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nh� <br /> ,.,,,.�_ .. <br /> 4. I l .�/. <br /> ��•li^�" '�/ . L.Sj. <br /> � •���� •. w�. ._ - . .. . .IJW�•Mp.�. <br /> " -.w..�4.•yLI�M'1}!�"���� , .. :.. .. �l ' . . .� . 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NR �pp�7 (horein"LendePl. _.-_ <br /> FOR VAlUABLE CONSIDERATIOPJ, including Lender's oxtension of cradit identifiQd hereln to � <br /> � <br /> .�� naettA 8. sctusu�c <br /> �� ,�, - � �� (h8�81l1"HOROWBf ,W�1Bl�iCt unH iii tTwidi wt�i�+2i'J�. �C��:i:Cl�BL°�,tho _ <br /> '0 rucelpt of which is horeby acknowledp�d,Trustor heroby Irrovocably grants,transfers,conveys end asslgna to Trusttte,IN TRUST,WITH <br /> , POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Lender, under and subject to the terms and conditione hereinefter set forth,the real <br /> property,described es fotlowa: <br />+� LCY!' FOUR 141. OF CfV+TBAU ORLfinNS SECOND RUHDIVISIOH, CITY OP l3RRt1D ISLAND, HALL COUN"PY. NBBRASHA <br />- �. - PROPIIRTY PDDRGSS: 7728 NEST STH STAEEI'ORI�tiD IBIJ+N1). N8 6P803 — <br /> i.� TogethHr with c�ll bufldinps, improvemento, fixtures, streete, alleys, pessagaways,easemente, riphte,privilepes and eppurtenencea <br /> ` Iocated thereon or in snywise portaining thoroto, end tho rants,Issuos end protita,reversions end remalnders thereof,and such personal <br />--_ � -� � . proparty thet is nttsched to tho Improvements so as to constitute e fixturo,including,but not Iimitad to,heatinfl end cooling equlpment; � <br /> and togothor wlth the homostoad or marital Intereste, if any, which intorests ere hereby ro�eased and wnived;all of which, Including <br /> -=' '.r� '• roplacernenta end edditlons thereto,la hereby deciared to bo a pert of tho real ostato necured by the Ilen of thls Deed o4`Trust and all of <br />�;'" ' ! � tho forepoing baing roferred to herein as the"Property". <br />- � �• This Deed oT Trust shail secure le)the payment ot the principal sum snd interest evidencod by t� promissory note or credit <br />- ' �� agreoment dated rsarcn so, 1997 ,having e maturity date of _, Anril io. 2ooa _ -- <br /> l=r.=�. .J In the odglnel pdnalpal amount of B____ __,,and any and ail modiflcatlona, ext¢nelona ond renewais � <br /> � �'` •� thereof or thereto nnd eny and all future edvances and readvencos to Borrowar for any of thom If more than ono)herounder pursuant to <br /> r�.' , � ono or more promissory notes or crodit agroemente lhorein calied"Notu"l:lb)tho payment of othar suma advanced by Lendor to protoct _ <br /> y�� .:'1,•. , thA security of tho Noto; (c)the performence of all covenanta end egreementa o7 Trustor sot farth hnrein;ancl (d)all prosent end tuture � <br />� • �:�,�;t„ Indobtndnass end obtlgations of Borrowcr (or eny of them if moro than one) to Lender whether dirQCt, Indlrect,absolute or contingant �t_ti <br /> l: �,�'4� and whothor ndsing 6y noto,quernnty,ovordraft or othorwiso.The Noto,thfs Deod of Truat and eny end aIl other documonts thnt securo �r=_ <br /> the Noto ur othorwfso executed in connectfon thorowith,including without timitntlon guaranteos,socurity agreoments end essignments �,�- <br /> of leasos and ronta,shall bo reforrod to heroin es the"Loan Instrumonts". �.-'�� <br /> - . �� Truator covononts ond ngrees wfih Lender ns follows: �, <br /> � 1.Paymant of Indrbtedneu.Ail indnbtodness securod horoby ahall be paid whan duo. �;'_ <br /> � • 2.Title.Trustor is tho o�vner of the Proporty,has tho right and euthority to convoy the Property,and warrants thc�t the Ilen created <br /> , r . f�t�roby is n firat 9nd prior Ilen on thv Property,except for Ilons nnd encumbrances set forth by Trustor in writing end delivorod to Lender <br /> � before axocutlon of this Dced of Truyt,nnd tno oxocutlon and delivery ot this Dand of lruat does ��at violato eny cunuact or utlier <br />- obliputfon to which 1'rustor is subJnct. <br /> 3.Taxea,Acs�aanmants.To pey boforo deiinquency all texes,special assessmants and all othnr chargos ageinet tho Property now or <br /> _ herflnttnr levlod. <br /> � 4. Insuranco. To koap the Prope+rty insured against damago by firo,hazards, includad within tho torm "nxtanded covErago", end <br /> � ��� such other hazords as Lender mpy requiro, in emounts and with companfes ncceptable to Lender,neming Lendor as on additionul named <br /> - - �-_—.— . .. . .... .. .�_.__�_. �_..___..����h nnliriao rhp I r,ndwr ia authorized to adiust.collect end compromise, <br /> __ . ..'--- -. _.. �nsurea.w�tn�os�Pnynv�a w u�a�o��.,a�............... ...___..-° ---_�. <br /> ail cleims thereunder and shall havo tho optfon of epplyinp ull or patt of tho insuranco procaeda lq to any indohtadness securod hareby <br />- and in such ordor n�Londer may dnterm�no,lii) to the Trustor to bo used for the rapeir or rostorotfon of tho Proparty or(iip for any other <br /> - purposo or ob�ect satisfar,tory to Londor without affecting tho lion of this Deed of Trust for the fuil amount socured horoby boforo such <br /> -, payment evor took pinc�.Any application of procaeds to fndebtedneas shnll not extond or postpono tho du�i date of ony poymants undor <br /> _ ihe Notu,or cure nny default thoreundor or hareundor. <br /> 6.Escrow.Upan writton domond by Londer,Trustor shall pay to Londor,In such mnnnnr ns Londer moy dosfpnato,suificiont sums <br /> - to onable Londor to pay as thoy become duo ono or moro of the following: (il nil texas, nssossmonts ond other chargos sgainst tho <br /> ' Proporty.(�f)the premfums on tha property insurenCa ro4uirod hornundor,und Iiii) tho pramiuma on any mortgage insurancn roqufred by ' <br /> � Londot, <br /> 6. Mefntenence.Ropdro ond Compllonce wlth Lnwe.Trustor shail koop tho Proporty in good condition and ropair;shali promptty <br /> ropair, or repluce ony improvmnent which may bo dmm�gad or deatroyod; shali not commit or permit ony wpsto or dotariorntion of thv <br /> • Proparty;shall not romovn,domolish or substantially alter any of the improvuments on the Proporty; shell not commft. suff�r or pormit <br /> any act to bo dono In or upon tho F'ropctrty fn vlolatfon ot any law, ordinance,or ropulntion; ond sholl poy ond p�omptiy dischorpo ot <br /> ° Trustor'a cust ond expanso aII liona,oncumbroncos and charges Ioviod,imposod or assossad upainst tho F'ropurty or any pnrt thereof. <br /> � � �I N�C3457A INO�opneultu�a�Dcetll Hnv-6i9G I <br /> _ <br /> 1988 Nauo�a�Oonk ol tanme�cc T�usl u�d Sarmgs Auouolio�.U�co��.No��ceko L� <br /> - �,....J .. <br />