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<br /> "� p:eymcius m�y no langcn c�rcquircd, nt thc o�ti�m nf IAndcr, if mortgugc insuruncc covcriigc (in thc umuuat mld for thc�sericxi
<br /> tha�Lcndcr rcyuEres)providcd by un in�;urcr npprovcd by I.�ndcr u��dn hcromcs irvi�il��blc and is abtuin�d. Riirrowcr r;h,dl pny
<br /> ' • thc prcmiums r�qui�rd to muintuiu mor►gugc insurnncc In cffcct,or tu pruvidc n lurs rc,crvc,until ihc rcquircuicnt fcir mortgn�e
<br /> , in�,urnncc cn�ls in iicmrdnncc wilh nny wriucn ugrecmcnt hctw�cn Borrowcr nnd l�ndce�►r uppUcablc liiw.
<br />:"`�.»' � 9. Ins{xtitl��n.I.cndcr or its ngent muy nwkc rcasunablc catrics uFxm nnd insperti�ns of thc Property. I.�nd��r�:luiil �fvc
<br /> ;�� tlurrnw�r iiuticc,it thc thuc oF or prior to an inspcction s{�ccifying rcascmablc causc fnr thc inspcctian.
<br /> 10. CondemnAtlun. 'fhc pmccals ��f i►uy nwu�d or clnim for damugcs, diroct or cd�ns�qucntiul, in conncction �vuh uny
<br /> ~�`"`"''S condemnatic�n or�ither tnking of nny pnn uf the Peoperty, or far conveyance fn lieu of'ccmdemnation. iire herehy atisigneJ uiid
<br /> ;;�'"M°' '. shnll bc pnicl to l.cndcr.
<br />"=°"�"�-�'� In thc c:vent of n total tiiking oP the PropciKy,thc pmcreds shall bc applicd to the sums secured by this Sccurlty Instrumeiu,
<br /> � � �x ' whether or not then due, with any exccss paid to Borrower. In the event c�f a partinl tuking of the Property in which the fnir
<br /> market value of the Property immediately before the tnking is equal tn or grcutcr than the nmount of the sums secured by tl�ls -�
<br /> '�"• '+� Security(nstrument immediately before the tuking,unless Borrower and Lendcr athenvise agree in writing. th•:sums secured by
<br /> :};;,•�:� ,;,,,� • this Sccu�ity Instrument shall be reauce.i by the amaunt of the procceds multiplied by Uie following fraction: (a) the total
<br />- . =. ,� an�ount of thc sums secured immediAtely beforc the �ahin�, divided by (b) thc fair mnrket value of the Propeny immedintely
<br /> . � bcfore the taking. Any balancc shall be paid to Bonower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fuir
<br /> �A�'='.=��%;� markct value of the Property immediately before the tnking is less than the amount of the sums secumai immediutely before the
<br /> �v�:'�::
<br />�T=-��•�'� • taking, unless Borrower and Lender othenvise agrce in writing or unless applicuble law otherwise provides, the proceeds sh�ll
<br /> _ :.7:.�:
<br />_.,.,,r,;,y_.^���� be upplied to the sums secured by thi�Security Instrument whether or not inc,un��u«thc,-�duc.
<br /> ;_ ` If the Prapercy is ubandoned by Borrower,ur if.after notece by Lender to Borrower that the condemnar offers to make an
<br />-��`3c�'� nw:ud or settle a claim for damages, Borrower fuils to respond to Lender within 30 days after the dute the nutice is given,
<br /> ��-���� Ler�der is audiorized ta collect and apply the procee�s.at its option,either to restoration or rep:ur of the Property or to the sums
<br /> ;=.�� secured by this Security Instrument,whed�er or not then due. _..
<br /> `'__-� `'' Unless Lendcrand Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any application af proceeds to principal shall not extend or
<br /> _=s�..-__—
<br /> �h��� postpone the due date of the monthly pay�nents refened to in paragraphs I and 2 or change the amount of such payments.
<br />--=�-- 11.Borrower NoY Releasecl;Forbeurance By I.ender Not a 1M1'aiver. Extension of the time for payment or madificution
<br />_�~��� of nmortization of the sums secured 6y this Securiry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower sh�ll
<br /> �_l;�� not operate to rele;ise the liability of the original8orrower or Boaower's successors in interest.Lender shall nat be requirecl to
<br /> -
<br />