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<br /> f' 'i'OGETHER WITH all thc improvemcnts naw on c�rcaftcr crected on the property, u�iJ:�II casemcnts,uppurcc��unces,:and =-
<br /> � � fixtures nuw or hereafter n p.ut of the prap�rty. All replucements und udditions shall nlso be cuvercd hy this Sewriry
<br /> _� �' Instrumcnt. All uf thc fnrcgoing i�,rcfcrrcd to in this Sccuriry Instrument as thc"Property."
<br />`'�"° �, RORRO�VER COV�NANTS thnt Borrowcr is luwfully sciscd of thc estatc hcreBy c��nvcycd und hux ihc right to�runt and
<br /> ' cc�m•cy thr Prapeny �ind that the Prnper�y i� unencmnt�ercd, except for encumbrances itif recurd. Eiorr�i�ver �vnrr�uits und�vill L
<br /> ' � d�:fend gencr,dly�hc tiUc to thc Nropcny agninst nll claims und dcnu�nds,suhjcct to uny cncuml�ranccs nf rc�urd,
<br /> wS:~`="� 'fHIS SEGUFtfTY !NS'fRUMtiNT c�miUines uniform cc�vcnunts ti�r nationid usc und n�m-unifurm cuvcnnntti with IimitcJ
<br />"..t�� v.uiutiunti by jurisdictiim to amstitutc n imiform sccurity inntrumcnt covcrinb rrid proprrry.
<br /> ,, -- �. UNII'ORM COVFNAN'1'S. liurruwcr iuid l.cndcr covenunt nnd abrcc ns fnllows:
<br /> � 1. P��ymcnt of 1'�{nclpul u��d Intcr��t: Ihtipuymcn► uud I,aite C:hur�cw. H:u•ruwcr►hall prum�itly p;ry whcn duc thc
<br /> princip,d uf itn�l fntarc+t un�hc dcU�cvidcncr�l hy Ihc Nutc+ind imy prcp:�ymcnt tmd lirtc ri�cugcv duc undcr�lic N�uc, c
<br /> -� � .' 7. MY�ndv fnr'1'ux�w ue�d Ins��runcc.StihJcct io applicul�lc luw ur w a� writtcn wufvcr by Isndcr. Uurruw�:r shiill p;iy to
<br />=";,,, •,: , I.cndcr on thc daiy mon�lily p;iymcntti nru duc undcr�lic Natc,untU thc Notc i,�aid in full. u sum("f�undti'I fitt:lu)ycl�rly tnxcv _
<br /> ..•.:.q.r: .,
<br /> und i�y�cys�ncuts wliirh nury+Uwin priurlty uvcr�hi�Sccurity Instrumcnt ns u licn�,n the Prupc��y;(b)yeurly Oeu�chalJ paymenls -
<br /> .4, �u gr�wud rents un Uic 1'ruperty,if iuoy; Icf>•carly Im�a�rd nr pruperty insurancc prcmiums: (J)ycarly Ilo�xl insurnncc prcmiums, -
<br />�-`:-�-"�•�: ii'nny;lc) ycarly mongugc insurunrc prcmfums, ii�nny: nnd (t)uny sums payciblc by Borrmvcr to L.cncicr, in uccurrltuuc with
<br />�;w+;i�,� the provisiuns at puragri►ph H, i��lieu i►f the paymcnt��f tnort};age insurancc premiumy.These itemy nre cnlled"Escrow Items.' F
<br />°i:."�;�';:;� Lendcr mny, at �my liwa:. cull�ct and hold Eundr; iu acn anzUUnt not to cxcccd thc maximum �unnunt � Ici�dcr fnr a fedurally
<br /> `w�'•'-`-='� rclnted mort�age Ioan nury require ferr Barrower's escraw ncwmu undcr the federal Real Estate Senlement Proced�res Act uf -
<br /> -�.;�Y��`sr, 1974 as nmended from timc�u timc, 12 U.S.C.Scction 2G0f et seq. ('RL'SPA"),unlcss unothcr law thAt upplies to the Funds
<br /> _=-"�� sets a Icsscr aniount. If sa, I..cnacr m.ry, nt uny timc, collcct und hold Funds in un amount not to excccd thc Icsscr umo�unc. �-
<br /> - �a•-=::� Lendcr mny estimste thc amount of Funds duc on the busis of cunent duta und reasanable cstimates uf ezpenditures of future
<br /> �X`�r
<br />"°��'=-� Escrow ltems or othcnvisc in accorduncc with applicablc law.
