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<br /> • -s 7.Eminant Domaln. Lender le horoby aeslgned oll eompensatlon,nworde,damnges ond othor paymonta or rallof lhnroinnTYer"Proceede")� � �__.__
<br /> In connectton with condomnation or othor tnking ot the Property or part thorooi,or for conveyanca In Ilou of condomnntton.Lender ahail �;_
<br /> ! taken ar damagdd,Lender shall have thu optlon In Its Hole end absolute diecratian,to epply oll euch Proceodu,efYer doductlny thnratrom �
<br /> • � nll coate nnd oxponsos inr,urrad by It in connoction with cuch Procaeds, upon nny Indobtodnas3 aocurnd hnroM/ onc�In s�er,h orJor es ---
<br /> �,. Lander may detorminu,or to apply nll such Procoadn, uftor ouch doductiono,to tho reotorotlon of th�Propnrty upon ouah cunditlona os
<br /> ►/� Lendor mny determine.Any applicatlon of Proc�ade to Indoktodnasa shell not oxtend or poatpone thn du�i dnte of ony pnymonto undor
<br /> +� tho Noto,or cur�any dofnult thereunder or horaundor.Any unopplled}unde eheH be palci to Truator.
<br /> ���� 0, PA�formenao by l�nd�o. Upon tha occurronco oi on Event of Dofault heroundor, or if eny act in taken or I�p�l ptoCOadlnfl
<br /> � comm�ncnd whfch matorlaliy pftecte Lendor's intarost in the Proparty,Lender moy In its own discrotlon,b�it wlth�ut ohllputlon to do ea,
<br /> , � end withaut notico to or damand upon Truat�t and without raleasinp Truator from eny obligation.�u Ony 8Ct whlGh rf1�•itPr h99 CQi98d �l
<br /> {__..
<br /> A but folls to do nnd moy niso do ony othar act It deems�ocessary to protoct tho security hereof.Truotor shall,Immndlntmhl uWOr�damand ; .
<br /> �S � thorafor by Lendor, pey to Lendar aii coct�and oxpanae9 Incurrad and sums nxpended by Londnr In connnctian with tt�rt exerClae by
<br /> '.s. ? �Landor ot tho forepoing rights, together wlth Interest thereon et the default rate provided In the Note, which shnll bv �dded to tho 4{t
<br /> •„���;,;r+'' �Indnbtodness socured herebv,Londor shall not Incur any Iloblllty baceuse ot anything it may do or omit to do hareundor.
<br /> � �ti ��� B.Ftazerdoua htau�lsts.Truetor shell kaop the Property In compllance with aii applicahle lawe,ordinonsos und repulnti�ns�slut�ng to �
<br /> '""'""'� induatrial hygfene or onvlronmental prctoctlon (colloctivaly re}erred to heroin as "Environmentei Lawo"1.Truutor shall kea�thn Proparcy �,i.
<br /> ' freo from all substancoa doemed to bo hezerdoua ar toxlc under eny Environme�tal Lawe(collectNely referred to hvraln ae "Hazardoue .'_
<br /> a Materials").Truator horoby wai rants and represente to Londer the2 there ore no Hazardous Materlal on or undor thr�FYOpnrty.Trustor �.,�;>
<br /> hsreby epraes to Indomnify and hold hnrmloss Lendor, ite directors, offlcera, employoes end e�ente, end any suCCOrtaers to Lendor's �'u.'
