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<br /> ' r. WaiA�rd u�• [�•operto� Insiu•iincc. liurrua•cr ,hall kccp ►hc impruvcmrn�, no�v �xi�unF ur hrrcuttcr crrcird un thc _.
<br /> "� I'ro p c r t y i i u,wr d i l(;7 1 1 1 1S I IIISh h y tu�c. hu�i.irdti inrludctl �+•i�hin thc Icrnr "rxlcndcd rnvrrii�c" und :ury �,thcr hiviird,. includiiiE �=
<br /> tl�,nd�ur flu�idin�:. f„r whirh l.rnd�:r requi,,c�inti�ir�inre. "I'I►i,in,ura��rr tih;dl hc ominliiinrd iu ih��ammmi�und tiir 1 hu pr r i�x l s �
<br /> .. .. (IIUI IADIICC I'Cl�lllfl"�. I Ill II1tiUfillll'l'\ill'1'll't pr�►vuimH �h� in�ur�tnrc ,hidl h�.liu�ru b� H��rru�+cr tiUIi�CCI It+ I rndrr'� np��r��vnl �. .
<br />;'.. �vhich tih�ill nut bc unrcusunulily witl�hcld. If linrnmrr fi+il+lu nmiWUin cuvrruEx dc�tiribcd nhnvc. Lrndcr m�ry, nt IAndcr'+ —
<br /> " .-1 • �
<br /> uptiun.„b�ain rovcragc to prutcrt Lcndcr�,rittlil�m�hr Pr+qti�ny io ur�urJ,mcc wi�h par�i�;riiph 7. _
<br /> -- - All insur�wrc pulirics und renc�vnl�� �,iiall hc arccpinhlc tu lAndcr nnd +hnll includc u titan�kud murt�tngc cluu�c. l.cndcr
<br />- ,;� shull liuvc thc ri�ht tu huld thc pulicic,aitsl i�cnewniti. If lAndcr rc��uircti. Hor��uwcr+h�dl pr��mptly �ivc tu I.cndcr ull rcccipts nf —
<br /> :� puid pramiums und renewal notices, hi thc cvent ul lu��, Hurru�vcr tihuii givc prompt nutirc to�he insurunce ciirrier and l.ender. —
<br /> I.ender muy mukc pro��f oF loss if nut mnde prumptly hy f3orru�vcr.
<br /> ' �y� Unlr.ss Csndcr and Dorrowcr othcrvii�.c+��rcc in writi�tg.insuranrc procccJs shull hc upplicd to rc+toraticm or rcpair of thc
<br /> , '�; . P�r�perty dnmu�cd, if tl�e restontion or rc�;:ir ia erunomically fcasible und I.endcr's sc:urity is not lesscncd. If thc restarntirni or �
<br /> ,.,' repi�ir iE not economically fcasible or I.A:rr.sier's sect►rity�vouW be Icsscned, the insurance proceccls shull be applied to the sums
<br />:;wr;����,{;i,• secured by this Sea:urity Intitrument, whccC:cr or not then due, with uny excc�s paid w Borrower. If Borrower abandons the
<br />-_,;:;.,�,,
<br /> Propeny, or does not nnswer within 30 d�c�s i► ni�tice from l.ender thut the insurance currier has offered to seUle a claim, then
<br /> - - Lender :nu� co!lect thc incur.mce procee�s. l.ender may use the proceeds to repair or restore t e roperty or to pay su �
<br />� ' sccured by tliis Sccuriry Instrument,�vheth:r or nat then due.The 30-day pericxi will begin when die notice is given. �
<br />� Unless Lender and Borcawer otherv�ise agrce in writing. any application of proceeds ro peincipa! shaU not exrend or
<br /> . postpone Uie duc dsitc of thc monthly payments rcferred to in paragraphs I and 2 or chan�e the amount of the payments. If
<br /> .,•c�:� ,
<br /> • =• �K under pn��a�raph 2l the Property is ucquired by [.ender,Borrower's tight to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from
<br /> 't dnmuge to the Prope�ty prior to the acyuisiaion shall pass ta Lender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instrument _
<br /> '�'''�'�`' immedimely prior eo the acquisition. -
<br /> ��.�,{,.,' G. fT�ecupuncy,Prcservation,Mai�ner+e�ance and Protection of the Property;Borrower's Loan Application;Leasehotds.
