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<br /> � 97`-- i0�13 - � � ��`,.�:=:�.-�
<br /> 7.Emtnnnt Domoln, Londor Is hareby oselpnod all componsatlon,owarde,dumepoe nnd othnr poymonte or rellet (hereinaftnr"Procooda"1 , �� ° -
<br /> in connoctlon with condortinotlon or other takinp of tho Prop�rty or part thnroof,or inr convoynnco in liou of condomnatfon.Landar shall
<br /> tnkon or damaped,Londar shell h�va tho optlon In itn aalo nnd ebeoluto discrotlon,to npply nll ouch Proconds,aftordoductinfl thorefrom '
<br /> • „ all cooto ond oxponaas incurrod by It In connoctlon with auch Pracuodc, upan nny indabtodnoae nocurod hcroby ond In such ordar os
<br /> Londot mt�y dotorminfl,or to npply nll auch Proceods, altor such daductlone,to tho rnatorotion v}Iho Proporty upon such conditions as
<br /> Landor mey dotormino.Any npplicotlun o}Proaaode to In�obtodnoso shnll not oxtond �r postpono th�duo dnto ot ony pnymont�undar
<br /> tho Noto,or cura ony dofuult thornundor or hero�ndor.Any unoppllod tunds ehol!bo pa�A to Trustor.
<br /> 8. F'�tformence 6y Lander. Upon tho occuiro:ico of on Event of Defnult lioroundor, or if nny act is tnkon or le4al procoedinp
<br /> commoncad which matorloliy eftocts Landar's intoroat ii�tho P�operty,Londor moy in itn own discrotion,but without o6liflpt�on ta do eo.
<br /> ond without notica to or domand upon Trustor und without rolansinp Truotor from nny o611qutian,do uny ect which Trustar hoa aprood
<br /> but toile to do and may aiso do any other act it dooms neaosanry tn protect tho soc�uity horool.Trustor shnll,immedlotoly upon dornnnd
<br /> therefar by Londnr, pny 4o Londer nll coatn ond expaneo�Incurrod end sume axpondad by Londor in connoctio�with tho oxarcioo by
<br /> Lender of the foropolnp rlphts, togethor with Interost thcroa� et tho dotault roto providod in the Nato, which ehqll bo c+ddod to tho
<br /> • indobte4ness aocurod heroby.Lundor ehall not incur ony liotllity hocauso of anythin{�it may da or omft to do horeundor.
<br /> �� 9.H�:�rdous Met�rlole.7ruator shnil keep tho Propeny In compll�nco with all nppliceblo Inws,ordinancos ond rogulntiona roleting lo
<br /> � Induetrlol hygiono or environmentnl protoetion (coliectively rofarrod to horoin os "Envfronmontal Luwe"1. Trusto► shnll keop tho Proporty
<br /> freo from oll aubstancos d�ernod to bo hnzardous or toxic under any Environmentul l.nws lcolloctively retarrud to horoln pa��"��Trustor
<br /> Mnterinla"1.Trustor hereby warronts and rop�esonts to Lendar that thoro nra no Hozardous Mntoriel on or undar tho�roporty. ,
<br /> horeby agrees to Indamnify ond hotA harmlosa Londor, ite directors, ofticors, emplayoos and ngonts, and any su�cessors to Lendor's ;_
<br /> interost, from end ageinat any end nll clafms, dnmagos, loseoa and Iinbilitics�arlsing fn connaction with the presence, uso,disposal or ,, ;�s��
<br /> transpon of any Hazordous Materialss on,under,frorn or about the Property.THE FOR6GOINR WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS, __
<br /> TRUST. :
<br /> 10. Atafgnment of R�nte.Tru9tar hereby oaoifln9 to Lcsnder, and pronte Landor o aecurity Inturost in,ell present,tuturo and after 3��:
<br /> risinq renta, issuos end profits of the P+oPerty;provided thet Trustor ehnll, untU tho occurranco of an Evont of Oefault hereunder,heve ,;.,�_,
<br /> tha dpht to collect end retem such rents, Issues and prafits as they become due end payable. Upon the occurrence of an Event of :'�_;--�
<br /> Det�ult, Lender may,uithor in parson or by agent, with or without bringing any action or proceeding, or by a recelver eppointed by a _
<br /> ". court And without rcgerd 4o the adequecy of its security, onter upon and toke poasossion of the Property,or any psrt thereof,in Its own '�
<br /> nemo or in tho name ot the Truatee, end do any acts which It dooms necessery or desirable to preserve the value,marketabiiity or ;;,���—
<br /> rontability of 4ho Property,or any part thereof or interost therein,ar to Incrense the Incomn thareirom or protect tho socurity hereof and, " � " _
<br /> � a wRh or without taking possesalon of the Propetty, sue for or othe:wise collect the rants,issues end profita thereof,including those past :�;,��
<br /> .,i.•• duo and unpald,by notffying tenants to mako payments to Lendor. Lender may appry renta,issues and profits, less r,osts and expensns . - _
