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201109��� � <br />paweis as che co,ut a�dng the appointments confeis. Giancor hereby urevambIy consents to auch appoi�meat <br />and waives notice of any applicaaan therefor. <br />NO R'AIVER No delay or fa�ure o£ I.ender w exescise any right, cemedy, gower or privleSe heseandei' shall <br />aff'e�t that tight, remedy, power otpriv�ege nor sLall any single or partial euercise thereo£preclude tha exeroi� of <br />�Y � r�Y> Po�' � P��. No Landar dalay or failure to de,noand atrict a�ce w the tenos of this <br />Se�auiry Instcument shall ba d� to constitute a wurse of conduct incoasiatent with I.endei's right at eny time, <br />before ar after an event of defanit, ro demand slrict adhereace to tha Yerms of 9�is Security Instrument and the <br />Related Docutneats. <br />SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE. I.eader, at iffi option, may &om time to time manove Tn�stee and appoiat a snccassor <br />trostee to aay Trost� eppoa�ted heseundar by an instrument r�orded 'm the county ia wtiich flus Security <br />i„am,n,�r ia recorded. Witlm� waveyance of the Praperty, the successor trustee shall succesd to all the tida, <br />power and duti� confittred upoa Truatee fierain and by applicable law. <br />aomrr arm sEV�xnr. �,u�anarx. �ttie s�ny �m�ent sx�a t� �a uym� tn�a oae �on, an <br />pe�ama executing tbia Secarity Inauumant agea that they ehall be joiatly aaa sevelallY bound. where pa�miued bY <br />law. <br />SCJ1tVNAL. Isndei's rights in iLis Security Insttument wiII contimta ia iffi succaseors and assigas. This Secnrity <br />Inatrumem ia binding on alllieira, exewrtars, e�dmiaieitatois, assigns end succeaso:s of G4anwr. <br />NdTICES ANA WAIVER OF NOTTCE. Unless otharwise requic�d by epplicable law, any notice or demand <br />given by Lendar to a�+ pert}+ ie co�idered effective when it is depasi0ad 'm the United Smtes Mail with the <br />aPP�P�� Po�e. A copy of any notice sha11 be ma�7ed to ach pazry at fhe addra� of the party given at tha <br />beffiinniag of ihis Seauity Instrument unless an altetnative hea been provided to Lender ia wririn�. To the <br />extent pemiitted by law, Granwr areives natica of Lander's acceptance of this Secmity Ins�ument, defenses based <br />on wuet}+abiP, anY def�se arising from any eleotion by Lender undar tha United States BanlauFtcY Coda, Umform <br />Commercial Code, as enacted in the atata whera I.ender is located or other applicable law or in equity, demand, <br />notice ofaccalewtion, notice of no�ayment, presa�m�t, Pmt�t, notice afdishonor �d anY M�m' notirs. <br />REQUEST FORNOTICES: Graataa� requests thet copies of the notice of dafault affi1 notica of asla he aeat to the <br />address of each party given at the beginaiog of the 3ec�aity Ins�manL <br />Tp 1'HE EXTENT PERM�TTED BY LAW, GRANTOR WAIVE6 ANY RIGHT TO NOTICE, OTHElt <br />THAN THE NOTIC� PROVIDED ABOVE, AND WAIVFS ANY RIGHT TO ANY HEARINC� <br />dUDICIAL OYi OTHERWLS�, P1tIOR TO LENDER EXLRCISIIVG IT3 RIGHTS UNDElt TkIIS <br />SECDItI1'Y INSTRIIMENT. <br />WAIVER OF APPRAISEMENT RIGST3. Crtantor waives all appraisament rights cclating w the Pivpexty to <br />the exbentpe�ittedbylaw <br />LENDER'S F.XPENSES. (Yantor agtces to pay all mcpenses i�attred lty T�nder in comection with ea2'orcement <br />of ita rights under the Indebtedae�, this Security Tnstrument or in the evant I.ead� is made pariy to any litigatian <br />becauqe of tte exiat�ce of the Indebtednesa or this Secutlty Inattument, as aell as caat costa, coll�tl� chazges <br />amd reasoneble attomeys' fees and disbmsements. <br />ASSIC�vABII.iTY. Lmd� may assiga or otherwise uans£ez this Sequiry In� or amy of Lender's rigj� <br />umder this Secarity 1�t withaut moticc to Granwr. C9rantor may aot a�i8u this Sec�u�ity I�hwme� or any <br />gact of t� Security Inst�ument witho� the wcpress vvritten conseat of Leadea. � <br />GOVERl�TING LAW. This 5ecmity Iffihument w�71 be goveraed by the lawa of t1� 3tate of Nebraska inciuding <br />al2 prpceedjngs gcising firom th't8 Sec�rity Instrameat. <br />SEVERAAILITY. Tf a co�ut o£ compet�t jvdsdiotion detarmines any tem� or provision of d�is Sew►rity <br />Instaumeat is invalid or proldbited by applicable law, that te�m or psovision ve�ll ba ineffective w the extent <br />required. Aay tarm or provi�Ion d�at has bcea deoarmiae.d to ba invalid or prolnbibed will be savaed from the s+est <br />of the Sec�uity Insfismant vvi�otrt invalideting the temainder of either dre affected provision or this Sac�u�ity <br />I�hvment <br />WAIVLR OF dURX 1`RIAL. AI[ parlies to thie SecurSty Instrument hereby Ioiowtngly and voInntarlly <br />weive, to the faIleat este�t pecmitted by law, any right to hial bY �ui°9 ��Y ��s whethar in contract, <br />tort, or otLerw�e, arlaing ont of, ta eonaectton with, rel8ted to, or indd� to t6e r�aHonehip �tablished <br />beriyeen, them fn tLis 8ecur[ty Inetrument or any other insd�ame�nt, doonmeat or agreement es�ubed ar <br />deltvered In conuectlon with this 8ecurity 7nehvment or the related tra�adioaa <br />EN17RE AC7ilEE1VIENT OF 1`HE PARTIE5. This agreement, inolnding all ag�ements r+aferred to or <br />iaco�porated into tLis agreemeat, corretidrtea the aMire agreement F�tvveen ti� partia relatmg to the subject metber <br />of fltis agreem�t .This agreement a�peraeAes all prIor oral or wrItten eg�1s, commitments and <br />und�standings betvvean the pazNea ralating to the wbject matter of ffiis agr�eat and cannot be changad or <br />termivated oiatly, a� ehari ba d�med eg'ecHve as ofthe date not� above. <br />o� c�wsra�.�ae�armn.�sau.ts.aa� <br />ca� eat romm samas�. uuao�r �ea ore �.r <br />