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��������� <br />be conside�ed, en agent for any party or entiry. Any emoume collected may, at Y,endei's sole discretion, be applied <br />w procect I.enaeta interest in the Property, iact„aing buc noc limitea w u�e pay,nent of caxes and ;ns�asnce <br />premiums aad to the Indebtedness. At L.eadei's eole disoretion, all lease�s, sableases and licenses must first be <br />approved by Lender. <br />CONDEMNATION. G►sutor shall give Lender notice of azry acaroa taken or threateaed to be �mn by private or <br />public e�itiea to apprapriate the Property or any PaR therao� thmugh condemaation, emm�t damein or any other <br />action Fnrther, I.eader shall be peimitted to participate or intervene m any of tke abava descn'bed pro�eedings in <br />any manne� it shall at its sole discretion detem�ine. I.ender is hereby given full power, right and awhority to <br />receive and receipt for any ead all damages awarded as a result of the full or pmtial u�ldng or epprbpriation and 'm <br />its sole discrefion, to apply said awazda w the Indebtednea9, whether or �t thea due or o' m accordance <br />with applicable law. [Inle� I.ender otherwiee agrees in writing, anY ePPlication of proceeds to tfie Indebtedaess <br />ahall not extead or postpona the dae date of the payments due under the Indebtadness or chang { the amount of <br />each paymants. <br />GRAI�TTOR'S ASSURANCES. At any tima, �on a reqnest of Lend�, Crrantor wtll axeci�te� and deliver to <br />Lendes, a�l if appropriate, causa W ba recorded, such fiuther mortgagas, asei�mems, assignmemts of leases and <br />teata, saeutity egreements, Pledges, froanciag statamenis, or auch other docirment as Lcmder may require, ia <br />Lender's sole diseredon, to effeca�ata, complate and to perfect as well as to contiaue to preserve the Iadebredness, <br />ar the lieA or aeauity iatarest created by this Security Iachuma�tt <br />ATTORNEY-IN-FACf. Grantor appoiats Leader as attomey-m-fact on behalf of Grantor. If Gravfaz faila to <br />fuifill any of Giantot's obligationa uader thia S�urity Inatrumeat or any Rel� Documenta, inctud"mg those <br />obligations mentioned 'm ihe Pre� P�S�Pb, Lender as attorney-in-fact may fiilfitl the obli�tio� widwut <br />notice to Grnntor. Tftia power of attomey ahall aot be aBected by tha disability of the G2antor. <br />E't'ENTS OF DEFAiJLT. The following events sball conetitute defa�ilt wder dva Sectuity Inswment (�ch aa <br />"Evant of Dafanit"): <br />(a) Faz7ure to malce requir�payments when dne uadet Indabtedttees; <br />(b) Failure to perform or keep any of the coveneMe of thia Security fnshument or a defaiilt und� any of <br />tha Related Documents; <br />(c) The maldng of any oral or writt� smtement or a�sertion to Lander tLat is faLse or misleadmg in say <br />meterial respect by Gcantor or any persoa obligsted on the Indabted�s; <br />(� The death, dis�lutian, msolvenoY. baninnPtcY or receivetship procxeding of Giantor or of enY Pe�soa <br />ar entity obligated oa $ie Indebtedness; <br />�e) AnY a�iSome� bY Grantor for the beaefit ofChantoi's credibme; <br />(fl A material adverse change ocaua in Qia fimncial coadition, owaerahip or maaa�ament of Gcsntor or <br />acry pe►son obligated on the Indebbedneas; or <br />(g) Isadea deems itself insecure for any [�tason whetsoevea. <br />RENISDIES ON DLFAULT. Upon the accnnence of an Event of Daf�ilt, I,endcr may, witim� demand or <br />�ti�e. PaY ffiS' or all tax�, ass�enta, Pr�iums, and lie.�a requinzd to ba paid by Grautor, effect anyr ins�e <br />provided for I�rein, mal� auch repaics, cauae the ahvtrads of title or title �uanoa policy a� tax histories of the <br />Pmperty to be certified w date, or procare aew abstracta of title or title �ce aod tex Liatoriea in c� nona <br />wera Emmshed m it, and procura titla e�l� ��b �8 �aP�Y. �tIIdmS eurveys. The amoums paid f� aay <br />such pmposes w71 be added ro the Indebtedness a� will bear �est at tin tate of iuterest otherwise a�xndng on <br />the Indebtedness mtii paid. In the event of foreclosare, the abahacta of title o�' titla in�nance diall become the <br />properiy of I.euder. All abslracis of utle, titla ma�uance, tax Liatories, surveys, amd other doc�nts pertaining to <br />tl►e Indebtednesa w71 remain m L.e�de►'s po�ion until the Indebtedae�a is paid 'm fall. <br />IN Tf� EVENT OF TI� SALE OF THIS PROPIItTY UNDIIL THE PROC�URE FOR FORfi�LOSURE OF <br />A SECURITY 1NSTRUMENf BY ADVERTISIIviENT, AS PROVIDF,D BY APPLICABLfi LAW, OR IN Tf� <br />EVENT LErIDIIt E7�RCISES ITS RIGHIS iJAIDER THE ASSIGNMF;Nf OF LEASES ANIy RIIVTS, Tf� <br />LF.I�IDEIt SHALL PTtOVIDfi ALL STATUTORII.Y REQU7RID NOTICES OF SALE APm NOTICES OF <br />JUDICIAi. HEARIN(3S BEFORE LENDER F.}}�RCISES ANY OF iTS RiC3H'fS TJNDER THIS <br />INSTRUMENT. <br />Upon the ocewience of an Ev�t of Defautt, Lender may, wIthout notica mlese reqnired by law, and at its option, <br />d�lare die e�e Indebtedness due and payable, ae it may elect, regarcll�s of the dete or dates of maduity ther�f <br />and, if permitbed by atate Iaa; is suthorized a� empoa+ared to canse die Property to i� sold at public auction, end <br />to execute and deHvar to the ptit�ehaser or pm�ehasara et such sale aary deeds of com+e�yanca good and a�icient at <br />law, patsaant to the ataurte ia such case made and provided. Tbe Trnstee shall apply the proceeds of the TmsDea's <br />sale, fust, to the costs end �es of a.eercieing tha powar of eala end of die sale, inaloding the paymmrt of the <br />Tmst�'s fees sowallY in�+�; s�cond. to PaYffient of tha obligatian secured by tha Cvst de�il> t1�d, to the <br />payment of jmiaa hust deeds, mortgages, or other lienholders a� the balance, if a�, W the �son or � <br />2egally e�ded tiveteto. The recifals in tbe Tn�e's de�l sLall be prima facie evide�ce of tl� trath of the <br />stateatenta made in it If L�ender chooses W invoke the poarer of sale, I.endea or Tsu�tee will provide notice of sale <br />pivanant to applicable Iaw. Any snch sele or a sale made pursuant to a jndgment or a decree for',the foreclo�ue <br />hereof maY. at tLe c�tion of i.ender, be made en messe. The commen�t of proceedinga to foreclose this <br />Secatity In�t in a� maonar authorized by law s6aD ba deemed as exercise of the above option. <br />Upon the occur�ence of an Event of DefauH, I.ender s5a11 ro�medistely ha e�Itled W asake appliceti� foz anci <br />obtain fl� appomtrnent of a receivar for the Property �d of the eamroga, I�me, issue and proSLv of it, with the <br />6]IIOb1011 C9mp4mm8�atem, Inc C9F0.FlG-�IOL.IS.J01 <br />�IHttlECam9c�mflmmmmt-OIA907 P�gelef9 mmv. e� <br />