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<br /> � . , If the smounts held by Lcnder fur Escrow Items cxcc�d ihc amounas penmittec!to M:helcl by It1ESPA,L,endcr shKll ,
<br /> . ,{. uccount to Borrowet for the ea�cess funds as required by RESPA. If the umounts of funds hcld by Lenc'cr at nny Umc ,
<br /> tue not su�cient to pay�hG fiscrow Items when due,Lendca may notify the�orrower and require Horrower to msilcc up
<br /> �,
<br /> the shonage as permitted by RESPA. ;
<br /> Thc Escrow Funds are pledged as r.dditional sesuriry for nll sums sccur�.'by this Sccurity Insuumcnt If IIorrowcr • �•;,".�C'`
<br /> •. �i;,
<br /> tenders to Lender ihe tull payment of all such sums,Borrower's account shall be credited with the balance remaining fo� „ , , �•,_
<br /> all insu�lYmemt items (u), (b). and (c) und any mart�ge insun►nce premium instaWncnt�hat Lcnder has c�ot becomE '.:,.;�_��''.
<br /> , at�ligated w pay to tho Secretary,and I.cndr,r shall prompdy refund any cxcess fun�s to Horrowcr. tmmedlately prior t,o • � '''�"_—_-
<br /> 1�'oreclosure sale of the Propecty or its acquisition by Lender,Borrower's account shall b�credltod with any balance '�•�'^'�:`=b.,b-_
<br /> _,��.: .._
<br /> remeining for all inststllments for iums(a),(b),and(c). ---
<br /> 3..+�pplkadon of Poymenta ALI payments under paragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied by Lender as foUows: ��•''� •
<br /> .., �,w the mortgage i�sivanc.�premium co be paid by Lender co Q►e Seciezary o,to tha maathly ch�gc by iha ,_- __
<br /> Secreierx instead of the manthly mortgage insunuice premium; �:,K.,-_ �__..`
<br /> Se.cond,to any taxes.special ass�.ssments, leaseteo'.d payments or ground rents,��d fire,f2oad and other ha�ard , • _
<br /> � insurance pre,tniitms,as required; •��..�:,'`"�''
<br /> �, gljiQ,to interest due under the Note; t �'�""-
<br /> �y�,eo•�no�ti7adon of�tte principal of the Noce;and 't �
<br /> �,to�ate charges due under the Nota �'� ___
<br /> 4. Firq Flood and Other l��rd Iasnrana.Borrower shall insure all impmvemcnts on th2 Property,whether t4�� � ,
<br /> , �. � now in existenc�:or subseque,nily erected,against any ha:ards,casualdes,and wntingencies,including fire.for which '�
<br /> �� I..ender requims insurance.'d�u insurance shall be meinteined in ihe nniounts and fa�t3�e pe:iods thai Lender requires. s�y,. ;:
<br /> �` Hotrower s��aA also insure all�nprove�zrs on the Property,whether now in existcr�or subseq�tly e,re�ted.against ` �x�a.r{ ,� ��_
<br /> ------- --- Ioss by itoods w me excent required'oy r'r�s��c�e"vuy.Hji iii3uiiuiCc Sun�i�c Ga'Tfu'�i�'ti�:�t3.'Ityio:.�:ySF1YS7�5��..°T`�..�'. ��` "'- —
<br /> � �:. . .i
<br /> d , '[he insuranoe pallcies and any renewt�ss s?�a��be held by Lender and shall include loss payable cl��nsas in favor of,and 'r'
<br /> , =� in a form accept�tble to.Lender. � __
<br /> In rtt�e event of loss,S��vwcr shall give I.cnder immediaui nodce by mtul.L.e�►der may makc groof of loss if not .,,�
<br /> tdia m
<br /> ;� made prompi��by Borrower.�ach insurance company concemed is hereby authoriz�ed and directed w malce payment for $'_
<br /> such loss d'u�c:�y w Lender,instead of tn Barrower end to Lendu jointfly.All or uny part of the insurance procaeds may `?
<br /> be applied by�..�;ndu.at its option,either(a) to the rcducaon of the andebteQness under the Note and ihLs Scxurity ` -
<br /> Instiuument,first u�any delinquci►t amounts applied in the order in pacagraph 3,ehfl t�en to prepayment of principal,or ''��
<br /> ;, (b)to tlae restoration or repair of the daznaged Prope,�ty.AnY ePPlication of the proccccL�to the principal shall noc axteisd k� '•- -
<br /> ���`�'' or stpone the due date of the monthl ts which are rtferred to in aragraph 2,or ctian e the amount of such -
<br /> po Y PaY� P 8 ��:,_"._�
<br /> - paymenu Any exoess inswance procee.cls mNer on amount required tn pay all outsL�ding indebte�'4ness under the Nou �,�-
<br /> .' ' �,. and this Security InsuuFnei►t shall be pai�tQ a?�e entity lcgally entidod thereto. -_ '
<br /> . Ia tho event of foroclosurc of this Secrsrity Instrument or other transfer of dde to thc Proputy tluit extinguisha the F,,__
<br /> _ �. . � indeb'�edness,all right,ads and inur�st of Bo�rower in anfl co insurance poIIcies in furoe shall pass w�ha purct�v�r. �'yA�r:;�s::
<br /> u._ .� � :: S. Occupstncy.Preservation�Maintenana s►a�ff'r�tection ot the ProPt�"�3';�orrower's Loan App4icn2x�ui �,�,•:.
<br /> �. Latseholds. B�rower shail oocu�y�establish.and use the Pcoprrty t�s�umowa's principal residence within sixty days �'..�-�'�n�
<br />� after the cacccutian of this Seccrity Insuument(or within siaty days of a later sale or transfer of the Prope:ty)and st�all '„_�
<br />_–, conanue a oa:upy the Pro;�erty as Hmm�v►cr's prirtcipal residence for nt least one year afur the date of occupancy, t'T.:�-
<br /> - ,:+�,
<br /> ':_;;;,;;,,;�: unless L.ender determines Shat requirem�ent will cause undue hardship for Bomower.or unless extenuating circums� :'.�t;,;>:
<br /> _,;'4�;r��'' � exist which ere beyond Borrower's control.Bomower shall norify I,es►der of eny enaen�utting circumsmnces.Bonower �'���'���
<br /> - shall noi commit wa.cte or destroy.damage or substandally chang�the Pcoperty or allow the Prnperty to deteriocate, -:=__________ –
<br /> -- , reasonabfe wear and oear excepted.Les�c�eu anay inspact the Property if the Piraaperty is vacant or ai�ndoned or the loan is '��:-- - ___:--
<br />�'�� in defanlG Lender may ta3cr reason:�b7e acdon to protect and preserve such v�ant or nbandoned Property. ����`��''":'`="
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