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<br /> , � l3. AU fuluro uah��lncvs(runi L,cnilcr to Gr.!ntur ur utlicr futurr ubligationti��f(ir:�aror tu l.�ndcr unilcr:uiy prumi:,ti4�ry �
<br /> nati:,c<�ntr.�ct, E;uer�nty,us��thcr�=vidcncc o(d��Ut exc�utcJ by Cirantur in fav�.x i�f I..�ndcr rxccutcil .�fl�r this ��
<br /> � Sccurity In�liy�n��mt whcthcr or not ti�is Sccurity Instsam�:nt is sprriGcally rcfcreiucJ. It murc tlu�n onr�x:rsun ::
<br /> t sif��is thif�tiucuriia in�trument.ei�ch C�rantar ngrz�.s that thi;;tie�uriry Instrumcnt will recurc all fuwre t�dvunces and Q:
<br /> I'utun:uNliElutiwis th�U nrc hivcn to or incurrcd by any canr,ur mvrc Cirantor,ur any unc or morc Gruntor amd -
<br /> - ' � �� ull��;n.All fuU.�n:ndvnnees and�ither future ubligaUans nre.sc:,.ure�3 liy this S�curity Instrument even thuugh nll or _,
<br /> °n ��i�r�m��y nnt�•et IM iidvanccd.Afl fulure+idvnnces nnJ othcr(uwrc ohli�;ations nre sccur.�l as if madc on Iltc datr �.
<br /> ' of thfs Se:cur+t;r Instsument.Nothing in this Security lnslrument shull cunstitute�+ cummitment to m:�kc additicmal �
<br /> _7�. ._• -' -� or futur�:lnnny�or advanccs in nny amounl.Any such commitmcnt must ix agrccd ta in a scparauc�vriting. __
<br /> C. All obli�ntians Cirantor ow•cs to ln:ndcr,which may Intcr arisc,to thc cxtcnt nut prohibitcd hy law,including,but =
<br /> "��� n�t limit�:d t��,liuhiQties tor uvcrdn(ts rel�dng to uny dcposit account a�ncment benv�:cn Grantor and Lcndcr. _
<br /> ,. r" D. All ndditinnnl sums advonced nnd cxpenses incurrcd by IAnder far insurin�,preserving or othenvisc protccting
<br /> • � � thu Fmporty��nd its vnlue.md tmy ather swns iidviinced nnd expcnscs incurred by Lcndrr under the tcnus of `-
<br /> ° �•� this Sccuri.ty Instrumcnt,
<br /> This&:curity Instrumcnt wiU not secure any othcr dcbt if Lcndcr fails to give�ny requircd notisc of the riglu of rescis.5ivn.
<br /> " � � `� 5. PAY�IIF.N'i'S. Cirantor agcees that all payments under the Seeured I1ebt��ill be p�icl wF�cn due and in 1r,cardancc -
<br /> witl�tha tcnn�.af thc Secured Dcbt nnd this S�curity lnsuu�nent. -
<br /> o- . : 6. WAILIl�AM'X O1F TITL�.Grantur w�rrants that Grantor is or�vill l�^,la�vfully scize�i of thc cstatc canvcycd by thi�
<br /> "'`���'-��- S.^curity lnstt•�ament nnd hns the right to irrevc�r��1ly gnnt,c�n�•cy,and scll the Pro�r�ty �n Trustee. in trust, with _
<br /> � ' , . � prnvor af r.alu.Cir��ntor alsa warrants that the Propertv is ue.*.eacu,nbered,exccpt for encumbrHnees of record.
<br /> " "'� 7. Pit1��C SFCUI�IF['Y[N'�'ERESTS.With rcgard ta arny other mortgagc,dced ot trust,security ugreemcnt or cither lien _
<br /> =�`'��'�''•`� dacumant tht�t c.�t+�:ated a prior security interest or encumbra�ce on the Property,Gna��or agrees: -
<br />_ `� A. Tcr mnk�:nU payments when duc and to perform or comply with all covcnants.
