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<br /> 17.7'ru�yvP,rc� �`��!'i�'�hM��i°�I�ii tcrest�i�nHurn�w�i�iti�solJ or,tr•a tsfcrred1aml�ti�irmwcr!i�+ n x�i►naturalipc�on)rwitiiout _ .
<br /> is,uld ur tru�t fc
<br /> . l.cnder's prior written`�v e v c•r��t t h i���t i n n�s ln l l not�bc exerciscd hy rl..ender et�exer nc ni��prohibie�i�lyifcdcr:d I�iw�ura f t l 1c dn t c
<br /> Security In,trumC►n. H P ,"`
<br /> of this Sccurity lie,�rumcnt.
<br /> .,.,,;�.-._;�,►,' 1!l.ender exercises this option. l.ender+hall give E3urruw�r nol�c�of acccicrau�m. The no�irep yall pruvide a period yt not E. -
<br /> • �f Icss th:m 30 days (rom thc datc thc nuticc is dclivcrcd ar muilcd within which }3nrrowcr mus� 1 ►II sumti sccurcd b thin
<br /> - Sccurity Instrument. If Borrawcr fails tu pay thesc �ums prior to die expirstion ot�tlu:�Pcrind• Lcnder may invoke i�ny rem�dles
<br /> ,� permitted by this Securiry Instrument withow 1'unher noticc or dcmnnd on Borrower. ,�_
<br /> �� 18. Borrower°s Right tu Relnstote. If Dorro�ver meets certnin conditians. F�orrower shnll huve the right to ttt�+u 5_�
<br /> er�f�r.:.ment of this Security,Instrument Jismntinucd at any time prior to the uurlier of: (a)5 duys (or �uch other period nfi �,j_
<br /> , applicuble law may specify far reinstutement) before salc of the Propcny pu�:�itant to uny power of sAle contnined in this `.
<br /> !�.`:
<br /> � '� l,en er all mrs which then��Uuld bc d cr�und�ntNi�Se,curiry I trumenetand tl c N�ecas i£ no accelerat o�n�hud o curr��cd�(i�) - -
<br /> � s 1 U ex enses incurred in enForcing this Security Instrument. ��
<br /> ., 1, cures any default of any at her cove nu n ts o r a g r e e rn e n t s;t c) p a Y• P ��`_
<br /> i�icluding, but not limited to, reasunable atturneys' fees;und(d)tnkes such anion as L.ender mny rensona b ly r e q u�r e t o u s s u r e —_
<br /> �' that thc lien of this Security Instrument, l,endcr's rights in the Property and Hcrrmwer's obl'ngation to puy the sums sccurcd by —
<br /> �� • this Securiry Instrument shall continue unchant;ed. Upan reinstatement by E�3rrower, this Secunty ln�trument and thc
<br />:.{� . •� —_
<br /> obligations secured hereby shall remuin fully effective as if no acceleratian hnd�ccurned. However, this right to icinstnte shnll
<br /> . nut apply in the case of accelerntion under parut;roph l7. �..,_
<br />� 19. Saie of Note; Chan�e of l.oan S�rvicer. The Not� or a partiul inte►�est in the Note (together with this Security ',`
<br /> �r Instrument)mny be sold one or more times without prior notice to Borrower. A salc may result in a chAnge in the entity(known Ilt.':�
<br /> ti.��
<br />• " , as the "Loan Servicer")that c�llects un`h�y��p�ayme�le of the Note�If t ere�i�it�chnnBe of c6�e5Lo n Serv crre8orcowe�will be ��•�
<br /> :�`+►.• or more changes of the Loan Service �""
<br /> _ .. :.�, rn h l4 above unei applicable law. The notice will stute[he nsmc und ryY„_
<br /> given written notice of the change in accordance with parag p �e:__.
<br /> n.:,;,
<br /> address of the new Loan Scrvicer anJ the address ta which puyments shuuld he mnde. The notice will also contain any nil�er �,.Y
<br /> ' � ' information requir�cl by applicable law.
<br /> �`•;::
<br /> T •, �..� �i. I�aza dou.HS bst�ances onsornin t�e P opertyhBorrowerushull natndo,tnnr�alluw anyoncdelse to do, aneything af�fectin� thc �,,;.:.
<br /> -- � i� Pto ert thut is in violation of any Environmental Law. The preceding tw�r sentences shal[ not apply to the presence, uso, ar —
<br /> - `'�'� storPage on the PropertY of smaU quantities oi Hazardous Substances that air,gensrally recognized to be appropriste to normul -"`
<br /> ��~ residential uses and to maintenance af the Properey. -
<br /> -�•+,�,�� ' demand, lawsuit or otl�er action by any ;;.
