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<br /> � .�a.,;:.� • � � �,��3 �W_�—
<br /> „ 18.MlaceilaneouePre�vlelonn ,
<br /> ' (p)Borrower�lot li�baeed. Extcnalon o}tho timo f��r p�tmonnrnto t�drol�aalonfnt�ny mnnno�thn IInbllltyiof tho od�nrol Ciorruwor -`�
<br /> by Lender Eo anytucca�sor In Interoat of 6orrowcr ehnli rtn p ::_�
<br /> .� end Borrovlor'�.+��axwre I�intoreet.Lendet ehnll naP.b�rnqulrod to commonca prorandlnpo n�nlnnt ntir.h auccossor or rotu�+�to
<br /> ' oxtand time lor dryrna$ or Wherwise modlty amortfrntlnn O}tlln 6UfY1D O�CUiUd(fY�rllf, I�OOQ of Tnmt by rooson of any domende ,y=�
<br /> mede by the arigMel Borrower and Borrowor's succu�nam In intor3ot.
<br /> •;w:_
<br /> • j: (b)L�nd�r's Pow��.'�Athout affecting the Iia6illty af onV othnr paraon lioblo for thn pnymont of nny obllpntion hcrufn mentlonod. - _
<br /> ;•, ' end withouta�anllRamount of nil unpnld�hfle0o��, Lnnd�i tmnVn��omp m°tQp�m� ndp�ittiouttn tl nrlilt olseso eny pareon ao �
<br /> '� secudty for t �.-
<br /> liable,(lll extend the meturiry or elter any of the turrnn of anV eur.h ohtipntlona,lliq prnnt othor indulponr.nu, Iivl rcl;ar.c or rcconvny,
<br /> - or causa to be reloesed or rer.onveyed et eny tima ut band�ir's optton any pprcel,partian ar all of tho Prapnrty,Iv)take or reteese eny �_::,•-
<br />,-��� other edditlonal�ecuriry for any obligetlon harnim m�ntfnnad, or lvll moko comparltlonn or othflr nrrnngemente with debtor� In -y R
<br /> reletfonthereto. ' •
<br /> ,�� • ���.
<br />` �,. . (c)Forb��ran�eble law,�sl e ItnotNbevarwaivor at orf prr�clud�Lth�l oxor eb r 1�4iny f�ush A[8ht ar��n9dY r Tho P�ocu omont Iof �,
<br /> 1 � afforded by epp �,�°�
<br /> Ineurance or tP�►epaymont of texes or nthnr Ilenn ar charaan bV Londpr qb[III ItOt L�ti•fl Wf1Wnf 01.Londnr's dght te accelerete the `s_
<br /> � . �
<br /> � , �` maturlty of thB indebtedneas secured by thfs Dond of Truat. -
<br /> �' '• (dl Succ�sson snd Ae�lgna Bound;Jalnt end Sr.vornl LL�6111ty:CePtlone.Tho cavnnpnta nnd ngrnoments horein nontained shall
<br />,, . bind, end tho dghts harounder shell inuro to, tho ronp�ctiva eucconsore and asci(Inn ot Landor and Trustor. AII covonants and
<br /> ,�t agreemente ot Tiu�tor sha11 6o jolnt ond sovot3l. Thu captmna and hnedings ot tho pnrn{�raph�s of thfs Deed o1 Trust are 4ar
<br />_,:,� •� ,,�� convenience onlq n�d ers:nat to ba used to int�rpmt ar ela�finn thp provislons horao}.
<br />:s�� � �e)p�quut 1a Notic��.The p9rtles hernby rectu�ot that a copy of eny notiCa of dflfault horoundar nnd a copy o9 eny notica of -
<br /> '.,,f.�� safo hercesnder M rtne��ed to each party ta thla Onfld af Truet�t the eddross eot forth nbovo In tho mnnner prescriti::r3 by appficable
<br /> �•;;'r'y; �BW.Except��P�1� othcr notice requir�d undnr appltr.eblW lew to 6a givan i��enathar mnnner,eny notico nrovided fo�in thia Deed of �.•
<br />_ 7rust sheil b� pken by mefl�od of Trust ehelt ho effeotiv�upondmalllnpan thohmennar do&ig atad harn ntlrH Trustorf Is�more than one �
<br /> nodce provided lor in thi9 D _
<br /> person,notica ssnt to the addrosa set forth ebovo ohall be natice to all such poreone. �_
<br /> • ;� �}����p�ction. lender may mai B to any suoh G op ctfan spocifying otasoneble CAUPO'tho ota'r roletvd to Lren car's Interost�Inttho
<br /> , .` Lender shell giveTruetor notice p _
<br /> � �t''+ Pruperty. -
<br /> _.., .�f'��:�:.
<br /> � r�r'; �p) R�conv�y�na. Upon payment of all sumn seaur3d by thfs Doad of Truat, Londor shnll roqunst Trustao to reconvey tho
<br />,.,-,�.'-�, ` Property and e�alt surrender this Deed ot Truet nnd nll natae ovlde�cing Indobtadnone aocurod Gy thio Deed of Truat to Trustoo.
