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REMCDII:S ON !)GFAUl.T.1n somc instainccs, fcdcrnl and statc law will rcyuirc l.cndcr tu pruvid� C;ri+ntor witl� .. <br /> ' noticc of thc right ta cur�:or other notices and may establish time schedulrs for turcclosure uctio��s.Sut�ject tu thesc <br /> � .• , limit��tirn�ti,if any.Lcndcr mtiy ucccicratc thc Sccured Dcbd and(orccic�sc this Sccurity Instrumwnt in a mnnnir "� <br /> .�F providcd by law if Grantor is in default. _ <br /> � � At thc option of IAndcr,all or any part of thc agrccd fces nnd ch�irges,accrucd intcrest and principal shiill bccomc --s�` <br /> �"`�""` immcdiatc:ly duc and paynhlc,a(tcr giving nuticc if rcquircd hy la�v. upon thc occurrencc ot a dcfuuU or anytimc <br /> '�"""''"�' thcrcaiter.ln addition.Lender shall bc cntitled to all the rcmedics pruvidcd Ny law,thc tenns of the Securcd[7cht, :;;` <br /> this Securiry Instrument and any relatcd dacuments,including without limitation,the po�ver to scll�he Property. `�� <br /> ' If therc is a detault,Trustee shall,in addition to any other permitted thc requcst��f thc l.endcr,advcrtisc ��;�_: <br /> and sell the Property as a �vhole or in scparate parccls at public nuction to the highest bidder for cash and c�nvey �?_; <br /> ' � �hsolute title frec and clear of aU right,title and interest oi Grantor at such time �ind placc as Trustee dcsignates. _ <br /> j Trustee shall givc noticc of salc incluJing thc timc,tcrms and place of sale und a dcscription of thc praperty to bc sold _ <br /> �.� as required by the applicable law in effect at the time of the proposed sale. __ <br /> � k Upon sale of the property and to the extent not prohibitcd by law,Trustee shall mnke and deliver a deed to the Property � <br /> �' sold�vhich comeys absolutc titic to the purchaser,and aftcr fi�t paying all(ecs,charges and costs,shall pay to l..endcr all ¢ <br /> � moneys advanced for repairs,taxes,insurance,liens,assessments and prior encumbrances and interest therecm,and the _ <br /> ' principal and interest an the Secured Dcbt,paying the surplus,it any, to Grantor.Lender may purchas� the Property. `� <br /> . � ' The recitals in any deeci a[conveyance shall be prima facie evidence of the facts set forth therein. _ <br /> All remedies are distinct.cumulative and nnt exclusive,and the Lender is entitled to all remedies providcd at law or <br />- equity,w[nether or not expressly set toreh.The acceptance by L�:nder of any sum in payment or partial payment un the _ <br />- ".. -�� Secured Debt ufter the balanee�s due c+r i5 aca:lerated or after[oreclosure proceedings are filed shail not constitute a — <br /> ���� waiver of Lender's rig+it to require co�plete cure af any cxisting default.By nvt exercising any remeay on Grantor's _ <br /> t' � dcfault,Lender docs nut�vaive Lcnder's right to considcr the event a def�ailt if it continucs or happcns again. _ <br /> 16. EXPENSES;ADVANCES ON C(9VFNANTS;ATfORNGYS' FF.ES;�'OLLECTION COSTS. Exccpt whcn �_ <br />_ , prohibited by law,Grantor agrecs to pay ull of L.cnder's cxpenses if Grantor breac6es any covenant in this Sec�irity <br /> � �' �:.� lnstrument.Gcantor will also pay on demand any amount incurced by Lender for insuring,inspecting,preserving or <br />^ , 't�. ; ;� othenvise protecting the Property and l.ender's security interest.These expenses will bear interest from the date of . <br /> thc pavment until paid in full at �hc highest interest rate in cFfcct as provided in the terms�f thc Securcd Debt. <br />- � � Grantor agrees to pay all costs and expenses incurrcd Y,y i.c�.3cr ir=.�l���i2ro.�Slf�rrina or»fOtCCtIDL L.CRdCP's riRhts <br /> ;,,ti and rem�dies under this Security Instrument.This amount may include,but is not limited to,attorneys' fces, couR <br />=:,-.:;;;,11.' costs,ansi other legal expenses.7'his Security Instrument shall rcmain in effcct until rele�+s�d.Gruntor agrecs to pay <br /> },�,;�t� � for any recardation costs of such rcleASe. <br /> �'�`�� ' � L 17. ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS AND HAZARDOUS SUQSTANCES.As uscd in this scction,(1)Environmenta!Law <br />;., , ���,�:,;.; . <br /> ,;., means,without limitation,the Comprehensive Environmental Response,Corramensation And Liability��t(CERC . <br />�`N::.