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<br /> Y� � p��p F RUST V4lITM RlJ7Util� ADVANCE�
<br /> ., . ;: �,.1 =
<br /> : �
<br /> r, .tl , 1� •�r ,hy nnd a���nn{�t"� �
<br /> - THIS DEED OF TRUFT.Id mnda e.�of tho °t1i �AV o�......_.--�'--------� �' ' ' �n
<br /> •;i, ���'- -
<br /> i'::;G:,•; . ..
<br /> `•,'�';�{:��� ' OALGN L. G'Pfa921F,h STGRNEA P7�INTINCi _„�,.�,.�..'.._-..----.-� � ���� --
<br /> r•��:�.$,�° tho Trusto�. �-
<br /> ;:�li��`��,, � �.�. - '...........«......�'"_...,�,...- �
<br /> �•v ; �
<br /> ;•,;s_,.;.,
<br /> . rA°"' >„r. DONI61:�"L2.k.E.@,42'. —I��enln"Tru�ror,'wltolhr�an�ur mnr�1.
<br /> - :;,:,�'. � ��. who�e melling eddreee Is,�a�„�57S�rlYF -
<br /> �, • the Truatee, �x OF D�NIP:t� "'-"'"-'"'-�����•
<br /> � . ' Ihnreln "'fn��leo"L en�
<br /> � whoso mafting addrose Is
<br /> ,.,.,��. . M.
<br /> ,^, . S»,.'
<br /> •'"':t'i;i� � thn�88�8}ICtBryr RlNY�1•e.�'�inH ni
<br /> j',;r^,.;�.•r t ---_.(Noreln'lend�r"1.
<br /> • whose malling address Is._
<br /> :,,.,,,�1'r
<br /> ,t�.,;,�,{;�r�, FOR VALUABLE COFI:iIQERATIQ�N,Includlnp Lcnder'e extenslon of crv.lit Ictontffled hereln to
<br /> _`• ", ,t�t (il�LfiN L. 618RNBR D!D/A --
<br /> -�?��;�,;. STBRNBR PnINTIN(i DSLOSL£5 J. STfiRNER ...�...--�•
<br /> .'';�.��1:•` ''�`�
<br /> ,•.?:�t,i�:'.�i�'�� .
<br />-1*f�._::��,"t . t _ lhercln"Etocrowar",whe2her one or more)end the trust horeln Gte�teA,1 ie
<br /> MrL4���i��,Y � , recafpt of whlch Is htrobp aclmowlad�ed,Trustor horaby Irrevocanty p�eme,trnnniora,wi.:o�:as:�=�lB�e'•^ ?"-"!w�;IN TfiUBT.WIYH
<br /> _....�,..,.,,� ;�::�.
<br />_;�rt.,�}��,�r h,�::,. POWER OF SALE,}or th�bcnoflt end socurity o} Londcr, under ancl suQ�btt to the termb end condltlons herelnefter eet fmth, the teel
<br />�,x�v�r:;,;;. property.described as fnft�aws:
<br /> '` ��r iAT SIX (61. IN B3ACK 771L� (al. ORI02NAL VILL71G8 OF DONIPIi/W, Y.1�(+L �tR�TY• N88AASKA.
<br />— ;;i�.c�.�(�fyki
<br /> ..t,•
<br />�.�. ".'.�:�.'�t
<br /> ----- ��a`-:.
<br /> v%p',,-'.fS , �
<br /> t � PAOPBATYl1DDI�ESSi PItts^. &TltE6T DOBIG}�1, NB GB078
<br /> y� �#��::- -
<br /> j Together wlth r,tl buftrllnps,Improvomente,flxturea,strcett,�Iloy�,pntsAneweye,easement�,rlphte,prlvllepee�nd eppurt�nm��
<br /> ;;;';j.j located thtroon or Iri•enYwlse perte[nlnp thereto,and the rants,Issuca Fn�prolVt�,roversfnm�nd remdn�ers thereot,and such penon�l
<br /> - ,�:r� property th�t is etttr.l�a1 to the Impravements so ee to coneti4ute e flxtua�,l��ctuding,but noi Ilmfted to.heettnp end coolSng equlDm�nt;
<br />-=�-,am!r:xva��us�:�. end tagether with xho homcstaad ot merttel Intere�ta, If eny, whtch Umracala ero hereby releeeed �nd w�lved; all of whlch, Includtnq
<br /> _,;•.i;^'�;.`Zi'��;;: replacemenU and tr.tclittonc thcroto, le hereby ded�red to be a psn ot tha re.�l astete eecured by the Ilen of thb Deed of Tru�t end dl of
<br /> ��° �"�'° the foregolnp being Tolarad to herofn es the"Property".