<br /> --=^�ny� The Funds shall bc hcld in an institutiun wh�sc dcposits are insurcd by a fuicral agency, instmmcntulity, or entiry
<br /> ..;�� (includin� I.endcr, if Lender is such un institution)or in any Fedcr.il Homc Loan Dank. Lendcr shull apply thc Fwids to pay the -
<br /> -__-_°-- Escrow Items. l.ender may not cl�arge Bonower for liolding und applying the Eunds,annually unalyzing the escrow account, or
<br />-�;�;�;;�� verit'yinQ the E.scrow Items,wiletis I.ender pays Bonower interest on the Funds and applicuble law pennits I.�nder to make such
<br />_=�:�;:,:� a chnrgc. Howcver, Lender may require Borrower to pay n one-time chargc for un indcpendent rcal cstate tax rcporting service
<br /> uacu `v'y i+cie�cP iit w:itl.�:iOii �SI�: I�2:S �^3!!. !!T�'_'cc n�Flirahlr law nrovides otherwise. Unless an agre,ement is made G[
<br /> --?;;,,C� appticable law rco,uires intcrest to be paid,Lender shull not be rcquired ta pay Dorrowcr any interes�or amings on the Furnds.
<br />--w�,�,� Burrower aad C.cndcr muy agrce in writing, however, that intemst shall be pnid on tNc�=unds. Lender shall gi�•e to Borrowcr,
<br />_--�_::;'� without charge, aa annual ar.counting of the Funds, showin� credits und debits to the Funds and the purpose for which each
<br /> .�:�; debit to thG Fwmds w:is made. Thc Funds nre pledged ns additional security for all sums secured by thia 5ecurity Inscrument.
<br /> _.____="=��! if the Fua�ds held by Lender excced the amounts permittcd ta be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Borro�ver
<br /> �-�--- for the excess Fur.ds in accordance with the requirements of applicable Isw. If the umount uf the Funds held by l.ender nt any
<br /> -°-- - time is not sufticient to pay the Bscrow Items when duc,Lender may so notify Borrawer in writing. and,in such case Bcnowoe
<br /> =r�� shull pay to�ecr:�:r the umount necessary to make up th�det`iciency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no mone thnn
<br /> -'_:�,�,:;,� twelve mnnthZy. guyencnts,at i.ender's sole discretion.
<br /> �-� Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by this Security Instrument, I.cndcr shall promptly refund to Borrower �ny
<br /> '"` Funda held by l.cnder.If.under paragrnph Z 1,Lendcr shall acquire or sell the Property, l.ender,prior to ihe acquisiti�n or s�le
<br /> ---°_ �s ti�e Pro�e�ly,shall apply any Funds held by I.ender at 3he time of acquisition or sale as a craiit uguinst the sums secuted by
<br /> this SecuriEy��nstrument. �
<br /> 3.Ap�ll,i�cmt�an of Payments.Unless applicable law provides othenvisc:,all payments rec;eive3 by E.ender under paragra�hs
<br /> 1 and 2 sha{J�be applied: first.to any prepayment charges due under the Note; second,to umounts pay�tble under paragraph 2;
<br /> _ third,to inte.rest duc;fourth,eo principal duc;And last,ao any late charges due under the Note.
<br /> ---_-� 4.Gharges; Ltens. Borrower shall pay all taxes, assessments,charges, fines and impositions attributab!e to the Property -
<br /> wliich may zt��zia priority over this Securit� Instrument, und leasehaW payments or ground rents. if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obligati,-ms in tlie manner provided in pnragraph 2,ar if not paid in that manncr,Borrower shull pay them on time directly
<br /> ' to the persots owed payntent. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all noticcs of amounts to be paid under thfs paragr�ph.
<br /> •--�— If Eonower makes these payrnents directly, Borrower sliull promptly furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the paymsnts.
<br /> -- Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which bas priority over this Securiry Instrument unless Bu;rower.(a)agrees in
<br />_._- _�;�� writing to the payment of the obligntion secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to Lender: (b)cantests in good fuith the lien
<br /> -:L;.;�a by, or defends against c:nforcemcnt of the lien in, legnl proceedings which in the [.ender's opinion operatc to prevcnt thc
<br /> "-"a'��^� cnfozcement of the licn; or(c)s`cures from the holder of the lien an agreement satisfacta.ry to Lendcr subordinating the lien to
<br /> „�.-,�r_,r,i
<br /> �-'�.:i'��� ehis 5ecurity Instrument. If Lender deterniines that any�art of the Property is subject to a lien which rnay ;�ttnin prioriry over
<br />-���:.}�:",,:
<br /> :'"s;:;��� this Security Instrument, Lender muy give Barco�ver:�notice identifying the lien, @orrower shnU satisfy�he lien or take one or
<br />- ��="a�;t�; morc of the actions sct forth ubovc within 10 days of thc giving of notice.
<br /> =- - �'��'�� Form 3028 9190
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