<br />-:`N3;;�9'�''` � B. To promptly deliver to Lender any notices thnt Grantor reccives from the holder. _
<br /> � C. Nc�t tu nllow any modification or extension ot,nor to request any futurc advances under any note or agreement
<br />_��„':;?'�;"�:��� secun:d by�the lien document without Lender's prior written conscnt.
<br />�-`�-"`•���� g, CLAIII��S A��INST TITLE.Grantor will pay all taxcs, usscssments, liens,cncumbrances,lease payments,ground
<br /> '==����'r+„i�;u, r�:nts,utiljtios,and other churgcs rclating to thc�'rop�:rty when due.Lcnder may rcquiae Grantor to provide to Lender
<br />--,,__:�
<br /> �::;i�+�� '4':� ' copi�es of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts evidencin�Grantor's payment.Grantor wiU dzfend
<br /> -_�=+:,,�, title to tha Property against any claims that would impair the lien of this Sccuriry Instrument.Grantor agrces to assign
<br />-_-�.;,.�r�� to Lcndc�r,as requcste�by Lender,any aghts,claims or defcnses Grantor may have against partics who suppfy labor
<br />�,.�,�:�,�. - or mataria�Is to mamtain or unprovc thc Yropeny.
<br /> _;=';���x 9. DIlJC�N SALE OR ENCUlti1£1RANCE,L.cndcr may,at its option,dr.clare the entire balansc of the Secured Debt tv
<br /> be imm�diately due and payf�blc upon the creatian of,or contcact for the creation of,any lien,encumbranee,ttxnsfex
<br /> _�. - or salc�of the Propeny.This righe is subjcct to thc restrictions imposed by federal law(12 C.F.R.S91), as applic�ble.
<br />---�� ��' This c.ovenant shaU run with the Property and shall remain in etfect until the Secured Debt is paid in full and this
<br />�,�_�'"��:����-��� Ser�uity Instrument is released.
<br /> ,«��
<br /> - - --- 10. t'f80PERTY CONDITION,ALTERATiONS ANQ ANSPECT101V.Gruntor will keep the Property in good
<br /> cn�dition and niake all repairs that are reasonably necessary. Grantor shall not commit or allow any waste,
<br /> --� intpti:zment,or deterioration of the Property. Grantor will keep the Property frec of noxious�vecds und grasscs.
<br /> ----- Gran�cor agrecs that the naturc of thc occupancy and usc vvill not substantially change without I.endex's prior wntten
<br />_'� consent.Grantor will not permit any change in any l:cense,restrictive wvenant or easement without Lenders prior
<br /> ___ �vritten consent.rrantor will notify Lender of all demands,proceidings,claims, and actions agair�st Grantor,and of
<br /> _ any loss or damage to the Property.
<br /> _— L.ender or I.endcr's agents may,at Lender's option, enter tbe Property at any rc�sonable time for the pncpr�se of
<br /> — inspecting the Property. Lender shall giv� Grantor noYicc at the tims of or bc�ore an inspection speci(ying a
<br /> rcasonable purpose for thc inspection.Aray inspecti�n of the Property shall be entirely for I.endcr's bencCt and
<br /> Grantor will in no way rely on Lender's inspe�tion.
<br /> 11. A[ITHORITY TO PERFORM.If Grantor fails to perfom� any cluty or any of the covenants contained in this
<br /> _ Seci+rity Instrument,Lendcr maay,without noticc,perform or cause them to be pednrmed.Grantor appoints Lc:ndcr
<br /> �''""'� as attomey in fact to sign Gr��tor's name or pay an��amount neces.sary for pertormance.Lender's right to p�;rfanm for
<br /> Gr�ntor shall not create an obligation to perform,and Lender's failure to perform �vill not preclude L.ets¢�er from
<br />-- - --= exercising any ot ll.endcr's other rights under thc law or this Security Instrument. If any construction on thc Properiy is
<br /> discontinued or�ot carried on in a rcasonable manner, i.ender may take all steps necessary to protect I.ender's
<br /> __ __,� seci9rlty interest in tfie Proporsy,iucluding completion of the construction.