<br />-:.:r'1�z��;;;�.
<br /> '�:�•j-��:}; Thle Deeoti of Trust ehell eneuro(al the pnyment of the prinsl��l su��n �nd Inter�e9t evldencad by e prominory note or cr�dit
<br />� ;r:;'r.,
<br /> �`"=•�;;�,�„j��,�*;,� ,hlYU1 e m�turity d�tn of_�rY►1 io �oo� --�
<br /> ..�.._•�Fr���aa�;� ogreement dated Iwril o� x9a� �
<br /> ���.
<br /> -=�:��i?::s� �o o�o _,end eny ei�d �11 modlllcatlona,exianslon� �nd re�nw�l�
<br />--��:�.:������ In the origlnel pr1��cldil amount of 0 �4 —
<br /> '°"'"°"'�°-��� theroaf or therotn enci eny and all futuro edvencea end rendvences to Eloaro�vnr Ior eny of 4ham If moro th�n ane) hHeund�r punu�nt to
<br /> i.'�"`•>>• ona ar more prorn'�aory notos or crodtt apreemente(hereln catled"Noao'1;(r)the payment of ot�er eums�dv�nced by LendN to proteCt
<br /> -�:•:�:....
<br /> ::%.��,; the secu�Ity of tJie Noto;!c)the pe►formanca of elI covenents end spcetma�nts of Truetor net fonh Nere{n;snd Id/�II pre�ent�n u4ur�
<br />�'"`'� Indebte+inese enr.!ob1l��tlons of Borrower(or eny of them If more tt,an onm)tu Lender whether dlrect. Indlrect, ab�oluts or contlnpmt
<br /> °�� and whether erlslrtD by noto,guernnty,overdreft or otAerwlae.7h�e NOto,t�1e Oeed of Truet and ony�nd oll other documenU th�x��cur�
<br />�_:,'"�� ,� F..
<br /> the Note or othirtvlse exocutad In connectlon therewlth.Includin�w{lhoui'lmftetlon guarenteee,security eBroements end�uslpnmsnt�
<br /> =�'� �, of leesea and ranrto,she�lt bo roforrod to hereln os tho"Loon Instrumm3s'.
<br />�.;�!_;��':�`
<br /> -°,f�;,, . " Trustot cor�!nentn end agraes�vith Londer as fotlow�:
<br /> _-a:��••,•.^..a .� .� 1.Paymsnt ot Intlrbiodnos�.All Indobtodnase aecured hercby nhau Go pald when due.
<br /> :,:p:�.�.l.i:•':��ii�t�'
<br /> .r._,�..: Z.Tttl�.Trvstor Is the owner ot tho Propany,hos tho rlpht und euih�riry to convoy tho Proporty,and warmnte that tho Ilan croote
<br /> '� ,�`•.1�:� ,� � horeby Is a ftr&t ancl prlor Ile�on tho PtoParty,oxcopt tor Ilena und cnr.umta�onCas sot forth by Trustor fn wNtlnp nnd dulivorod to lontlar
<br />--_".��•`'.:':,��•`� ��:,.;� betoro oxecutic�i of thla Deed oi 7ruat, end tho execution end dallve►y of thls Deed of trust doe�►not vtolete eny cantt�ct or otNu
<br /> -'.5�:'.,.��.,�s ..�;�`�
<br /> � ��r,;�r, ••;p�i ��• obllgetlon to whir.h 7ruator ls subJect.