<br /> � }, Interost,from end ogain�t eny and ell claime, damages,loaees and Iiabilities erising in cannection with thr� presonr,o, uoe, dispocnl or �_r I
<br /> trensport ot�ny Hezardoua Materielu on,under,from or about the Proporty.THE FORFCt01Nd WARRANTIES AND RFFi�'.SEPITATIONS, `c_=�
<br /> TRUST. ��''
<br /> � 10.Asstgnmon4 af Renta. Trustor horeby assigns to Lendor, and grents Lender a ancurity interest in,aIl pr�s�nt, future and after �-�-
<br /> � riaing renta,Issuos nnd profita of the Property; provided that Truator shull,untll thfl occurrence of an Event of D�fault hereunder,have -
<br /> tha right to colloct end retnin such rent�, lesuos end profite o9 they become due and payable. Upon the occurrenco of Fn Event of
<br /> ••;:',y�� pefeult,londer mey,elthor In pereor+or by egent, with or without brfnging any action or procoedinp,or by n receiver a�ointed by a �
<br /> court and without ragerd to the adequacy of Its sacurity, enter upon end take posaession of the Property,or any part t�zrea`s,In its own �_-'
<br /> �� � �'�� namo or in the namo o� tho Truetee,and do any acts whlch it deoms neceasary or desirabie to presarve the valuo. marRotnbility or —
<br /> re�tability of the Property,or any part thereof or Interast therain,or to increase the income therefrom or protect ihe sec�.�ltY hareof end,
<br /> with or without taking possession of the Property,aue for or otherwise collect the rents.Issues and profits thervot,includir.Q those pest �
<br /> �� duo end unpaid,by notifying tenants to make paymente to Lendar. Lender may apply rents,iasues and profits,Iaso costs end aucpensos
<br /> � of operotion and colloctlon including nttorneys'foea,to eny Indobtedness secured hereby,ell in such ordar es Lender m3y dot�+rmine.The __
<br /> ontering upon end teking posseselon ot the Proparty, the collection of such rente, issues and profita, and tho app�iCation thofeof as
<br /> � eforesald, shnll not cure ar welve any dofnult or notice of deteult iiaraunder or Invalideto any ect done In reaponse to such defeult or
<br /> pureuant to such notice of default and. notwi2hetending the continuonce In possassion of tho Proporty or tho collection, raceipt and
<br /> �' epplicntlon of rsnts, Issuee or profits, Truatee end Lender ehali be entitled to exercise overy right providad ier In any of the Losn
<br /> Instrumenta or by law upon occurrenco of any Hvent of Default, Including w(thout Iimitatlon the rtght to exerclite the power of sele.
<br /> Further.Lendor's righta and remodles under this paragreph shail be cumulativo with, end in no way a Ifmttetlon on,Le�der'o righte end __
<br /> _ �_ � remedies under any essignment of leaseo ond rento recorded egainst the Property. Landar, Truotee end tho reCCivor shall be Ilable to
<br /> - -'-- eccount only tor those rents actueiiy rccaived.
<br /> �� '','�. 11.Eventa oi Qefault.The following sheli constituto en Event of Defeult under thia Deed of Trust:
<br /> ie)Fellura to pay any In3tallment of principel ar Intereat of er.y othor aum aecured heraby whan duo;
<br />_r (b)A brench of or defeult under eny provision conteinad In the Note,this Dead af Trust,eny of tho Lo�n instrumente,or any
<br />- other Ilen or oncumbrence upon the F'roperty;
<br />` 1c)A writ of execution or attechment or eny similer procoss shall be entered against Trustor whlch shall becom.e a Iten on the
<br />=_' " • Propany�r any ponlon thereof or intereat therefn;
<br /> ri„�:_::�„�, {dl7hero shall be filed by or ageinai Trustor or Borrower an act(an under any present or futuro federal,state or otRor siatue,law
<br />-;�w : ;,`j. or regulatlon relating to bankruptcy, ineolvenCy or other ralief for debtore;or there shall be appotnted any trustee, roceiver o�
<br /> • Ilquldator of Truetor or Borrcwor or of all or eny part of the Property,or the rents,Issues or profits thoreof,or Trustor or Borrower
<br /> �`�, `i��'�:, � shall make eny generai essignment tor the benefit of creditora; '
<br /> j'.�� � ��'-�"" (e)The eale,transfer,lease,essignment,convoynnce or turthor encum6rance of all or eny part of or any Interest in the P�apetty,
<br /> 'iac,`y,'r•...,.)`� .
<br /> L L� „. either voluntarily or fnvoluntarily,w(thout the expreas written co�sent of Lender;provided that Truator ehnli be pormitted 80�exECUte
<br /> ==° T�� a lease of the Properzy that doea not contain en option to purchase end the term of which doea not excasd one yeer;
<br /> �;,,,"'�"�`��' �' tfl Abendonment ot tha Property;ar
<br /> -_^ 1.,.
<br />�a r*;:;.`_`?� 1g) If 7rustor is not nn Indivlduai,the Isauanco, aele,tranafer, easignment, conveyance or encumbrmnGO of moro then (f a
<br /> -�°F�-� ..,;�. corporation) a total ot N/n porcent oi its Isnued end outstandinp atock, or Of a partnership) a total of N/�_,Percent ot
<br />�t;:�'fiF '"` partnerehip Interesta,or a i�mitad Uabllity companyl o total of N�r, percent of tho Iim(ted Ilubility company Interests or votinp
<br />�-�,��`;1. righte during the perlod thia Deed of Truat romaine e Ifen on the Ptoperty.