<br /> ' ot operetion and collectlon inciuding attorneys'fees,to any indebtedness secured horu6y,all(n&uch order as Lender mny determino.Tho
<br /> - eModng upon and taking possosslon of the Property, the colloction of euch rente, Issues and profits, and the eppllcation thereof es ;';_;.0
<br /> . � aforesald,shaii not cure or wnive any defAUlt or notico of default horeunder or Invalidate any act done in rusponao to such defouit or �t �-
<br /> pursuent to such notice of dofault ar.d,notwithstandinp the continuance in posseaslon of the Property or the cotlection,recelpt and `1L'�:�
<br /> ' epplicatlon of rente, issuea or'profits, Trustee and Lender sheli be ontitled to exorcise every right provided for in eny of the Loan ' �
<br /> .� Inetruments or by low upon occurrence of any Event of Default, including without Iimitation the right to exerclso tho power of sale. — ___
<br /> Further, Lender's righta end remedies under thia parugraph shall be cumulntive with, and in no waY a Ilmitetton on, Lender's rights and _
<br /> `--; - remedias undar any eauiywnCnt VS IooScb ar���cn:s re�orda��Ss'••"•et !he Q'^�p!!Y I nnder. Trustee and the recelver shell be Ilabte to �:�
<br /> • account onty for thosn re�ts actually racelved.
<br /> � 4' 11.Evmta of Defsult.The following shali consthute an Event oi Dafauit under thie Deed of Trust:
<br /> r (a)Falluro to pay eny installment of prJncipal or fnterest of any uther sum secured hereby when due;
<br /> , � � (b)A brcach of or default under eny provisian conteined in tha Noto,this Doed of Trust,eny oi the Loan Instruments,or any
<br /> othor Ilan or encumbrence upon the Property;
<br /> ' (cl A writ of axecutlon or attaohment or any sirnilar procesa sheli be ontered againet Trustor which shaA become e lie�on the
<br /> Proporty or any portion tliereof or interast therein;
<br /> � ' tdl Thore ohall tr3 filod by or ugainst Trustor or Barrowor an nction undot any Frosont or tuturo fodoral,stnta or other statua,luw
<br /> or regulation refoting to bankruptcy, insolvency or other roliof for debtore;or there shall be appointed any trustee, receiver or
<br /> Iiquldetor of Trustor or Borrower or of all or ony part of tha Propetty,or tho rente,issues or profits thereof,or Truetor or Borrowar
<br /> shall mnke eny genoral nssiflnment for the benefit of creditors;
<br /> (el The oelo,transfer,lenso,ossfgnmont,convayance or further encumbrence of alt or any pan ot or eny interest in the Proparty,
<br /> elther volunterily or Involuntarfly,without the csxpress writton consent ot Lender,providod that Trustor shall be permitted to execute �„
<br /> "' ' � � a lease of tho PropartV that does not contafn an option to purchese and tho torm of whlch doeo not excaed one yoar.
<br />- (f) Abandonment of tho Propeny;o► �'-
<br /> �-'!' (p) If Truator is not an indivlduei, tha iasuencQ, sale,transfer,aasignmant, conveyance or encumbranao of more than (if e _
<br /> � corporationl e total of N/A porcent of its issued and outstanding stock, or(if n partnershipl e total of N/A percent of -
<br />' portnorship interoete,or e imited Iiability compsnyl a totnl of N/h porcont of the Iimited IlabiiitV company Interests or voting _-
<br />- � rfp�te durtng tho podod thfa I1eed of Trust remains a Ilon on the Property. �..�
<br /> 12.R�m�dlee;Accal�ratlon Upon Dsteutt.In tho event of an Event of Default Londer maY,without notico oxcopt as required by law,
<br /> daclore ell indebtodnoss secured hereby to be due ond payable nnd the same shell thereupon become due and payoblo without nny ��: -
<br /> ' , prosflntment,demand,protost o►notice of uny kind.Theroofter Lender may: ''
<br /> " 4�A'e�: .• Ia1 Demend that Truatao oxorciso tho POWER QF SALE grnnted heroin, and Trusteo shall theroafter cause Trustor's interest C A
<br /> . � in tho Pruperty to be sold end the procoods to bo distributed,ail in the mannor prQVided in the Nebroska Trust Deeds Act; {�
<br /> lb)Exorcfao any an� ali righte provided for in eny of tho Loen Instruments or by law upon occurrenca of any Event of i`.^,_=
<br /> E ---
<br /> Detauit;and {'__.-----
<br /> ' „ � icl Commonco an aCtion to forecloso this Deod of Trust as a mortgege, appoint a recelver,or specificaliy enforco any of the _N�_--
<br />, . r covenanis horoof.