<br /> - •�� ••+' r a, 3.T�xN.A►e�s�mfnt�.To poy befare d�llnquonr,y ull taxea,epaclal e+yeea�rciente snd ell other eheree� ag�fn�t the i�operty now or
<br /> '''�'�''ir.'�-::f!'� �. ...
<br /> .. , F�areafter levlad.
<br /> _ . .. �: 1•...:� .,L..
<br /> ' �"�'� i ' 4. (n�uraneo.Tp koep the Rrnperty Inaured ogalnet dumege by firc�, hozards, Included wlthln the term'extended covereye", e��d
<br /> -. :!�. y�::. <<
<br /> �.;-t,���;�.;.�;�_,, sueh other hazar�{s ea Lu�der may requlro,In nmounts and wlth comper�be eccepteble to Londer,nemfnfl Lender eo an e�idttlond nsnud
<br /> �!;�" Ineured. w lt h lo�s�Qaya b lo t o t l i o L o n d o r.I n c u s e o f l o n e w�d n r e u c h�o b c l o e,tho Londor la euthorized to odJue6 collect end comprottUl�,
<br /> =4------,.t:�L�_ _._.._,.,�.....0,...,sn r.�ene�nwrence nroceede lll to nny Indebtednear docuro d here by
<br /> :'�`'-i�'"Z;;'.- ell C181rtt9 thEIEUn.^Er ano snaii nnvei i��o oy2�'v�•v� .•�.nr^•v--• �--- -
<br /> ��'' and In such order ns Londer muy dotarmino,UI)to the Truator to bo u-�ed for the repelr or restorotlon of the Propeny or(IIf1 tnr nny omv
<br /> . �t:in
<br /> -� • . purposa or objoci sntisfflctory tu Londer vr{thout attectlnp tho Il�n�4 thle Deed o} Truet for tha lull nmount eoaired heruby hofare eucli
<br /> . ' I� poyman4 over took.ploco.Any eppficntlon of procoodn to indObtadnass eholl not oxtend ot poatpono tt�o duo dnto ol any pnymente under
<br /> 'i<;;��.'.
<br /> ,�.,.,:;�:• tho NOto,or curo c�ruy defnult thornundur or horoundar.
<br /> _ ';<<;. 6. Eacraw.U�n writton domand by Londor,Truut6t 6hnll prty to Londot,fn such tnonnor ns Londe►may Aoslpnnto,sulflclont awn�
<br /> to onablo Lander to pay ns thoy bncomo duo ono or mnra of t��o followln{�: li{ all toxee, nuoesemonte ond othor cliorpae apnlnet thn
<br /> �. Proporty,Iltl tho prmml�ems on tho proporty Innuranca roqulrad hereundor,and lufl tNa qromlume on mW mortpnpa ineaurnnca requlrad by
<br /> Lender.
<br /> �'� 8. Mnlntmenco.Rtptlra end Compllnnc�wltlf Law�.1'iuotor shell koup tho Proporly In Uuod cnndlti�n nnd ropnlr; olioll I�r����Pt�Y
<br />� " ��'�� ropalr, or roplaca any fmprovomont whfch moy bo damopod or d0etroycd; ohall not conunit or pornut niry wnsto or dnlorlorotiun nf tlio
<br /> �� Propo�ty;Bhall net romovo,domolfah or eubotantlolly oltar ceny of tho ImE�rovemento un 11io I'wparty; c�holl ��oi e:ammlt,sidlur ��r pnrimt
<br /> = any aGt to bo dona�n ot upon tho Proporty In vlolatlon ot any low, ordDienco, or rcUulntlun; und ohnll pciy ond prnmptly dltichur�u aZ
<br /> �� • Trustor'e cost end expanso oll Ilons,oncumbroncae nnd ohorpee lovtad.Impoecd or oseossad onolnet tho Proporty m nnY Pm�tt�aroot.
<br /> �',' N�c�na�n�No�oade�n���u�oo:m HoY.a�se
<br /> f�J00 Netlane18an4 0�1:ummaeo T�mt onOSCV�rp+A�soam�pi,l�nccin.Rcb�nfca
<br />