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<br /> Bomawe�shall also be in defnult if Borrowcr.during the l�an application process,gave matcrially falsc or innc:cur27r. � �
<br /> .- informadon or statemcnts to I.ender(or faileQ ru provide I.ender with iu►y material infonnation)in conncction wiU�dm,
<br /> r loan evide�ced by tha Noto, inctuding, but not limited to. representatians conceming Boiv�nwer's oocupancy of thc
<br /> Property as a pria�cipnl residcnce. If this Security Inswment is on a leasehold, Borrov�er shaU comply with the . •
<br /> provisions of the lease. If Barrower acquires foe title to the Propec¢y.the lcasehold and fee 6tle shall not be mergcd :
<br /> un{ess Lender agrees to 4"�e rne,�ger in wrlting. . °'''';�� �
<br /> grees
<br /> 6.Condemna4lon•'I1�e pr000�ds of any award or claim for dama�es,direct or consequenGal,in connecd�n with ,;�';��+��c_'==
<br /> any condemuarion or other taking of any pazt of the Property,or for conveyance in place of condemnaation,are hereby ,�_ . ,s.�^�_--�
<br /> assigned and shaU be paid tn Lcnder w ilte extci►¢of the full amount of the i�dentcdness U�at re�nbins unPaid under the r�;.:. '• .
<br /> Note aeid this Security Instrumenl.Lender shall apply such p�ds to the reduclion of the indebtednt�s undu tho PIote :;;�F=
<br /> and this Security Instrument,first to eny dciinquent umounts applied in the order providcd in paragra�►h 3.end then to �a,;�"
<br /> pre�payment of principal.My applicarlon of the�ir000e+is co the principal shall noi e.�tend or postpane th�due date of the :�'=�-_�
<br /> mQnthly payments.which are rcferred to in paragr'�t 2.or change the amount of sucl�pay►�►ents. Ar+y c��.s p�s �
<br /> over an amount required w pay all outstar►ding indebtedness under the Note and this Security Instivmwt s3aull Q�e paid ta ,,_::;''-�� -
<br /> the enriry legally endtk�d thereto. ` c r-:=?�
<br /> � 7. Char`es to Borrowcr and Protectjon ot Leoder's R�hts in the Property. Borrower shall pay all �..,s�-: .'"_•
<br /> , goveinmental or m�u�icipal chargcs,fines end impositions thaL ane noi included in pacagiaph 2.Borcowet shaU pay t�se �'_,��yi;;__
<br /> obligatbns on time direcily to the endty which is owed the payment If fai!use to pay would adversely a�fzct L.cader's �: :,v�,�.�:
<br /> interest in the Propeity. uPon Lei►det�s request Botrowe,r shall prompdy fumish to Lcader receipts evidencing the� ; :
<br /> �' '�;,,,�
<br /> PaYmcnts. h 2�or feils W perfom�any ot�ei ,��racs�•.�_:
<br /> � U Barower fails W salce thcse payments or the paymenu mquirod bY Paz"�� �:i�
<br /> � oovenantt and agreemcnts c4ntainod in this Socurity Inslrument,or the�is a legal pmceedinB thaf maY si8nificantly � ---
<br /> affec�Lex�der's ri�hts in ih,:Proputy (such as a Frocading ui ban�augtcy.for condemnation or W enforce:aws a �`-
<br />' p n8ulations),ttxn�m8y d0 arid p�y wnanevu is[�y io p�vu�:i'u`�a zai�G:�c.. .,:se",.T.w.*t�:'s ri�ta _
<br />_� �. in the P[o�erty,includinB PaYment of taxes,ha7ard inswance and ottxi items mentioned in pareg�raPh 2. °��
<br /> . My amounts disbursed by I.tnder unclel st�iv paragraph shall become an addLtional debt of Barower and be = —
<br />_ ; '� secured by this Socurity Inst�ument'Iriese emounis shall bear inte�eat fmm the date of dist�r.rsrinent,at the Note rate.
<br /> and at the option of I�eadar.5tw11 be immediaicly due and payable.
<br />- Bormwer st�il}momP�Y dL�k�Be any liem whirh has priority ovu this S�curity Ins[rumem unkss�ocrower.(a) !'::--
<br />"_ agroes in writi�ng ta the pay.�nent of the obligation socu�od by the lien in a�n�s�er accegtable w I.endv:Cb)contests in a�_;,�
<br /> good faith the lien by.or defends against enfoncement of the lieA in.legal PQOa�ings which in the I.euder's opinion - --
<br /> ,'� c�ua�e Ro pnsvent the a�foca+nent of tLe Uuc:or(c)secums fmm the tYnWci of t7sse tien�agrecment satisfxtary co _
<br /> - ��' ' LetKfer subordinatin8 the lica to Ihis Security Insuument If I.enaer detamines d�at any paR of the Ptopeity is subject w _
<br /> ' a lie�which may�ttsin priaity over this Sacurity Instrument,Leader may give Barowu a notice i�deadfying the tie�. ��
<br /> IIamw�shall s�ti�Try the lien a take one a more of the actions set forth above vvithin 10 days of the giving of notioe.
<br /> - - 8.Fee�.Lendrl may coUect fi;es and charges authorizcd by the Secneta�}+. �:
<br /> �.-� _ ?:, ' 4.�Grorn�b for Acoekra2bn oT Deb� "��,;:.
<br /> ' ;.'' (a) D�s(iu]!,l.e��de7 may.�c�ept as limitad by regulations issued by tha Scactary,in the cas�e of paymrnt = _ _-
<br /> dcfat�ltv.r�aure immcdiate paY¢txnt in full of all sums secured by this Security Instsument if: �..
<br /> -_ ;?�`. ' (i)Barowa ckfaults by fuiling to pay in full any monthlY PaY���4uired by this Seeucity Instrument _----
<br /> :;,�� prior tv or on the due date of 1he next monthlY l�Y��•� =
<br /> , , ';�r,��. -
<br /> c, (u)Barowu defaults by feiling,for a�riod of thirty days.to perform any ott�er oblig,ations oontainod in -_
<br /> - �':�:."'�' this Security Instrumcnt "`
<br /> .�_,� .s
<br /> _ .. . ., (b)5ale�{Wout Credit Approv�l.Lender shall.if Peln►itted bY nPPticable law(includinE Sxtion 341(d)nf �'
<br />-_ r ��_��,���Depository In�atutio►+s Act of 1982,12 U.S.C.i701{-3(d))and with the pria apjxoval of ;__________
<br />— . � the Socr�tazy.ro4u3rc immediate paymont in full of all sums secumA by this Security Instrument if: ;�••���
<br /> . 4����� f;?.
<br /> `' _ `1•,
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<br /> �, ��R(N�toeosl.ot t+a��s ot e �nnuts: _ � , . -
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