�cated oaeny otha�pove nmental ottquasl governmtent i entiry has 11Ied e Ilenlon the Prope ty.
<br />- - - aovemment __. ,..�,�_,,,,�,,,,,,i„i�,�t�„e acUona with respect to environment�l mattera pen�d►o8�h���n�v has�°aed Qe��ef ted,
<br /> --_.,
<br /> - ---�----...-� nor ue thero any govemmm����rv�.,,.�•�--.......-Neithor Orantor nor,to tne nesi oi ur9mvr o rnv�.o..a-.-'•---- • ;z-..�_,:
<br />- knowledpe,threatened,whlCh Involve the Property.
<br /> released,dischatged,stored,or disposed ot eny Hezardous Meterlele as dellned Aornln,in connectfon with the Property or transpoReG any
<br /> � ovemmental authorky Including,but not Ilmited .. ,:.
<br />_ � Hazudoue N4aterials to o�from the Property Orentor shall not commit or permit such ections to be taken In the future. The tarm 'Htzar oua
<br /> Materi:is'shall msan any aubs�ance,materlal,or waste whlch is or becomes re ulated by any 9
<br /> tp; (iy peUOteum; pl)frl°ble or nontrlable asbe�tos:(Iti)polychloftnatsd btphenyis;(Iv�those substances,mutedals or wastes deslgnsted as a ,',:.'
<br /> • 'ha:erdoua substance' pvrsuant to Section 311 af ths Clean Water lLct or Ifsted purcuant to Section 3�D7 ot the Cloan Water Act or any
<br /> = amendmeMs or uroe Conu eUon end Recavery��oranyuen'►endments or replacerrsent�to that atatute;e d(vl)thoae subsPtances�mat Sri�ab�or
<br />= 1004 of the Fbso
<br />- wanes detine endments ar�eplav b ento to thatu tatuts or any other elml ar�s tef ohfederal statutemuie Bregulallon or ordl n cetnov or her a'fts�r
<br /> Act,or eny am
<br /> In e8ect. f3rantor shall not lease ov permit the subl�ase of the Properly to a tenant or subtenant whose operattons may rosult in contaml�atlon of
<br /> the Property with Huerdous Mato�ials or toxio substancea;
<br /> �e� p��ppppcap�e�ewe and ragulations,Includinp,wlthout Ilmltation,the Americans with Dlsab���Ues Aat,42 U.S.C.�rt e of anOtt deeal,ata e or
<br /> N
<br /> regulsNons promulgtted thereunder)and all:oning and b��nt�9�f��d nhdl betobservedi and compllede�h In ali matsr►ai respects.and all
<br /> munlclpal nuthodry with Jurisdlctton over the Prop�rty.P Y
<br />:� rlgNts,Ilcenaa,p�rmits,tOYII�1 whether t m�ry otypenrma,entbwhichtare m�aterolal to h use a d9occupancy ofpn'enPropertynpresently s e and
<br /> and linal Inapectlon app
<br /> shall be obtn!ned,proserved nnd,where neces9ary,rono�ved; p„p�de�
<br /> lPNE9f�T FormAUon UcnnoWptss.me.(n�9/[wl 1nW187t lteo . .. .. _ - ------ - �
<br />