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<br /> • (i)All or part uf thc Property,or a bencGcial intcrest in u 4rust owning aU or part of ihc Property,is sotd or
<br /> otherwise tnu�esferred(othcr than by devis�or desceny,und _
<br /> (ii) 'Tb� property is not occupicd by the purclmscr or grnntoe as his or her principul rcaidcnce, or thz ,
<br /> A��Y
<br /> purchaser or gmntee does so axupy the Propercy but his on c�r crcdit hns not tx�en npprovcd in�ccordnnce
<br /> e .
<br /> with the ncquirements of thc SocrP,tary. ""��'.'
<br /> � (c) No Wsiver. If circumsta�oes ocxur ttu►t would peTm►t Lcnder co rcq�ure immediate payment in tuU. but '�,,• ;,��'"��
<br /> I.cuder daes not reqn'ue sacti paym�ts,I.ender does not waive its rigbts with respect w sabsequem cvenis. �__^_�—
<br /> (d) Re�ul�tioas ot HiIA Secretery.Tn many circumstances cegulatians issued by the Seccetary will limit :�_�.- _
<br /> Lendee's rights,in the case of payrt►ent defaw`ts�tn roquue immediatc PaYment in full and forGClose if not paid. ° ;e:,_-.
<br /> • . This Securiiy Instrum:nt dars no!culh�ue�clerndon or foreclosure if not permic3ed by regulations of the , :- --
<br /> �, g�y. —_
<br /> (e)!�+'iortg�ge Nat lasured.Borrower a�i�s ti�at if this Security Insuument aatid ihe Notc are aot dctecminod w '"-�°�— -
<br /> . b�eligifile for insuran6e under the Natiannl Housing Act within 60 days from Ihe datc hcreof.Lender may,at � �,�:
<br /> its opuio�� re4uire immediate PaYmrnt in full of all sums secsu�d by this Sec�riry Instniment A written :.,-q:,.�.�.�:
<br /> �. stauement of any authorized agei►t of the Sacc�etery dated subsequent to[s0 days from the date hereof,declining --
<br /> to insure this Security Inswment ond the Note, shall bc daemed conclusivc proof of sueh ineligibility. :.,+�.
<br /> Notwithstanding Q�e foregoing, this optan may not be eacercised by Lcnder when the unavailability of :,r4�, ,
<br /> insurance is sofely due to I.er�dcr's failure to�+emit a moitgage inssuance pm,�nium to the Sa�;aetary.
<br /> . 10.[teinstatemen�Bomower has a right to be c+einstazed if Lender tias required�immediace PaYment in Cull bxause :e,
<br /> .. � of Bocrower's failure to paY an emount due under[he Note or�his Security Inswment'Itiis right appli:es even after �� -R_
<br /> • �; �.t Tn rr_.inc�aie the Securitv Instrument,Borrowrs shall[eAder in a lump sum all :��--
<br /> ___ ��eck�uic piv6o'cQiit:g& :..'°.«...Il2L�... -- -'
<br /> � Ma5�aunts requiretl to bring Bonower's account cu�rent including,to the extent they are obugations of Horrower under -
<br /> t, ihis Socurity Imswment, foreclosure cos�s and nasonabk and custonuuy attomeys' fees nnd eupenses pzope�ly ,�.
<br /> �• associated wii�C the foreclosure proceeding• UPon r�iastatement by Bomnwer, t6is Security Ia�strumuit and the , f_
<br /> ; obligations that it sc;cutrs shall rcmain in effect as if Leridcr had�►ot re4ui�ed immsdiate payment in full. However. ;�...
<br /> � F�nder is not required to{►�rnit reinststteic►ent if:(i) I.ender hns accepted reinstatement aftei t�.e commeaecemena of w:
<br /> ff�rocbsure proceedings wiihin nva yr,ars immediately pco�ed'►°B tha cammencen�ent af a cunei►t forecD¢EUre -
<br /> ' ptocceding, (ii) reinstatement will preclude foreclosun on diffaan �unds in the future, or(ui) reinswtemer�c will '`'�
<br /> ��
<br /> adversely affect the priority of�he lien created by tt►is Security Instiuumenti _
<br /> 11. Borraver N�t Rc�eased: Farbiwrance By Lsnder Not a Wttiver. Eatensioa of the t�me of payment or
<br /> . modiCecaaon of s�mortiuitian of the sums secused by this Security Instmment grantsd by Lender co any successor in — ,_ ~
<br /> ° inunst af Boaowu shall nnt ap�rate tu celcase Ahe liability of the original Bocrower or Borrower's svccessax in interest _'—-- �.�s`'
<br /> Lender shall not ba requimd w commena pracoa�inBs against eny suocess°r in interest or refuse to extend dme for �,,,v,�;
<br /> , . .,, r_'-
<br /> . , payment or o1Y�erwise madify amoitiwuon of the sums secured by this Security Inst:ument by reason of any demand e=:�
<br /> • made by the ai�ginal Borrowes or Borrower's suoassors in inLerest.My forbearance by L�ender in exercising any right __--
<br /> �:��:��, ar cemedy sha11 not be a asuvsr o4'or preclude the axescise of any right or remedy. __
<br /> ,,,.�,j!-;ly�� �, 12.Succe.ssora ancl��'�3�as Bound;Joint oed Seveval Li�bility;CaSfgne*s.'I�►e covenxnts and agrcemcnta of
<br />' • `: ':'r, } U�is Security Insm�rticnt sh�z7l bind and bene6t the succeseArs end asssigns of Lender and Boirower. subjact w the ��;,,''�,�-
<br /> _ �, provisions of paz'agraph 9(b).Borrowes's wvemants and a�xx►ts shall be loint and several. Any Borrower who =-- ---
<br /> �,:�,�,�; :' co-signs this Security ;nstniment but dfles not execute the Note: (a) is co-signing this Securtry Insuument only w - .r
<br /> moctgage,grant and convey s3mt Borrower's interest in the Fropury under the terms of this Secu�ity Insaument;(b)is _ ______
<br /> � not personally obligated w�ay ihe sums secured by this Sccurity lnsttuument;and(c�ageCS that Lendec and any other ��._.
<br /> m
<br /> . Botrower may s�e w e.4tend mod►fY.forbear a make any accommodations with R�egard to the Yermu of this Secmity .i1�f,_:,;T�_��-.-
<br /> .., v.:..:�,
<br /> � Insmiment or the Note without that Hamnwet's consent � �� �'�^`
<br /> � �:':;�.�
<br /> ° ,�,;t�� ""��,�Y�,:
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