<br /> _ _,,.�� 1Z. �S.S7GNMENT OF LGA5E��ND RCN'I'S.Grantor incvocably grants,conveys and sells to Trustee,in trust for the
<br /> __ 6e�efit of Lender,as additio��,i security all the right,tiNc and interest in and to any and aU existing or future leascs,
<br /> ---�'`�� subleuses,and any ather written or verbal agrecments for thc use and occupancy uf any portian of thc Property.
<br /> -�°'��� including any extensions,renewals,modiGcations or substitutions of such agrecments (all referreci 2o as"Leases")and
<br /> =='�i"'��;�" rents,issues and pro6ts(all reicrred to as '•Rents•").Grantor will promptly providc Lender with truc and correct
<br /> -�-"""`�`�f''''�" ` co�i�s of all existing and futuve 1Lcases.Grantor may collect,receive,enjoy and use th�Rents so lon�us Grn�ntor is not
<br /> -~,'t�y'��.�f� '
<br /> ____- --_°-- in default undcr tin terms o€Hhis Security Insirument. _
<br /> 1. ,�:�Y':�. •
<br /> - �� ''�'>-,i!►` Grantor ackno�vled es that this assi nmcnt is crfoctcd u on thc rccordin�of this I�eed of Trust ar..d that l.�nder is
<br /> ':.:.�:.�,,.� 6 S P P b
<br /> -�_°_;�:•��-��'�1 entitled to notify any of Grantor's tcnants to make payment of RenIIS due or to become due to Lender. Howevcr.
<br /> .: .�,:;r,,.
<br /> �`'.=�,.',.��"=^ - I.cndcr agrces that only on detault will Lcnder nutify Grantor and Gran2or's tenaius and makc dernand that all futurc
<br /> _'�`�`E Rents be atd dircctl to L�ndcr. On reccivin noticc of d::fault, Grantor�vill endorsc and dcliver to Lender any
<br /> - �,�_,,�.: ��, P � Y �
<br /> ;w:„•;,; �.�y�,,'� payment of Rents in Grantar's possession and will reccive any Rents in trust for I.ensler and will not comminglc the
<br /> - . .--•- �---
<br /> ,-,:j_:.�r„y��� tcencs�vi�n any ocncr funds. iany amouni,coiiccicu wiii in:appiicu aa p��rviucu in i?�i,Sctuiiij u�auu..-�Cui..,�a��.�,
<br /> - _ , .Q �varrants that no dcfautt exists under thc Lcascs or any applicablc landlorJftcnant law.Grantor alsu agrc;c�tu m�►intain
<br /> :,.;_� ; •� and require any tenant to comply with the terms o(the[.eascs and appliwblc law.
<br /> , • � ' ,; 13. LLASEHOLDS;CONQOMINIUMS; PLANN�D UNIT DCVE�.OPMCNTS.Gr�mc>r agrcc� to c�ymply �vith thc
<br /> •� �' provisions of any lcasc if this Sccuriry Instrumcnt is on a Icascl�old.If thc Yrrpertp incl�dcs a unit in a condominium
<br /> ' • or a planned unit dcvelopmcnt, Grantor�eill perform aU of Granlor'� duti�s undcr thc covenants,by-laws,or
<br /> __ .� + regu{ations of die condominium ur planned unit dcvelopment.
<br /> � �• 14. DETAULT.Grantor�vill bc in cicfault i!any p:irty uNligatcd im thc Srcurcd Dcbt fails to makc paymcnt�vhcn duc.
<br /> ' � � Grantor �vill bc in dcfault if a breach occun undcr dic tcrms c,f this Seruriry Instrumrnt ur any cilhcr document
<br /> ' � � } (pago 2 of4) _,
<br /> �-'e .`.•"�:.'�^ 's At9976ankcrsS�a:ema.Inc.S1 CNW.61N�1-E04931•YS7t1 FormRE-0t•NE B'd+9�1 —
<br /> ' �i . � . .
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