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<br /> 1 El.MIrr.Nlnnnoun Provinlnnn t a`'�C.� '� �"
<br /> In)Ifnr�otvor fdnt Rolonsnd.Extenelon of tho tlrt�o Ipr paymont or murlllicoilon ot 4ho oumo oucurod by this Doad of Truot grnntod
<br /> nnd fEiorrawnr'n nur.r nnoro In Intorost Lo dnr ewoll notluo r quly d t ocom noncu proc edinpa npnlne4blsluch succoaeornor otuso to
<br /> oxtond timo far pnymont�r ntharwleo modlfy nmo�tlnntlon of tha eume+ear.urod by thla Dnod oi Truot�y roaaan of ony domanda
<br /> � medo by thn ori{�Innl Barrovinr nnd Borrowor's eucaoseore In Intoreat. •�
<br /> (bl(.onAnr'n Po�vnre.Withnut ntfactinp the Ilabillty ot uny otha�person Ilable lor tnn paymont of ony oblinntlon heroin mentloneA,
<br /> nnd vrltlmt�t nffootinq thn Ilan or r.hnr�� of thla Docd of Truat upon ony por4lon of tho Proporty not thon or tliorotoforo releasod es
<br /> ��; socuritV�pr thn ittll�mount oi ull unp3id ob:ipntlone, Londor mny,tro.timn Io t�mo and wlthout notico (q rolcnsn nny person so
<br /> Iloblo,Ilq oxtnnd tf�o mnu�rity or nitar any ot the terma of any such obltgetione,llill Orant othor Indulponcos,Iiv) roioose or r�convey,
<br /> '..;�; � ar cauno to ba rnlo�aad or rar.onvnyod ai ony tlmo at Londor'a opilon pny pnrcol,portlon or nll of tho ProportY.Iv1 take or reloaeo eny ,
<br /> '�� '""`� othor additional sururitY f��Any oblipotlon harotn mantionod, or Ivl1 mnkv compoeftlona ar othar arrongaments with debtors In
<br /> . .•�+n . •
<br /> rolc�tion tharMO.
<br /> fc)�o►t�onrnnan bV I.nnrinr Mot o W�Iwr. Any lorboeranco by Lendor In oxorcisina anV tipht ot re�netly hRreunder,or othorwisa o
<br /> affordnd by nppllanblo lew, nhnll not bo o walver of or pracludo t�e exerclae of ony Buch ripht or remedy. Tho procuremo�t of :; •,
<br /> Insurnnca or tho pny�nnnt ol tt�xos or othor Ilens or chorgos by Lendar eh�ll no4 be a v+alvor pf Lendnr's riflht to nccelotate the " ,,,��s
<br /> • maturity of thn fndabtodnpnn nncurod by thls Dead of Trust. ,•sn."'-=-�
<br /> • � (dl Suaormaom nnd Annipnn Ilound;Jolnt�nd 8�v�r�l LIoblHty:Captloos.Tho covenAnta ond nproomante herein contafned shell ;z,�y
<br /> . .raa=-
<br /> ` bind, ond thn dt�fitn hornundnr nhnll Inuro to,tho rospaativo successore and as��pne of Londor ond Trustor. All covenants end ,. . ,..,�
<br /> � agroomontia of T:uotor nhnll ba Jofnt cnd sovaral. Tho cuptwns ond hoadinps ot tho parographa of thts Deed ot Trust ere for ;_�=�_
<br /> canvoniannn onlW nnd ern nat to Uo uaod to i�torpret or dofine thtt provislons horeof. __
<br /> (o)Roqtinc4 ffor NoNaon.Thu perties horeby requnst thot e copy of any notice of do}auit horeundor and a capy of eny notico of ____
<br /> o�,io haroundnr Ga maiind to onah party to this Dead of Trust ot the eddreas eot forth ebavo In tho manner prescribzd by epplica6le —�
<br /> lew.F.xaapt fnr nny othor notloa raqulrod undor app�icable iow tu bo pive�in anothor mnnner,eny notice provided for in this Deed af _
<br /> %'• Trust oh911 hn fllvun by mnilln� auch notice by cenified mail addrossed to tho othor portfos, et the eddress snt forth above. Any �+`r;_
<br /> c- ——
<br /> notir.o provitlnd fnr In thlo Doed of Trust shall bo eftective upom m�lling In the mannor doslgnnted herein.(f Ttustor is more than ono =--_
<br /> pareon,natlao eent ta tlm nddross set fonh abovo ehall bo notfco to nil such poraone, rovidod thAt �"`-`^�
<br /> � �i (fl tospw#�sz.Londor may mako or ceusa to be mnde reaoonobla ontries upon nnd inspoctlons of iho Property,p - -
<br /> � Londer shn1l give�Trustnr noticA prlor to nny such inspectlon specifying roasonnblo cnuso thorofor rolated to Lender's intereat fn tho
<br /> i. Ptaperty. ��`��.:
<br /> (g) Roconvsyanae.Upan pnyment of ali sums socured by this Deed of Truet, Lendor shall requost Trustee to reconvey the
<br /> � wroperty end shall surrendor thla Deed of 'T'rust end oll notes ovidencing indobtadnoss eocurad by thls Deed of Trust to Trustee. ��
<br /> TPUStoe shnll reconvey the Property without warranty nnd without chorge to tho poreon or persons legnlly entitled thereto.Ttust�r
<br /> � ahnil pay all costs of reco►datlon,if eny. rants Lender under
<br /> (h)Pensonal'Propsrty;Security Agr��m�nE.As additlonel eacurity for tho payment of tho Note,Trustor hereby g —`
<br /> �_ tha t�obtasko Uniform Commercial Codo e securiiy Intarest In ell fixtures,equlpmont,nnd othor personal property used in connectlon
<br /> ....+ .......�tio.wton riwr.Inrnd or donmad to be e port Of the►eel est0te seCU�Od
<br /> " with the�aul e9tata onmprovemenin iouiicu t7���oa:,.....- ..�. -...-•._.____.