<br /> � • No remedy herein conferred upon or resorved to Truatee or Lnndor Is Intondod to be exclusive of any other remedy horo(n, in the Loen �";����,,_
<br /> " �`' Instruments or by law providod or parmittnd,but each shoil bn cumulative,sheli bo in addition to every othor ramedy fliven hereundor,In ----T'n-.-.
<br /> -' , .,�,•,
<br /> �' tho Loan Instrumenta or now on c�sreafter exieting ot law or in equity or by stetuto,ond mey be exercisod concurrently,independently or ,,.�4.���H�.'.�_
<br /> � auccossivoly. ,�i�,�l
<br /> ' �' .�4,.` '.
<br /> + 13.Truetee.The Trustee may rosign at any tirnu without causn, and Londor may at any timo and without causo eppoint a euccessor ; .<;
<br /> . � ` i or subotitute Trueteo.Trustee ahnll not bo liublo to any party,Including without Iimitatlon Lender,Borrower,Trust�r or any purehasor of 4�;l''':';:
<br /> � thu Proporty, for eny loss or damnge unlmsa duo to recktesa or wiliful miscanduct, and shall not be requireA to teko any nctlan In ••
<br /> connoctlon with the onforcement of this Dood of Trust unlosa indomnifiad,in writinp,for all costs,compensation or oxpcs�sos which may
<br /> bo associnted thorowith. In addition, Trustee mvy bocomo o purchaser at any aole of the Property(Judlefai or under tho power of sele .
<br /> grantad horelni;postpone thn saie of all or any portion of tho Property,as provided by le�w:o�sall tho Proparty os a whole,or in separpto
<br /> � parcols ar lots at Tru3teo's discrotion. ., �
<br /> 14.Feea ond Expenaes.In tho ovont Trustee sells the Proporty by exercise of pownr of sale,Trustea sholl ba untitiad to avpiy any sale
<br /> ---- -___ . .. . .. . . _. _..___�_�____..._....e.,i., :....i..a���Au Tn�araa'a fnns. nnd Lender's and Trusteo's
<br /> - piOCauUS i�i3i io peymani vt utt coota nuv on°p8iwbo v. a���..�o�.
<br /> ,n�,,,..... ... ....._...._.__...o- - __ _.
<br />' attornoy's feos,uctualiy Incurresd to oxtent parmitted by npplicablo law.In tho ovent Borrower or Trustor oxorcisos any right provided by :.
<br /> Iaw to curo an Evant of Default, Londor shnll bo antitlad to rocovcr from Trustor nll coste and axpensos actually i�currad us a rosult of
<br /> Trustor's dofoult.Including without limltntion all Trusteo's and uttornoy's fQes,to tho oxtent permitted by appiicoble law.
<br /> � 16.Future Advancee. Upon roquest of Borrewer,Lendor may,at its optfon,make additionul ond futuro udvancos and roadvencos to
<br /> Borrowor.Such advoncoa nnd rnadvancos, with intorost theruon, shall be sucurod by this Daed of Trust. At no time shnll tho principol
<br /> amount of tho indobtednoss sucurod by this Deod ot Trust,not Inr.iudfng suma advancad to protoct tho socurity of this Deod of Trust, r
<br /> „ oxcfled the original principal amount stotad horoin, or 6 gao 000 ou .whichovor is grenter. {
<br /> ' . I �..
<br /> j � NOC34670 INOnnpn[u1Wro1 Dw�l Rpv 6/94 I .. - .
<br /> 1908 NoUO��oi Oon�01 Canm�rcn iruv one Snvmps Nsoem��a�.Li�xo�n.Neb�os�a .
<br /> I
<br /> � . . - _•_.r.. . ...._ .. .
<br />