<br /> fe
<br />�LL{`ys Boiro*ver shall occupy,establish,and usc t:�e Property ns Bonawer's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of
<br /> -`=;:',,� ' diis 3rcurity Instrument and shall continue to occupy the'Property as Borrower'�principal residence for at lea.�t one year aRer
<br /> ;.�<<:1,.;�
<br />-;,;.:„�,� the date of occupancy, untess Lender othezwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be uareasonably withh�ld, or un ess
<br /> `���'�%''" netnnuntinv circwnstances exist which �ne beyond Sorrower's control. BoROwer shull not destroy, damnge or impair the
<br />- - �-�-:
<br /> - ���;, • Prope�ty, ullow tlie Property to deteriora:�t, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower snaii be in cieCauii ii auy �ou��rar
<br />= ;::�r� action or proceedin�,whether civil or c��ininul. is begun thnt in Lender's goocl faith judgment could result in forfeiture of the
<br /> -�"'`--.,'`�'' Propeny or otherwise materially impair t[ve lien created by this Security Instrument or L.ender's security interest.BonQwer may
<br /> ��'""'�--�—�- cure such a defautt tm:�reinstate.ns provic�ed in paragraph 18, by causing the action or proceeding to be dismissed with n ruling
<br /> °Faera�a� dist, in Lender's �,;aryd faith cieYerminntia.n, precludes focfeiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other material
<br /> --w-=«��.s impairment of the lien cteated Ny eUis S�curity Instrumer�t or L.ender's security interest. Borzower shall also bc in default if
<br /> =-- Bo�r�war,during the loun application prcn.ess,gnve materiaUy false or ineccurate information or statements tQ Lender(ar failed
<br /> _��R,:,�i to providc Lender with any material information)in connection with the loan evidenced by the Note,including,but not limited
<br /> °�-�-_-��� to, representations coneeming aorrower's oceupancy of the Property as a prineipa!resicience.If this Seeurity Instrument is on a
<br /> —�� leasehold, Borrower shall wmply with all tha� provisions of the Icasc. If,Bonower ucquircs fee title to the Property, the
<br /> ----= leasehold and tlie fcc title shull not merac unless I.ender agrees to the merger in writing.
<br /> =�Y'� 7.Protectton ot Lender's Rlghte fim the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenunts and agreements cantained in
<br /> _::;�::�6"s��
<br /> .—__..�= this Security Instrument,or there is u legal proceedins that may significantly affect Lender's rights in the Property (such as a
<br />_____�..=�y proceedin�in banlcruptcy, pro6ate, for condemnation or forfr,iture or to enforce laws or regulations),then I.ender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever is necessary to pmtec� the v�lue af the Property and L.ender's rights in the Property. Lender's actions may
<br /> inclun'e paying uny sums sceureci by a lien which Itias priority over this Security Instrument, ap�euring in court, pay:ng
<br /> ___._ reaso•nable attorneys'fecs and e�iterin�on the Pcoperty to make repairs. Although Lender may take action under this paragrnph
<br /> — 7,Lender dces not huve to do so.
<br /> Any amouucs disbueseci by Lendar under this paragraph 7 shall become additional dcbt of Barrower secumd by this
<br /> Security Instrument. Unless Borrowcr and Lender agrec to otNer terms of payment, these amounts shall bear interest from the
<br /> — "-" — c+ate of disbursemcnt at dic Note ratc,►nd sn�tll be payable, with interest, upon notice from Lender to Bonower requesting
<br /> �— puyment.
<br />==°'�`"� 8.Mortgnge Insurnnce. If Lender required mort�age insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by 3his Security
<br /> �'�°'�'�=''`�� instrument, Dorcower shall pay the premiums requirai to maintnin the mort�age insurance in ef4'ect. If, for nny reason, the _
<br />--';';�'��i
<br /> ;:�;�,�;--�� � mongagc insurance cover�ge rcquired by Lcnder lapses or ceases to be in effect.Bonowcr shull pay the premiums required to
<br />-'";;;�,�, o�taie�coverage substantiully�:quivulent to the monguge insurance previously in effect, at a cost substantially equivalent to the
<br /> '`=�r�;,%f:�. cosc t,o Dorrower of the mnrtguge insvrsnce prcviously in effect, from an alternate mortgage insurer approved by Lendee. If
<br /> `''����:.''X'`" substantially equivalcnt mortgagc insurance co�eragc is not available.Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to
<br /> _� �':-��„.' -
<br /> .,i �. �, o»e-twelfth of the:yearly murtguge insurance premium being paid by Rorrower when the insurunce coverage lapsed or ceased to
<br /> `��r����� be in effect. Lender will acccpt,usc a�.d n:G�in these payments as a loss reserve in lieu of mortgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> -R•,r. ..
<br /> '�'��-.«.: : �
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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