•; '' � a2 U.S.C.9b01 et seqJ,and all other federal,state and local laws. regulations,ordinan�es,court oralers,attorney <br /> �s:t:i„? <br /> =��::.1..;,1� , gcneral �pinions or intcrpretive letters conccining the public health,safety, weli'arc, ena�ironment or a haz�r uus <br />'°"'' � substance;and (2) liarardous 5ubstance means any toxic, radioactive or hazzt►rdous m��erial,�vaste,pollutsnt or <br />�`�- `�",_'-, ,� wntaminant which has chaructcristias�vhich render the substancc dangcrous or potentially dangerous to the pubGc <br /> - '`��I <br /> �'S`�i health,safety,welfarc or environment.The term includes,withau�limitution,any substances defined �s"hazardous <br />_==_"�=���+i material,""toxic substnnaes;"'ha2ardous waste"or"ha�ardous substance"urtder any EnvironmentAl Law. <br /> ;�a�;�.� Grantor represents,warrants and a�rees thnt: <br />���-�:'��S�i A. Except as prcvioi�s(y disclosed and acknowledged in writing to Lendcr,no Hatardnus Substan.:e is or will b� <br /> �.--.-�,�� located, stored or released on or in th� Property. ?has restriction does not app�y so small quantities of <br />__'__�,�, Hnzardous Substnnccs that are generally recognized to be appropriatc for the normal usc and muintenance of <br />���X�� the Pr�perty. <br /> �``� B. Except as previously discloscd and�cknowled�cd in writing to L.ender,Grantor and evcry tenant hnve been,are, <br />�.�a-�r..::,�:� <br />�=.���r�.� and shail remain in full compliancc witL any applicabl..Enwranmcnta �v. <br /> " C. Grantor shal!immcdiatcly notify Lender if a rclease or threatened release of a Nazard�us Substance occurs on, <br /> —���� under ur about thc:Property or therc is a violation of any Environmental mncerning the Property.In such <br />���'���---�"�-���� an evcnt,Grantor shall take all necessAry remedial action in accordance with any Environmental Law. <br /> :..r�:;_�-- <br />� ��"'m'�"'�`� D. Grantor shall immediately notify L.e:ndcr in writing as saon as Grantor has reason to believc thcre is any <br />— V-. <br /> '����"� ' �ending or thrcatened imestigatiun,claim,or pruccedin�;relating to the release.or thrcatened relcase o any <br /> 3����'"��`' g-1t�ardous Substance or thc violation�f any Environrnental Law. <br /> � .,...... <br />_�, .1... <br />- � • 18. CONDEMNA7'[OPI.Grantor�vill give Lendcr prompt notice of any pending or threatened action,by prrvate or <br /> public entitics to purchase or take any or all of the Property through condemnation, eminent domain,or any other _ <br /> means. Grantor authorizes Lender to intervene in Grantor's name in uny of the above described �ctions or clain�s. <br /> .' , ,;. Grantor assigns to L.ender the prexeeds of any award or clAim tor damages cannected with a condemnation or other _ <br /> ' '�� taking of nll or any part of the Property,Such procecds shall�+c considcrcd payments and will be applied as provided in <br />�� .. .g, this Sccurity Instrumcnt. This nssignment of procecds is stnbject to the terms of any prior mortgage,decd of trust, _- <br />�,..,:,,:� ��� ' t5� security agreement or other lien document. <br /> 5�.:;, r ,.• _. <br /> �'• d 19. INSURANCE.Crantor shall kcep Property insured against loss by fire.�dood, theft and other hazards and risks y <br /> 'iY_;=��'� � i�...::� � . <br /> ,,,. reasonably associated��ith thc Pmperty due to its type and location.This;nsurancc shall he maintaincd in thc amounts �.'. <br /> - . �r+*� : j and for the periods that Lender requires.Tlte insurance carrier providin�the insurance shalt be chosen by Grantor _ <br /> _ _�_____ __.__ ���t,�,.�r r�, t.ereder's annroval,which shall not be unreason�bly�withhcld. If Grantor fails to maintain thc covcrage R. <br /> _L. .1...D�.. ..�1.. r•Iin <br /> .___. ._ .",__"�-•�r ..�_I___ " " __ <br /> ` 'K - t..,..�::w.:......b - <br /> described abuvc.Lcndcr may,at Lcndcr's option,ohtain covcr�gc io proicci i.euuci's�� �������.�..._... <br /> - to thc tcrms of this Sccurity(nstrument. � <br /> All insurancc policics and renewals shall bc acccptablc to I.cndcr and shall includr a standard"mortgagc clausc"and. <br /> ' whcrc applicablc,"loss paycc clausc."Grantor shall immediatcly notify Lc:ndcr c�f a�nccllation or tcrmination of thc _ <br /> insuranec.Lcndcr shall have thc right io hold thc poliries and rercwals.If Li:ndcr rcquires.Grantur shall immediatcry <br /> " ' give to Lender all reccipts of paid premiums and renevaal notices.Upon loss.Grantor shall give immediate nuticc to . <br /> the insurancc c<irricr and L.cndcr.L.endr.r may makc pr�of of loss if nnt made immcdiatcly by Grantor. _ <br /> (pego 3 0!4) _ <br /> _ . � .. , � <br /> ' . .. . p197403nkcnSys�cmf.lrc SI Cbud.ldN I1�30�-39).27�ti Fo�mF�E-0t•Ne B169t <br /> � <br />