<br /> ;�� , horeby.7his instrument shell be construed as a Security /Agreoment undctr sold Codo, end the Lender sheil hsve all the rlghts end
<br /> � . remedfes of a!i�cured pnrty undor safd Codo In additfon to the righte and romodios croated under nnd accorded the Londer pursuant
<br /> ' '��;'-�� Yo thia Deed o� Trust;provldod thnt Lender's rights and romadles undor this peragroph shall be cumulsitivo with, and in no way a
<br />- . . t 't
<br />- �,� .• I(mitatlon on,Lender's riphts end romndfns undor any othor security ng�eamont signod by Borrower or Trustor.
<br /> ' �'!=:ti;, lf1 Ll�ns end Encumbrmicos. Trustor F�craby wartnnta and reprasonta thet thoro la no detautt under the provisions of any
<br /> �,.i
<br /> + ;���':`;•" mortpege, dued of trust, teeso or purchaso contrect doscribing all or ony part of tho Proporty, or othAr contrecf, (nstrument ar
<br /> agresment conetitutf�q o lion or encumbrance npulnot nll or eny part of tho Proporty Icollective. "Uens'1,exisUng as of the dato of
<br />- � this Deed of Tcvat, ond that any end aU existlnp IJona remnin unmodified excopt au disclosed to Lender In 7rustor's wdtten _
<br />' dls:losure of lions and nncumbrences provldod for herein. Trustor sheil timoty potform ell of Trustot'e ubliQations, covenenta,
<br /> 1� �� . ropresontotiona and werrantlea under any and nli existinp and tuturu Llens, shalt promptly forvvard to Lender copies of ell notiCes af
<br /> default sent i� cannection with eny end all oxintinfl or futuro Llens, end shall not wlthout Londer's prlor written con6ant in any —
<br /> ` manner modify thu provisions of or ollow ony future advencos undar eny oxistinfl or future Liona.
<br /> .�,� ;s',,..�`. QI AppllcaUo�oi P�ym�nt�. Urdess otherwiao reQu(rad by law, sums peld to Lendor heraunder, Including without Ilmitation
<br />�°• paymento o�9rincipal end interost,insurence proceeds,condemnation proceeds and ronte end profits,afiell be eppliod by Lender to
<br /> = �:4.y� the amounts�ue end owing from Truator end boPrower in such ordor as Londor in ite a�le discretion daems destrable.
<br /> T;���-:I"`�.•. (KI SsvorabNity. If any provision of thle I7aed of Truat conflicte wlth applico6lo law or is doclered invalid or otherwise
<br />-'= ' •'-=•' U��fl1110�ceebla,such confUct or invelidity shell not offect tho othar prvvisione of thla Qoed of Trust or the Noto wt�fch cen be given
<br /> �"�''���� ;L• , offect without the conflicting provlslon, and to thia nnd tho provisions of this Doad of Trust and the Note ere doclared to be
<br />.�:�;!�:�:i�, . .._ --
<br /> 3:,�.�;;.:.:_:. ' �overable. _
<br /> — (I►Tsrms.The terms'Yrustor"end "Borrower'shall includo both singular nnd plur3l,and when the Trustor nnd Oor�ower ero the _
<br />�:��.`���c• � sama persan(sl.thosoterms es used in thia Doed of Trust sholl ba Intorchengoeble. —
<br />-- 1m)Goveming Law.Thia�eed of Truac shnit bo gaverned by tho lawa of tho Steto of Nebrnska.
<br />_��;:„ ��
<br />-- ^� Trustor has executed this Deod of Trust as of tho date wdttan obove.
<br />-_:-,�"'•',,;... -. ' _�.
<br />_T ., �l• �` �� --
<br /> - " .. . � �"L � — _.
<br />� - TI SCHRUHK / T�U6t0� S• S�� 7fU9tOf _
<br /> •!,';',' � Truetor Trustor ;;�`c-
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<br /> � '�I� � Trustor '`" '
<br /> ���` Trustor .'�`
<br /> • ,.i''F' .
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<br /> ' NBC 3467C INonapncultuml Ocndl Rnv.Oiy6 , •
<br /> _ 1988 Notional Bank ot Commnrco Trust and Sownp� Auoanuon.L�nto���.NnDrnska
<br />