<br /> 12.Remadiess Ac¢�le�tian Upon Oefauit.In tho event of any Evont of Defeuit Lender may,without notice excopt ee requieed by lew,
<br /> ---�`�'>i� declere eli fndebtedness secured haraby to be due and payable end the seme ahell thereupon bocomo duo and peyabie without eny
<br />���`:�,��*? " presentment,domand,protes4 or no�lce of eny kind.Thereafter Lendor mny:
<br /> � '�•',�s�• la)Domand that Truatee oxercise the POWER OF SAI.6 granted herofn, and Truatoo shnll thereaher cause Trustor's lntareat
<br /> ' In tho Proparty to bo sold anJ the proceeds to be dlstributad,all in tha manner providod in tho Mebtaska Trust Deeds Act;
<br />-:�vss"���`:'�-� (b)Exercl�e enY end all right� provided for In eny of tho Loan Inatrumente or by law upon occurrence of any 6vent of
<br /> -i+�?A�''�, _ Qofauit;and
<br /> '���, •. .
<br /> (c)Commonco en action to foroclose thin Deod of Trust es a mortgego, appofnt a tecoiver,or spnciftcelly enfnrce any of tho
<br /> r�� . _ . covenente horeof.
<br /> No ramody hereln conferred upan or roservod to'fruatee or Lendar Is Intendad to bo excluaive ot eny othar rrr.:r3dy herein,in tho Loan
<br />�Y Instrumonts ar by Inw prov(ded or pormftted,6ut oach shall be cumutetive,sha11 be in addition to every othar rer�¢dy plven horeunder,in
<br /> � tho Loan Instrumanto or now or hereafter exlating ot low or in equfty or by etetute,and mny bo axorclaad eoncurrently,independentiy or
<br />— '� t succeasivoly.
<br />-;� � � 13.Truatae.Tho Truatoe msy►uslgn nt any timc without cnuac, an�Londor may at on�timo end v�ithcut couoo nppolnt a euccossor ^ -
<br />�,: or subatituto Trustoo.Trusteo shnll not bo Ilable to t�ny party,including without Ilmitation Lendor,Borrower,7'tustor or any purchesor of �^_
<br /> tha Proporty, for eny loss or damago unloas due to reckiess or wilifui mfsconduct, and shnil not be requirod to toko any actlon in _�..
<br /> - � � connaction with th0 enforcemont o4 thie Deod of Truat unlesa Indemnifind,in writlnp,tor ell coat3,tompnnoetlon or exponses whlch may ,^
<br /> _ � � bo associnted therewith.In addition,Trueted mey bacome a purcheser et any salo of tho Proporty Qudicfal or undor tho powar of sale �•?�,
<br /> � � grnntad harein);postpono the sele ot oll or Any portlon of thv Property,as providod by law;or sell tha Proporty as e whole,or in aoperete ; ..1
<br /> - . f; t percnta or lots et Trustee's discretion. ,�
<br /> i2��.
<br /> •�• � 14.Fe�e and Expenaea.In tho ovont Trustoe sells the Property by exorciso of power of eale,Truntao ehall I:o entitted to apply nny salo
<br /> - Z procoads first to paymont of all coste and expensos of exercising power of ealo,including all Tru3toe's faau,and Londor's und Trustc►o's
<br /> - ---- _,__ . . .. . .. - - -----------�.. ---.:__��_�_... �...ti�e.....�w.....WUr nr Truutnr aYnrclse9 nnV�luht ofOVldCd bV
<br /> - ----T` � et(omoy's tees,ectuau mcurrca iv oaaom pomuuou v
<br /> y , o,,,.,...<..,o..,.........__._.---••-•._. _. .
<br /> low to eura on Evont of Dofault.Lendor shelt ba antitlad to rocover from Trustor all coste end oxponaoo actually incurred os e rosult of
<br /> _ Truetor'e detault.Including without limitation all Trustee's ond attomay's fees,to the extont parmittcd by aPPllcnblo Inw.
<br /> - 16.Futurs Advencea. Upon requeat of Borrower,Landor mey,at Its optlan,make additional and tutur¢advances and raecivencas to \
<br /> Borrowar.Stich n�vsncos ond roadvancoa, with intorest thareon, shall bo secured by thls Deed of Truat. At no time shatl the princi-.al
<br /> ' amount of tho indobtadnn�s �acured by this Deed of Trust,not including auma advoncod to protoct thn security of thie Oeod of Trust,
<br /> • oxceod tho origlnnl principnl nmount atatod haroln,or 8 sio 000.oo .whichovor Is greater.
<br />_
<br /> NUC34E70 INOnopualmrul Dnadi Nav.6/96
<br /> 1000 Na110no1 OLnk o�COmmo�LO Trust o�d Savinp!Ai7oelatlon.LInGO��.NCbrESka
<br /> . ' '�__"_'^" "__ _'."__ ' "
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