<br />;�jy���,!�; ; TfUSiee BheU �ecaravey tho Properey without wnrtnnty and vdthaut chorge to tho�rnraon or porflonn lagaliy entitled thoreto.Ttustor ,
<br /> ;::
<br /> .,,��'� _ shell pey all coele ot recordatian,if eny.
<br />_--.;`.''-;1���S ': �h�p�pnr Ro��rty:6�cudty Aynement.Ao edditionul sucurity for tha paymant ot tho Noto,Truntc�t hctreby flranta Lender undar
<br /> y��;;.�;.��,���Jy;;� the Nebraske Uniform Gammerctal Code a anaurity[ntorc�ut fn all fixtureo, oquiprront,end other poreonnl property used In connection
<br /> ._d'�..
<br /> • -� ' ::flh 2hA rea1 �:iete or imurovementa locsted thoroan,and not othorwise doclarod or danmod to bo fl Nart of the real estate seeured
<br />^�F;_,',� hereby. Thla dnstrument ehell 6e con�trued as a sacunty i+preoine�.� �rd�s�a:d r��£, A�rl thn Landur shali havo ell the righte an
<br /> � ,.�'
<br /> �: �:�b remedlea of a ucured party under said Codo in nddltion to thrt rtflhts end romodlua crnntad undar and iiccorded the Lander pursuAnt
<br />"�'+='�'}j��` ta thls Deed oiTruac, provided that Lender's dghts and remodiaa under this peregreph ehail bo sumutative with, and in no wey e
<br /> -°=�;;•s;
<br /> _ -,,;_,'�?� Iimftatlon un, lender's�ighte end remedias under anV othor eacurity agreama�t efgnad by fiorrownr or ruotor.
<br /> � •-=�� @ Ll�n� and Eneumbranc�t. Truator hnrehy wnrranta end represente that thoro la no dotoult undor the provlsions of any
<br />"'-'=�''� mortpage,dsed vf trust,lease or purchaso conrrnac dosoribing eiu cx any part of tho Proporty, or othor contrect, Inotrumont or
<br /> -r---��7 egreement constti utinp a lien or oncumbranoo eQninet alt or nny paK o�tho Prapnsty(aolloctivo. "Lir�ns'1, exinting as of the data of
<br /> ihie Deed of Trust.end thet eny and n�� e*�nting 41ene ramain unmod�llo� �Kan9t as dler.losoci to Lenda� in 7ructot'e writton
<br /> - "��°s disctosure of fians anei onCUmbtances providnd far haroin, Truetor sholl timoly perform all of "1'n�stor's obllgatione, covenente,
<br /> "`""-`"'�'� reprosent�tlone end warrantlea under any and AU o�dsrti�Q ond future llena,shall promptly torw�rd tu Le�der coples of eU notices of
<br /> •--�.r�+�sax.�jr
<br /> „_� def�uK smt Nconnaction wtth any and oti extatlnQ ar future Llena,end shell not without Lond�jr'o prior written consent n sny
<br /> � manner modifythe provielooa of or aliow anv hiturr�edvancoe under eny existing or futuro Lians.
<br /> "-°'"" -- �� q�p�{aalbn of PaymMt�. Unlasa otharNino roqufrad by luw, sums patd to Londnr horaunder, Including without Ilmitetion
<br /> payme�t�of p(nclpel end intoreat,in�turanae prnaeod3,aand�mnetEon procaeds ond rante end prniite,ehell be ep�+tied by Lender to
<br /> the xnountcs due and owing from Trustor ond borrov�or in such ordor ea Lendor In ito eolo discrotlon dezma desire6le.
<br /> (K! S�vortllitY. If eny provision of thf�i Doad of Truat conflicts wfth eppllaeble Ipw or Is doctared Invalld or otherwiae
<br /> unenforceeb!e,such conflict or invalidity aht�il not atfoot tho other provislone of thla Doat!ot'fntot or the Note which can be g(ven
<br /> effect wtthout the conflicting provision, and to thia and tho pJOV�slone of thls Dood of Trunt and tha tJote are deciarod to be
<br /> — severeble.
<br /> � p)T�rms.The terrna"Trustor"and"L'urrownr"shall includo both aingulat end plurol,end vrtten the Truator end Borrower aro the
<br /> ��� eeme peranlA,�hose terms as usod In thln Dood of TruRt ehn{I bo interchengrtahfu.
<br /> (m)pcvMnhp l�w.Thfs Deed of Tniet shnil be govomad by tho lewa of tho 6L��tro of Nobrnnl�o.
<br />•----�-�-.-� Trostor haa exearted this Deed of Trust an of tSio d�rtn writt�n obovo•c�h� L. s �
<br /> :_ STBHNrR I �
<br /> ,�.a.�:.r..ew�� /11A / /i^' •
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<br /> 1'`�'"`� `° 7ruetor -
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<br /> " NBC 3467C INoneg�cullunl Daedl Rev.0/95
<br /> ' 19El8 Netlonel Btnk of Commorce Truat nnd Sav�nfls AsaocleUOn,L�nco�n,�abruukn
<br /> .._ ._�___.._... �
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