<br />- =�" �-� ''- �, r., a�v�l.ender written notice of uny investi�atian, clnim,
<br />--—;��i;rt.,, D111 t V�Yi.f S�w�Z Y:Q.^.1�.�� o —
<br /> •�• �' . overnmental or regulatory agency or privute party invalving the Property a��u��Y'��'�"'crremcnrtal or regul tary�au hoi tpy, that ��
<br /> ,� ^�','};�t; a of which Borrower ha5 actual knowled�e.If Borrawer learns, or is noufied by anY s
<br />� �.'�•.-"'i�'.�, n removal or other remediatian of any HazardousSubstunce affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower shall pmmptlY take
<br /> -� ;...ti:�„{ a Y
<br /> k �,��;, all necessary remediai actions in acwrdance with Environmental w.
<br />';4��µ.k}�.�� As used in this paragraph 20, "Hazardous Substances" are thase subst�inces defined as toxic or huzardong substances l�y
<br /> =,,.,,g _ Environmentnl Law and the following suhstances: gusoline, keroscne, othcr flammablc or t�xic petroleum p�nducts, to:tic
<br />-'��'°:�"�'!' pesticides f►nd herbicides,volatile solvents,materiuls cantuining asbestus ar frormnldehyde,and radioactive materials. As usecl in
<br /> ►
<br />___ ,M�;f_�� this paragrnph 20, "Envirnv'nir�nmental 'rotect onfedernl la�vs und luws of the jurisdiction wh�re the Property is located that
<br />_�,�»�;;�� relate to health.safety or e P
<br /> --�;�� NON-UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Borrower and Lender further coveniint and agrce as follows:
<br /> -_- _- - 21. Acceteration; Remedfes.Ixnder shull glve natice to Borro�ver dirlor tc neceleratlun following Bnrrower's Ureach
<br />---,_�.��,� of nny covens�nt ar agreement in this Security Imstrument (uut n�t �irtur t�b��he action reqtlired to c�reptlie defoult+ °.
<br /> - aRplicable lew prnvides otherwise).Tfie notice sha�ll specify: (a)the duf�ult;
<br /> --==�_�-�� (c)a date,not less than 30 days frnmi the dage tlie iiotice is qlvQn to Bni�rmwcr,by whiih�'��efa�cleradon r tlro�g
<br /> __=��. (d) thAt �ullnre to cure the defeult o�n or before the date specified in ehQ �ia�ce muy
<br /> - - secured by thls Securfity Inslrument �nd sale af the Propercy. The nattee shull furtlicr Int'orm Borrower of tlie rlr,ht to
<br /> rein�tate after acccleration and the right to 6ring n court nctian to nb�ert the non-exlstence of a defnult or uny otlier -
<br /> defense of Bt►rrower to Acrelers�tton and sele. If the default is not cur�d on�r 6efore the d�te spPCified In the nottc+s, _
<br /> --T-- Lendcr, at iis option, may vokej them wpereof sal�andtany atherf emec!ev per►nitt d byhappl9�cx�ble lA�l.ender hnll be
<br /> - furthcr de»�z�d and muy in I�
<br /> �_= entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the remedies pnovide�C b�tlein paiy�grnpY�21,incivding,but nut llmi
<br /> to,reasnna�le attorneys'fees aud cas¢s of dtle evidence. ,
<br /> - If the power of sufe ts invoketll,Trustee shnll record a not[ce of dufault tu ench c;fn�3b1e i w�����M�e'r und to
<br />` ------- Property is located and shaU mall coples of such �ot�ce In the munner prescr�i�bb�y�uwp T�vstee shuU sive public notice
<br /> ' _ �.s the other persans prescribed by appl[suble la�v.After the time requircd Uy npA
<br /> --�—_= of sule to the persons and i on to tl e hf hest bldder at the tlmce and p1a e nd undcr't9 etterms designB ed M the otic�o�t _
<br />---•--�.•:�' the 1Pro�crty at publtc auctt �
<br />__i''���. sale in one or more parcels end in any order 7Y�ustee detcrmines. Tru.vtee mny pas�l[�ane sule of nll or a�ny pareel of the _
<br />---���:•,;.':s.~ ProPerty by publtc announcement at the dme nnd place of any previnusly sclteduled sat�. Lender or it� deslgnee muy
<br />--�"�"�°��r�' purchase the Froperty nt any sale.
<br /> ;_�.:
<br /> . ��?'''E
<br /> �:m:'. :�.,�.? —
<br /> Foim 3028 9/90
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