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<br /> . „F; Unlcss�thenvisc agrccd in writing,all insurancc;procccds shall h4 applicd to thc�•�.:;t�sratiun ur rcpnir ot thc Prc��wrRy [1.
<br /> � or to thc Securcd Debt,whc:thcr ar not�hcn duc.at Lendcr's aption.Any:epplic:�tion af praccects,to principnl shs,ll nnl I�
<br /> , ;�•., extcnd ar�stponc thc duc dutc nf tl�c schedulcci��ayment nor chnngc U�c nmount of fmy pirynicnt.A►ny cxccss��•ill t►c _
<br /> • t f p��id to thc Grnntor. If thc Property is i�equircd by l.<:ndcr,Grantar's ri�ht ta uny insurnncc policics.md pfo�cedc _:_
<br /> : � resulting irom dnn�age ta thc Property bcforc thc acquisition shnll pnss to I.cndar t�a thc cxtr.nt of thc Sccured DEbt '`
<br /> ��' immedintcly bcfarc thc scquisition. ,,
<br /> ' Z�. ��L���'J L��L2'Il'AXC�ARI9D El�JSdJRAR�E.Unle.ss othen�ise proti�ided in a s�paratc agrcemcnt, Grar.tnr���il not ''.
<br />:9+;.'�L�� be requircd ta pny to Lendcr funds fnr tuxes und insurance in escrow. -
<br /> -''�-`�" Af� '! 21. FINANCIAL R�PORTS AND ADDIIIONAL DOC[JM�NTS.Grantor will��rc�vxdc ta L.endcr upon rcqttxst,�ny -
<br /> Cnancial statement or inforYnation L.cnder m�y deem reasontibly necessary.Gr��ntc�r a�rmes tc�siQn, dcliver,antl filc "
<br />_ "; �ny udditionul documents or certific�►tions that Lcndcr may consider neccssar�tr� per.fr.ct, continue,nnd p�resorvo _...
<br /> �- �� Grantor's obligatioas under this�ecurity Instniment and Lender's lien stntus on tli�}hnperty. -
<br /> ° ' undcr this Security Instrument are joint and individual.If Grantor si��s this Sccurity Instuument but does nat si�,n an
<br /> ��-,,, �, ' �vider,ce of debt.Grantor does so only to mortgage Grantor's intarest in thQ F�mperay to sccure payment of the --
<br /> ',r� ` i Secured Debt und Grantor does not agrce to be personally liable on the Secumd Debt. I�tt�is Security Instrt�mpnt
<br /> � • � secures n�uar�nty between Lender aad Grantor,Grantor agrces to waive any seaht.�thAt mAy prevent L.endnr from
<br /> '• bringing any action or claim against Grantor or any party indcbtcd under thc obliAntican.'f'hcsc rlaht.may incluti�,but -
<br /> -''';'' are n�nt limited to,any anti-deftciency or ane-action laws. Grantor agrces that L,ende:r ar�d Any pnrty to this Security -
<br />"`�.:�g,a,��,►� Instn�ment mny extend,modify or make any change in the ter;ns of this Security Lzstrument or any cvidenco of debt
<br /> 'I'"' witho�t(irantor's consent.Such a change will not retease Grantor from the ternns of t6�is Security Instrum:�nt.The `
<br />