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20110964� .. � <br />Defense and Tifle to Property. At the time of axecution aad delivery of thie ine�wwneat, Giantor is lawFully <br />seised of the esmta hereby �avayed aad has the exclusive right to mortb�age, gr�t, oom'eY and assign the <br />Propariy. Cttaator covenants that tLe Property is tmendunbered aad &ee of sIl lieos, except for eacumbiances <br />of record acceptable ro La�er. FuRha, Giantor covenants that Granwr w�l warrant and defead geuarally <br />the fltle w the PmpertY against anY and all claima and demands wLataoever, sabject to the easementa, <br />resaictions, or oti�r encumbraace,s of mcord acaeptabie to Lender, ea may ba listed 'm the achednte of <br />mcceprions to coverage in any ebshact of tide or fifla ia�uraaca policy ias�umg 7.endei's interest in the <br />ProPeriY• <br />Condiaon of �ropertp. Gxantor promisas at all times to presarve ead to maintam tha Praperty and every <br />: �rt thereof ia good repair, worldng ordar, and conditioa and w�71 &om t�a to dme, malee all a�dStl aad <br />Proper re�pairs so that the value of the Prope,riy sball tmt in anS'�Y �� <br />Removal of any Part of the Property. Grentor promisea not to remove auy pmt of tha Propeny from its <br />present locatian, except for repl��; mamb�ance aad relocaflon in the ordioary course of busia�ss. <br />Alteraflona to the Property. Grantor pronmsea to abstain &om the commi�ia� of eny a�aste on dre <br />Property. Further, G�antor eLall make no material altetations, additions or �tmprrnementa of anY �YPe <br />whataver to the Property, tegazdleas of whather such alteiaflons, additione or improvements v�uld 'mc�se <br />the value of the FraPerty. �or permit �►youe to do so axcapt for tenaat im�ovemants and campleHon of <br />itema purauant to appmved plans aod specificatioas, without Le�tdets prior written consent, w}ric3� conseat <br />may be withheld by Lendar ia its sole disacefion. Grantor wUl comply wi9i all Iaws and regiilationa of all <br />pnblic autSwrities havmg ja:isdicfion over die pnemis� ralating to tha �e, ocxupancy and maiateflanca <br />thereof and shall upon request pmanptly submit to Isnder avideaca of snch campliance. <br />Dae on Sale - Lender's Co�t Cttantor s1iaII aot sell, fiud�er eacumbar or o6ierwisa disposc o� eacept as <br />herein provided, any � all of its tn� in any pmt of or sII of the Property without frrst obffiimng the <br />wriuen conseat of Ixader. If any encmmbra�e, lien, hansfer or �le or a�r�ment for thesa is creaoad, <br />I.ender may d�late �mediataly dne and payable, flros eatQe balance afdie I�a�s. <br />Insurance. G:antor prori»ses to keep �e Property � agaiaat s¢ch risks aud in such foim ea may withna <br />the sole discretion of I,ender be acceptable. cansiog I.ender to ba �med as loss payea or if requested bY <br />Leader, se mortgagae. Tha iasucanca compaay shall ba chosan by Grantor enbject to I.andet's approvel. <br />which sLall not be maeaso�bly wi�held. AlI ms�uanca golicies must provide t3mt Lee�der will get a <br />minnn� of 10 days �tice prior to aaacallation At Leadet's dis�etivn, G=antor a�Y ba re� to produce <br />recaipts of paid premi�mos and renewal poflcisa. If CitaaWr fails to obta�n tha reqmred coveaage, Leadet may <br />do so at Granwr's acpense. Giantor heceby directs each a� every msmer of 8re Property W maka payment of <br />loss to Lend� with tha pmcaeds to be applieci, only at Le,ada:'s opHon, ta �e repafr aad iepIacameat of t'68 <br />• damage or loss or to be applied to the Indebtedneas with the �nPl�s, if aa3'. to be paid by Lendar W Caraotor. <br />Payment of Tazes and Other Applicable CLarges. Gra�tor gromisea to pay and to discharge lie�, <br />enoumbrancea, ta�es. a�e�mea�, leasa payments and aay otl�r chmges ielatmg to the Properiy whan k.wied <br />or as� egainst Gremwr ar the Pmpe�ty. <br />Environmenta! Lawa end Ha�rdoas or Tozie N,iaterials. Cnantor ead avery tenam have been, are <br />pr�enUY and sBall eontinue to be in strict eamplianca with auy applieable �Cal, state and fedexal <br />eavironmental lawa end regulatio�. Ftiuther, naidiar (icantor nor any t�ant eLall ma�scluna, s0oa�e, l�ndta, <br />diacha�ge or dispose of haaardous or toxic mataiiala as �y be de5�ed by a�+ amm or Sederal 1aw an �e <br />Property, ezcept ro tlie'exteut the �cistence of wch matarieta hae been p�esently dieclose,�l ia writing to <br />I,ander. Graator will immediately aotify I.endea ia writiag of mry as4ertion or claim mada by any pazty ea to <br />the pos�'bla violation of applicabla state and federal eavironme�l laws includa�g 8ie location of any <br />t�azardons or mxic maLarials oa or abo� the Pmperiy. Gaantor indemnifles end holds Lendar from <br />aay liabIIity or � of whataoever �tiue inciared di�ect(y or ind'n�ectly as a�it of Gcantor's violatioa <br />of applicable locat, sm6a and £ederal eaviro�msenmt laws and regatatioas or Graator's involve�ent with <br />fia�ardous or toxic matarials. <br />Floane3al Informatiow Giaator agt�es to wpply Lender euch Snaacial md other infomraHon conceming its <br />affaire and d�e �tus of any of its assets as Lendar, from tima to time, may reaeonabiy requast. Giaetor <br />further ag�a to pexmi.t Leader to varify acco�uJts as �vell as to i�t, copy and to �ami� dte books, <br />records and 6ks of Gra�or. <br />Lender's Right to &.eter. Isnd� orLe.�s ageate ahalt have �e right end to inspe�t the Pcoparty at <br />all reasonabla tim� in ordar to attead to Laffiiar's intereats and ensuta compli�a wi8i tha t�uazms of this <br />Security T+��s..:_ ± If ffia PmpeRY� or aay Part thareo� ahall m9� ��, �Pafr or �i�ence <br />wlrich Crrantor l�s faled W provida, Le�fder, aftar reasonable aodc�, may e�er upoa the Properiy to effeat <br />sueh obligatioa; and fl� cost thareof shall be added to the Indebro�lness and paid oa Leadar's demand by <br />Graator. <br />ASSIGNMENT OF I.EASFS A1�TD RENTS. As additioaat security for tha paym�t of tl� Indebt� and tha <br />pesformenca of the cov� comaiaed hareiq Giantor l�ereby aesigas and �'�s over ta I.e�nder all �, <br />inoome and proficv ("Reata`7 madar my p�eat or fadue leases, subl�ae or liceffies of the Propeny, i�lndiog <br />anY guarm�Ies. exteneions, amendmeata or renewala ffiareo� from �e nsa of tha Pmparty. So long as Ci�anWr ie <br />not m default, C•renWr may reaeiva, collect and enjoy all Rents acctuing fru�m 9ie Ftoperty, birt nat more than one <br />month in advaace of t}�e dne data. Lender may also require Granror, tenant and any other u�r of the Property to <br />make paymenta ofReuts directly m L,enden Howava , bY nexivinS enY w�chpaym�ts, I.eadet is aot, end slnll not <br />ownaaon oo�mwe�. mo, coeamc�-�aiomas.a� <br />eo�xedenoms�+,r�,�m�em•w,rom r�oxors ,.,�..�y�y,�.� <br />